Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 44: The Pharmacist's Key


Time is a priceless consumable that is always being consumed whether you like it or not.

The alchemy was refining, and it was close to 3:30 in the afternoon.

The refining of the body quenching liquid in Song Shuhang's hands is coming to an end.

Just like yesterday, the body quenching liquid in the pot changed during the forty-first medicinal material.

Because of the experience, Song Shuhang calmly added water this time. After a while, he threw the four medicinal herbs, Xianbawang Branch, Jiuyang Chiyan Bamboo Sliced, Deep Sea Cold Crystal, and Snow Demon Core into the pot at one go.

When the potion of the medicinal liquid was polarized, Song Shuhang directly increased the firepower to the maximum.

After finishing everything, Song Shuhang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Everything went very smoothly, whether it can be successful or not depends on the end!

Oh, and be prepared for the smell of 'all the stinks of the world' that may happen for a while.

Four minutes later.


The lid of the hot pot was blown off again by the high pressure, black smoke was ejected from the pot, and the unspeakable stench filled the entire room.

Song Shuhang was well prepared and held his breath earlier—although the stench still invaded his sense of smell from various parts of his body, but holding his breath by pinching his nose in advance could alleviate the stench to a certain extent.

"Nasty? What's this smell?" The pharmacist is strong and has sharp facial features. In particular, the sense of smell has reached about 300 times that of ordinary people.

This strange stench poured into his nose and mouth, and the pharmacist felt that his whole body was not well.

This shit has reached the scope of biological and chemical weapons, right? Ordinary people will feel nauseated to the point of paleness, nausea, vomiting and foaming on the ground after smelling it for a while!

If it weren't for his high strength, coupled with the fact that he often suffered from the peculiar smell of various alchemy failures, maybe he would kneel when the stench came.

"If this thing is refined, it will be a nightmare for the first-grade monks who have opened their noses and the second-grade true masters who can't control their sense of smell at will." The pharmacist murmured, he stretched out his hand and raised his palm. The wind blew away this extremely foul-smelling black mist.

"Even though I smelled it once, I still can't get used to it. I feel like I won't have the appetite to eat in the next few days." Song Shuhang also complained.

"Did you succeed?" the pharmacist asked.

"This stench came out, it should be a success, right?" Song Shuhang picked up the lid of the hot pot. This lid has to be thrown away every time. Even tempered glass will be shattered sooner or later, right

The pharmacist pinched his nose and looked at the hot pot. I saw at the bottom of the pot, there is a thin layer of black medicine paste, transparent, and the taste is red.

He stretched out his finger and hooked in the air, and a drop of medicinal liquid was picked up and fell into his mouth.

Feeling the medicinal properties of the body quenching liquid in the mouth, the pharmacist showed a satisfied smile: "As expected."

Roughly estimated, it is half weaker than his simplified body quenching liquid.

It stands to reason that the stronger the effect of the medicinal pills used by the monks, the better. However, the simplest body quenching liquid, after the efficacy has been reduced to a certain extent, unexpectedly shows a special effect!

The old version of the body quenching liquid is powerful. Even if the elite disciples recruited by various sects want to take it, they need to practice for several months to half a year in advance, stimulate their own qi and blood to the limit, and adjust their physical condition to the best before taking it.

The body quenching liquid simplified by the pharmacist, elite disciples of various sects who want to take it, also need to practice and adjust it for a month before taking it.

But the efficacy of the body quenching liquid only needs to be reduced, and the disciples in the sect only need to adjust the state a little before they can take it.

After that, after the body has been quenched and the strength of the body has been improved, one can take a higher-quality body quenching liquid, which greatly saves the initial time of training disciples.

You must know that the time for the disciples to build the foundation is a race against time. The best time to build a foundation is only two years from the age of four to six years old, and the sooner the body quenching liquid is taken, the better.

More importantly, Song Shuhang's method of refining the body quenching liquid does not need to do anything special. It is only used when the forty-first step of refining the 'simplified body quenching liquid' goes wrong, and the alchemy step can be changed immediately.

This method is simply a patch of the pharmacist's 'simplified body quenching solution', which further improves the 'simplified body quenching solution' pill recipe, and can also greatly reduce the consumption of medicinal materials by 'alchemist apprentices'.

Seeing the satisfied smile on the pharmacist's face, Song Shuhang breathed a sigh of relief, and asked again, "Can this help you to perfect and simplify the body quenching liquid pill?"

"It's not that easy. Your success in refining this time only proves that my idea of perfecting the pill recipe is feasible. I still need your cooperation in the next few days, and I need to make some improvements to your pill refining method. "The pharmacist was in a good mood.

Song Shuhang nodded and said, "I will try my best to cooperate with senior."

The pharmacist nodded with satisfaction, reached out and took out a thick notebook, on which quickly recorded various data and details of the experiment just now.

He is known as a genius alchemist and is well-known among the monks. But his genius and fame didn't fall on him just sitting at home. From this thick book, it can be seen how much effort and effort he has devoted to learning alchemy. And... this thick notepad, there are as many as thirty bookshelves in the pharmacist's cave.

Behind every successful genius, there is sweat that ordinary people can't imagine.

Song Shuhang looked at the pharmacist with an expression of hesitating to speak.

In the end, he couldn't bear it any longer: "Senior Medicine Master, you said before that Master Tongxuan's flying sword biography will arrive in about four or five hours. Calculating the time, it should be almost the same, right?"

"King Kong Basic Boxing", "True Self Meditation"! The foundation-building technique that would allow him to truly enter the gate of the monks!

As long as he thought of the two volumes of the monk's introductory exercises, Song Shuhang's heart was about to move and he couldn't hold back. He can't wait to get these two volumes of cheats right now.

"Haha, don't hurry, don't hurry, Master Tongxuan's flying sword transmission book takes me as the coordinate, I will respond when it arrives. Well, but we still go back to your dormitory, the teleportation coordinates set at the beginning are with you If there are no accidents, Feijian should also fly there." The pharmacist said with a smile.

"Then let's go back now?" Song Shuhang asked expectantly.

"Don't worry, I've verified the feasibility of many ideas in your mind while observing your body quenching fluid. I need to record it first. Well, if you're in a hurry, go back first, and I'll follow." said the pharmacist.

Song Shuhang nodded.

"Then senior, should I go back to the dormitory and watch?"

"Go, let's go, young people are just too impatient." The pharmacist stretched out his hand and threw a bunch of keys to Song Shuhang as he spoke.

It is the key to this house.

"I'll give you the key. Anyway, there are five floors. I can't use that much. I borrowed you to live on the top floor, and you have to rent a house to save money." The pharmacist said without raising his head.

Anyway, the house has been bought, it is useless to leave it empty in the future, it is better to sell Song Shuhang a favor.

Song Shuhang took the key without being pretentious: "Thank you, senior!"

He really needs a house that will not be disturbed, and... He has no money left, and the pharmacist can lend him a room to solve his urgent needs, so he is not polite to seniors.

"Remember to lock the door!" The pharmacist waved his hand and continued to write hard on the thick notebook.

Song Shuhang left with brisk steps.

Of course, he didn't forget his induction cooker and hot pot. Remember to bring these two things back, so as not to make the dorm roommates suspicious.