Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 70: Smelly Pills


After the bad fight, Song Shuhang felt at ease both physically and mentally. Humming a song, he went to Li Yangde's dormitory.

"Exercise more? What are you kidding me, do you want to beat me up after exercise?"

"Bastard, devil. This guy definitely bumped into me on purpose, absolutely!" Jiguantou badly wept bitterly. Two minutes ago, he thought the other party was a fool, but it turned out that the real fools were himself.

The other party is simply looking for faults to abuse them!

"Asen, let's record this hatred. Next time we will find more brothers to turn him around. If five people can't beat him, then ten people. If ten people can't beat him, then twenty or fifty! I don't believe him. It's Superman, he can block a hundred with one shot!" The blond bad guy next to him said fiercely.

"Yes, it must be his turn." Jiguantou gritted his teeth badly.

Their decision was really in line with Song Shuhang's wishes.

While the bad guys were talking, not far away there was a short-haired girl yawning and approaching here.

This is a very beautiful girl, even without makeup, her face is still pretty. And she's also a precious three-none attribute, and she looks really cool when she's cold.

If it was normal, they would definitely surround the girl with cockscomb head, knock her on the wall, and make fun of her. Then take it to a nearby inn and do something shy.

But today they are on the ground and can't do anything.

The short-haired girl approached this place, her dark eyes staring at the thugs on the ground. After a long while, she murmured, "Someone actually robbed the monster?"

What? Robbery? What do you mean? Is this girl not playing games

Cockscomb head looked puzzled, and then he felt a sore back.

The short-haired girl actually stepped on them, stepping on them like garbage, yawning and walking away.

"Damn, bitch, stinky bitch. Dog men and women, you can't die!" Cockscomb head badly felt that his back was hurting, and he kept cursing in his mouth. He is not an m, and he will never be excited when he is stepped on.

But the blond man beside him looked at him enviously: "I'm so envious, it would be great if I was the one who was trampled."

m is by my side.


Song Shuhang bought three cages of xiaolongbao on the way, and brought three copies of soy milk to Li Yangde's rental house. Knocked hard on the door.

After a long while, Tu Bo's eyes were bloodshot, and he was drunk, and came to open the door with difficulty.

"Yo, it's Shuhang." After he opened the door, he glared at Song Shuhang, and then stared at him from head to toe—Damn, this kid looks so refreshing, he doesn't look drunk at all.

When was this kid's alcohol intake so high? In the past, I remembered that Shuhang only had the amount of alcohol that Gao Moumou had. He could drink four Gao Moumou and three Song Shuhang alone.

But last night, Song Shuhang threw himself and Li Yangde, and a drunk Gao Moumou to the ground. What the hell

Could it be that this kid was not drinking yesterday, but drinking water

"You look like you just woke up? You all missed two classes in the morning." Song Shuhang smiled, carrying the xiaolongbao and soy milk: "I brought you some breakfast, do you want to eat it?"

Tu Bo grabbed the breakfast in Shuhang's hand and joked, "You still have a little conscience."

Li Yangde grabbed his head from the room and came out: "I smell the fragrance, I came just in time, I'm hungry!"

"Where's Gao Moumou?" Shuhang asked.

"It's still lying on the body, this guy is so annoying, he was talking in his sleep last night. What's 'chastity', 'Yi, I'm sorry', and 'don't, don't' and so on." Li Yangde laughed.

Song Shuhang pinched his chin: "It seems that this is a good trick. If you don't have money in the future, you can use this to force Gao to invite guests to dinner."

"Well, it can be considered. It should be able to be used about two or three times. If I use it too much, I am afraid that this guy will break the pot and throw the tile." Tubo agreed.

"Proposal, I think there is a 'Ten Fragrant Fish Head' in the southern area of the university town.

"You three... do you want to die 10,000 times?" Gao Moumou came out with a gloomy face and rubbed his temples hard. He felt that the biggest misfortune in his life was being in the same dormitory as the three guys in front of him.

It's all nasty bastards.

After resting for a while in Li Yangde's rental room, Song Shuhang approached Li Yangde and asked, "Yangde, can you help me check, where can I buy these herbs in the traditional Chinese medicine store in Jiangnan District?"

Song Shuhang took out the note given to him by the pharmacist, which registered the rare Chinese herbal medicines of the four flavors.

"Are you sick?" Yang De asked after taking the note.

"I'm in good health. This is a 'friend' I know who needs these Chinese medicines. But he wasn't sure where they could sell them in Jiangnan District, so he asked someone to help him check. Then I thought of you, the dormitory. You are still the strongest in computer skills." Song Shuhang made a small flattery.

"It's very convenient to check. Now almost all traditional Chinese medicine stores across the country have joined a general system of traditional Chinese medicine. I just need to enter the picture and screen the medicinal materials to find out which pharmacy sells it. In addition, I will go to relevant forums and groups to post a few more. Posts and messages, those pharmacies that are not part of the general system of traditional Chinese medicine can be found if they are sold. You will get the news tomorrow at the latest." Li Yangde affirmed.

"Then I'll leave it to you!" After saying that, Shuhang promised a huge profit: "If you help me find out, after the games are over, Shixiang Fish Head doesn't need to treat Gao Moumou's scum, I invite you!"

"Then it's settled." Li Yangde licked his lips and drooled.

"A word is settled." Song Shuhang laughed.

After turning around, he secretly clenched his fists.

With the help of Li Yangde, we can find out where these four medicinal materials are sold in Jiangnan District, which can narrow the scope to the limit. If the 'mastermind behind the scenes' really bought these four medicinal herbs, Song Shuhang would find him by following the vine.


ten o'clock.

Song Shuhang left Li Yangde to rent a house and went to the pharmacist's residence.

After eating, the roommates plan to continue to rest for a while in the rented room and drink slowly.

Song Shuhang saw that it was too early, so he went to the pharmacist to help.

The pharmacist has given him a lot of help, and the only thing he can return now is to try his best to cooperate with the pharmacist to improve the formula of 'Simplified Body Tempering Liquid'.

In order to make it easier for Shuhang to refine the medicine, the pharmacist went to buy an induction cooker and a hot pot of the same brand as his dormitory.

The steps and formula for refining the body quenching liquid have not changed, but today the pharmacist asked Song Shuhang to replace the 'water' with the 'medicine soup' he had prepared.

This herbal soup is just cooked with Chinese herbs that are very common in five flavors.

This is the first step for the pharmacist to move Song Shuhang's alchemy method from the 'Induction Cooker and Hot Pot' set to the alchemy furnace.

Although Song Shuhang's method is good, it can't make every pharmacist in the monk world learn to use an induction cooker and a hot pot to refine and quench body fluid, right

Every pharmacist in the monk world is equipped with a hot pot and an induction cooker. Thinking about that scene makes my heart hurt.

Therefore, improvement is necessary!

Moreover, according to the calculation of the amount of medicine, the 'medicine soup' can reduce the refining time of the body quenching liquid.

Three hours later, at 1:07 pm.

As the pharmacist expected, the refining time was shortened a lot.

"Success." Song Shuhang took a deep breath and pinched his nose. The next moment, the hot pot lid was hit by the liquid, and the thick black mist and stench dispersed.

"Haha, you don't need to pinch your nose, let's look at the old man's methods." The pharmacist laughed, only to see him throw a bead-shaped special body, and pinch the seal with both hands: "Take it!"

Immediately, a suction force poured out from the bead, absorbing all the black mist in the room and storing it in it.

Song Shuhang saw his eyes lit up, wishing he could use spells immediately.

"Here you are." The pharmacist threw the bead-shaped object to Shuhang: "Be careful not to let it hit the ground, as long as you hit it hard, it will burst open, releasing all the stench and dense fog inside."

Song Shuhang hurriedly caught the bead: "Senior, do you want to be so pitiful!"

After catching it, Song Shuhang realized that the beads seemed to be the shells of medicinal materials.

"This is the shell of the stone fruit. It is useless and throws away on weekdays. Today I had an idea, and this thing can just hold the stench and thick smoke of the body quenching liquid you refined." The pharmacist was proud Said: "Also, as I said before, the stench that your body quenching liquid produces at the end is a nightmare for a first-grade cultivator who has opened his nose and a second-grade true master who can't control his sense of smell at will. One day, you encounter a second-grade true master-level enemy, and this thing can have a surprising effect, and if it is used well, it may play a role in determining the battle situation."

Just in time for this!