Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 77: Another expedited air express


"I do know something, but that's information from forty years ago." Palace Master Qishengfu explained softly: "Forty-three years ago, I was running around the world. On the way, I passed a village in the eastern region of China. , At that time, the entire village was sacrificed in blood by cruel methods, and no one survived. The purpose was to create resentment and gather resentful ghosts. This is the method of evil spirits."

"I was so angry back then that I made a big oath to eradicate that evil ghost cultivator. After that, I tracked it down for a long time, but unfortunately I only killed a few insignificant ghost cultivators. However, from them, I found The three-claw mark beast head mark."

Palace Master Seven Lives Talisman was a man with a great sense of justice when he was young, the kind with an excessive sense of justice.

Moreover, when he was young, he had a fiery personality and liked to make big oaths when he encountered injustice.

Just like the incident of the evil ghost repairing the village, he made a big oath, using the heaven and the earth as the proof, vowing to cut down the roots of this group of evil ghost repairers who created resentful ghosts.

He made nearly a thousand oaths like this when he was young.

Now he has a small notebook in his hand to record the big oath he made when he was young.

The oath of a monk is evidenced by heaven and earth, and should not be taken lightly. If you start, you must find a way to do your best to complete it, otherwise, the soul will not be complete, and there will be demons in the future promotion.

The current Palace Master of the Seven Lives Talisman is tearfully trying his best to take the time to fulfill the various oaths he made when he was young - he clearly feels that he has been diligent in fulfilling his oaths, but there are still so many oaths in the small book of Mao

For a while, Palace Master Seven Lives Talisman especially wanted to have the ability to travel through time and space. Then go back to the past and give yourself a big 300-pound slap in the face when you were young, so that you can wake up a little more, and don't add a burden to your future self!

Back to the topic.

"I heard from Senior Brother Yao, do you have clues about the ghost cultivators, the beast head card with claw marks?" Palace Master Seven Lives Talisman asked.

"There is a little clue, thanks to the help of the senior pharmacist. If it goes well, the approximate location of the altar master of this organization can be found within the past few days." Song Shuhang replied, the information about the altar master is still from the long arm tonight. Men's mouth learned.

"It's wonderful, these evil dao ghosts are cultivated by everyone and they are punished. It's a pity that I am in the Western China area, and I have something to do, so I can't go to help you." Palace Master Qishengfu was a little depressed, and said: "So, little Friends, send me a delivery address. I will send you a few talismans by courier tomorrow, I hope it can help you."

Fubao? Song Shuhang immediately thought of the golden talisman paper thrown out of his hand when Soft Feather fought against the ghost!

"Finally, Shushan pressures Daoist friends, the Dao name is the face of a monk. Your Dao name is a bit awkward, and it's not easy to call. It's better to change the Dao name! Remember to send a receipt that you can send. Give me the address, and I'll send you a courier in a while." After speaking, Palace Master Qishengfu quickly hung up the phone. He was afraid that Song Shuhang would reject his good intentions.

"..." Song Shuhang.

Shushan is under great pressure is just my chat account nickname, not my Taoist account!

Maybe I should change my nickname

Otherwise, in case everyone thinks this is their own dao name, it will hurt to hear a 'Book Mountain pressure Dao friend', 'Book mountain pressure senior' or something in the future.

Next, Song Shuhang called up the text message template, edited his own address, and sent it to Palace Master Seven Lives Talisman.

In fact, Palace Master Seven Lives Talisman does not need to hang up so quickly.

Song Shuhang is not a person who makes a swollen face and looks like a fat man. He knows the difference in strength between himself and his opponent's 'tan master'. At this time, whether it is the support of the talisman or the help of the fist in person, Song Shuhang will never refuse anyone's kindness.

It's about life, what's the use of face

"I don't know what talisman is that Palace Master Seven Lives Talisman supports me?"


Soft Feather's golden talisman paper can crush two spirit ghosts with just one piece of paper, which is very powerful.

For Song Shuhang, this is undoubtedly a help in the snow!


On June 7, the sun was scorching hot.

At this time of year, it is the hard and tense day for high school students. Huaxia's college entrance examination is scheduled to start on this day every year.

Every year at this time of year, Jiangnan University Town will be very happy to hold a sports meeting, which profoundly reflects the deep malice of Jiangnan University Town's executives towards the hard-pressed college students.

The 5,000-meter men's long-distance race was held on the morning of the first day of the Games.

As a contestant, Song Shuhang woke up early, to stretch his muscles and bones, and then take a random first come back, right

When he got up, he touched the black flying sword on the side of the bed.

The flying sword was originally a treasure that did not touch blood, but Shuhang had the illusion that he could smell the blood on it.

"Sure enough, it's not a dream." Song Shuhang said to himself.

Yesterday... the first time I cut someone, and it was the head. The image of the long-armed man's head rising into the sky is still imprinted in his mind. As Song Shuhang's first drop of blood in his life, the appearance of this long-armed man will remain in Song Shuhang's mind for a long time.

"Next, there is the altar master." Song Shuhang grasped the flying sword in his hand.

The other party mistakenly thought that he was a 'high man' and evacuated the Jiangnan District in fright. But Song Shuhang couldn't place his own and his family's safety on the enemy's 'misunderstanding'.

If this big trouble is not resolved, Song Shuhang will have trouble sleeping and eating. Fortunately, there will be clues this afternoon at the latest.

After getting up and washing up, Song Shuhang opened the door of the dormitory and went to exercise.

As soon as the door opened, he found a big man in a suit with a smile standing at the door.

Familiar, who's here

"Student Shuhang, we meet again. I'm Xiaojiang from Harvest Express, and this time there is another courier." The big man in the suit squeezed out a kind smile.

When I remembered it, it was Mr. Sima Jiang from Harvest Express.

When he delivered the courier last time, Song Shuhang didn't know his identity and thought he was just a courier brother, so he called him Xiaojiang. At that time, the corner of Sima Jiang's mouth twitched involuntarily - he was considered a person of his size, and Xiao Jiang's name was too shocking.

But this time, he changed his name and called himself 'Xiao Jiang'. Three days, two couriers, different senders and addresses, the origin of the same sender is scary.

This little Jiang, he is now settled! Not to mention Xiaojiang, Xiaoxiaojiang or even Xiaoxiaojiang is fine! ,

After seeing Sima Jiang, Song Shuhang immediately thought of what Palace Master Seven Lives Talisman said yesterday that he would send a courier.

The courier that was sent in the early morning arrived at more than six in the morning? How fast is this

"Good morning Xiaojiang, was it expedited by air again?" Song Shuhang asked.

"Yeah, expedited courier from Western China. I will personally fly the plane to pick up the package overnight, and deliver it to you, classmate Shuhang at the fastest speed, without delaying classmate Shuhang's time, right?" I pulled out a courier the size of a mobile phone box.

The layers are wrapped and tightly closed.

"No delay, it's just in time. Thank you for your hard work, where do you sign?" Song Shuhang trusts this courier Xiaojiang very much, and the other party's last delivery was not bad.

"It's enough to sign here." Sima Jiang handed over the signature pen.

When Shuhang signed the signature, he thought of the black iron flying sword of Master Tongxuan, and asked casually: "By the way, Xiaojiang, I may have a courier to send in a few days, and I will contact you when the time comes."

In a few days, after he has dealt with the 'altar master' incident, he will send Master Tongxuan's sword back. The service attitude of Harvest Express was so good that Song Shuhang naturally thought of him first.

"Where did you send it? Do you need me to rush it by air?" Sima Jiang's eyes lit up and he said happily.

"No need, the recipient is not in a hurry, ordinary express delivery is fine. I will contact you when I want to send it in a few days." Song Shuhang laughed.

"No problem, you can contact me at any time 24 hours a day!" Sima Jiang smiled and praised him for a five-star service attitude.

Song Shuhang grabbed the courier box, what would the talisman that Palace Master Seven Lives Talisman say look like