Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 79: The yours!


Since both Song Shuhang and classmate Heihu were running at a sprinting speed, they have now opened a distance of nearly a circle with the other players and are far ahead!

"It's fake? When did Song Shuhang run so fast, and how can he still run?" Lin Tubo was the first to exaggerately exclaimed, unable to believe his own eyes.

"This is... the power of love!" Gao Moumou pushed his glasses, the cold lenses reflected the sunlight.

Li Yangde subconsciously looked at Sister Lu Fei, who was nowhere near her.

A girl with shoulder-length short hair suddenly lit up next to Lu Fei: "I said Feifei, is Shuhang the boy who showed off his muscles on the runway last time?"

"Haha, it should be... Right." Lu Fei felt a sense of crisis in her heart - the hot summer is still very long, if you don't start, more people will discover the advantages of Shuhang, will he be taken away

"If he showed off his muscles on the runway last time, then this speed is not his fastest, right?" The girl with short shoulders and short hair whispered.

Remember when the boy ran around the playground for an unknown number of laps, all running at a sprinting speed

The dark classmates feel that the world view is a bit broken. After sprinting for such a long time, this little white face is not even blushing, and he is not breathing; he seems to be at ease

Impossible, this guy must be holding on.

Sprinting like this is exhausting. I have a feeling that I can't hold on anymore, Xiaobailian will run for a while and will fall down, it must be like this.

The black classmate gritted his teeth and slowed down his pace a little. After all, even if it is him, it is impossible to run five kilometers at a sprint speed.

"Classmate, your speed has slowed down a bit. If this goes on, you won't be able to leave me alone." After the sound, came Song Shuhang's calm voice.

"Huhu... What do you mean?" Heihu's classmate panted like a cow.

"If you want to slow down, I will overtake you." Song Shuhang reminded very kindly. He slightly accelerated the speed while speaking, and pulled the distance between the two to about half a meter.

"Huhu, I just adjusted my breathing just now. I will show my true strength later. Look at it, let alone one street, I will dump you at least two streets." The black head classmate said angrily, He gritted his teeth and started running again.

If you can hold on, sprint for about three laps with his physical strength, and then slow down and take a good rest. Even if he will be overtaken by others when he slows down, in the last three laps, he can regain enough energy to sprint and regain the first place.

Now, the most important thing is to completely throw away the little white face in these three laps of sprint time, so that he can see the gap between himself and himself - the gap between a long-distance runner and a mere little white face!

"Hoohoho." Heihu's classmates ran wild again, drooling.

The distance between him and Shuhang was once again opened to a distance of one meter.

Song Shuhang's eyes contained a gratifying smile, and he ran slowly behind his black classmates again. Maintain the same speed as him and maintain a distance of one meter. Not a penny more, not a penny less.

"Hey, why did that black guy and Song Shuhang sprint desperately from the beginning? They won't last for five kilometers, right?" Shuhang's classmate asked in confusion.

"And the way that big black man runs is a little disgusting."

The black classmates were like mad deer when they ran wild, and the splashing saliva made him feel like he was foaming at the mouth.

Soon, three laps are over.

Heihuhu felt that his physical strength was about to reach a critical point, but when he turned his head, he could see that the little white face was still firmly following him one meter behind, and he was not thrown away at all.

"How is it possible, huhu, why are you still keeping up with me?" The black classmate was extremely rude: "A little white face like you, huhu~ Why don't you fall down? You fall down for me!"

Why does this guy run like this? And there will be such abundant physical strength? !

"Classmate, it's only a little over three laps, there are still nine laps left, why are you slowing down?" Song Shuhang's voice sounded again.

"What a joke, you must be very tired, huhu ~ don't force yourself, fall down quickly!" Heihu shouted.

"I won't fall down, I feel like I can run for a long time." Song Shuhang smiled gently: "In addition, you should also have physical strength, do you need me to help you?"

"What do you mean? Huhu~ you bastard." The black classmate said angrily, feeling that he was being mocked.

Song Shuhang took a light breath, condensed his mental strength, and pressed his black classmates. This is the use of mental shock. However, Song Shuhang controlled the degree of mental shock, so that the black students could feel the fear, but they would not be frightened and collapsed like the beautiful teacher before.

At this time, the dark classmate felt that there was a ferocious beast chasing him behind him, wanting to choose him to eat.

"Ah ah." He screamed loudly and ran wildly with the strength of feeding.

So scary, so scary!

"Sure enough, I can still continue to run, and I can run very fast. People always have inertia, and it is not physical exhaustion that stops people, but the 'limitation' of their own consciousness, thinking that they can only sprint. The distance, so I slowed down. In fact, I can continue to run very fast." Song Shuhang followed behind the dark classmates and commented very 'professional'.

Did you do something good again? It's a pleasure

"Come on, you're a man who wants to dump me." Song Shuhang cheered for the black classmates from behind.

"Ah!" Heihuhu's classmate yelled, tears, sweat, snot, and saliva covering his face. Makes him look extremely miserable.

And Shuhang was still one meter away from him.

Round and round. One more lap, one more lap!

Fear can stimulate the limits of a person's body, and the black classmates have been stimulated to their full potential at this time. The distance of five kilometers, under the plug-in called fear, does not seem to be that far.

Everyone stared at the black classmate who was running like a mad beast.

If he continues to run like this, will he break the world record

Running wildly, I stepped forward tirelessly, and the black classmate felt that his legs were already paralyzed and unconscious. The inside of the abdomen was even more uncomfortable, and I wanted to vomit.

It was the fastest run he had ever run. It was also the most tiring and painful one.

But the hard work paid off—only the last half of the lap was left.

He is the winner, he is faster than the little white face behind him! Even if only one meter faster!

The dark classmates are close to foaming at the mouth.

The terminal is only a few steps away. And they have surpassed the third player by a full three laps, which is a surprising statistic.

"I'm the ultimate winner!" Heihu mustered up his energy and rushed towards the finish line like a hungry wolf.

Only ten meters away, this is a sprint distance!

The fruits of victory are within easy reach.

At this moment, just as he was about to rush to the finish line, a figure like a howling wind passed through him with a 'swish'.

So fierce and swift!

The speed was so fast that he couldn't even see who the other party was.

He didn't see who it was until the other party stood at the finish line and raised his hands.

The heart of the dark classmates throbbed in an instant.

It's that little white face!

At this last moment, the other party broke out, calmly overtook him, faster than him, and reached the terminal.

"It doesn't matter if I give you the first place, but I can answer that my friend will win, so unfortunately, I can't give you the first place." At the finish line, Xiaobai turned his head. , smiled at him heartily, and gave him a thumbs up: "But you are a very good opponent, come on, the runner-up is yours!"

Runner-up, runner-up... it's yours, it's yours!

At this moment, the black classmates felt so heartbroken.

"Ouch!" He finally couldn't hold it in his stomach. At the same time, without the support of the champion's belief, his left leg became weak, and he was unable to step on the ground while running fast, tripping and falling to the ground! Under the inertia of the sprint, the whole person dragged the distance of the elder on the ground...

At this moment, Heiyou's classmates are only three or five steps away from the terminal!

But this distance, for him at this time, is simply the distance between heaven and earth, a gap that cannot be bridged.

Song Shuhang scratched the back of his head and sighed: "It's a pity, just like a migrating migratory bird, it didn't fall on the long journey, but fell on the beach before the end. It's a very good opponent."

Heihuhu finally had his eyes darkened and fainted.