Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 81: Loli and sat down


After leaving the university town and crossing the Changchangdi overpass, there is the subway leading to Guangyuan Road in Jiangnan District.

Yuanlong Herbal Store is located on Guangyuan Road.

Follow the crowded crowd through the ticket gate, and then go all the way along the long escalator, you can reach the bustling underground world. Criss-crossing subways connect the four nearby provinces.

In the last hundred years, human beings have developed explosively as if they had accumulated enough skill points. This cobweb-like subway world was an unimaginable world for people a hundred years ago.

Because of the flying sword on his body, although ordinary people can't see it with the naked eye, Shuhang carefully avoided the security inspection system... The security inspection at the entrance here is very lax, which may be the reason why there has never been an accident.

If the security check is still so relaxed, there will be problems in the future, right

Bah, bah, don't crow!

Song Shuhang stepped on the escalator, and through the guardrail of the escalator, he could see the dense crowd coming out of the subway.

Most people's faces were full of exhaustion. The rhythm of life is constantly accelerating, and the modern people are constantly spinning like a top. In the end, people don't even know why they live such a fast-paced life, why they are so busy and tired. The more this is the case, the more numb you are, and you can't find any joy in life.

If I hadn't come into contact with the Jiuzhou No. 1 group, this insensitive life would be my future.

At this time, a figure in the crowd came into Shuhang's eyes.

It was an office worker's uncle, in a hurry, with a briefcase in his left hand.

It was the uncle who lost money in front of Song Shuhang last time and mistakenly thought that Shuhang was a liar.

Song Shuhang touched his wallet - the money that the uncle lost last time is still in his hand. Unfortunately, this time there is no chance to return the money to the other party. There are tall fences between the escalators going up and down the subway, this is to prevent people from doing dangerous things like crossing the elevator.

If there is a chance to meet again, be sure to return the money to him.

Having said that, I always feel that this uncle's behavior is a bit strange. The uncle always seems to hide behind some tall people, intentionally or not, sneakily...

The two went up and down, and passed by the escalator.

Song Shuhang smiled lightly, found the subway train to Guangyuan Road, and waited in front of the platform.

Perhaps because of the college entrance examination, the passenger flow of the subway is exceptionally large today, and there are long queues in front of the platform, and people continue to join the queue to increase the length.

Because there were too many people, the refrigeration equipment in the platform was completely ineffective.

Behind Song Shuhang, a young mother held her daughter and complained in blunt Chinese, "It's so hot."

"There are too many people today, and the cooling effect is completely useless." Behind the young mother, a man in a white shirt loosened his neckline and said helplessly.

The little girl held by the young mother stuck out her tongue playfully, and also said in stiff Chinese, "There is no air circulation, it's stuffy."

She is about four or five years old, with short ear-length hair, big black eyes, and wearing a dress, as delicate as a porcelain doll.

"The car is coming, be patient." The man in the white shirt smiled wryly. Since today was the college entrance examination and the traffic was jammed, they chose to travel by subway. I didn't expect the subway to have a larger flow of people. If I knew it earlier, it would be better to drive. At least the air conditioner in the car is more comfortable than here.

When the family of three complained, the little girl suddenly felt a very cool feeling in front of her, and she couldn't help but want to lean forward.

"Oops!" She hit something like a wall, it hurt.

But the wall was very cool, and when it was attached to it, it felt like lying on a bed of ice-cold water in the scorching sun, and she involuntarily rubbed against the ice-cold wall.

"..." Song Shuhang turned his head and looked at the little loli who was sticking to him, rubbing non-stop like a happy kitten.

Since he mastered the method of using mental power, he can actively control the cold energy of the Soul Sealing Ice Bead, and control the cold energy to a range close to his body surface. Otherwise, in the hot summer, he exudes a cold air like a humanoid air conditioner, which will easily arouse suspicion from others.

But obviously so low-key, why is Mao still so attractive

"Hug... I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" The young mother kept apologizing to Shuhang in stiff Chinese, and at the same time reached out to pull her daughter back.

Because my daughter is not very good at Chinese, she has been a little afraid of life since she went to Huaxia with her father. What the hell is going on like this, hugging a stranger and rubbing happily? Is it because the weather is too hot that my daughter's brain is broken

"No... Mom, no!" The little girl hugged Song Shuhang tightly, as if she would not let go.

The young mother and the child's father are a little embarrassed.

"I'm so embarrassed, the child is not very sensible." The white shirt father's mouth twitched, reaching out to drag his daughter back.

"No, absolutely, don't pull me again! Break up, Dad, let's break up!" the little girl shouted, her mouth wide open, and she looked like she was about to cry.

Dad's half-stretched hand froze.

Immediately, the eyes of everyone around turned to Shuhang and them.

At this time, Song Shuhang was maintaining a state of 'vigilance' and was very sensitive to everything around him. So many eyes gathered in one breath, and suddenly he had the feeling of being alone with all arrows.

"How about I hug him for a while?" Song Shuhang asked cautiously, because he was afraid of being treated as a human trafficker.

Before waiting for the little girl's parents to answer, the little loli quickly got into Shuhang's arms, shrunk her legs and crawled towards Shuhang like a monkey.

What else can dad in white shirt do but smile bitterly? Can continue to smile!

He smiled bitterly and replied, "Thank you for your hard work, little brother."

Song Shuhang gently hugged, picked up the little girl, and let her lean on his shoulders in a comfortable position.

Little Loli hugged Shuhang tightly and stuck out her tongue towards the young mother and father. Then she exhaled in enjoyment, she felt that it was the most comfortable thing in the hot summer - this big brother is heaven!

When the white shirt father saw this, his heart twitched, and he felt lost and lonely: Daughter, daughter... It's not his own!

The young mother looked at Song Shuhang curiously, wondering why this seemingly ordinary boy would attract her daughter

Well, looking at it closely, it is a kind-hearted young man. At first glance, he is a good person

Maybe because he is a good person, some autistic sensitive daughters will like to stick to him recently

When the beautiful mother was thinking about it, the sound of the train was heard in the distance, and the subway arrived at the station.

Dad in white shirt took advantage of his physique and entered the subway to fight for a position.

But unfortunately, the seats were occupied a few stops earlier, and he looked at Song Shuhang in embarrassment.

My daughter is already five years old, so it is not easy to hold her. The teenager looked a little thin, and he was worried about how long the other party could hold his daughter.

Song Shuhang replied with a gentle smile, and he was happy to help others. It made him very happy, and he didn't plan to give up this kind of pleasure.

Little Loli was lying on Shuhang's shoulder, rubbing happily from time to time, her face full of satisfaction...

After half an hour

Subway reminder, the platform of Jingli Square arrives at the station.

Dad in the white shirt finally breathed a sigh of relief, and he would arrive at his destination in one more stop.

His daughter had already fallen asleep on the shoulders of the young man.

Young people are not good-looking, they look thin, but their physique is excellent. Holding her daughter for more than half an hour, she looked very relaxed. And he has noticed that every time the subway arrives and brakes, the boy's feet seem to be rooted on the ground, not moving!

"Little brother, we will arrive at the station in one more stop. The little girl is ignorant. I am really bothering you this time, and I am very grateful. Is the little brother not at the station yet?" The father in the white shirt carefully stretched out his hand and took it from Shuhang. Sleeping daughter.

"No trouble, I still have a few stops. The little girl is very cute, hahaha." Song Shuhang handed the little girl back with a smile.

As a matter of fact... he's already over-sitting.

As early as three stops, he had arrived at the station, just watching the little girl in his arms sleeping sweetly, he had a bad-natured attack, and stood with her for three more stops.

So, in a while he has to take the subway to turn around and go back!