Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 88: It's a pity that this seat has no face at all!


"Please also show the way of life." The altar master bit the bullet and asked.

"To take an attack from this seat, of course, this seat will not make a full shot. As long as you can survive this seat's attack, this seat will let you live." Song Shuhang stretched out a finger and said.

Once this thing of shame reaches a critical point, it will collapse as completely as the three views.

After Shuhang took one bite at a time, he felt less ashamed and spoke smoothly.

The altar master's face was black and white, and the unpredictable senior's blow, even if the opponent didn't make a full shot, even just a casual flying sword could cut him half of his life!

However, he had no choice.

You may die if you are attacked, but there is still a chance.

If you don't accept the senior's conditions, then as long as the other party uses the flying sword, he can behead him as a chamber pot in minutes.

And... he also has trump cards. As an evil spirit cultivator, he has a strange life-saving method, and he may be able to withstand a blow from the opponent at the cost of 'death' once.

Thinking of this, the altar master gritted his teeth and said, "Is what senior said true?"

"I'm also a respectable figure in the cultivator world, how can I deceive a junior like you." Song Shuhang said coldly, and continued to look down at the altar master with the eyes of ants.

He had a head and face, but Shuhang didn't lie. Because as long as it is a normal person, it all has a head and a face. Don't you have a head and a face

"I also ask the seniors to be merciful." The altar master smiled bitterly, and his bitter smile made people feel that even if they were separated by thousands of miles, they were still extremely bitter.

Under the darkness, a pure ghost broke out from the main body of the altar, quietly wrapping the body of the altar master.

Pure ghosts are ghosts without resentment, so they are not afraid of ordinary exorcism.

Of course, it is not easy for such pure ghosts to be born. It must be known that ghosts are often born because of resentment. The pure ghost must be a good person who is rotten to the core, because he has died because of a very wrong thing. But he is so good that he doesn't care about the grievance at all, so he has the chance to become a pure ghost...

"Then take a sword from this seat!" Song Shuhang looked indifferent, turned his fingers, and a talisman paper appeared at his fingertips.

The 'sword talisman' given by the Seven Lives Talisman Palace Master, this talisman is for attacking purposes. To use it, just activate the talisman and lightly drink the word 'sword'. Once it is deployed, it can turn into a third-rank acquired battle king-level sword qi attack, and it is not a problem to split mountains and rocks. Ordinary second-grade true master-level monks, if they don't have any special defense means, they will lose half their lives if they don't die.

When he saw this talisman, the altar master almost clenched his teeth in the dark... As a bitter low-level small loose cultivator, the most annoying thing is this kind of local tyrant who smashes people with talismans!

"Stand up, junior. Pray for your own luck." Song Shuhang held the talisman, imposing, and couldn't be excited: "Sword!"

A vaguely illusory figure appeared behind Shuhang.

The figure slashed towards the altar master with the sword in his name.

The dazzling sword light was stimulated from the sword talisman. As soon as the sword light came out, nothing else was seen in the carriage, as if this sword light was the only thing left in the world!

This sword light is a wonderful sword technique!

In an instant, the altar master who was locked by the sword light felt that his body was imprisoned, unable to move an inch.

Even dodging is a luxury. He could only stand there blankly, watching the sword slash on him!

humiliation? hatred? fear

The altar master's heart seemed to have overturned the seasoning, the five flavors were mixed, and the taste could not be expressed.

The sword came to the body, but only made a slight contact sound of 'Zi~'.

The altar master's body was like tofu, it was easily cut in half and fell to the ground.

There was no blood in the wound...

The foreign monk smacked his lips, and it ended like this? A terrifying and powerful second-grade true master-level cultivator died like this

There was silence in the carriage.

Song Shuhang did not let his guard down, he held a 'armor talisman' in his left hand and two 'sword talismans' in the other, staring at the body of the altar master on the ground.

The other party was a cultivator who had been working in Guideng Temple in J City 50 or 60 years ago. As long as it wasn't too bad, there would always be one or two things on his body that would save his life.

Thinking of this, Song Shuhang said with a stern face and said solemnly: "It's still a bit capable. Since I took this sword from this seat, I'll let you go. Get up and get out of front of this seat! Remember, don't let it go. See you here! Forever!"

Song Shuhang has already mastered the skill of cheating.

The foreign monk was stunned for a moment - under such a terrible sword, that second-rank ghost cultivator is still alive

impossible? Such a terrifying sword!

However, as soon as Song Shuhang's voice fell, the altar master's corpse that was cut in half on the ground slowly turned into black smoke and drifted into the air.

Then, the altar master appeared on the spot with a pale face, and there was a deep sword mark on his forehead. At a critical moment, although he saved his life by means of life-saving means, the sword was too domineering and left him with a deep sword wound. The sword qi remained in the wound on his forehead, causing him to die.

"Thank you senior for not killing." The altar master endured the pain and said: "Junior leave immediately."

Since it has been discovered by this senior that he is not dead, there is no point in hiding it any longer.

The other party does seem to be keeping his promises, and he wants to let him live. And if he can't escape, if he annoys this senior and finds an excuse for him to strike again, he will really rush to the street.

After saying that, the ghost general who was also seriously injured behind the altar master floated over and brought a black suitcase.

This box contains the important belongings of the altar master. Some things were too precious, and he didn't dare to stay in the Luoxin neighborhood of J City. Therefore, he carried all these things in a black box with him.

"It's actually still alive?" Monk Yang couldn't believe it.

Looking at the pale face in front of him, Song Shuhang also sighed in his heart. This thing is still alive.

In order to survive, this guy is also very hard.

It's a pity, if he is really a senior who is concerned about his face and keeps his promises, maybe he will really let him die.

However, this seat is not ready to be embarrassed at all! All this seat wants is to kill you!

If I don't kill you, I won't eat well, and I will not sleep well. It will be impossible to live in the days to come!

So, just when the altar master lifted the black box and turned away with difficulty... Song Shuhang shot again!

"Sword! Sword!" He held a 'sword talisman' in each of his left and right hands and activated them at the same time.

Who knows if this altar master has any means to save his life, so he put two sword talismans together in one breath! If it weren't for the fact that a person only had two hands and could only use two sword talismans, Song Shuhang could not wait to use the remaining sword talismans in one go!

The dazzling sword light was once again stimulated from the sword talisman, and two sword lights slashed on the altar master in the shape of an X.

The altar master remained vigilant before leaving, but it was useless.

The two sword lights are too fast, and once locked, they also have the ability to imprison the enemy.

After the sword glow passed, the altar master's body was cut into four pieces and fell to the ground again. But this time, he had no means to save his life, and he died without life.

The second-rank cultivator's body is extremely strong, even if it is cut into pieces, the altar master has not immediately rushed to the street. His head was staring at Song Shuhang. There were countless sentences in his heart that he wanted to curse, but in the end they could only be turned into two words full of resentment: "No... shame!"

Although he knew that the other party was good at using poison, and his personality must be capricious, but the other party was shameless to such an extent that there was no bottom line.

"Haha, say what you want." Song Shuhang quickly grabbed another talisman in his hand, which was the 'Evil Breaking Talisman'.

The altar master has already rushed to the street, but his bitter ghost is still alive.

Weeds should be rooted out to avoid future troubles!

If Song Shuhang was alone, he wouldn't have to worry about future troubles. But sadly, he is not.

"Broken!" The hurricane of the evil-breaking talisman resurfaced and swept the two carriages.

'Squeak... ' The ghost general Kuyou screamed in agony. Kuyou was so weak that he didn't even have a chance to escape. He was directly purified by the spiritual power of the evil talisman.

Boom~~ The black suitcase fell to the ground.

And the dying altar master was also purified once by the spiritual power of the evil talisman. Let him even lose the power to fight back.

Thinking that he was going to die, the altar master's head went blank, and he shouted intermittently: "Don't... face! One word... Jiuding, I... bah!"