Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 89: Foreign monk, flashing!


"Hehe, why do I want a face? You can't eat something like face. And..." Song Shuhang pointed to his mouth, and from an angle that foreign monks couldn't see, he silently said to the altar master: "I'm not Senior, I am an ordinary college student. There is nothing wrong with what your subordinates have found."

Song Shuhang always believed that lying and deceiving people was wrong.

But when people live in the world, it is inevitable that sometimes they have to tell lies, such as white lies. This is unavoidable.

However, Shuhang believes that even if it is a well-intentioned lie, when it is time to break it, it is best to explain it to others. To be human is to be honest with each other. This is the basic trust between people!

"Hey!" The altar master's upper body trembled, and he spit out a mouthful of blood.

"I curse you... I curse you! I will turn into a ghost, and I will seek you for my life forever!"

After shouting, his breath stopped.

The altar master - flutter!

"I'm going to die this time." Song Shuhang stood there and waited for a while. After feeling that there was no danger, he came to the altar master with the 'Jiafu' in one hand.

This time, the altar master has completely died, and there is no possibility of resurrection.

But in order to be safe, Song Shuhang still picked up the black flying sword and cut off the head of the altar master with one sword.

Jiang Ziyan once reminded him that the monks had too many ways to save their lives, so to confirm the death of the other party, destroying the corpse and destroying the traces is the best. If the other party is a second-rank cultivator, it's almost the same as having his head chopped off.

There is no trace of the sword, no blood.

Song Shuhang secretly sighed. In just two days, he has chopped off the heads of two people. And this time, instead of using the 'Self Meditation Sutra', he used his willpower to keep himself calm.

It is impossible for him to rely on the 'True Self Meditation Sutra' all the time. The road to becoming a monk is still very long, and he has to adapt himself to some things. Excessive dependence on external things will make him weak.

The weak and weak-minded people will not go far on the road of monks.

The altar master was the second cultivator who died in the hands of Shuhang. Like the first long-armed man, although he died, his spirit would 'live' in Song Shuhang's memory for a long time. Although not immortal...

The ghost and altar master incident has come to an end for the time being.

In a short period of time, no one will attack him again.

As soon as the altar master died, some of his subordinates were in a state of leaderless. This is enough for them to be in chaos for a long time, and they can't make many waves in a short time.

In addition, it was known that the altar master came to Jiangcheng University City to be related to Song Shuhang's ghost, only the altar master, the long-armed man, and the assassin who entered Shuhang's room. All three have already hit the street, so no one among the altar master's subordinates knows the connection between the altar master's 'Song Shuhang'.

Even if they wanted to avenge their master, they would have no way to get started in a short period of time.

And as long as some time passes... these subordinates are not a threat to Song Shuhang. At that time, even if these subordinates did not come to Song Shuhang, Shuhang would still come to the door!

He lacks actual combat targets. These guys with animal head claw marks will be good candidates for Shuhang in the future. Moreover, it can kill the enemy in actual combat, and maybe even a little booty, and kill three birds with one stone!

"Good and evil will be rewarded in the end." Song Shuhang said softly, he took out the 'corpse-turning water' and poured it on the body of the altar master.

The pungent smell came... The clothes on the altar master were melted clean - but his body was not melted by the corpse liquid.

"This thing can only melt the body of a first-grade monk? I thought it was a big treasure."

It would be very troublesome to keep such a dismembered body. Even if the surveillance has been destroyed, the body will attract the attention of the police uncles.

Song Shuhang was a little distressed.

At this time, the foreign monk suddenly said: "Is the senior worried about this guy's body?"

"Can you handle it?" Song Shuhang turned his head with a soft smile, and continued to maintain his demeanor.

The foreign monk gave a thumbs up and said, "Senior, please rest assured and leave this matter to me, I can handle it!"

"Since you said that, then I will trouble you, I will remember your favor." Song Shuhang was happy.

"Senior, don't say that, my life was saved by my senior, this trivial matter is nothing to worry about!" The foreign monk looked confident, as if solving the troubles on the corpse and the subway were trivial matters.

His confident appearance reminded Shuhang of the cool things like 'Huaxia Dragon Group', 'Huaxia Ability Team', and 'Huaxia Cultivator Alliance' that often appeared in online novels.

Maybe this foreign monk is a member of a similar organization? He may have a mysterious little red notebook on his body, and even if the police uncles arrive, the foreign monk will be able to settle all the troubles as long as he takes out the red notebook!

Song Shuhang thought so in his heart, then took a few steps forward and picked up the small black box of the altar master.

Intuition tells him that there will be good things in the small box of the altar master.

After picking up the box, he returned to the little Loli family and sat down on the spot.

Counting the time, the passengers are about to wake up from the dizziness, right

At this time, the foreign monk came to the side of the altar master and folded his hands together: "All sentient beings have been saved before they can realize Bodhi. The hell is not empty, and I vow not to become a Buddha."

These words are the great vows of the Buddhist Ksitigarbha, and the foreign monks seem to like this vow very much.

Afterwards, he sat cross-legged beside the body of the altar master, and began to recite the "Ksitigarbha Sutra of Crossing the Soul". With the sound of his chanting, the rich light of merit wrapped him again.

In the carriages in front of the subway and beside the corpse of the altar master, a few souls were vaguely transformed by foreign monks.

After the soul was transformed, a mysterious force between heaven and earth was divided into three parts and landed on the foreign monk.

The next moment, the monk's 'light of merit' became stronger; his huge spiritual power was expanded; his physical body was also strengthened!

Song Shuhang's eyes widened slightly - transcending the soul, how could it have such an effect? At the same time, strengthen the physical body, spiritual power, and merit!

Although it is not as good as taking body quenching liquid and practicing basic boxing.

But it is a hundred times stronger than ordinary running and fitness!

"Write it down, go back and ask the senior pharmacist if the Taoist cultivator has a way to transcend people's soul, and whether it can increase his spiritual power and physical body." Song Shuhang secretly said in his heart.

At the same time, he also vaguely understood why there were always virtuous monks in ancient times. They do things to transcend people's souls. They don't charge a penny. Instead, they take the initiative to go to various places to find soul transmutation. If you don't let him transcend his soul, he is still anxious for you. It is estimated that those eminent monks, like this foreign monk, are real disciples of Buddhism.

While thinking about it, the passengers in the carriage woke up one by one.

Everyone remembered that they had a terrible nightmare, but the second half of the nightmare became peaceful again.

"What happened?"

"I seem to remember that the monk ran back to the carriage, and when it was finally dark in the carriage, I didn't know anything."

"Where's the monk?"

While the good guests were talking, they soon discovered the foreign monk... and the altar master's body that was chopped into five pieces beside the foreign monk.

Dazed... Silence.

Then, there were screams of horror.

"Dead, dead!"

"Ah!" The passengers who were close to the car rushed to the door of the car and opened the door manually. No matter what was going on outside the car, all the passengers screamed and ran out.

Some people vomited in disgust on the spot, while others simply rolled their eyes and fell directly to the ground and continued to faint.

If it is an ordinary dead person, everyone has been influenced by the news for a long time, and they will not be too alarmed. But this time is different, is there any chance that the five horses will be divided? The dead man was cut into five pieces!

At the same time... There was also a scream from the car in front. There are two corpses of the altar master's subordinates, which were gnawed by ghosts and looked inhuman. It also caused the passengers in the carriage to flee for their lives.

Beside Shuhang, the father in white shirt, the young mother and the little girl all woke up.

Father in white shirt did not rush to get out of the car, but first looked at Song Shuhang who was sitting beside them, and asked respectfully in a low voice, "Little brother, can we get out of the car now?"

He felt that this little brother was also an expert. At that time, the other party said 'it's too late' and asked them to stay by his side and not run around. And then they fainted...

"Get out of the car, the next thing has nothing to do with us." Song Shuhang nodded with a smile, and left the car with a black suitcase, carefully avoiding the surveillance.

Before re-entering the surveillance area, he had to disguise the black suitcase.

Don't underestimate the current technology side power, maybe because of this box, the police uncle finds clues!

The white shirt father picked up his daughter and left as well. Mixing into the panicked crowd, head to the distant platform.

At the end, he carefully glanced at the black suitcase in Shuhang's hand.

I vaguely remember that when Shuhang came with them, he didn't have this box... Of course, he was a really smart man. Never say a word to anyone about the black suitcase.

In a chaotic subway station.

The subway staff began desperately to appease the emotional passengers, so as not to cause a bigger accident.

Soon after, the police uncles arrived.

Then the news media also quickly arrived at the scene.

The TV in the subway station began to broadcast the urgent news live, and it was the subway accident.

In the live broadcast, police uncles caught a Western bald monk.

"Yes, I did everything. I killed all three of them, I confess. Well, I don't have any accomplices, don't worry, I am the only one! I will not resist, you can arrest me! But ... The train accident has nothing to do with me, really!" The foreign monk, speaking standard and fluent Mandarin, was handcuffed obediently, with a generous face!

Yes, he was caught.

There are no Red Books, no Huaxia Dragon Group, and no special forces.

Thanks to his confident expression, it turns out that his so-called solution to the incident is to be a scapegoat to carry everything

Finally, in the live broadcast, Monk Yang gave the camera a thumbs up before being escorted into the police car. Showing white teeth.

Ding! Those teeth reflected a dazzling light under the sunlight!

-Senior, I will never confess to you anyway, I will take care of everything!

The foreign monk at this time, just like the Virgin, exudes a light that people cannot look directly at!