Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 92: The red note and... Qi and Blood Pill!


After returning to Jiangnan University Town, Song Shuhang did not immediately look for Zhao Yaya, but went to the fifth-floor building bought by the pharmacist first.

He is still carrying the black suitcase of the altar master in his hand, which is likely to contain the four rare Chinese medicines purchased by the altar master. If Zhao Yaya were to discover these few Chinese medicines in the box, Song Shuhang would really jump into the Yellow River... No, he would not be able to wash himself if he jumped into the Pacific Ocean.

Needless to say, Zhao Yaya will definitely call Mama Song, and then Mama Song Jiang will arrive at Jiangnan University Town by plane tomorrow.

And, who the hell knows what else is more terrifying and misleading in the altar master's suitcase

How can I meet Zhao Yaya without disposing of this suitcase first

Because there was a key, Shuhang went all the way to the third floor after opening the door. Then, he found that the pharmacist was squatting in the corner and playing with his mobile phone, but he did not see Jiang Ziyan.

"Senior, are you busy?" Shuhang walked towards the pharmacist and asked aloud.

After the pharmacist came to the Jiangnan University Town area, he has been busy improving the body quenching liquid, and has never seen him idle. It's rare to see him resting today

"Yo, Shuhang is back." The pharmacist didn't lift his head, his fingers moved quickly on the screen.

"What are you playing?" Shuhang leaned over to take a look.

Then, his whole person was not well.

The pharmacist is actually stealing vegetables from other people's farms. On his friends list for stealing vegetables, Shuhang can also see the leading role of True Monarch Cai Huangshan, Beihe Sanren, Xuannvmen Yunquezi, Yunyou Seng Tongxuan, etc.' Jiuzhou Yi The familiar characters in the group are all famous seniors in the group.

In addition, there are the masters of the Three Seas and Five Islands, the master of the Yanglong Second Cave, the deputy master of the Seven Star Fist Sect... etc. At first glance, they are the ids of the monks.

I said... Are the seniors in the cultivator world all idle lately? So many people spend their time on the game of stealing vegetables from the farm

Your disciples will cry, okay

Your boss will cry too!

"It's done, that guy from Beihe even created a plug-in applet that automatically collects vegetables, but it's useful~~ This old man has already set an alarm clock, and he stole all the vegetables from his house in minutes. How naive , how can the speed of picking up vegetables at a small level can compare to the speed of this old man!" The pharmacist also said proudly to Song Shuhang.

Senior... I said how good your hand speed would be if you practice typing more

"And Shuhang, I'm not talking about you, don't be like a money fan who only knows how to save gold coins. If you have more money, you can upgrade to the land level. The vegetables you grow will mature faster. Sharpening your knives doesn't make a mistake in chopping wood!" The pharmacist said earnestly. Of Song Shuhangdao.

"..." Song Shuhang didn't know what expression to use to respond to the senior.

"By the way, do you have something to do with me?" The pharmacist finally returned to the topic.

Song Shuhang nodded silently, put the black suitcase in his hand on the coffee table, and said, "I want to ask senior to help me see if there are any traps or the like in this suitcase. This suitcase is what I am killing. I got it from the altar master after the claw mark beast head card. The other party is an evil spirit, and I dare not open this suitcase easily."

"You can think of this, it's very good." The pharmacist nodded, bold and careful, Song Shuhang had many advantages. In terms of personality, Shuhang is very suitable for the profession of cultivator. The only regret is that he is a little older and has lost the innate qi that he brought from his mother's womb.

If only he could come into contact with the world of monks earlier... Unfortunately, there are not so many ifs in the world.

The pharmacist took the black suitcase and pressed his right palm on the box.

"It's true that I was manipulated a little bit, but this little trick can't stop me." He smiled, his right palm was full of indignation.

clap clap clap!

There was the sound of glass breaking from the black box, and there were faint screams of ghosts...

"Okay, you can open it." The pharmacist returned the box to Shuhang.

Shuhang reached out and opened the black suitcase.

What caught my eye were stacks of neat red bills, with a total of seven stacks for every 100,000 stacks. There is also a stack that was split into nine small stacks, which should be the amount used by the altar owner recently.

A total of about 800,000 red notes. 800,000 may be a string of numbers in the bank, but when the cash is stacked in front of you, it still has quite a visual impact.

Song Shuhang felt disappointed when he saw the red bills full of them.

He thinks that as the altar master, there must be some good things in the cultivator world in the box that he carries with him. I didn't expect it to be a pile of red tickets...

The higher the expectations, the greater the disappointment.

Song Shuhang took a breath. Well, the red ticket is the red ticket. Recently, he just happened to be short of money. Next, he is going to find a well-equipped fitness room nearby to exercise, and he is also going to buy various fitness equipment. In addition, in order to ensure adequate qi and blood, the daily diet should also ensure the quality.

If you think about it this way, the 800,000 seems to be pretty good. Just like in the game, even if you don't have good equipment, you will definitely get enough gold coins.

The pharmacist smiled lightly and reminded: "Little friend, don't be fooled by the money in the mundane world. This small amount of money will be as much as you want when you succeed in building your foundation. This money is only used to cover up and confuse people. The treasure is under the money, in the hidden compartment of the box."

"Hidden space?" Song Shuhang hurriedly poured out all the money. Sure enough, he found a partition board at the bottom of the suitcase. If you don't look carefully, it's easy to ignore it.

Song Shuhang was instantly overjoyed!

He reached up to lift the divider, and saw many small bottles, about the size of a chewing gum bottle. There are fourteen small bottles in two colors, red and blue. There is also an a5 book-sized metal box.

He first took out the blue bottle and asked, "Senior, is there no manipulation on this bottle?"

"Don't worry, I have cleaned up all the little tricks and tricks in the box." The pharmacist shook his head handsomely, and his dense braids collided with various cute decorations on it, making a crisp sound.

What a haircut to complain about!

Song Shuhang tensed his face, so as not to laugh out loud in front of the pharmacist - maybe the senior pharmacist likes this hairstyle very much. If he laughs at this hairstyle, what should he do if he gets angry

There are more blue bottles, twelve in total. He opened the bottle and looked inside.

I saw a dark liquid in the bottle, and there was also a stench: "Body quenching liquid?!"

This color, this smell, is undoubtedly the body quenching liquid!

The pharmacist sniffed and replied, "That's right, and it's an unsimplified body quenching liquid, and the quality is not bad. After you have cultivated for a month and your physical fitness has been strengthened enough, you can take this old version. The body quenching liquid. The medicinal power is stronger, and one mouthful can top your current simplified body quenching liquid for three."

"It's time! Senior Beihe once reminded me that even if the medicinal materials that Soft Feather gave me are all made into a body quenching liquid, it may not be enough for me to build a foundation. Now, adding this batch of body quenching liquid will be enough for me. Is the foundation completed?" Shuhang laughed.

"Enough is enough, there is even some left over." The pharmacist replied.

Can you have some left? This is really good news.

Then Shuhang opened another red bottle.

The red bottle contained small pills, eleven in total. Once opened, the scent of the medicine is fragrant. The other red bottle contained fifteen pills.

"Senior, what kind of medicine is this?" Song Shuhang asked.

The pharmacist took a sniff, then he looked strange and replied, "Qi and blood pills are all qualified!"