Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 93: Five Elements Qiling Altar Materials!


"Qi and Blood Pill?" Song Shuhang's eyes brightened, this was really an unexpected surprise! He never thought that he could get the Qi and Blood Pill so early. Before taking on the task of 'receiving True Monarch Bai', Song Shuhang even thought that it was an extravagant hope that he wanted to obtain the Qi and Blood Pill at this stage.

"Good luck," said the pharmacist.

In other words, not long ago, Beihe Sanren was still using Qi and Blood Pills and exercises to tempt Song Shuhang to take on the task of 'receiving True Monarch Bai'. In a blink of an eye, Song Shuhang had already obtained Qi and Blood Pills himself. Although not many…

Legend has it that good people will have good rewards... Song Shuhang, a good person who has accumulated for many years, finally broke out completely

However, in retrospect, it makes sense.

The altar master who was killed was a second-rank monk.

The body quenching liquid altar master is no longer needed, that is what he used to reward his subordinates.

As for the Qi and Blood Pill, although it was mainly used by first-rank cultivators, it could also restore the second-rank cultivator's true qi to a certain extent. The altar master is estimated to be the poorer type of monks, and he can't get the more precious 'Aiki Pill', so he can only use the 'Qi and Blood Pill' to make up for it.

Moreover, the altar master has a cautious personality, and carries all the things that are precious to him with him.

As a result, they all fell into Song Shuhang's hands.

"Qi and Blood Pill, one can restore all of my blood. These two bottles will take some time, right?" Song Shuhang asked.

The pharmacist nodded and said, "As long as you don't practice day and night, you can use it for a period of time. Moreover, the quality of this batch of Qi and Blood Pills is acceptable, and one can be used repeatedly for several times."

"In this way, I will not be short of Qi and Blood Pills in a short period of time?!" Song Shuhang's eyes lit up again: "Senior Medicine Master, do you think I will go back to Senior Beihe now and regret the matter of 'receiving Zhenjun Bai'?"

"Haha." The pharmacist didn't answer, just let out a kind and strange laugh.

There is a saying how to say: A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist

Well, that's it!

"Okay, I'm joking." Song Shuhang shrugged—two bottles of Qi and Blood Pills are too few, and there are only twenty-six in total. Whether it can support True Monarch Bai's exit is a problem. This amount, at most, is to let him taste the effect of Qi and Blood Pill in advance.

Finally, he took out the a5 book-sized metal box.

Things that can be put together with body quenching liquid and precious blood qi and blood pills, at least not too bad, right

When he grabbed the box, Shuhang felt that the box was heavy, as if he was holding a heavy iron plate.

"What?" Shuhang opened the metal box curiously.

I saw that there were two pieces of charred wood; ten crystal stones of gold, green, red, blue, and brown; a folded piece of cloth; two bottles of strange liquids... and so on. thing. Except for the cloth pieces, everything else is double.

"Is this the collection of the altar master? I can't see it, his hobbies are quite extensive, and he will collect some strange things." Song Shuhang picked it out in the box, but he couldn't see anything famous.

"Lightning wood, five-element stone, robe inscribed with the formation, ghost dragon salivation... These are not strange things, they are all things that are considered precious in the eyes of monks." The pharmacist explained with a smile.

"Treasure, can it be exchanged for Qi and Blood Pill?" Song Shuhang was overjoyed.

Qi and Blood Pill can not only be used to speed up the building period, it can also restore the Qi and blood in the major orifices in the first-grade realm, and it is also very helpful for the improvement of the first-grade realm cultivation speed. wrong!

"Well, if it is a Qi and Blood Pill of this quality in your hand, these treasures can be exchanged for a lot of quantity. However, if you exchange these treasures for Qi and Blood Pills, you will regret it." The pharmacist laughed.

"Why?" Shuhang asked.

"These treasures are not collected by the altar master at will. Lightning strike wood, five elements stone, ghost dragon saliva are three things, but they are the basic things for arranging a formation. That formation, called 'Five Elements Qiling Altar', is popular The point is also called the Spirit Ghost Contract Formation." The pharmacist said lightly, "So now, do you still want to take these things out for the 'Qi and Blood Pill'?"

Song Shuhang's head shook like a wavy drum.

Lightning Strike Wood, Five Element Stones, Ghost Dragon Saliva... There are so many bits and pieces, except for Lightning Strike Wood, he has never seen other things in reality. If these things are replaced with 'Qi and Blood Pill', God knows if he can find the same thing again in the future.

The contract spirit ghost, you can try the contract only after he completes the Hundred Days Foundation Establishment. At that time, even if he has far exceeded the optimal age of 'foundation', with the help of ghosts, there is hope to catch up with the elite disciples of those sects.

This ghost is likely to be his entry.

"Your luck is really good. The altar master who was killed by you originally wanted to get the spirit ghost to contract with him, and he also prepared two copies of the materials for the 'Five Elements Deeding Spirit Altar'. In the end, it was cheaper for you," said the pharmacist.

That's right, the mastermind of the other side's altar has been stealing spirit ghosts for many years, and there is nothing missing from the treasures that he carries with him.

"The reason why the altar master prepared two is because there were two spirit ghosts in the ghost lamp temple. The altar master planned to contract two spirit ghosts in one breath, but in the end one fell into Yurouzi's hands, and the other was obtained by me. ." Song Shuhang laughed.

After that, he carefully put all the small bottles and the materials of the 'Five Elements Qiling Altar' back into the black suitcase. After thinking about it, he took the smaller bottle of 'Qi and Blood Pill' and hid it on his body.

The cash of about 800,000 yuan was also thrown back into the box, and only the bundle of thousands of loose banknotes that had been untied was put into the pocket.

"Senior, can this box be placed with you first?" Song Shuhang asked, it is not convenient to bring this thing back. If Zhao Yaya wanted to inspect his box, and after opening it, he saw that the box was full of red notes, how could he explain the origin of the money

Not to mention that there are so many pills in it.

After much deliberation, it is only safest to place it in the pharmacist's place.

"It's okay, just throw this away." The pharmacist replied, "Are you free now? Help me try the new body quenching liquid formula that I improved yesterday. In addition, I have to teach you how to use the cultivator's 'Pill Stove' earlier. . Your hot pot and induction cooker alchemy two-piece set makes my liver hurt."

"Will it be done at night? Now... I have to go to my sister's place first." Song Shuhang grimaced, and generously went to the letter of righteousness.

The pharmacist smiled and said: "Sister? Oh, that's what you said in the group just now. It's interesting to suspect that you have a hidden disease in your body? Hahahaha, go and go, come over and try the formula for me when you're done. I'm not in a hurry. ."

"Then senior, I'm going!" Song Shuhang waved his hand and left the pharmacist's residence.

On the way back to Jiangnan University City, Song Shuhang frowned: "I seem to have forgotten something? I always feel that I have something to ask the senior pharmacist."

Think, think, think for a long time.

Oh! By the way, it's about that shiny foreign monk on the train.

I wonder what happened to the foreign monk after he was captured by the police uncle

Song Shuhang originally wanted to talk to the pharmacist about the foreign monk and listen to the senior's opinion.

But he had just harvested the materials of Qi and Blood Pill and the Five Elements Qiling Altar one after another, and he was so excited for a while that he forgot to mention the foreign monk with his predecessors.

That's all... Next time, remember to ask the seniors. Song Shuhang secretly said in his heart.