Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 127: Leng Shuangrong is very depressed!


This feeling made Leng Shuangrong very upset. She snorted coldly, "Little beast, don't think that I can't see what tricks you are playing. You just want to live for three more months. Do you think that I will fall for you?" ?”

Leng Yuecui on the side, her heart suddenly sank to the bottom. She and Leng Shuangrong had the same idea. The three-month engagement was just Wandong's delaying strategy. Now that Leng Shuangrong sees through it at a glance, this is very bad.

However, Wandong's expression was as calm as ever, without any fluctuation at all, and without the panic and embarrassment of having someone's secrets revealed to his face. His eyes were bright and full of confidence, and there was even a hint of confidence in them. Mixed with a hint of ridicule, he didn't say a word, just looked at Leng Shuangrong quietly.

Wandong didn't need to speak. His expression at this moment had clearly revealed the words deep in his heart, "If you don't agree, come and kill me. If you agree, I'll see you in three months! I'm too lazy to talk nonsense to you!"

"You kid..." With Leng Shuangrong's status and domineering attitude, she was completely unable to suppress Wan Dong. On the contrary, she was repeatedly ridiculed by Wan Dong. Leng Shuangrong had not felt such cowardice in some days. He was shaking with anger.

But no matter how angry Leng Shuangrong was, she still refused to kill Wan Dong like this. Firstly, it was a hindrance to Xu Wenchuan's face, and secondly, Wandong was right, she had to consider her reputation and honor.

"Okay!" After a long pause, Leng Shuangrong suddenly let out an angry shout, and said in an unusually sharp voice, "I will give you three months. After three months, you can go to my Leng family to die!" If you want to use these three months to escape, that's up to you, but your grandfather and your mother will die on your behalf!"

"If you dare to hurt my grandfather and my mother, I will make your life worse than death!" As soon as Leng Shuangrong finished speaking, Wan Dong's face turned as cold as frost, and he suddenly took a step toward Leng Shuangrong and shouted sternly .

Leng Shuangrong wanted to intimidate Wandong, but she didn't expect Wandong to be more fierce than her. After saying these words, Leng Shuangrong's expression changed wildly again.

"Okay! You've got the guts!" Leng Shuangrong couldn't help but be convinced by such a bold young man. She let out a deep drink with a cold face, turned to look at Leng Yuecui, and shouted, "What are you still doing there? Let’s go!”

"I'm not leaving! If you want to leave, you can go by yourself!" Leng Shuangrong was so indiscriminate and aggressive, which made Leng Yuecui very angry. In addition, Wan Dong had suffered so many grievances today, which really made her feel distressed. She wanted to stay. When he came down to comfort Wandong carefully, he naturally refused to go with Leng Shuangrong, so he blurted out without thinking.

"What did you say!?" In Leng Shuangrong's impression, this was the first time Leng Yuecui disobeyed her, and she immediately became furious.

In the past, Leng Shuangrong would have been frightened into giving in as long as Leng Shuangrong glared at her. But at this time, I don’t know where she got the courage. Even though Leng Shuangrong roared like thunder, Leng Yuecui was still It was fixed there like a nail, motionless.

"Rebellion! Do you still have my grandma in your eyes?" Leng Yuecui's disobedience made Leng Shuangrong so angry that she almost vomited blood.

"Anyway, in grandma's eyes, there is always only sister. I am superfluous, it doesn't matter if I have her or not!" Leng Yuecui simply took the plunge and spoke out the words that had been buried in her heart for many years.

" can you say such things to me? I am your grandma!"

Leng Yuecui showed her stubborn side, turned her head to the side, her eyes were red, and she said nothing.

"Okay! Even if you don't see me as a grandma in your eyes, you are still a descendant of the Leng family no matter what! Today, you must go back with me! I can't just watch you mix with the little beasts of the Xu family and become corrupted. The reputation of my Leng family!”

"Since grandma is so afraid that I will ruin the reputation of the Leng family, then you should kill me now!"

"You... you think I can't!?" Leng Shuangrong was really angry and suddenly raised her palm.

Wan Dong didn't understand Leng Shuangrong, a crazy woman. Seeing how murderous she was at this time, she might actually do something like tiger poison and food food, so he hurriedly shouted, "Stop!"

"Xu Yaoting! Do you dare to interfere with my Leng family's family affairs?" In Leng Shuangrong's eyes, Leng Yuecui's rebellious behavior was entirely due to Wan Dong's bad influence, and Wan Dong was the culprit. If it hadn't been for the previous three-month appointment, she would have taken action.

Wan Dong snorted coldly and ignored Leng Shuangrong's anger. He raised his head to look at Leng Yuecui and said softly, "Yue Cui, go back with your grandma!"

Wandong's voice was very soft, but his words were very firm.

"No! I don't want it!"

Leng Yuecui's stubbornness was truly remarkable.

Wan Dong smiled bitterly and said, "Yue Cui, you go back first. If you insist on leaving the Leng family, I will personally take you out of the Leng family in three months!"

"You... are you telling the truth?" Leng Yuecui was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes glowed as hot as fire, and he looked at Wandong closely, and asked with a slightly trembling voice.

"Of course! When I speak, I, Xu Yaoting, always keep my promise!"

"Okay! I'll wait for you!" Wandong's promise was like a treasure to Leng Yuecui. The joy and excitement on his face reached an all-time high.

Looking at Leng Yuecui who was jumping for joy, Wandong was crying in his heart. Could this silly girl regard this as a promise of love

"Hmph! In three months, he will become a dead man. How can he come to pick you up?" Leng Shuangrong's ability to destroy people's scenery is definitely deeper than her cultivation.

When Leng Yuecui heard this, the excitement on her face immediately receded like a tide, and was replaced by deep worry, "No, you... you better not go..."

"Hahaha... Silly girl, don't worry, did I, Xu Yaoting, die so easily?" Wan Dong laughed loudly and comforted Leng Yuecui.

"Humph! If he doesn't go to the Leng family to die in three months, I guarantee that more people will die by then!"

Leng Yuecui was really fed up with Leng Shuangrong's indifference and tyranny. Her heart ached and she stared at her and said, "Okay! In three months, at worst, I will die with Yao Ting!"

"You girl..." Leng Shuangrong was very angry again.

"Okay! Then be obedient and go home first, okay?"

Leng Shuangrong is simply a pervert, irritable and cold-blooded. It may not be a good thing for Leng Yuecui to follow her. Wandong is really thinking about taking Leng Yuecui out of the Leng family.

Leng Yuecui only had Wan Dong in her eyes now and ignored Leng Shuangrong. Hearing Wandong's words, even though he felt a lot of reluctance, he still hummed softly, looked at Wandong deeply, and turned around to leave.

From Leng Yuecui's back, Leng Shuangrong suddenly felt that there was a huge gap between herself and her granddaughter who usually obeyed her words, which made her shudder violently. (To be continued)