Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 135: A cry from Wuyang!


Unexpectedly, after hearing Wu Yue's words, Wu Yang just smiled at her, obviously not taking her words to heart.

At this time, Wu Jinhun also discovered that Wuyang today was very different from usual. Normally when Wu Yang saw Wu Jinhun, it would be no exaggeration to say that he was like a mouse seeing a cat. He ran away from a long distance away. He would definitely not be as calm and calm as he was today. Even under his thunderous rage, he could still Respond calmly.

Looking back carefully at Wu Yang's previous replies to him, Wu Jinhun felt even more frightened.

In shock, Wu Jinhun's original anger calmed down a lot, and his expression softened unconsciously.

Clearly feeling that Wu Jinhun's anger level was rapidly decreasing, Wu Yue was immediately startled again. This happened, but she had never thought of it. Could it be that all Wuyang's unusual behavior today was just a trick he came up with to avoid today's disaster? But after thinking about it again, Wu Yue shook her head and denied it. If this is really just a trick used by Wu Yang, then Wu Yang is too crazy. What, are you just going to die and survive? What if he really died

Wu Jinhun seems to have the same suspicion as Wu Yang. There is no way, Wu Yang's performance today can really blind their eyes. Safety is inconsistent with common sense, and there must be a 'demon' among them!

"Okay! I don't need to ask about the quarrel between you and Xu Yaoting. What I want to ask now is, why do you force a city supervisor to resign? What is your identity? Do you have such power? Do you dare to say that? , aren’t you using my name to bully others? You can’t escape from today’s punishment! Come on, please help me!”

Wu Jinhun roared and jumped like a thunder, with his teeth and claws dancing, as if he wanted to eat Wu Yang alive. Wu Yue's heart suddenly rose again. Who knew whether Wu Jinhun's fat beating might kill Wu Yang in half

"Dad, you... are you serious about it?" Seeing that Wu Jinhun had even asked for family help, Wu Yue became even more worried for Wu Yang.

"Master, just for my sake, spare the young master!" Uncle Jiang became even more anxious and begged loudly.

Wujinhun was ready to be serious, but at the same time he was a little tentative. Let's see if Wu Yang's calmness and calmness are just an act. Wu Yue and Uncle Jiang's pleas were completely ignored.

"Dad! If you say that forcing Wang Tianbiao to resign did not rely on your power, then it is nonsense!"

Wu Yang spoke slowly, his expression still not at all flustered, calm and calm.

Wu Jinhun's heart couldn't help but shake, "Is this kid really promising?"

Wu Yang is the only one in the Wu family, and most of Wu Jinhun's hopes still fall on him. But this kid Wu Yang really doesn't live up to expectations, just not diligent in practicing martial arts. His personality is somewhat Veno, lacking the pride and courage of a man, which gives Wu Jinhun a lot of headaches. If Wu Yang had been as brave as he was now, he would have been beaten less. In comparison, whatever wrong things Wu Yang did outside were not that important in Wu Jinhun's eyes. Who in this world can avoid making mistakes? That’s all it needs to be changed! But this character is something deep in one’s bones and determines one’s life!

"So, you admit that you and Xu Yaoting bullied others and did nothing good?" Wu Jinhun asked with a cold snort. His expression was still stiff, but his words were obviously much softer. He was curious about what Wu Yang would answer next.

Wu Yang paused and opened his mouth: "Actually, there are some things that even the father can understand even if the child doesn't tell him. If I were not your son, Wang Tianbiao wouldn't even give me a straight look. Maybe I would have been like those who were bullied by him. Just like ordinary people, my arms and legs may be broken, and my life may be lost. Even if I have no intention of borrowing your power, the fact that I am your son cannot be erased! "

Wu Yang's expression was calm and his words were irrefutable. Wu Jinhun's eyes couldn't help but light up.

"But what I want to say is that I forced Wang Tianbiao to resign based on my conscience and my determination and responsibility as a citizen of the Qingyun Empire to defend this country!" Wu Yang's expression suddenly changed, becoming solemn and solemn. , the words spoken are like drums in the evening and bells in the morning, shaking people's hearts.

As soon as Wu Yang said these words, Wu Jinhun's eyes not only lit up, but his entire mind lit up as well. He is proud that his son, Wu Jinhun, can say such important words and have such a responsible shoulder and mind!

Wu Yue's eyes were already wide open in shock, and she was so excited that she couldn't even speak.

Mentioning Wang Tianbiao, Wu Yang's face showed an unconcealable anger unconsciously: "Wang Tianbiao, as an official of our Qingyun Empire, does not seek the welfare of the people of the Qingyun Empire. Instead, he serves as an official for the Iron War Dynasty." He is willing to be a lackey of the Tie Zhan Dynasty and oppress the people of our Qingyun Empire on behalf of the Tie Zhan Dynasty. His behavior is shameful and his crime should be punished!"

The more Wu Yang talked, the more excited he became. His face and body were all filled with the light of justice. Even Wu Jin's soul was infected by it and couldn't help but feel his blood boiling.

After a long time, Wu Yang suddenly sighed again, a look of deep helplessness and sadness on his face, which made Wu Jinhun's heart ache. Just listen to Wu Yang saying slowly, "

You are furious because your child relied on your power to force an evil official like Wang Tianbiao to resign. My child... also thinks that he is a dog meddling in other people's business. However, where are those people who should be in charge, those who can control Wang Tianbiao without relying on the power of others? I didn't know it before, but now I know that they are going around complaining for evil officials like Wang Tianbiao! Is this the current state of our empire? I am sad, I sigh, I hate! "

Wu Yang's every word was filled with resentment, striking into people's hearts and rendering Wu Jinhun speechless.

"Brother, you..." Looking at Wu Yang's tearful eyes, Wu Yue couldn't help but murmured. It seemed that she hadn't called Wu Yang brother for a long time.

It's a pity that Wu Yang didn't hear it. He had thousands of words in his heart and he wouldn't be happy if he didn't say them out!

"Father, don't tell me that you moved out of the family today. Even if you took out a steel knife and chopped me up today, I would still make the same choice! I don't regret it, I can't regret it, and I shouldn't regret it either! "

"Ah!" Listening to Wu Yang's heartfelt cries, Wu Jinhun couldn't help but take a step back. He felt that the 'family law' in his hand had become as heavy as a thousand pounds, so heavy that he... was so heavy. He, a warrior at the seventh level of Qi, was actually a little unable to hold it. (To be continued)