Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 49: Everyone is shocked!


New sword skills you learned today? Although Wu Qiujun guessed that Wan Dong might have said this on purpose to annoy him, he still couldn't help but feel angry. He clenched his fists tightly, and his nails were about to pierce into his flesh.

"Yao Ting..." Xu Wenchuan was really worried. As far as he knew, Xu Yaoting had never practiced swordsmanship at all, and now he was using a sword to deal with Wu Qiujun. In Xu Wenchuan's view, this was a lot of nonsense.

But before Xu Wenchuan could finish his words, Wandong had already taken the sword from Tang Xinyi's hand, holding the sword across his chest and pointing the tip of the sword at Wu Qiujun's throat. His movements were calm and graceful without losing his solemnity. This ordinary starting move actually makes a master like Xu Wenchuan's eyes shine.

However, Tang Xinyi's heart was trembling wildly at this moment. Why did Wandong's hand gesture look so familiar to her

Just when Tang Xinyi was wondering, Wandong suddenly turned to smile at her and said, "Girl Tang, I saw how many sword skills you practiced this morning. It's really disappointing. It's really hard to protect me with your sword skills." I can’t reassure you. Now I’ll show you some sword skills, hoping you can improve.”

"Ha! You... what did you say?" Tang Xinyi was so angry that she almost lost her breath, thinking to herself, "No matter how bad I, Tang Xinyi, am, I am still at the peak of the third level of Qi. What ability do you, Xu Yaoting, have? Is it better to be at the first level of Qi? You dare to teach me a lesson even if you are forced to do so?”

Ignoring Tang Xinyi's almost distorted handsome face, Wan Dong chuckled and said to Wu Qiujun, "Hey old thief, are you ready? This young master is about to take action!"

"If you're not afraid of death, just come!" Wu Qiujun naturally wouldn't put Wan Dong in his eyes. He pinched Wan Dong's waist with both hands, with a sinister look on his face. Just waiting for Wan Dong to rush up, he would crush Wan Dong to death like an ant.

At this point, Xu Wenchuan and Wu Daozi were powerless to stop them. They took a few steps forward together, their bodies full of energy. As soon as they found out that Wandong was in a bad situation, they immediately took action, just to save their lives. Wan Dong’s life.

Wandong didn't know how nervous Xu Wenchuan and Wu Daozi were at this time. A pair of tiger eyes stared at Wu Qiujun, as if everything in the world except Wu Qiujun had disappeared from his eyes.

At the same time, Wandong's expression became more and more solemn, and his aura continued to rise, as if he had become a different person.

"This... this guy seems to have some abilities." Tang Xinyi frowned, with a look of surprise on her face.

Wu Daozi and Xu Wenchuan were the same. They looked at each other and were both surprised by the momentum Wandong showed at this time.

"Kill!" A sudden shout, like thunder on the ground, suddenly exploded from Wan Dong's hand. I saw a long sword in Wan Dong's hand. At this moment, it seemed as if it came alive, and the blade was extremely twisted. It moved swiftly across the air, bringing out a series of horrifying buzzing sounds, like a stream of silver light, and quickly arrived in front of Wu Qiujun.

"What a fast sword move!" Wandong's move shocked everyone present.

Especially Xu Wenchuan, he shouted excitedly. This sword is not only extremely fast, but also has a profound swordsmanship. Especially the indomitable momentum revealed in the sword's edge. If this is not a profound understanding of the sword, it will never be possible.

"Prince Xu, it seems that many rumors about Yaoting are not true at all. Which song did you two grandsons sing?" Wu Daozi turned to Xu Wenchuan in surprise and asked .

Xu Wenchuan smiled bitterly and shook his head, feeling baffled. Could it be that my grandson has been deliberately hiding it all this time

Xu Wenchuan and Wu Daozi were shocked, and Tang Xinyi was even more stunned. The sword thrust out by Wan Dong was all too familiar to her. It was the 'silver light that penetrated the clouds' that she had used thousands of times. But even though she has used this move hundreds of times, she can't do it like Wan Dong. She can do it in one go without any sluggishness in the middle. What's even more rare is that the soaring sword force really seems to be able to penetrate the clouds in the sky. It's something she can't even compare to.

Thinking of what Wandong said to her before, Tang Xinyi felt a little creepy. Could it be that Wandong learned this move when he secretly watched her practice swordsmanship in the morning? But that shouldn't be the case. The swordsmanship you learned secretly in the morning can be used to its full potential at night. This... This is too incredible.

Before Tang Xinyi had time to think about it further, the sword in Wandong's hand was already approaching Wu Qiujun's chest.

"Good boy, it seems that I have made a mistake!" Wandong thrust out his sword, which startled Wu Qiujun. He screamed strangely and hurriedly swung his palm out. The powerful palm force spurted out like a tidal wave. There is a tendency to submerge Wandong in one fell swoop.

Although Wandong's sword was extremely fast and powerful, Wandong's own cultivation was too weak. Wu Qiujun's palm force spurted over and immediately knocked Wandong's sword into pieces.

Before Xu Wenchuan could worry, Wandong's sword power had already changed. Wan Dong flicked his wrist, and the sword edge in his hand trembled strangely. The air was filled with the sound of swords, far and near, making people confused. Correspondingly, there are rises and falls, layer upon layer. At first glance, it looks like sparkling waves on a vast lake, with cold light everywhere and murderous intent everywhere.

"Prince Xu, when did you teach Yaoting such an exquisite set of swordsmanship?" Wu Daozi not only had a profound knowledge of battle techniques, but also studied swordsmanship. Seeing that the swordsmanship performed by Wan Dong had almost no flaws, and was interlocked with each other, he couldn't help but shout loudly.

Xu Wenchuan never taught Xu Yaoting any swordsmanship. Even if he wanted to teach it, Xu Yaoting didn't want to learn it. It's just that the swordsmanship Wandong used at this time was something Xu Wenchuan had seen her use before when she captured Tang Xinyi, but it was a little different. He couldn't help but cast his gaze towards Tang Xinyi.

However, at this time, Tang Xinyi seemed to have had her acupuncture points tapped. She froze there and could not even move.

As soon as Wan Dong's sword power changed, Tang Xinyi could almost conclude that Wan Dong was performing the sword technique she usually practiced. It's just that this same set of swordsmanship is ten times, even dozens of times more powerful in Wan Dong's hands than in hers.

"How could this happen?" Tang Xinyi's head was full of big question marks, which made her a little confused.

Duan Lengyan, who was on the side, also looked pale at this moment, her eyes and face were filled with shock that could not be concealed. She never imagined that Wandong's swordsmanship was so exquisite. If she were to face Wan Dong at this time and was caught off guard, even if she would not lose directly, she would still be caught off guard and embarrassed by Wan Dong.

Duan Lengyan was shocked and angry at the same time. He secretly decided that after returning, those men responsible for collecting information about Xu Yaoting would be severely punished. The Xu Yaoting at this time and the Xu Yaoting described in the intelligence in her hand were two different people. If Xu Yaoting like this can be regarded as a waste, wouldn't the world become a world of waste? (To be continued)