Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 64: Iron War Dynasty Jin Mu!


But only one day has passed now, and there are still two days for Wu Yang to become familiar with this sword technique. By then, Wu Yang will definitely surprise Wu Yue. In addition, Wan Dong was also thinking about whether to give Wu Yang the essence transport method used by people in the Taoist sect. In this way, Wu Yang's true energy will definitely grow stronger in a short period of time, which will allow him to surpass Wu Yue in all aspects.

After thinking about it, Wandong suppressed the idea. Although the essence transfer method in Taoism is extremely exquisite, it requires a complete set of mental methods to correspond to it. Otherwise, if you use it blindly and pour a huge amount of heaven and earth essence into your body without the corresponding mental method to quickly absorb and refine it, you may be in danger of exploding your body. At least until Wandong figured out such a set of mental methods, the essence transport method could not be passed on to Wu Yang.

"Boss, can I catch that stinky bitch's three moves now?" Wu Yang asked eagerly.

"Look at your potential! Once you have mastered this set of swordsmanship, it will be easy to defeat Wu Yue, let alone the three moves of Wu Yue." Leng Yuecui withdrew her sword and realized something in her heart. I think Wan Dong is right, this sword technique is the real brawl sword technique, and it is infinitely powerful.

"Boss, is what she said true?" After Wu Yue was defeated, Wu Yang never dared to have this idea since he was sensible. At this time, he turned to look at Wandong in surprise.

Wan Dong nodded and said, "Leng Yuecui is right! It's a pity that your Qi cultivation is too weak. Even if you are on par with your sister, you can defeat her now."

"Good boy!" Wu Yang couldn't help but stick out his tongue, his face full of admiration. "Boss, where did you get this set of swordsmanship? It is very similar to our family's brawl swordsmanship, but it is not powerful. In the same breath, it’s just amazing.”

"Yes, Xu Yaoting, tell the truth, have you met some master?" Leng Yuecui had long been suspicious, and asked with the same curiosity.

Wan Dong smiled slightly, gave Leng Yuecui a thumbs up, and said, "Leng Yuecui, you are really smart. You even guessed the things that happened when I met an expert."

When Wandong said this, Leng Yuecui became even more curious. He couldn't care less about being proud and asked hurriedly, "Tell me, where is that master and what is his name? Someone who can create such a set of swordsmanship must be amazing." Master, please introduce me to him."

Wan Dong burst out laughing, "You're welcome, that master is far away in the horizon, but right in front of you, he is me!"

"You? What kind of expert are you?" Leng Yuecui glared at Wandong sideways, with disbelief in his face and eyes.

Wan Dong didn't say much and said with a smile: "Believe it or not! It's almost time, let's go to class. After that, he ignored Leng Yuecui's weird look and walked straight towards the Array Academy.

"Why is this guy becoming more and more unpredictable?" Leng Yuecui looked at Wandong's back and muttered.

Wu Yang came forward with a chuckle and said, "You just discovered it? Can my boss, Wu Yang, be the thing in the pool?"

Wan Dong was in a good mood all day long, especially when he thought about treating Ye Mei to dinner in the evening, he felt even more happy.

After the last class in the afternoon, Wan Dong took Wu Yang and Leng Yuecui and went straight to the martial arts academy.

"Wu Yang, you go find Xiaohu, Leng Yuecui and I go find Ye Mei, and then we will meet at the gate of the martial arts academy."

After hearing Wan Dong's words, Wu Yang turned around and went to find Hu Yue. Wan Dong and Leng Yuecui were about to go find Ye Mei when a cursing voice came from the side: "Is that girl Ye Mei? Got the message and escaped?"

Wan Dong really regarded Ye Mei as his younger sister. Upon hearing this, all the nerves in his body immediately became tense. He turned around to follow the sound and saw three or five men dressed like servants, surrounded by a man in rich clothes. The handsome young man with an arrogant look was walking towards Wandong and the others.

Wan Dong had sharp eyes and recognized at a glance that those servants were the minions who followed Xiu Wei yesterday. His eyebrows immediately tightened, and a stern look flashed across his face. It seems that the evil spirit will never die!

"It's Jin Mu, ranked ninety-ninth on the Qingyun Ranking, a member of the Iron War Dynasty!" Leng Yue's eyebrows furrowed and her eyes fell on the young master in brocade.

After all, the Iron War Dynasty was a superpower that was as powerful as the Qingyun Empire. There were not a few students admitted to the Qingyun Martial Academy every year, and they occupied at least twenty seats on the Qingyun Ranking. The people of the Tie Zhan Dynasty have always been warlike and arrogant. Even in Qingyun Martial Academy, the people of the Tie Zhan Dynasty rarely restrain themselves and are very difficult to deal with. Even local students from the Qingyun Empire would be wary of them if they did not have a solid background, let alone students from other small countries such as Tiandu Kingdom.

Wan Dong pondered for a moment and then understood something.

Xiu Wei suffered such a big loss at his hands, and his father, Xiu Sheng, must not be able to swallow this bad breath, but he did not dare to offend the mountain king, so he had to use the power of the Iron War Dynasty to find Ye Mei. unlucky. Wow, the dignified officials of the Qingyun Empire actually rely on the dandy from the Tie Zhan Dynasty to get ahead. Xiu Sheng is really not ordinary.

"What a fool, are you blind? You're looking for death!" Wan Dong was sneering in his heart, but Jin Mu over there was already furious. With one slap, an innocent student who passed by him and had not even figured out what happened was sent flying into the air.

This slap was so severe that Wandong could clearly see several broken teeth spurting out along with blood from the student's mouth. After he landed on the ground, he was unable to get up for a long time. This was not over yet. The few Xiuwei minions beside Jin Mu knew how to add insult to injury. Before the innocent student landed, they rushed up to him in a swarm, kicking and kicking him. In a short time, The student could only moan.

"Hahaha... If you dare to block my way, you are clearly seeking death! You guys, there is no need to be polite to him, just beat me to death!"

With Jin Mu, the minions would be even more confident, and their attacks would immediately become more sinister, specifically going to where people were dying.

"Hmph... When did the dogs of the Tie Zhan Dynasty dare to bark like this in my Qingyun Empire?" Wandong's face was as cold as a layer of ice, and his words made him even more confused. People feel chilly in their hearts.

"Who is it? You are so brave. You probably don't want to live anymore, right?" Jin Mu probably had never met anyone who dared to talk to him like this. When he heard this, he roared at the top of his lungs.

When he saw that it was Wan Dong, Jin Mu couldn't help but frown, and the ferocious look on his face softened slightly. He squeezed out a stiff smile from the corner of his mouth and said, "Who is it? It turns out to be Xu Da Master!"

Wan Dong snorted lightly, ignored him, pointed at the minions under Xiu Wei's command, and shouted: "Come here!"

"Xu... Master Xu, young men, I would like to say hello to you. Haha..." The figures of those minions were like sifting chaff, trembling non-stop, and their faces were already pale. The scene where Wandong whipped Xiuwei into a pig's head yesterday was still vivid in their minds. How could they not be afraid when they saw Wandong's evil look on his face? (To be continued)