Cultural Relics Are Not To Be Messed With

Chapter 1


In early February, just after the beginning of spring, Jiang City.

People who went out early in the morning rubbed their hands, and the mouth was covered with white mist. The whole city started a day full of traffic in this precipitous spring cold.

There was still more than half an hour before the stipulated time for punching in, but Qi Chen was already sitting upright in the work room.

This is the second day he came to Guanghe Cultural Relics Protection Co., Ltd. The content of the dozen or so pages of the employee handbook that I read yesterday had not been digested, so Dong Mingbo, the person in charge, gave Qi Chen a repair task before leaving get off work. Let a fresh graduate just start doing practical things without even knowing the door. It can be seen that this company is indeed short of manpower.

The central air conditioner is running quietly, and the temperature in the working room is moderate, but there is no humidifier, and it is slightly dry. Such an environment is not very comfortable for people, but it is suitable for some objects that are easily damaged by moisture.

For example, the bronze sword in Qi Chen's hand.

Among the cold weapons, the knife is the most common one. But bronze knives are among them, but they only account for a very small share, so it is not easy to see one. Although the bronze texture is hard, it is very brittle and easy to break.

The blade in Qi Chen's hand is narrow and thin, about one foot six inches long, with a slightly curved single blade, slightly thicker back, with a gate on the back, carved into a row of animal teeth, adding a bit to the slender and smooth blade. The beauty is hideous, the casting is exquisite, the only flaw is probably the fracture at the top of the blade.

This is a broken knife, which is broken into two pieces from the connection of the blade body and the cutter head.

The broken knife disk is also lying on the table at the moment, with a circle of vertical lines evenly engraved on the side of the disk, and a half-length fish-scale round knife handle is attached to it. Further up, the place that was supposed to be the head of the handle was empty.

Yesterday, Dong Mingbo patted Qi Chen on the shoulder and explained: "The knife is missing a few parts. The knife plate was just found two days ago, and the handle and two exquisite orbs are missing. You need to repair the part that you found first. Request Just two, one is precision, the other is speed, nothing else. How about it, it's simple, right? Don't be under pressure, the young man still has a bright future, work hard!"

Qi Chen vomited a mouthful of blood in his heart at that time: the combination of precision and speed is already the highest requirement, what else can there be? … simple egg!

However, after seeing the physical appearance of the knife this morning, Qi Chen's pressure was really reduced.

Because both the blade body and the blade plate of this residual knife have a dark golden metallic luster, there is neither rust nor smudges, the touch is smooth and sharp, and the surface of the blade can be mirrored.

It can really be... in order to... see... shadow...

When the sunlight outside the window just fell on the water-like blade surface from a certain angle, the reflected light could blind Qi Chen's eyes.

Ha ha.

This is really a modern artifact at all, right? ! Which bronze ware can grow like this after being dug out of the soil? What about the traces of the age? What about the simple and heavy cultural texture? tease me? !

The door of the open workshop was knocked three times unhurriedly. Qi Chen looked up and saw Dong Mingbo walking in with his hands behind his back: "Xiao Qi, you are here so early? You are motivated! Not bad! good."

Qi Chen stood up: "Morning, Director Dong." He turned over the company's internal member job tree. Dong Mingbo was obviously the leader, but he liked to be called Director, and he didn't know what kind of hobby this was.

But to be honest, there are so many wonderful places in this Guanghe Cultural Relics Protection Co., Ltd.

For example, the recruitment requirement of "self-defense ability and tough life will be given priority"; for example, the division of the company's departments, what is the executive team and supervision team, what the hell is the aftermath team? ! And Qi Chen, as a cultural relic restoration specialist, was assigned to the logistics team, wasn't it really because of the wrong hand shaking

So many kinds, and so on. Qi Chen didn't dare to think too much, for fear that the more he thought about it, the more he felt that he had entered an extraordinary place, as if he would be taken away by a work group such as "fighting" and "black" at any time.

However, Qi Chen is a layman, and the company structure and job title are all false to him. Although this company does not seem to be reliable, the contract is very formal and the working environment is very good. At present, it seems that there is no deviation in the work arrangements for him.

Of course, the most important thing is that the salary is good, and the room and board are also included. Just considering these two points, Qi Chen is willing to ignore those weird things for the time being, and work on them here first. Anyway, those things don't have much impact on such a small employee as him, and he just takes his salary and does his share.

"How is it? Xiao Qi, is there any difficulty?" Dong Mingbo stood at the table and waved his hand to let Qi Chen sit down and do his own thing.

Qi Chen shook his head: "I took a look, this knife is well protected, basically no preliminary treatment is required, and there is no major problem with the fracture, just file it a little, and make a small slope out of the new ballast to weld it. If you take care of it, you can hardly see it.”

Dong Mingbo twitched the corner of his mouth for some reason, and asked, "Do you want to file the fracture?"

"Uh... Right." Qi Chen didn't know what he meant for a while. After thinking about it, I felt that although Dong Mingbo was the person in charge of the company, he still specialized in repairing this area. He might just not know the specific details, so he asked casually.

Who knew that Dong Mingbo silently glanced at the broken knife on the table, and then hesitantly said to Qi Chen: "That little Qi..."

Qi Chen waited quietly for instructions: "Huh?"

Dong Mingbo: "Be gentle when filing fractures and welding."

Qi Chen: "..."

Dong Mingbo: "..."

Qi Chen: "Director, you are joking."

Dong Mingbo: "No."

Qi Chen: "..."

The two stared at each other in silence for a few seconds. Dong Mingbo coughed and cleared his throat: "That's it, you are busy, go back and fix it and bring it to me. I will be in the office until 3 pm." After speaking, he Then he held out his slightly bulging belly that grew out of middle-aged fat and strolled out.

Qi Chen blinked, then looked down at Broken Knife again, he really didn't understand why Dong Mingbo's toothache-like expression just now happened.

It’s okay to be gentle on the file fracture, how can welding be considered gentle? ! Lightly lick with a tongue of fire? ! Enough is enough...

He originally thought that the broken knife was just Dong Mingbo's guise of a cultural relic, and he came here temporarily to try his practical skills, but now it seems that Dong Mingbo really feels distressed about this knife.

But whether it's a test item or a handicraft collection, it's the same in Qi Chen's hands.

He turned the wrist-length sleeve onto his forearm, moved his thin fingers, then opened the tool cabinet beside him, picked out a flat file, picked up the blade, turned it over to compare the direction of the fracture, and then immersed himself in work. stand up.

Qi Chen's previous estimate was correct, and it really took little effort to repair this broken knife. Cleaning, rust removal, replenishment and the like are all saved, and they are not used as old. When he completed the last step in one go, stood up and loosened his muscles, it was nearly half an hour before lunch time, which basically met Dong Mingbo's requirements for fine acceleration.

Taking out a special cleaning soft cloth from the cabinet, Qi Chen carefully wiped the bronze knife one more time, then cleaned up the table and put the knife into the slender solid wood box with a simple shape, Go to Dong Mingbo.

The Guanghe company did not rent a one- or two-story office space in an office building like many companies, but directly bought a piece of land in the East District of Jiangshi and built a twin-shaped office building and a staff Dormitory, enclosed in a yard. From the outside, the office building is only three stories high, and the dormitory building is only five stories high, with a layer of green plants crawling on the walls. The whole thing is a bit old and inconspicuous in the high-rise commercial district. But the building is decorated in a simple atmosphere.

The workshop where Qi Chen was staying was on the third floor of Block A, on the same floor as Dong Mingbo's office. Holding the wooden box with the knife in his arms, he walked to the door of the office at the top of the corridor, raised his hand and knocked on the open door: "Director Dong."

Sitting behind the dark brown wooden desk, Dong Mingbo put down the document in his hand and waved to him: "Oh, Xiao Qi is here, come in. What? Is the knife repaired?"

"Well, you can take a look at it." Qi Chen walked over and handed him the wooden box.

"I'll take a look." Dong Mingbo took the wooden box and opened it, but he didn't stretch out his hand to take out the knife. Instead, he directly measured the thin end of the wooden box for a moment. After a while, he nodded and closed the wooden box. He went to the desk, and then smiled at Qi Chen and said, "Yes, the connection is very natural, it's hard work. Go back, it's time for dinner after a while. Oh, by the way, help me with the door when I go out. superior."

"Okay, then Director, I'll go back to the office first." Qi Chen nodded. He has just entered the workplace, and he is still a little uncomfortable with the role change. He always subconsciously puts his leader in the position of a mentor in the school, respecting him, but not afraid of him. What's more, Dong Mingbo has always been smiling, very easy-going, and has no air. So Qi Chen was not so restrained.

After taking two steps, he turned back to Dong Mingbo and said, "Director, this knife is beautifully made. Does it have a name?"

"Yes!" Dong Mingbo glanced at the wooden box and said, "Have you seen the animal tooth pattern on the blade?"

Qi Chen nodded.

Dong Mingbo: "The name of the knife matches this shape very well, it's called Longya."

Qi Chen: "..."

Dong Mingbo: "What?"

Qi Chen twitched the corners of his mouth and shook his head: "No, I just remembered where I saw a demon saber called Longya before, and the blade was smashed. Later, it was said that it was dug up during the Song Dynasty and made a guillotine for Lord Bao. "

Dong Mingbo didn't blink his eyes: "Oh, what a coincidence!"

Qi Chen: "..." When expressing surprise, remember to also promise me with the same expression!

The first blizzard night

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