Cultural Relics Are Not To Be Messed With

Chapter 23


A place like the bridge of the nose, a knock is like pouring a bowl of vinegar into it, it can sour tears.

Qi Chen was probably in severe pain, and when Longya broke his hand, he still frowned, and blinked a few times quickly, trying to ease the pain, but he didn't care about what Longya said last time.

"Don't keep curling your watermelon worm's fetus? Raise your head and I'll see how it hits—" Long Ya said, dragging Qi Chen's arm around the back of his neck, then loosening his grip The hand of Qi Chen's wrist, pinched Qi Chen's chin, raised his head and looked at it, and gently touched the bridge of Qi Chen's nose with the tip of his finger.

"Hi—" Qi Chen took a breath and said weakly, "Have you broken?"

"It's not broken, it's red and a little swollen." Long Ya replied angrily, and he picked up Qi Chen with a bath towel and threw it on the bed against the wall.

He shook the quilt involuntarily and wrapped Qi Chen, his face was black, and he continued to teach a lesson: "As long as people who are not so 250 slip and accidentally fall, they will support them with their hands. The cerebellum would have to shrink to the size of a raisin to not have the hands to perform such a face-on-the-ground feat."

Qi Chen had already recovered from the severe pain at this time. He was pumping a tissue by the head of the bed to block the nosebleed. He blinked his eyes and calmly accepted the personal attack of Uncle Longya.

Long Ya, who was hiding in the hidden treasure bag, once again used his skills as a barefoot doctor. With a flick of his wrist, he did not know where to find a dog-skin plaster-like patch, raised his hand and patted Qi Chen's face: "Okay, don't block. Now, raise your face a little!"

"..." Qi Chen raised his face cooperatively, paused for two seconds and couldn't help but said, "Team Long, did someone tell you that these habitual little actions of yours are a bit unsuitable for men?"

Long Ya was tearing off the patch and sticking it on the red and swollen bridge of his nose. Hearing the words, he said lazily, "No. I can do whatever I like, and which one will kill me so much?"

Qi Chen silently closed his mouth and decided to be happy with this ancestor...

Facts have proved that although Longya is a barefoot doctor, his medicine is still reliable. At least the bridge of Qi Chen's nose, who arrived at the venue the next day, was still clean and straight, and he couldn't see that he had suffered a devastating blow the night before.

The only thing that was a little unsatisfactory was that he slept too late, so that Qi Chen, who woke up early that day, was not very energetic.

It was the first time for Qi Chen to participate in this kind of folk treasure appraising conference, and it could be regarded as a very fresh experience.

He thought that although there would not be too many people coming, it would not be too concentrated. After all, there are far and near, and after the time shifts, it will not appear to be overwhelmed, and the nearly ten experts on the scene can still withstand it completely.

As a result, when he arrived at the scene, he found that he was still too naive—

The enthusiasm of those collectors is really beyond his imagination, and the queues are almost catching up with the grand ticket sales of the major exhibition halls of the World Expo.

This time, the treasure appraising conference was placed in a large art exhibition hall in Ling City by the organizers. There is a row of information desks in the museum, each with a name tag on it, which reads the name of the expert and the category he specializes in.

Qi Chen and the others were placed side by side with the other experts, but they were separated by a distance of about two tables.

However, their information desks were arranged without showing any negligence. Even a nameless little character like Qi Chen was taken care of, and their names were respectfully made into famous labels, marked with the word expert, and placed on the on the table in front of him. It's just that none of the three of them marked the identification category, but hung a sign in front of the stage—specially invited experts.

These days, it is not easy to be trusted by any expert who cannot name a specific name.

Therefore, there is a strange but understandable state in the venues of Menting Ruocheng—

The rest of the experts, no matter what category, were lined up in a long queue that could not be seen at a glance, but the trio sent by Guanghe Company was extremely deserted.

Qi Chen looked at the long, long line. Everyone in the team was holding things in their hands, some were small, some were large, some had only the same thing, some had several kinds, all kinds, and different kinds. One... In a word, everyone is holding a treasure that they think is valuable, packaged very carefully, and holding it carefully, for fear of knocking or touching it somewhere.

He looked at Long Ya and Shan Xiao sitting beside him again—

At the moment, a real antique is leaning on the back of the chair, with Erlang's legs crossed, lazily flipping through the brochures issued by the treasure appraisal club.

The other true monster was resting his elbows on the table, holding his mobile phone and playing games leisurely.

The two uncles looked like they were eager to stay idle until the last moment... I don't know if the organizers would have a heart attack when they saw it.

But obviously, they can't really stay idle all the time. There are always some collectors who are discouraged by the long queue, and finally choose to go to the "Specially Invited Expert Consultation Desk" to ask questions. Therefore, after 10 o'clock, there are a lot more people coming to the venue, Guanghe San The group of people finally sparsely lined up in a small group.

Long Ya's character and speaking style have always been straight, nothing to hide, and after getting to know each other for a long time, you can find that he actually has no bad intentions. But in this kind of situation full of strangers, the place where his hammer is highlighted is exquisite—

The collector standing in front of the information desk opened the black silk cloth he was holding in his arms, and a bronze wine jue was revealed. The face of the jue was engraved with rough animal face patterns, and the red spots and green rust seemed to be well preserved. . All in all, it looks like a very nice bronze wine vessel.

After the man opened the silk cloth, his eyes swept over Shan Xiao, who was playing games, and then Qi Chen, who looked like a college student, and finally said to Long Ya, "Uh, this... Long expert, can you help me? Let me take a look, how is my bronze wine baron, and where is the estimate?"

It can only be said that this person probably didn't read the almanac when he went out today, and he picked the most deadly one among the three.

Qi Chen tilted his head to look at Long Ya, and saw that he didn't even put down the journal in his hand, but just raised his eyes and glanced at the bronze lord, then withdrew his gaze with no interest, moved his lips, and popped out two words: "Fake of."

Simple and concise, one hit kills.

Qi Chen: "..." That's why Director Dong always sends this ancestor to smash the scene...

The middle-aged collector of that person heard the word "Longya" and immediately felt bad!

Qi Chen said in his heart that there would be no problem with the stimulation, and quickly opened his mouth to try to smooth things out. Naturally, he would not be as straightforward as Longya, but raised his head and asked the collector, "Is it convenient for me to pick it up and look at it?"

The man nodded: "Yes, yes, you see."

Qi Chen listened, and took the bronze jue in front of him with the piece of black silk cloth, carefully looked over several corners, then pointed at Long Ya and said to the man, "He speaks a bit straight, You don't mind. However, what he said is not wrong, you wine master really... Look at these points, the pan line is handled too deliberately, and it will not be exposed in these places normally, and the gasket is also deliberately imitated. Made it. And here…”

The collector looked at the places pointed by Qi Chen, his face became worse and worse, and his expression became a little dejected. Obviously, after he was pointed out, he looked at these places, and he felt more and more that the craftsmanship was too much. Not natural anymore. He was not in the mood to waste here, simply thanked him, put away the fake bronze lord, turned around and left.

After looking at the collection for half an hour, the three of them have basically been going through these two processes—

1. Longya glanced at the collection and said firmly, "It's fake." Then the collector was so angry that he was about to explode, and Qi Chen quickly pulled the person over to explain it with a good word, and then smiled and sent away.

2. Shan Xiao looked away from the screen of the mobile phone, glanced at the collection, raised his head and said with a smile, "It's a loss, it's fake." Then the collector's face was full of resentment and he was about to explode, so Qi Chen quickly pulled the person over. Yan explained and then smiled and sent away.

After tens of minutes, the people in the back line finally learned to behave, no longer masochistically looking for the two ancestors, but ran directly to Qi Chen. There were still some hesitations, and finally decided to change the queue - just wait for a long time, it is always better to encounter a bad expert.

So Qi Chen said, although there are two people around who are not doing business at all, but the line in front of him is always not long, even if he is alone, he can handle it. From time to time, I can take a while to watch the scene on the other side.

On the table closest to Qi Chen and the others, sits Professor Zhao, an expert in bronze identification. The collection in the hands of the middle-aged man in front of him was a bit special—

It was a double-edged long knife, the surface had been oxidized, and it was full of traces of wind, frost and time.

Qi Chen saw that the style of the knife was like the Mo knife of the Tang Dynasty, but the Mo knife was generally not buried, so it has not been unearthed yet, but I didn't expect to see such a weapon similar to the Mo knife at such a folk treasure appraisal conference. .

But Qi Chen couldn't take a closer look, and didn't know if it was real or fake.

Professor Zhao is also very rare about this knife, although it is not a bronze ware he specializes in, it does not prevent him from making a preliminary identification of this knife.

The old man was pondering the details of the knife inch by inch. He also touched the edge of the knife with his fingers, and the identification was extremely meticulous...

Of course, the utensils displayed at this treasure appraisal conference are real and fake, and the quality levels are not uniform. There are only a few really coveted treasures.

Correspondingly, the collectors themselves at the conference are also varied, with all kinds of personalities.

Some people reacted greatly when they heard that their baby was an imitation, and their faces were pulled down at that time, and they could not wait to quarrel with experts immediately. Some people have a much more open-minded personality. After finding out that they are imitations, they don't show any special disappointment. After understanding the specific situation, they clapped their hands and went home.

No, when Mr. Zhao was pondering the Mo Knife, there was a collector from the miscellaneous expert who found that the treasure he cherished was imitated by later generations, and he was not so afraid of bumping into it. Qi blew twice at the animal horn-shaped object.

He blew very casually, not loudly, but the tone was very thick, with a sense of remoteness and simplicity, easily reminiscent of the sound of horns on ancient battlefields.

However, the scene was not quiet, except for an idle "expert" like Qi Chen, and some people who were waiting in line to look around, most of them just laughed.

On the other hand, Professor Zhao, who was trying the blade, was startled by the sudden two noises. He didn't know if it was because of his shaking or what happened. He was actually cut a long incision in his finger by the blade of the Mo Knife, which had been oxidized and not sharp. , the blood beads do not seep out like money.

At the same time, Long Ya, who had been flipping through the catalogue in a bored manner, rarely raised his head and glanced in the direction of Professor Zhao.