Cultural Relics Are Not To Be Messed With

Chapter 31


Thousands of hectares of river, the smoke is vast, the ghost army that came with the knife did not make a slight noise, and slipped over quietly, but it had an unspeakable momentum.

Qi Chen looked at the soldiers who no longer existed in this world, and seemed to hear the clear sound of swords hitting each other, armor hitting each other, the rumbling sound of drums beating, the hoofs of thousands of war horses galloping past, and the sound of sky-shattering thunder. screaming...

"Are they too obsessive enough to keep their souls?" Qi Chen stared out the window and couldn't help asking Longya.

"It's good that the obsession is too deep, but it's not the whole soul, but the soul qi that has not been scattered. Their soul has long been gone, and this soul qi is like a shadow, and it will be scattered when you stir it." Long Ya glanced He glanced out the window, as if he was not worried that the soldiers would rush over, and then his eyes fell back to the man nailed to the wall.

Qi Chen thought that he would take another shot, and pin him back before the man broke free.

But Longya didn't do that.

On the contrary, when he watched the man struggling to tear off most of his body with less than an arm, he simply raised his hand and took back the knife light and the blood net.

The soldier was still exerting his strength, but the power that imprisoned him suddenly disappeared, so he couldn't react in time. Steady kneeling on one knee on the ground, the Mo Dao in his hand slammed into the ground to be considered support.

He frowned and looked up and was about to stand up, but he happened to be facing the thousands of soldiers outside the window, and his body that was about to move froze instantly.

The unbroken arms of the soldiers hanging by their sides, the long and narrow scars on the chest with deep bones, the feather arrows stuck in front of them, the deadly knife on the neck, the blood all over their faces... that's all. All fell into his eyes.

He didn't listen to a word of Longya's words before, and he had no reason, so he just raised his hand and hit it like a madman.

But at this moment, these soldiers didn't know if they were the ones who were born and died together with him. For him, the appearance of their tragic death was more useful than all kinds of persuasion and scolding.

As if he had been pressed the pause button, he maintained that rigid posture and remained motionless, his eyes widened, looking at the approaching people outside the window.

Long Ya, who had withdrawn his hands, had been watching his reaction at his leisure, and at this time, he was even more afraid that he could not see clearly, but he actually stepped forward and opened the window, so thousands of soldiers roared and brought them up. The wind and water vapor instantly smeared the faces of the people in the house.

Qi Chen: "..." It's rare to see such a strange flower as Uncle Long in a hundred years. How can you still open the door to welcome guests at such a time!

The speed of the ghost army is no joke, Qianqingjiang is only a matter of minutes for them. Almost in the blink of an eye, he was in front of the house, barely a meter away from the open window.

The cold air on the gleaming armor was mixed with the damp smell of Zijiang, and they rushed into the house like this.

Qi Chen felt goosebumps from being stimulated, and couldn't help gasping for breath, because in the next second, the ghost army would be able to break through the wall and rush into the house.

But Long Ya, the only one who could compete with them in this room, didn't even lift his eyelids. He even stood beside the kneeling soldier, holding his arms, and he didn't mean to do anything at all. His calmness was painful.

But in the next second, Qi Chen understood the reason why Long Ya was so calm—

The ghost army composed of the soul energy of thousands of soldiers suddenly disappeared when it touched the wall and was about to enter the room, leaving only a misty water vapor.

With Mo Dao on the ground, the soldier kneeling on one knee watched the Ghost Army disappear in front of him. After a while, he opened his mouth and murmured, "People... people?"

He stared straight at the empty space outside the window, and after muttering a few times, he suddenly stood up, and walked around the window twice frantically, his voice eager: "Where are they?! Mingming... Mingming was just here. It was clearly in front of me just now, how could the effort to close my eyes disappear as soon as I closed my eyes! What about people?!"

The time on him has been frozen a thousand years ago, and there will be no new injuries, no blood, and no tears...

But when Qi Chen looked at his expression, it seemed as if his eyes were already red, and an indistinct layer of water mist had been enveloped in his eagle-like eyes.

His sanity at this time looked very confused, as if he was crazy, but also seemed to have a trace of reason. Like a trapped beast, it circled around the window a few times. He didn't seem to be able to see Qi Chen, Longya, and the others, and he couldn't hear them. His heart was full of the soldiers who suddenly disappeared outside the window. He wanted to see them, but he didn't know how to see them. He just repeated those words .

Upside down, like a madman.

"What about people?" His voice was still like sandpaper scratching metal, and it was uncomfortably dumb. It seemed that every word he said took a lot of effort, but it was still so low that it was almost inaudible. Where? I... Where are my brothers and the others! I saw them clearly! Obviously—"

Before he could finish his words, a dark shadow gathered on the other side of the Qianqingjiang River—

Those ghost armies reappeared.

Just like before, they still carried long knives, leaned forward, and looked like they could rush to fight at any time, swept across the river, and headed straight here.

The crazy soldier in the room suddenly became mute.

He stared at the ghost army on the other side of the river without blinking.

There was a vast expanse of smoke and water on the river, and the ghost army was running among them, as if they were still on the battlefield. The smoke under their feet was the dust and mist from horseshoes, and the damp moisture was the sweat and blood on the armor...

The soldier in the room didn't know how long he had been in the army and practiced for a few years. Even before this scene, even when he was crazy and didn't know how many years old, his body was still upright, like The most profitable long gun on the battlefield.

The alloyed window frame is like a divider...

On the left is the dark night, on the right is the bright light.

On the left is the mighty army running, and on the right are the soldiers standing upright.

On the left is a scene from a thousand years ago that is repeated a thousand years later, and on the right is a thousand-year-old awakened heart still left a thousand years ago.

One side is an afterimage, and the other is a lonely soul, but neither of them belong to this world anymore.

This is probably the only thing the two sides have in common.

The soldier stood stiffly in front of the window, staring straight at the group of ghosts getting closer and closer, and soon approaching him.

He suddenly opened his mouth and said in a low voice, "You guys are all right..." His voice was hoarse, low and light, almost whispering, with a hint of caution, as if the louder the voice, the opposite That group of people will be scared away by him.

But as soon as he finished speaking the word "an", the group of ghost army came to the front, and the moment it touched the house, it was like a bubble on the wall, and it dispersed with a "huo".

So, the last word "good" choked in his throat, leaving only a slightly choked breath.

When Qi Chen was helping him repair the wound on the armor, he saw only some fragmentary fragments, and he couldn't piece together the complete process.

He didn't know what the soldier experienced at the last moment.

Maybe he was alone, maybe he was besieged, he fought alone, and lost contact with the big army, so that he didn't know what happened to the last wave of brothers who fought with him on the battlefield.

So thousands of years later, when he saw the ghost army, he couldn't help but ask this sentence.

Although, the answer to this question is clear at a glance...

A new wave of ghost army emerged from the end of the river again, still tirelessly carrying long swords, and came forward.

The soldier didn't move, and he was still standing by the window waiting for them.

Qi Chen suddenly felt that he couldn't bear it any longer, he tugged at Long Ya's sleeve, and was about to speak, when he felt something move beside his feet, and suddenly touched his ankle, which startled him.

He looked down and found that Lao Yuan, who had been thrown on the carpet face down, moved and finally woke up from the coma.

Lao Yuan groped twice on the ground with his hands and exerted his strength three times before turning over with his body supported, lying on his back on the ground and gasping for two breaths.

He probably felt uncomfortable all over his body, so he snorted twice, and then slowly opened his squinted eyes to get used to the light above his head.

As a result, the moment he opened his eyes and his vision regained clarity, he found that both Long Ya and Qi Chen were looking down at him.

Lao Yuan: "..." Help—

Long Ya gloomily showed him a grinning expression, and sneered: "Did you sleep well?"

Lao Yuan shook and replied subconsciously, "...It's okay!" As soon as he finished his answer, he wanted to give himself a big mouth.

Qi Chen looked at him with a horrific look on his face, and said in his heart, "I've seen someone who wants to die, but I've never seen someone who has to die in such a hurry."

"Oh—" Long Ya lazily lengthened his tone and said, "Thanks to you, we went for a swim at the bottom of the river. This is because I don't have time to care about you now, otherwise, I will definitely find a shell for you. Put it on, and throw you in Jiang Xin to float him for ten days and a half months before catching it up and drinking the king bastard soup."

Lao Yuan was about to cry: "I-I really don't know anything! I just listened to what he said and asked you to come and see—"

As he was talking, he glanced at the side with his eyes indiscriminately, and at first he saw the armor standing by the window, and when he opened his mouth, he thought "Ow—" and howled, but before he could make a sound, he saw the jumping outside the window. Come here and see the ghost army that is about to enter the house.

Immediately, he rolled his eyes, and the "Ow—" he managed to hold back rolled in his throat, turned 360 degrees, and rolled out again.

Just as he was about to exit, Long Ya raised his hand and threw a row of short knives, "dong dong dong dong" along Lao Yuan Zha came out a human figure, and the one in the middle flew straight across, and the blade slapped Lao Yuan hard. Yuan's mouth blocked the scream, then turned it over twice, rolled down Lao Yuan's chest, and landed on his stomach, with the tip of the knife facing the vital point.

Lao Yuan: "..."

He was blushed by the screams that kept him from going back and forth, his body trembled like a sieve, his neck froze, and he kept his hands on the ground. Turning around, out of the corner of his eye, he aimed at the short knife nailed to the floor around him.

Urine is going to be scared out.

However, he found out that although Long Ya was upset, he didn't really mean to kill him. Qi Chen's attention was not on him. Compared with him, Long Ya and Qi Chen were obviously more concerned about the armor by the window. interest.

But the armor turned a deaf ear to the series of movements here, and still stood straight by the window.

Only then did Lao Yuan notice that the ghost army just now had disappeared without a sound, and he didn't know where it went.

So he followed the other three people in the room and looked out the window, until he saw another wave of ghost soldiers rushing towards the house with knives. It became a bubble and disappeared.

"Why can't they come in?" Qi Chen asked Long Ya in a low voice.

"Because the light here is too bright and the popularity is too heavy, their souls are weak and they can't bear it." Longya folded his arms and explained lightly: "This section of Jiang Fengshui is a bit strange, probably with the stone you encountered at the bottom of the river. The hole is related, someone manipulated it here, and now it's broken, and the entire river has inexplicably formed a circular field. The soul qi that was scattered outside the house was reunited on the other side of the river, and then repeated the previous The process is an endless loop, understand?"

"Isn't this similar to the kind of supernatural event that is often said. When there is lightning and thunder, the Forbidden City can see the kind of palace maids..." When Lao Yuan was trembling, he actually interjected.

Long Ya glanced at him from the corner of his eye, and the meaning was very obvious - listen to your fart

"..." Lao Yuan silently closed his mouth, looking at his nose, nose, and mouth, not daring to let out the air.

"Is what Lao Yuan said is the same as this?" Qi Chen asked.

"It's not the same. It's just the right time and place to replay what happened in the past. This is that the soul qi has not dissipated, and it keeps reuniting and disappearing." Long Ya explained patiently.

Lao Yuan: "..." The prisoners of war really have no human rights to be treated differently.

Qi Chen looked at the stiff back of the soldier and said, "Then how long will this cycle last?"

"It's past two o'clock in the night. After two o'clock, the yin qi slowly fades, and it's time to stop." Long Ya replied.

What Long Ya said is not bad at all.

After two in the middle of the night, the last wave of the ghost army rushed to the front of the house, and after it dissipated as water vapor, there was no new one coming from the other side of the river.

The window of the room was always open, the air conditioner in the room was almost on or off, and the heater ran out of the window.

Of course, Longya is not afraid of the cold. Qi Chen had already been dried by him, but at this time it was fine. Only Lao Yuan, who was lying on the ground, was not completely dry, and there was still a plug on the surrounding floor. Holding more than a dozen short knives, there is still one teetering on his stomach. The posture is very difficult to maintain. It can be described as cold, numb, and very sour.

The soldier didn't seem to believe that the ghost army had disappeared, and stood by the window and waited stubbornly for a long time.

His armor was covered with an oxide layer, which was full of traces of the years. It was no longer bright. At this time, it was covered with a thick layer of water vapor, which then condensed into water droplets and flowed down the surface of the armor.

Some rolled from the pockets of his head guards, sticking to his eyebrows and eyelashes, a wet patch.

As if in the blink of an eye, the water would condense into beads and drip down the corners of the eyes.

But he never blinked.

He just stared straight at the other side of the river, not moving, as if in the next second, the group of brothers who were born and died would appear in front of him.

Even though he'd been standing there for hours, watching it over and over again, he still didn't look like he had enough.

Probably never see enough.

Because he'll never be able to actually see them back...

After waiting for so long, Qi Chen originally thought that with Long Ya's character, it should have exploded long ago.

Who knows that this time, his patience is rare, and he just stands behind the soldier with his arms folded, and Qi Chen looks out the window without saying a word.

There was no special expression on his face, as if he was just looking at it casually, but Qi Chen always felt that he was thinking about something.

Maybe this soldier and that group of ghost army evoked a certain memory in his heart, or maybe he just didn't have any ill feelings for this group of iron-blooded men, so it was rare to increase his tolerance.

After a while, Lao Yuan's hands on the floor were completely numb, and he couldn't hold it any longer. He secretly glanced at Yan Longya and found that the uncle was not paying attention to himself, so he moved his muscles and bones, completely. sit up. Then he retracted his hand that was supporting the floor and rubbed his wrist, but he didn't dare to move too much, for fear of shocking the ancestor and causing himself to be covered in a shell and float in the river.

Who knows that the sky doesn't fulfill the wishes of the people, the more he wants to be unattractive, the gods will do it against him.

While rubbing his wrists, he quietly stretched his feet, but his ankles accidentally touched the blade of a knife stuck on the ground. The shocking coldness made him tremble, and the knife on his stomach murmured. He rolled onto the carpet, barely touching another short knife, making a soft sound of "dang".

The sound itself is not too loud, but the room is frighteningly quiet, so this movement is particularly abrupt.

Lao Yuan was a counselor, quickly lowered his head, and decided to use the top of his head to face Long Ya's ancestral expression.

However, this sound not only disturbed Long Ya and Qi Chen, but the soldier standing by the window also heard the small movement.

He has been standing and staring for too long, the waves in his heart have slowly calmed down, the murderous aura around him has gradually faded, and the lost reason is slowly recovered in the cold wind that is constantly pouring in from the window.

Qi Chen found that the blood light around his armor gradually dimmed, and finally disappeared.

He only heard a few metallic sounds rustling against the armor, and the soldier standing in front of the window finally turned around, and everyone in the room finally fell into his eyes.

Facing the light at this moment, Qi Chen could even clearly see the drops of water on his eyebrows.

His eyes swept across Long Ya, Qi Chen, and every unfamiliar object in the room. His blood-stained face couldn't see the expression clearly, but there seemed to be a sad emotion in his eyes.

In the end, his eyes returned to Longya, his chapped lips opened, and he asked hoarsely, "This... is not the Tang Dynasty anymore?"

Long Ya crossed his arms and looked around the decorations in the room, and replied, "What do you think?"

He closed his eyes and seemed to be nervous and relieved his emotions. He licked his lips and licked a mouthful of blood. He swallowed the blood in his mouth and said in a low voice, "So... we are extinct?"

Lao Yuan blinked his eyes, and said very naturally: "Tang? He died a long time ago. It's been more than a thousand years! Little brother, you—"

Before he could fully exert his single-minded spirit, he saw that the soldier suddenly opened his eyes and looked at him, with the fierceness of a wolf in his eyes and the sadness of the vicissitudes of life. Lao Yuan was stunned by the sight, and withdrew into the corner again, silently counting the short knives on the ground.

"Chang—" The soldier opened his mouth again, but found that his voice was out of tune. He took a breath and said again, "Can you tell me where it is facing Chang'an?"

Long Ya coughed, looked at Qi Chen, and raised his chin: "Give it up."

Qi Chen: "..." Are you addicted to treating people like a king? !

His mobile phone disappeared long ago when he fell into the water in Shenjiang, but the dragon tooth was still there, and he didn't know what kind of magic trick he was passively using.

Since he was rudely regarded as a bastard, he naturally raised his hand into Longya's pocket and took out his mobile phone.

This ancestor probably felt that no thief would dare to touch his mobile phone, so he didn't even set the screen password, Qi Chen entered the desktop with a swipe, found the map in it three or two times, clicked it, and walked to By the window, he pointed to the northwest direction against the map.

The whole set of actions is smooth and smooth, very calm.

Long Ya, who had touched the phone, twitched the corners of his mouth and looked at the little thief with admiration: "..."

The soldier nodded to Qi Chen, then walked to the window, facing the northwest direction, and looked at it quietly for a long time, and then with a long knife on the ground, he knelt down on his knees and lowered his head.

Qi Chen looked at his back, which was finally no longer straight, and suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Not dead."

This sentence was very vague, and Lao Yuan, who was curled up to the side, was confused, and it took a long time to realize that Qi Chen was answering the previous sentence of the soldier—

Are we dead

Not dead.

The soldier who was kneeling in the direction of Chang'an heard it, and looked back at Qi Chen in a daze, as if he didn't understand what he meant.

But he saw Long Ya holding his arms, raised his feet and tapped the ground, and said, "What country is lost? Isn't the place under my feet and the place under your feet still there? And it's very good!"

The soldier stared at him, then his eyes slowly fell to the ground, then to the window, and murmured, "Still still?"

Qi Chen said with an "um", "I'm here."

"very good?"

Qi Chen: "It couldn't be better."

The soldier stared blankly at Long Ya and Qi Chen, then turned his head blankly at the northwest, and finally closed his eyes, the water vapor on his eyelashes finally found an opportunity to gather together, following him The corners of his eyes slowly slid down, like tears mixed with blood that finally fell after more than a thousand years.