Cultural Relics Are Not To Be Messed With

Chapter 36


The voice was so low that it was almost a whisper, and it swam up Qi Chen's fingertips, causing a slight resonance in his chest.

Qi Chen's eyes widened in surprise, staring at the white bone that his fingertips were touching, and after listening to the whispering voice for a while, he tentatively took his hand away.

The moment his fingers left the bones, the low, hoarse voice also disappeared from Qi Chen's ears.

As he had guessed, the sound really came from the white bones.

He put his fingers on it again, and the voice rang out again.

This time, he carefully discerned the content of the words... But the words in this voice were too vague, with a dialect tone, Qi Chen only felt that a bunch of garbled characters were rushing towards his face, and he unceremoniously smashed his head one by one. Face.

After listening for more than a minute, Qi Chen silently plucked out his ears with a paralyzed face, wanting to cry without tears: Really... I don't understand at all!

Just when he was at a loss, an idea suddenly popped into his mind—

What if the garbled words weren't really complete sentences? What if it was the last soul sound formed by the countless attachments and longings of this skeleton during his lifetime

As soon as this idea appeared, Qi Chen suddenly figured it out, and no longer focused on distinguishing the content of the words, he simply picked up the broken bone, stood in front of the hill where the bones were piled up, and closed the Eye.

Once the vision is blocked, the hearing and touch occupy the most important part and are extremely sensitive.

This time, Qi Chen finally heard something from that voice—

There is not only one source of this sound.

It's just because the bone in his hand has direct contact with him, so the sound has the strongest sense of existence, so that other sounds are covered up by it.

Qi Chen, who had discarded other senses, listened to this voice again, but felt that it was more like a multiplayer—innumerable identical voices speaking the same garbled words, gathered together, and simultaneously passed into Qi Chen's ears.

Qi Chen frowned, closed his eyes and lowered his head to listen carefully for a while, and then from this voice, he took out a relatively easy-to-distinguish strand, and fumbled two steps in its direction.

He bent down and moved closer to the voice...

Finally, I found the source of that ray of sound somewhere, and then I reached out and touched it, my fingertips swiped across the small pile of broken bones, and when it landed on a certain piece of broken bone, the ray of sound suddenly disappeared. It became much clearer and passed into Qi Chen's ears along his fingertips.

Sure enough.

Qi Chen opened his eyes, took off the piece of broken bone, carefully compared it with the white bone he was holding in his hand, and finally exhaled with certainty.

God still has a conscience.

After he accepted this almost impossible task, he actually left such a dark line for him.

There is almost no big difference between these piles of skeletons. If you rely on your eyesight and the relevant knowledge stored in your stomach, it is too difficult to distinguish them one by one.

But with the soul sound coming from the broken bones, it is like holding the ends of countless long threads in your hand. As long as you have a little patience, you can smooth them out one by one from the mess, and you won't. what went wrong.

Such a discovery relieved all his worries and pressures, so much so that he felt a little excited for a while, and immediately started to deal with the mountains of skeletons...

Just in the midst of being busy, a doubt flashed in his mind—

As an ordinary person, why can he hear the soul sound from these broken bones only by touching it with his fingers? Is it because these broken bones are so obsessed that no matter who they encounter can hear it, or does he possess certain qualities and conditions that other people do not have

The former does not matter, if it is the latter, what are the characteristics and conditions...

When this thought flashed by, Qi Chen always felt a bit familiar. He seemed to have had similar doubts not long ago, but he couldn't remember the specific details at this moment.

"Wouldn't it be that he sucked the ecstasy pills sprinkled by the leader of Shan Xiao, and was tricked into forgetting?" Qi Chen stopped the movement in his hand, muttered to himself, and then patted his head suddenly, annoyed. : "It makes you slow to react and don't know how to get out of the way, this is good, and I don't know what you have forgotten..."

He is not a tangled person. He just shook his head and resumed his work, intending to go to Shan Xiao when he has time to ask if there is a remedy, such as another bamboo tube water to fight poison or something...

Qi Chen just made fun of himself with such nonsense, and managed the mountains of skeletons in the single office.

A person's bones are broken and whole, and there are more than 200 pieces in total. Although he has found the line that distinguishes them from the bone mountain, the work is still time-consuming and labor-intensive.

It took him a day and a half to pick out all the bones.

Director Dong very thoughtfully placed a huge box against the wall for him in this room, and inside the box was neatly placed a high stack of silk cloth.

Each piece of silk cloth is about a meter and a half square, and it is painted with dense runes. I don't know where it came from. It is said that it has the effect of reassuring the soul, and it is specially used for Qi Chen to pack up these broken bones.

He carefully wrapped the selected skeleton in silk, tied the knot, and carried it downstairs. He happened to see Long Ya leading Lou Zhou out of the office.

"Leader Dragon—" Qi Chen called out, and then raised the silk bag in his hand to Lou Zhou, "I have already collected the bones for a soldier."

"Yo! It's just in time, I was just about to go upstairs to see how your progress is!" Longya raised his finger and pointed at Lou Zhou, "You stayed there for a day and a half, and he rubbed his eyes on the stool for a day and a half, then Called one to sit still and feel restless, I almost thought there was lice in the office, and something was wrong in an instant, so I just called him out."

Lou Zhou has been taught a lot of things in the past day. Like all the ghosts of Guanghe Company, his clothes and appearance have become very modern, and the blood on his face has disappeared, revealing the original appearance. Handsome and handsome.

If it weren't for the straight spear-like stance and the iron armor covering his wrists, Qi Chen would hardly recognize him.

Lou Zhou's temperament is more serious, except when he is fierce, he can be regarded as honest and honest in most cases. While he was a little embarrassed because of Long Ya's words, he was also a little excited because of the silk bag in Qi Chen's hand.

Unfortunately, his nerves in managing facial expressions were a bit dull, and he couldn't control the two emotions at the same time.

Lou Facial Paralysis Zhou took a step forward, took the cloth bag in Qi Chen's hands with both hands, and carefully took a look around the entire cloth bag, his eyes were dark and dark, full of too many emotions.

He raised his hand and put it on Qi Chen's slipknot, as if he wanted to untie it and take a look at the bones inside, but after a long pause, he finally retracted his hand and gave up the idea, as if he was afraid that if he was not careful, he would disturb the sleeping inside. Like brothers.

He held the cloth bag like a baby, and looked like he was about to give Qi Chen a great gift to the generals, but he was stopped by Qi Chen and Long Ya as soon as he made some moves.

"Okay, there are hundreds of thousands of pairs. Even if he fights one pair a day, he will have to fight for three years. If you want to take a pair like you and kneel once, you have to kneel every day, and there is no such thing as respecting the ancestors!" He patted him on the shoulder and tried to persuade him patiently. After persuading him, he said to Qi Chen: "You better tell him about the skeleton, so that he can think about which one it is, and send it home as soon as possible. ."

Qi Chen didn't talk nonsense, and gave Lou Zhou a rough description of the sound of the skeleton, and then briefly described: "His left ring finger and little finger were cut off, there is a knife mark on the left arm bone, and the cheekbones are relatively high—"

Before he could finish speaking, Lou Zhou said in a daze: "Old Chai..."

"Do you know who it is?" Qi Chen asked.

Lou Zhou gave a "hmm", nodded, and with a very determined look, he said, "People from Yongzhou, Cenyun County, Yongzhou."

"Cenyun County, Yongzhou?" In terms of ancient and modern place names, probably no one is more familiar with the old spirits in Guangheli, so Long Ya said without thinking, "Yo! What a coincidence! By the way."

"By the way?" Qi Chen looked at him in confusion.

"I came back yesterday and searched the system what Lao Yuan said about Chen Yongshou. There is indeed a man named Chen Xiu in my ancestors. I plan to drop by to see if Lao Tzu's exquisite orb is still in his hands. Then Chen Yongshou is now I live in Qin City, not far from Cen Yun." Long Ya raised his chin to Lou Zhou and said, "Just in time to take you there."

Long Ya found the clue of his orb, and Qi Chen was naturally happy for him. Lou Zhou, who was unfamiliar with his life, was out in the modern society for the first time, and someone took him with him, so Qi Chen was also happy for him, but —

Five minutes later, Qi Chen, who was sitting in the car, really didn't understand why he, an unrelated person, was dragged into the car when these two went out to work

Obviously now Quan Guanghe is the best! Do not! have to! idle! what!

It's a pity that in a place like Guanghe, where the demons are dancing and simmering, the real human Qi Chen is like the only mouse poop in the soup pot, clearly and strongly showing his sense of existence. floating there.

It's an old monster who likes to bully him...

Well, the old monster is none other than Longya.

It's a pity that Qi Chen didn't dare to speak out, so he had to calmly suppress the resistance back into his stomach, and quietly used it as a waist pendant for Uncle Long. The brackets were forced and the brackets ended.

He already knew the connection between Chen Yongshou and Chen Xiu, and also knew the location of Chen Yongshou, but Long Ya was not as impatient as before. He actually showed a rare demeanor and drove the car to Cenyun County first. After walking around in the suburbs, I found a place with good feng shui to stop.

Lou Zhou got out of the car with the skeleton in his arms, Long Ya and Qi Chen followed him not far or near, until they walked under an old tree.

Longya originally wanted to provide a knife for Lou Zhou to use for digging, but Lou Zhou waved his hand and directly helped his brother dig the grave with his bare hands.

Those who have been on the battlefield have helped many of their former brothers gather their bones and dig graves. Lou Zhou showed restraint and calmness from beginning to end, without crying or even shedding tears.

However, the protruding tiger claws on his cheeks due to clenching his teeth, his tightly pursed lips, and the movements of mechanically digging the soil one by one, in the eyes of people, they all have a desolate taste.

Lou Zhou quickly dug a deep hole, put the silk bag in it, and covered it with several layers of soil.

When I stood up, my two muddy hands were slightly trembling when they were hanging on the sides of my body because they had been exerting too much force.

Longya didn't know if it was prepared in advance or what, he took out a jug and a small jade glass from his invisible treasure bag, filled a glass of water and wine, and handed them to Lou Zhou.

After Lou Zhou took the cup, Long Ya and Qi Chen nodded to the simple tomb, then turned and walked towards the car, leaving Lou Zhou alone to talk to his comrades.

But in fact, Lou Zhou did not speak.

His hand was still a little trembling when he was holding the wine glass. Before it was poured, he accidentally spilled two drops on the loose soil of the new tomb, smashing two small shallow pits, which were like tears for him.

Lou Zhou stood silently in front of the new grave for a long time, then raised his hand and poured the wine from the glass onto the ground.

A glass of wine sacrifices the heroic soul.

It's just that more than a thousand years have passed, and I don't know if the heroic soul can still taste it.

Lou Zhou knelt down on one knee in front of the grave, then raised his hand, clenched his fist, and tapped the ground lightly, as if passing through the six-foot loess, through the thousand years of time, and on the shoulders of his fellow brothers. Knocked.

Just like many years ago, the action that the generals and soldiers often did when they were leaving to say goodbye.

Then he stood up, raised his feet and walked in the direction of Long Ya and Qi Chen.

Behind him, Lao Chai lay quietly under the loess, leaning on his back against a lush big tree.

In fact, he just said two words to Lao Chai in his heart—

He said he had a dream last night.

In the dream, the family and country are still the same, the mountains and rivers are blue, and it has been like this for thousands of years.

The third volume of flowers has been blooming for a hundred years