Cultural Relics Are Not To Be Messed With

Chapter 47


What Long Ya crossed in was probably a breath of immortality.

Because Qi Chen's eyes were no longer dizzy, his brain was no longer dizzy, and even his anxiety disappeared without a trace... All that was left was that he was stupid.

The house was shrouded in thick fog, and the visibility was horribly low. Long Ya raised his head in the haze and raised his hand to cover Qi Chen's mouth in time, for fear that the breath he had just crossed would be leaked by this guy again: "No. You can be considered capable of running out of breath in half a minute. The lungs have no other function in the stomach than filling! Hold this breath first, stand here and don't move! I'll find an exit—"

After speaking, he threw the chubby knife boy out of worry, and threw it into Qi Chen's arms and whispered: "Pick it up! Watch people! If you lose it, you will pick your winter melon head!"

The knife boy was firmly on Qi Chen's chest, like an octopus with eight claws, as if he couldn't shake it off.

Qi Chen: "..." He was completely unable to react, and was still in the midst of a crash.

The wet footsteps on the stairs were very light and trance-like, and they walked very slowly. It took a long time to stop for one step before taking the second step. .

And the words and movements of Long Ya just now seemed to have no effect on it at all. The footsteps did not stop suddenly, nor did they intensify, and they still slowly descended the stairs at the rhythm of one step and three stops.

For the unidentified spirits in the thick fog, Longya did not have the slightest attitude to avoid it, with a look of "I'm looking for an exit, you better not come to harass me without knowing the appearance", just like this with a circulating sword The cold light, dodged and disappeared into the thick fog further away, and found an exit in the house.

After a few seconds, Qi Chen, who was in the machine, finally regained his senses. He lowered his head and suddenly met Daotong's round head and big eyes, and took a step back subconsciously in shock.

Originally, they were standing on the sofa on the left, only a little distance away from the wall, and on the right was the chandelier switch and the door of Li Zhengchang's house. Only now, the doors and windows are covered with a black curtain that cannot be broken, so the doorknob cannot be touched.

But no matter what, Qi Chen took a step back not to hit the hard wall, but also to the ink-like pitch-black curtain... But that's not the case.

The good wooden floor of Li Zhengchang's house somehow bulged out behind his feet and arched out of the ground, tripping him right when he stepped back. He stumbled back two steps, but he didn't hit the wall that was supposed to be there. There was an open space behind him, and he couldn't feel any support, and finally he still couldn't balance and fell to the ground.

The sudden movement shook the knife boy from his chest a little, and slammed into his arms again, so that he almost spit out his intestines.

It's just that the dull pain in his chest didn't attract Qi Chen's attention, all his attention was focused on his hand.

In the thick fog, he couldn't see the situation around him, but he felt that something was wrong - because when he was supporting his body, he actually touched the soil with his hand.

Where does a piece of dirt come from on a good wooden floor? !

Qi Chen sat there in a haze as if he was blind, stretched out his hand and touched the ground under him, the more he touched, the more frightened he became - this was obviously not in Li Zhengchang's house.

The place where he was sitting was not a wooden floor at all, but a slate-paved floor. His fingertips could feel the long, slightly damp cracks in the stone, and some places were a little slippery and plush to the touch, like Like moss. And behind him is a muddy field surrounded by a side, with a circle of gravel blocks.

The soil was neither hard nor soft, and it felt damp to the touch, as if it had been watered, but the water had soaked in, and it seemed half dry.

Qi Chen had some guesses in his heart, so he dared to reach out and touch the middle of the mud. Sure enough, he felt the rough branches of the old tree. The damp cold air made Qi Chen feel a chill in his heart.

This is not Li Zhengchang's house!

Where would this be? !

He didn't lift his foot to move over the ground from start to finish. If he had to say it, he had just fallen, but with such a distance, he could inexplicably come to a place where eight poles couldn't hit one

If he was moved to this completely unfamiliar place, what about Longya? ! He looked for the exit that broke the black curtain to get out of the house, so he was still in the same space as himself...

When he thought that Long Ya was not here, Qi Chen's heart sank.

I have to say that his reliance on Longya is getting stronger and stronger, perhaps because of Longya's fearless character that day, or because he was rescued by him every time in a crisis, Qi Chen felt that he subconsciously The dragon tooth was placed in a very special position, and it was raised higher and higher unknowingly. Before, the dragon tooth was still there and I felt a lot more at ease.

In addition to that just now... the contact that made him completely at a loss as to how to react, although it was only a breath, but—

Qi Chen's heart thumped twice when he thought about it now, but his ears were getting hot.

Even if there is no mirror, he knows that his ears are 80% mature. Although there is thick fog everywhere, except for himself, he can't even see the shadow of half a person, and the ghost's shadow is temporarily unknown, but he still raised his hand uncomfortably. Poke your ears.

The knife boy in his arms was very ignorant and brought his chubby head up with a silly look on his face.

Qi Chen had no choice but to put on a calm face like a tomato, and silently covered its eyes, but his heart was churning for a while, and the oxygen consumption soared again. The breath that Yadu came in was exhausted, and the anxiety that was scratching his lungs came out from the cracks of his bones.

For a moment, the tip of his ear was so red that it almost dripped with blood.

When people are extremely anxious, it is always difficult to control themselves. Qi Chen is also the same. When he was so deprived of oxygen that he almost curled up, he almost subconsciously took a small breath from his nose.

It's just that the fog at this time is not as light as it was at the beginning. When the fog just started, Qi Chen took two breaths, but his mind was a little dazed. At this time, he only took a small breath in, and the whole brain fell into chaos. Coupled with the confusion caused by the lack of oxygen, and the combination of the two sides, Qi Chen almost forgot where he was and what he was doing.

He only felt that there was a haze in front of him, and the sweet floral fragrance lingered on the tip of his nose, but the floral fragrance only had a shallow layer of skin, and after peeling that layer, the smell inside was so strange that it was hard to describe - it was rotten bones. The smell, accompanied by the scorched smell of the flesh being burnt and fried, as well as the thick and thin bloody smell and the dampness under the loess, and so on, mixed together like a hodgepodge, but the ghosts lingered. In front of him, he couldn't get rid of it.

Qi Chen, who was in a trance, was a little annoyed. He just felt that he was holding his breath. Why was this strange smell still rushing towards him, why could he still smell this smell... It was like It penetrated from every pore of the skin, tightly wrapping his three souls and six souls, and could not break free.

But another gentle voice full of bookish air loomed in the chaos, fell into his ears vaguely, and gently advised him: "The suffering of all living beings is under the loess, and it weighs more than a thousand pounds. Don't get away from it, don't act rashly..."

The sound was like a magic spell, and it was repeated in his ears, as if he was holding a sword and carved on his heart stroke by stroke. Can't forget it at all.

After repeating it a few times, Qi Chen felt that he had calmed down under such persuasion, his annoyance gradually subsided, and that hodgepodge of indescribable taste was not so unbearable anymore. As if he had to go silent again...

He only felt that his consciousness was scattered, and his sleepiness was so heavy that he almost covered his face, and he would fall asleep completely in the next second and never wake up again.

At the moment when Qi Chen was about to lose consciousness, he felt that he was picked up from the ground and hugged by someone, and then the familiar warm touch covered his lips, and he felt his subconsciously clenching his teeth. He was picked apart, and breathed in again along the gap between his lips.

Qi Chen floated up and down in the mist for a moment, suddenly woke up, and when he suddenly opened his eyes, he happened to see Longya's raised face. : "..." Why do you do it again!

Long Ya was used to being shameless, but he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable when he was disturbed by Qi Chen's blood-red ears. However, this person usually blows up, and also blows up when he is uncomfortable, so he can't tell the difference at all.

I saw him fiercely rushing to Qi Chen: "The old lady who is 80 or 90 years old and turned into a dried radish is probably not as angry as you! You grew up with mud after drinking water?! How can you be like this! It's better to let you stand here and don't move your old man, just lie down, do you sleep well?! I don't know if this fog is rising from the ground, is it thicker as you go down?! Where is the danger and where is the public servant of the people without you? Be positive! What are you talking about?! I don't listen to excuses! Shut up! The fog will dissipate in a while, just follow me! If you lose it again, you can dig a hole and bury it on the spot, and it will fall down! "

Qi Chen closed his mouth silently, thinking that it would be best not to let him speak, but he just didn't know what to say!

Long Ya waited for him to stand firm, raised his hand to recall Daotong, and said as he put it away: "Let you pick him up to make you think that he won't have any problems, not to let you be stupid and stupid to him! He wants to inhale you. Won't you just grab his mouth and cover him tightly!"

The knife boy nodded madly.

Qi Chen: "..." That would have suffocated me to death. I really thank you, Captain Long!