Cultural Relics Are Not To Be Messed With

Chapter 5


I believe that anyone who wakes up in the middle of the night and finds that they are sleepwalking will break out in a cold sweat, and Qi Chen is no exception.

The moment he realized where he was, the real and the dream were mixed up, and he couldn't even figure out whether it was the dim dream that caused his sleepwalking behavior or the behavior was projected in the dream.

Of course, either way, it's bad.

Qi Chen closed his eyes and exhaled, calming his heartbeat like a drum.

"Returned to the soul?" The deep voice suddenly sounded in the ear, as always with a bit of impatience, making people wonder if this person is too angry all the year round.

Qi Chen's eyelids twitched in shock, and he suddenly opened his eyes and turned his head to look aside: "Why are you here?!"

Under the street lamp on the street corner, Team Leader Long looked at him with a stinky face.

The dim light fell on him, framing the prominent brow bone and the straight outline of the bridge of the nose. This person obviously has a pair of very good-looking eyes, but he prefers to look at people halfway, as if with a kind of lazy contempt at all times. Even though he is tall because of his height, it is absolutely indispensable to the bonus effect of this person's voice. It seems that he is born to be beaten.

He snorted coldly, feeling that Qi Chen's question was simply out of his mind: "Is it a ghost who woke you up just now?"

Qi Chen laughed dryly: "I thought it was also in a dream." Just like the old and hoarse female voice, it was probably the only place where the dream and reality didn't overlap just now.

Team leader Long said angrily: "Yes, I still dreamed that I slapped you on the forehead, right? Why don't you think that the touch in your dream can be so real?"

Qi Chen explained solemnly: "I used to dream that someone came in from the balcony and unloaded one of my legs, and the touch was very real."

Team Leader Long: "..."

Qi Chen: "I also climbed the mountain of knives, rolled over the nail board, etc., with blood all over my face."

Team Leader Long: "..."

Qi Chen: "Throw away the oil pan, cook and fry—"

"Stop, stop!" The corner of Long's mouth twitched: "What kind of mess are you dreaming about?!"

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, he saw Qi Chen pursed his lower lip, and seemed to smile very shallowly, and then he realized that the first half of what he said just now may be credible, and the latter 80% was talking nonsense in a serious manner.

So Team Leader Long gave him a stern look.

In fact, if it were to change to usual times, with Qi Chen's sullen and saucy personality, which was flat on the surface and reassured when he complained, he would never talk to people like this when he had only known each other for a day. Especially when he was not at all pleasant to get along with each other during the day, as if he didn't get along with each other anywhere.

However, at this moment, Qi Chen has not completely escaped from his panicked emotions. When he thought he was standing alone in the middle of the night, any acquaintance beside him would make him feel very kind and pleasing to the eye, even if he thought he was standing alone in the middle of the night. A few hours ago, he still classified the person in front of him as a "neuropathy with the surname Long".

And in this kind of situation, the team leader Long's natural temperament was very easy to calm Qi Chen's emotions.

In some respects, Qi Chen, who is calm and calm on the surface, is actually a very useless piece of shit, and his class position is extremely easy to be shaken. In just a few minutes, he had released the "neuropathy surnamed Long" from the blacklist of "can't afford to provoke and hide", and silently moved it into the group of "occasionally provoked".

Of course, Qi Chen, the leader of Long who is owed 8 million every day, is completely unaware of the inner activity of Qi Chen, he still said with an impatient expression: "If you have time to talk nonsense here, it is better to move your legs, gone!"

After speaking, he really didn't care whether Qi Chen followed or not, he turned around and left, and while walking, he dropped a sentence: "Why am I so idle."

He is tall and long with long legs, striding a meteor, and he has walked a certain distance before speaking. Seeing that Qi Chen hadn't followed, he stopped again, turned his head and said to the person behind him, "Are you stupid! Still not going?"

Qi Chen let out a "cough" and looked at him innocently: "My feet are numb."

Team Leader Long wiped his face and said, "Stomp!"

Qi Chen: "Hehe... I'm stamping."

He bent down and rubbed his calf to warm it up a little, then moved his feet again, until his toes, which were barely conscious at first, finally had a sense of existence again, and then he straightened up.

As a result, he saw someone who had already walked some distance standing in front of him again: "...Why did you walk back? I'll catch up with you in a while."

Team Leader Long said coolly: "I'll see if your feet are frozen."

"..." Qi Chen: "It's a pity that it has regained consciousness."

Team leader Long snorted, swept Qi Chen from head to toe condescendingly, and sneered: "I saw you in this outfit, I thought you were not afraid of cold. Why don't you just wear pants and come out? Woolen cloth?"

Qi Chen looked down at the cotton long-sleeved T-shirt and home pants he was wearing, and laughed dryly: "Next time I sleepwalk, I will remember to change into my clothes and wrap a scarf before coming out."

Team Leader Long: "..."

Qi Chen is now awake, and his body functions are also awake. I hadn't felt the cold in my sleep before, and now they all rushed forward, digging into the crevices of the bones one after another, but it was only two sentences. His voice had a frozen nasal tone. It was already red from the cold, and it was very obvious by the fair skin.

Seeing him frozen like this, Team Leader Long let out a "tsk", then took off the sheep's woolen coat and threw it on Qi Chen: "Put it on!"

Qi Chen was a little unresponsive from the cold, and he didn't have time to catch the coat, but was directly covered by the clothes, and was immediately surrounded by a burst of warmth.

"What are you going to wear for me? I'm already frozen like this anyway. Go back and make some ginger tea and drink as much as you can. Take off your clothes. Isn't this a pair of frozen ones? It's not worth it." Qi Chen was blindsided In the clothes, the first half of the sentence was said in a loud voice.

Team Leader Long looked at him with a strange look on his face and watched him struggling to pull his clothes off his face: "I really got you, I still have time to think about whether it's worth it or not. You think I'm your kind of paper. Pian Pian, do you have a runny nose as soon as it freezes? Hurry up and wear it and go away, so much nonsense!"

Besides, this person is probably going to blow up again, Qi Chen is no longer hypocritical, and quickly followed someone covered in thorns to the company while wrapping himself in a coat.

His height is not short. According to the form filled in during the physical examination, he was 1.78 meters. Generally, he rounded up shamelessly and said that he was 1.8 meters tall, but he was still half a head shorter in front of Team Leader Long. In addition, his physique is a little thin. The muscles that Xu Liang had pulled to the gym for perfunctory paddling in college are now only a thin layer, and he can't see it when he wears loose clothes like this, let alone. Said to be compared with the leader of the dragon.

So the coat was wrapped around him as if it was bigger, making him thinner.

Team Leader Long seems to be really not afraid of the cold, and he still strides forward when he walks. Qi Chen can't keep up, and gradually he falls two steps away.

He saw the person walking in front turning his head as he walked, his expression still filled with impatience, he opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something urging, but after looking at him for some reason, his conscience realized that He swallowed the words, and then seemed to be very disgusted and helpless sighed and slowed down.

After walking a few steps, he thought of something and said to Qi Chen, "Did you hear what I said to you on the stairs at night?"

Qi Chen couldn't remember which sentence: "What?"

"Tsk—" Team leader Long felt as though his patience in this life was about to be exhausted, and looked bad: "Can you replace the tofu flower in your head with a brain flower? Use your brain instead of your face to listen to people. "

Qi Chen calmly ignored a string of personal attacks: "Which sentence did you say?"

Team leader Long: "Please don't wander around outside at night! There are enough people wandering around in the city, and there is no shortage of your two-and-two temperament. If you get some messy things, just wait for your father and mother to cry."

Wrapping his coat tightly again, Qi Chen turned his head and asked in confusion, "You still believe this?"

"Which one do you believe?" Team Leader Long replied lukewarmly, "Just listen to what you tell me, there's so much nonsense."

Qi Chen nodded: "I don't really like going out at night if I'm fine."

After walking for a while, Qi Chen took up the previous topic again: "I don't really believe this, because I haven't encountered anything since I grew up, but I heard others say something. Have you encountered it?"

He saw that Team Leader Long glanced at him speechlessly, and said casually, "There are more."

Qi Chen tilted his head to look at him, and seemed very curious: "Tell me?"

Team Leader Long: "..."

Qi Chen pointed to the road ahead and said solemnly: "It's almost enough to say one or two things in a concise and comprehensive way."

Team Leader Long twitched the corners of his mouth: "This is not the time when you were shivering with fear, right?!"

"I didn't tremble with fear just now." Qi Chen said lightly: "Actually, I have experienced sleepwalking several times before. It is said that this happens when the pressure is high or the environment changes suddenly. I guess it is similar. But in the middle of the road It's the first time I wake up, and I'm really panicking."

Team leader Long gave him a sideways look: "The one who should be panicking should be the one who saw you sleepwalking."

"But how did you see me sleepwalking?" Qi Chen glanced at the coat on his body and asked.

Team Leader Long said: "I happened to go to the supervision room, and I just happened to see you swinging out like a wandering soul."

Qi Chen: "..." Go to the supervision room without going to sleep at two or three in the middle of the night? Do you know that you are so loving and dedicated Director Dong...

Team leader Long said angrily: "What do I do? Take your ghostly eyes away! You are sick!"

Qi Chen innocently said, "...I didn't say anything."

The long night was deeper, and the chill was even stronger than the deep winter. The first snow of the year in Jiang City fell silently at this time.

When Qi Chen woke up in the morning, he realized that he had been hit by a trick, his nose was dazzled, and his body was limp and unable to exert his strength. With a particularly heavy head, he hastily boiled a small pot of strong ginger tea, poured a cup of it himself, and filled the rest in a newly bought thermos cup, intending to take it to the office for Team Leader Long.

The climate in Jiang City is slightly humid. The snow from last night has not stopped until this morning, but the road has not accumulated much. The people who pass by have only left a thin layer of ice slag, which is very slippery.

He walked into the door of the office building holding a thermos cup, and saw a colleague in the yard almost slipped somersaults, but he maintained his balance with a posture of extreme flexibility, turned over and stood up straight. Another person walking side by side with him sighed: "The whip type has good waist strength..."

"..." Qi Chen felt that he probably had a bad cold and had tinnitus.

In companies such as Guanghe that deal with cultural relics collections, employees always pay much more attention to industry news than others. As long as it has something to do with something dug out of the mud, even if it's just a trivial matter, they will pay more attention to the conditioned reflex.

However, what Qi Chen heard in the office today was not a trivial matter, but that the museum had been stolen.

"As for the Municipal Museum on the opposite side of Ceylon Square, the one lost was the gold-studded white jade bracelet dug up in Baihe a while ago. There is news on the Internet." "Hey, is there any movement over there, Director?"

While frowning, Team Leader Long sniffed the ginger tea that Qi Chen brought, and replied, "No, what? Your bones are itchy just after a long break?"

"What the hell is this smell? I don't drink it!" He pushed the thermos cup aside in disgust, "I'm in good health, what are you drinking this thing for!"

Qi Chen happened to find news on the Internet, and was poking in the link to watch it. After listening to the words of Team Leader Long, he said with a heavy nasal voice, "Are you afraid of spicy food?"

Team leader Long probably felt that all the evaluations related to the word "fear" were a great insult to his personality, and he was immediately provoked to pick up the thermos cup and poured a whole cup of hot ginger tea, and then got up and put the cup " "Boom-" sounded heavily on Qi Chen's desk, snorted out of the office, and left a sentence: "I'll go to the supervision room to find Lao Hu." Then he disappeared.

Qi Chen glanced at the thermos cup with some amusing, and then turned his eyes back to the webpage—

According to the news, the museum was broken into last night. The man entered the exhibition area of the batch of cultural relics unearthed in Baihe, and stole the white jade bracelet inlaid with gold, but did not alert any anti-theft devices. The figure malfunctioned, leaving a large section of snowflakes.

There are a few pictures behind the news. The first two are pictures of the gold-encrusted white jade bracelet, and the last two are pictures taken from the surveillance video.

Qi Chen scanned the two pictures in front of him and found that it was the bracelet that was taken in the photo that Xu Liang showed him that day. He turned to the next page to see the picture of the surveillance video, but was stunned when he saw it.

The author has something to say: Small Theater:

Xiao Hei: I saw a nonsense saying that people who are not easy to get sick are simple-minded people.

Qi Chen looked at Longya silently: →_→

Longya is furious: Fart! I have a good brain!

Qi Chen: As a knife, where does your brain grow →_→ Long Ya: You ask me, I ask ghosts? !

Qi Chen: Oh? According to the structure, your head is about equal to my head.

Dragon Tooth: So what!

Qi Chen: But it’s a pity, you broke the handle and haven’t found it yet →_→ Longya: …

Suddenly, the light of the sword lit up, little black pawn.

A Piao Xiao Hei: Why is it always me who gets hurt (┬_┬)

Longya: Who told you to open up this topic? !