Cultural Relics Are Not To Be Messed With

Chapter 51


Long Ya hates being led by the nose the most, but the one who has been hiding behind just likes to stare at him.

As soon as Qi Chen heard him sneer, he knew that the origin of the array formed by these four talismans must not be simple. I am afraid that the dragon's teeth will explode again, but who knows what the consequences will be in this fantasy. So Qi Chen still tentatively said in a calm tone: "If there are really ghosts in there, don't stare at this place, look elsewhere, and I'll look for other places that can move." Although the words came out , Qi Chen himself felt that he was bluffing.

"Take a break, don't look for it, it's just a waste of effort!" Long Ya looked at the talisman paper in the pit with a cold face, and said coldly: "It's been around for a long time, and it turned out that we came here. The purpose of this is this rubbish thing... Set the exit here, you can't get out without tearing off these tattered papers, forcing Lao Tzu to follow the plan, right?! Unfortunately, I am a natural anti-bone, and I'm just like that. Don't eat this trick! If that cowardly gutter rat kneels in front of Lao Tzu and begs me to tear up this talisman paper, maybe I can still think about it—this trick?"

He snorted, and then started with the long knife, and the golden light swung in a circle with a whirring sound, holding the handle of the knife and shoving the tip of the knife into the ground beneath his feet.

The blade of the blade cut open the ground paved with bluestone slabs and embedded deeply into the ground. The sonorous sound of the golden soldiers breaking the stone was sharp and terrifying. The humming vibes.

However, Long Ya didn't stop. His fingers holding the hilt of the knife suddenly exerted force, and the blade turned at an angle in the slate ground, directly blasting the huge and thick bluestone, and then countless cracks were inserted with the tip of the knife. The place as the center, spread quickly, covered the ground in an instant, and even climbed the walls and columns along the wiring all the way.

The whole illusion began to vibrate violently, and it seemed that it would collapse in these countless cracks in the next second, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of Long Ya's mouth: "The exit is sealed with such a thing? It doesn't matter, I will force the whole illusion for you directly. It's a waste, you see if I can get out or not!"

When Qi Chen saw the evil spirit in Long Ya's smile, he felt that the knife was going crazy, and when he heard what he said, his heart froze even more.

When he was chatting, Hong Ming would tell him about this world where demons and ghosts exist, and the rules and restrictions of these very people. After all, to ordinary people, they are just a bunch of walking weapons in the world, and there are no rules. Restrictions, the world will sooner or later be mixed into a pot of porridge by them.

Those rules are of various kinds, and there are all aspects. For example, if you go out of the province and do not open your authority, you will be punished, and you will be punished. .

The starting point is to ensure the order of the world, but this also makes them pay special attention when doing many things. Although simple and rude methods are simply effective, they often cannot be used because there are consequences. Qi Chen once heard Hong Ming mention it once, saying that in some magic circles and illusions built in ordinary places, if you want to get out from the inside, you have to find the right door, and you must not come hard, otherwise, when the magic circles and illusions are broken , it will also implicate ordinary people in that area, causing them to suffer in vain, and even lose their lives. Once that kind of thing happens, it will be punishable by dozens of thunders!

Obviously, the dragon tooth exploded at this moment, and the evil spirit of the demon sword itself was dissipated, and it was very likely to directly smash the place into ruins.

The entire courtyard was shaken by the ground and the mountains, and the pillars were already deeply cracked. Seeing that they would be unable to hold it, Qi Chen raised his hand and grabbed Long Ya's wrist in shock. The figure wanted to stop him, but heard a low voice speak one step ahead of him.

"Demon Sabre and Dragon Tooth - Sure enough, the evil spirit in the bones can't be suppressed after all... What? I hate my step by step to lead you to this talisman formation, so I have to do the opposite, which is not to my liking. But you're wrong, it's just a bit tyrannical, how to take this step, whether this talisman is broken or not, it's not you who has the final say, it's him—"

As soon as these words fell, Long Ya's expression was cold, and he raised his hand and put his finger on the hilt of the knife, and the shaking of the ground stopped abruptly, and the entire courtyard was swaying and trying to maintain its balance.

Qi Chen grabbed his wrist and managed to gain a firm footing, but he didn't have time to catch his breath, because the content of those words was too weird... Hearing the clouds and mountains in his head, he faintly felt that the last sentence was referring to himself.

But if it really refers to me, then this is a bit absurd, isn't it - in this situation, Long Ya, a person who can handle it, actually said it's not okay, but he, a smear-eyed person, made a decision. Qualifications... This sounds a bit ridiculous, right

In this kind of matter, he still has a deep self-knowledge. It is obviously more reliable to rely on dragon teeth for things like ghosts and ghosts. This is not because he is too weak, but in the presence of experts, he does not understand and pretends to understand If you mess around, it will only make the situation worse, and if you can't solve the problem, it will drag your feet back, which is too much hate.

So he didn't say anything, just cast his eyes on Long Ya to see his reaction.

However, after hearing that, Long Ya's eyes moved, and his eyes fell on the old locust tree following the sound. Dare to block people again and again, but dare not show your true face? Is your face stepped on by a horse or run over by a car? People who don’t dare to be beaten, are you embarrassed to tell me about qualifications? Ha-I listen to you! How can you be so shameful when persimmons are so picky?! An ordinary person who doesn't understand, I let him decide how to get out of here? Are you an idiot for making such a proposal?!"

Long Ya said with a cold snort, and was about to start again.

But you heard the low, hoarse voice coming from the old locust tree again: "Why do I say this, you have a conclusion in your heart. You can't be more clear about whether he is an ordinary person with no power, right? Otherwise - you won't follow him all day long, for fear that he will be designed. I am a person born in the dark, and I don't know much, but I have heard some things about you, After the dragon tooth knife was broken, it was just a few pieces of broken iron buried deep in the soil, if it weren't for him, you wouldn't be today-"

Long Ya's face froze, his wrist moved, and a cold and sharp knife light had already cut into the trunk of the old locust tree. The voice groaned and coughed several times.

"When did you count as a human being? Don't define yourself indiscriminately—" Long Ya looked at the old locust tree gloomily, "I understand my affairs very well, and you don't need to tell me a story again! Even if I know who he is, so what? Someone can remember those old and old things. The predecessor is the predecessor, and the future is the future. What kind of life does he love now? He walks around, of course I have to keep an eye on it all day long. After all, I have always been grateful, and I can't guarantee it. I don't mind doing it a few more times. You're right. Is it?"

After the hoarse voice coughed, the voice became even more hoarse, and he said in a low voice, "How do you know that there must be flies around him? Maybe it's also to repay-"

Long Ya frowned, with an impatient look on his face: "I don't care what you are?! Or just put away the illusion and take your neurosis as far as you can! Or I will take you for a ride, I won't let you go anymore, choose for yourself! I'll give you three seconds—"

After saying this, he didn't wait for the voice to speak, and quickly counted three times, and then the sword light all over his body, the long sword in his hand became very huge, and the wind directly lifted half of the yard. , for a while, flying sand and rocks, broken tiles everywhere, and seeing that he was about to fall on the old tree, he heard the extremely hoarse voice and said: "Did you really think that he was a complete reincarnation?"

Long Ya's eyes moved, and the sword qi that could almost split the entire yard suddenly stopped between the branches of the old locust tree.

He stared at the old locust tree for a moment, and said in a deep voice, "What do you mean?"

"He has been reincarnated in several lifetimes, I don't know if you have noticed it, but I remember clearly how many years he lived in those lifetimes. In the last life, he suffered an accident when he was a minor; in the last life, he was even younger. Died of disease at age; further on—"

Long Ya's face was gloomy when he heard it, and the tip of the knife directly touched the branch of the old locust tree: "Let's get straight to the point, if there is one more word of nonsense, I will cut down one point with this knife."

"He has not entered the cycle of reincarnation intact, and he will only live for twenty-five years." The voice from the old locust tree said so.

Long Ya's hand holding the long knife is tight.

Qi Chen, who had been standing beside Longya, was stunned from the beginning of the conversation. What Longya and the hoarse voice said was like a shock wave to his face, and he was stunned by covering his face. The information in those words poured in all at once, making his brain swell, and he couldn't digest it for a while.

However, before he could sort out a clue from it and calm down, the sentence "I can't live for twenty-five years" made him dizzy again.

He didn't know the origin of the voice, and he didn't know the basis for his words, but even Long Ya was stunned instead of directly killing the tree, which means that... maybe he really wasn't talking nonsense.

Live beyond twenty-five? ! At most? ! How long is that left in total? !

Qi Chen felt that he didn't do anything, and was inexplicably sentenced to death in advance. For a time, he felt extremely absurd, but his heart was extremely cold.