Cultural Relics Are Not To Be Messed With

Chapter 54


Although the ears were covered by the dragon teeth, and the whole body was pressed against the chest by the dragon teeth, the high-pitched crackling sound of the illusion being broken still caused Qi Chen's ears to ring for a while.

After a moment of swirling motion sickness, the strong tongue of flames and the courtyard with an old locust tree completely disappeared.

The dark wooden floors and stairs of Li Zhengchang's house reappeared in the field of vision, and the black curtains that sealed the doors and windows were gone, and they were completely scattered. The ceiling light in the living room, which had been turned off after a few flashes before, returned to normal and turned on again, filling the room with light.

At the foot of the wooden stairs, Li Zhengchang was still lying there, as if he was sleeping soundly, but just looking at that position made him feel uncomfortable.

Long Ya lowered his head and patted Qi Chen's forehead and asked, "Are your ears still plugged? In the fantasy world, you still look half-dead, and when you come out, the two tricks are full of chaos! What are you looking at?"

Before in the fantasy world, Qi Chen had a feeling that I was confused, you were confused, and everyone was confused, so some embarrassing things were also "confused".

Now the surrounding environment has suddenly become clear and bright. I don't know which room of Li Zhengchang's house is still open, and the cool wind blows in from a corner at night, and it blows people's minds to be more awake. All the things came back to his mind, Qi Chen's reflex arc circled a few long distances, and finally came back to the end - he began to feel a little embarrassed for no reason.

Specifically, he looked around Lao Yuan's entire house and almost rolled his eyeballs out of his sockets, but he didn't look up at Longya.

The fundamental reason is that he still maintains the posture of coming out of the illusion - half-protected by the dragon teeth. Before that, he was breathed out by Longya, two mouthfuls.

Just in this position, thinking of those two breaths and the feeling on his lips at that moment, Qi Chen only felt his heart skip a beat, and even the tip of his ear was congested, and his eardrums vibrated "suddenly" with the frequency of his heart...

He sighed inwardly with a blank face: the tinnitus is no longer going to get worse, and it is estimated that it will not get better in a while.

Continuing to stay in this position, it is estimated that Longya will be able to feel how abnormal his heartbeat is in a while, so Qi Chen frantically brushes the bullet screen in his heart, but he calmly talks about the topic on his face: "Don't stop Well, I didn't mess around with tricks, I just wanted to see if Li Zhengchang was awake?"

Facts have proved how important it is to have someone specializing in laying guns beside you when chatting with Uncle Long! Especially when Uncle Long was full of opinions on people lying on guns, the effect was immediate.

After seeing Longya confirming that Qi Chen was not dizzy, he let go of the dragon's claws, squinted and strode to Li Zhengchang's side, looked him up and down, and directly kicked Li Zhengchang's calf: "The surnamed Li, you You can wake up-"

It's a pity that Li Zhengchang was so confused that he couldn't wake up for a while. He was swayed several times by Long Ya's toes. He was kicked to lie on his side and then he was kicked to lie on his side again. He didn't open his eyes. Eye.

Long Ya ran out of patience, and threatened as he kicked: "I said, are you the fetus of a pig? You can't wake up with such a kick? If you don't wake up, I will kick you in the face! Don't blame me for not reminding you!"

As he said that, he turned his head towards Qi Chen with a gangster-like look and hooked his finger, and with a gesture, he said, "Go and pour a glass of water, preferably boiling water."

Qi Chen glanced at his fingers and twitched the corners of his mouth: "What are you going to do..."

"Pour it!" Long Ya looked like a bully possessed, and pointed at Li Zhengchang in a very strange way: "Pour it according to the key parts, I don't believe he can't wake up!"

"..." Hearing this, Qi Chenguang felt an inexplicable feeling of pain, he quickly walked over, and passed the ancestor who was about to fry his hair to the side. It took a long time to wake up Li Zhengchang.

When he looked back and saw Longya's regretful expression, Qi Chen had a momentary suspicion that this guy was doing it on purpose. He didn't believe that as a member of the spiritual world, Longya couldn't wake up even an ordinary person, Baibao. There must be something in the pile of various talisman papers in the bag that can work.

Li Zhengchang didn't know that he had escaped the torture of Longya. After waking up, he was still dazed for a few minutes. He kept rubbing his temples with his hands and hammering his neck. .

Long Ya saw that his humming and chirping didn't slow down for a long time, and he ran out of patience. He raised his feet and wanted to use the soles of his shoes to help him wake up from his dream, but Qi Chen quickly stopped him.

"What are you doing to stop me?" Long Ya glanced at Li Zhengchang and said, "I see him yawning and opening his mouth so wide that he wants to put his shoes in!"

Agitated by his words, Li Zhengchang, who was about to open his mouth and yawn again, closed his mouth without hesitation, and finally woke up completely from his confusion. The first thing he did after he became lucid was to hold the handrail three or two steps up the stairs, leaned over there and felt blind, then pointed to one of them, and rushed to Qi Chen and Long Ya who were under the stairs: "Again. Here it is! Look, three white locust flower petals, and a little watermark!"

"Your pair of tricks are really sharp! It's not easy to see petals with big eyeballs, how strange!" Longya made a series of taunts after "tsk tsk" twice, "We have all the female ghosts caught and returned. After watching the drama for decades, your old man finally woke up, so why don't you get out of here! I have something to ask you! I'll wait for you for a long time! If you're startled again, I'll throw boiling water on you. You believe me Do not believe?!"

Qi Chen: "..."

Li Zhengchang probably believed it, because as soon as he heard Longya's words, he no longer bothered about the petals and watermarks, and immediately went downstairs. He no longer dared to let the uncle of Longya look up at him. Forgot to touch the ground, touched his glasses and put the bridge of his nose back on, then stood in front of Longya and said, "According to what the expert said just now, the people who are haunting my house... eh, ghost, you have already caught them. Arrived? What questions do the experts have? Just ask! I must know everything and say everything!"

"The illusion is indeed broken by us. I know what is causing the trouble. As for the capture - it hasn't started yet."

Li Zhengchang's feet softened when he heard Long Ya's words, and he almost stumbled. He widened his eyes behind the lens and said in surprise, "Have you not started catching yet?"

Qi Chen was also stunned when he heard this. After all, he didn't understand the process of catching monsters and collecting ghosts. He just came out of the illusion, and he thought he was done. The original troublemaker hasn't been caught yet? But if you think about it carefully, it is true. In the fantasy world, Longya said that the basis for forming this fantasy world is the moment that was recorded. The light broke through this fantasy world.

"Aren't I going to ask!" Long Ya was impatient, and said fiercely to Li Zhengchang: "I ask you, is there a painting in the collection of antiques you have collected? In the painting there is an old locust tree and A woman going downstairs."

When Li Zhengchang heard this description, he slapped his forehead: "Yes! Locust tree! Yes! I have received such a painting, but the painting was damaged. already."

Qi Chen listened and asked, "Where did you get that painting from?" In the sea of fire at the end of the fantasy, there was indeed a painting that was swept aside by the wind, perhaps it was the only one that remained.

"The origin of this painting doesn't really sound like much..." Li Zhengchang explained as he led the two upstairs, "When our community was built, some of the old houses that were demolished were buildings from the Song and Ming Dynasties. But those rooms were destroyed too badly. One of them was burnt down, half collapsed, and the remaining half was buried in a mess of dust. The other rooms were also dilapidated buildings and couldn't be repaired. That kind of. Anyway, at the end of the grinding, the developer still pushed the house, but when he pushed it, he dug up such a painting in it. This painting was transferred from the developer to a cultural relic dealer and then to me. From a friend, it was given to me after I lost a bet."

Although Li Zhengchang didn't explain clearly, and no one mentioned his friend's last name, Qi Chen still smelled a familiar smell from inside. According to Li Zhengchang's statement, Qi Chen's own analysis was estimated to be inseparable. The original site of the courtyard where he lived was probably in this place, but Li Zhengchang, who lived on this land, got the painting so coincidentally. No matter how he heard this technique, it sounded like the usual way of the man who was huddled in the locust tree. .

In other words, from the beginning to the end, it was a game set up by that person, just to lure them over to his trap and help him break the talisman formation.

Qi Chen glanced at Longya, and sure enough, he thought of this too, his face was already black.

Fortunately, Li Zhengchang didn't grind to death when Long Ya was angry. He went straight to the study, opened the cabinet door, found the simple framed painting inside, and took it out and spread it out on the table.

Sure enough, this one was the one the scholar originally painted, but only half of the only remaining painting was left.

"Well, that's it!" Long Ya glanced at the painting and said, "The scholar condensed too much obsession in the painting, and he had the foundation for becoming a master, but the person being painted passed away at a young age. Now, the painting that recorded her was burned again, and the only remaining one was also burnt in half, and resentment naturally arose. There is attachment and resentment, and when I am stimulated by my exquisite orb, it starts to make trouble. painting-"

Before Longya said the second half of the sentence, Li Zhengchang waved his hand without hesitation and said, "If you want the experts, take it. I can't keep this painting."

"Well, you're acquainted!" Long Ya rolled up the painting and said to Qi Chen, "Go back to Hui Jia's bald donkey to settle the grievances above. You should make a phone call first and call Shan Xiao to take care of the aftermath."

Qi Chen silently placed a wax on the leader of the model worker Shan Xiao, and then dialed the phone and said briefly.

Shan Xiao was obviously accustomed to Longya's behavior, so he resigned and said, "That's it, it's simple, you wait for me, and go back together after you've dealt with it."

"Who wants to go back with you?" Long Ya was standing next to Qi Chen's hand holding his mobile phone, and after listening to it, he grabbed the phone and rushed to Shan Xiao and said, "Come over and deal with it yourself, we don't have time to wait for you, we have something else to do. , I'll take Qi Chen to Xi City."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone without waiting for Shan Xiao to answer.

Qi Chen took the phone and put it back in his pocket, and asked him suspiciously, "Xishi? Why are you going to Xishi? My home is in Xishi."

"Didn't you say that when this is over, let me tell you about your past life?" Long Ya took the rolled up painting, flicked his wrist, put it in the treasure bag, and then carried it to Qi Chen. Going out, he said as he walked, "Since you're talking about your past life, it's natural to go to the place where you stayed in your past life."

Qi Chen was even more puzzled: "I was also in Xicheng in my previous life? Where is it?"

Long Ya gave an "um" and replied, "On the top of Mount Qu."

Volume Four: Listening to the Spring Rain in the Ancient Building