Cultural Relics Are Not To Be Messed With

Chapter 67


Meng Siping finally overheard the call. He snatched the mobile phone from Meng Chen's hand directly, and asked Qi Chen to take his mother with him, so he could save himself from coming back at noon and just eat there.

The Meng family's enthusiasm was terrifying, and people couldn't even refuse, so Qi Chen had to agree.

He just hung up the phone here when he heard a few sounds of tearing paper from the side. He turned his head to look at Longya with a puzzled face, but saw that the ancestor just happened to take the red pages out of those books. tear it off.

Qi Chen: "...Wait!" Damn, that's an antique!

Long Ya raised his head and glanced at him and asked, "What are you waiting for?" He tore off another sheet in his hand, and it was so neat that Qi Chen's flesh was in pain.

He held down the dragon's teeth and stretched out the claws of the next book, widened his eyes and said in surprise, "Why are you tearing up the book so well?!"

"It's easy to string together, and it's easy to find clues. I can't go anywhere with these hundreds of books. It's not that you're tired of carrying it, right?" Long Ya slapped Qi Chen's hand away angrily. , Continue to destroy the antiques in Qi Chen's eyes, tearing them up one by one without any psychological burden, and in a short while all the pages marked with red handwriting are torn down.

As soon as he sorted the three hundred or so sheets of paper into order, he saw Qi Chen staring at the papers with a heart that was about to be broken, and suddenly twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "Don't look like this for the Qingming Festival. Well, if you don't know, you think your daughter-in-law is dead."

"..." Qi Chen looked at him blankly: "Oh, take care."

Longya: "..."

He is a sturdy man with a height of nearly 1.9 meters. He was suddenly smeared by the word "daughter-in-law". Suddenly, he felt that Jiutian Xuanlei was chasing after his butt and slashing without the word. There was no way to ridicule the hole that was dug, so after glaring at Qi Chen for a long time, he had to "coo dong" to swallow the sour feeling of thunder back.

After a while, he remembered something, slapped a large stack of paper in his hand with a "swoosh", and said to Qi Chen, "Why are you still staring at these papers? Have you forgotten what you are doing? Go back and find the clue, you can fix this page again, won't you!"

Can the repaired be the same as the original? !

For a moment, Qi Chen suddenly understood what a friend in the circle of friends had complained about - in this life, you have to meet a few stupid leaders who think that you are omnipotent!

But he couldn't dislike it, this stupid leader just had an affair with him yesterday.

I was the best man yesterday, so I didn't drive. If I go out today, I don't need Meng Chen to pick me up.

Carrying the car keys at home, Qi Chen took his mother and Qi Chen down the elevator to the underground parking lot.

With his mother around, he wouldn't dare to let Longya drive. If this ancestor was too squeamish, he drove the car like an airplane, and used drifting around corners, so it would be bad to scare his mother out.

Naturally, Longya wouldn't drill into the driver's seat on his own accord, but consciously sat in the co-pilot's seat.

Qi Chen's driving style is the same as his character, neither warm nor slow, steady and steady, which makes the person sitting there feel very secure.

However, things like a sense of security can't be talked about with Longya. After all, it is difficult for him to lose a hair in a car accident. He only glanced at the road conditions outside at the beginning, and said with a toothache on his face: "The speed of this turtle crawling, the year of the monkey and the month of the horse can only arrive..."

But he didn't complain anymore when he really started driving, but sat in the co-pilot, frowning and turning over the thick stack of paper in his hand, still studying the clues.

The heavy rain outside has never stopped, the sky is gloomy and dark blue, and it looks like a very depressing feeling, stuffy and unsettling.

Qi Chen drove around a certain section of the road, and soon came down from another fork, getting closer and closer to Meng Chen's house.

It's just that Long Ya on the co-pilot frowned and looked back at the road that was left behind.

"What?" Qi Chen Yuguang saw Long Ya's actions and couldn't help but ask, "What are you looking at?"

"Where is the north of the road just now? Forget it, you look at the road and drive, and I'll check the map." Long Ya said, putting down the stack of paper pages in his hand, took out his mobile phone and quickly clicked a few times, and called up the one just now. Looking at the map near the road, he glanced at it and said, "Beishan Cemetery?"

"Oh yes! It's in the direction of the cemetery." Qi Chen said, "What happened there, you've already asked twice."

This obviously means that Long Ya also pointed in that direction and asked once when he was in Qushan.

"There—it's not quite right. I'll talk about this later, and drive your car first." Last time Lao Yuan sat in the back seat and the dragon teeth could directly separate the front and rear seats, so that people in the back seat could not hear the front at all. of people speaking. But this time, it was Qi Chen's mother who sat in the back seat. It was inappropriate to separate them so simply and rudely, so it was inconvenient to say some things.

Qi Chen obviously understood what he meant, so he concentrated on driving.

After a while, he entered the underground parking lot of Meng Chen's residential area.

Like Qi Chen's, Meng Chen's family also lived in a small high-rise, and there was an elevator from the parking lot to the unit building.

After a while, the three of them were already sitting at Meng Chen's house. Meng Chen's parents, the newlywed couple, and Xu Liang were all there. The other relatives didn't stay here because of the rainy weather, they all left.

So many people are just able to gather a whole table, which is very lively and not crowded, which is better.

The two families were already very familiar with each other, so naturally they avoided the polite greetings on the scene, and started chatting when they entered the living room. Meng Chen's mother and Qi Chen's mother chatted from work to shopping, then talked about healthy food, and finally they both went into the kitchen to prepare lunch.

"Eh-Dad! Don't talk nonsense and don't talk about business. Didn't Chengzi and the others come to see the bronze ware? Don't hide it from showing it!" Meng Chen interrupted Meng Siping's words, but Meng Siping raised his hand and slapped him. With a slap, the bride laughed happily beside her.

"The bunny is neither big nor small. If Xiao Wei wants to talk to you like this in the future, he will just slap him with the sole of his shoe and slap him in the face! He will be honest, and I and his mother will support you!" Meng Siping packed up his son, After reminding his daughter-in-law again, he patted Qi Chen and the others on the shoulders and said, "Come on! Uncle Meng almost forgot to chat, that thing is in the study."

The living room was too popular and blocked, so Long Ya didn't respond yet, and now he followed Meng Siping into the study door, his brows furrowed sharply.

Qi Chen and Long Ya followed at the last door. From the corner of his eye, he saw that Long Ya suddenly stopped, turned his head and saw him frowning again, and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

He thought that Long Ya's expression was probably because there was something unusual in this room. As for whether this thing is good or bad, it depends on whether Long Ya will frown and open his mouth next, or if he suddenly changes his face.

Seeing Longya frowning and taking two breaths, he suddenly stretched his brows, raised one corner of his mouth and smiled evilly, and then put it in Qi Chen's ear and said to him: "Help me ask him later if he can sell it. Sell."

Qi Chen didn't react for a while, and asked "Ah".

As a result, I heard Long Ya add: "Of course, if you don't sell it, you have to sell it."

Qi Chen: "..."

Wait a minute!

As soon as Long Ya finished saying this, a possibility suddenly flashed in Qi Chen's mind, he grabbed Long Ya's wrist, widened his eyes and said, "Don't tell me it's yours—"

Long Ya snorted coldly, "Yes—it's Lao Tzu's head!"

Qi Chen: "..."

He twitched the corner of his mouth fiercely, glanced at Longya, and ordered a piece of wax for Meng Siping. He hoped that Uncle Meng would not stab Longya in a while, and he also did not want to see forced buying and forced selling. .

After all, if it really got to that point, the ancestor of Long Ya might be in a hurry and hang a knife between his neck again, and let Meng Siping make a choice within three seconds... That would be a joke!

Meng Siping, who was at the forefront, was holding onto the bronze utensil with all his heart, and he had no idea that the last two people, one was waxing him, and the other was aiming at his treasure.

"Here!" Meng Shiping opened the lower bookcase and took out a very delicate silk-wrapped box from the password safe inside, about a palm long.

Meng Chen, who followed the study, was probably born to dismantle the table for his father. As soon as he saw the box in Meng Siping's hand, he said: "You only spent more than a thousand for the item in the box, and it cost almost two thousand to customize this box. Dad, you are so interesting."

Meng Siping let out a "tsk", glared at Meng Chen, motioned him to shut up, then carefully placed the box on the desk, opened it, and said, "Xiao Chen is right, the contents in this box are indeed spent. It cost me more than 1,000 yuan, but I fell in love with this at a glance in the market, and no matter how I looked at it, I thought it was the real thing."

Qi Chen looked down at the box, and saw that there was a column-shaped object less than a palm long in it, covered with a layer of red-spotted green rust, very mottled, and a piece of rust was removed somehow, revealing a piece of rust. some character.

Due to the varying thickness of the rust, the original appearance of this thing was somewhat unclear. Qi Chen could only barely discern that there were uniform lines on the column, one end was a straight bottom, and the other end had a bumpy shape. Qi Chen recognized it for a long time, only to find that it was a dragon head, but his face was covered with rust, leaving only two holes in his eyes, staring at the onlookers as if he couldn't rest his eyes.

Qi Chen: "..."

Longya: "..."

The two were trapped in a strange and deep silence, only Xu Liang hesitated and said, "Uncle Meng, this rust was made later..."

"Huh?" Meng Siping said, "How do you know it was done just by looking at it? You don't need to touch it?"

"Uh..." Xu Liang said, "Because we are all too old, we can see it. Of course, we can't be sure, but it's almost inseparable, and the rust should be gone as soon as it soaks in the water. You can Try it." Then he looked at Qi Chen.

Qi Chen was hesitating about how to explain, when he heard Long Ya say, "No need to blister it, it can be broken by peeling it off. I'll show you how—"

It was a very common sentence, but he was stunned to say it in a murderous way, as if it was squeezed out word by word from the gap between the teeth.

As an insider, Qi Chen heard another meaning from his words: What an idiot to be bored with, and dare to put such a pile of shit-like rust on Lao Tzu's head! For me to find him, I have to put a bunch of sticks on his face and let him look at me so desperately!