Cultural Relics Are Not To Be Messed With

Chapter 75


"After all, I couldn't hold back..." Qi Chen's voice paused for a moment, and then sounded in Long Ya's ear again.

Once his voice calmed down, it was the same as the exhortation he had heard in his dream, "Don't get away, don't act rashly."

Long Ya looked up at the thick black air in the sky, and said, "What are you afraid of when you escape, just press it back again!"

Qi Chen made a sound of "um" and didn't speak again. I don't know if he was thinking of countermeasures, or he was dealing with the intertwined memories of past and present lives.

Both looked out the window and were silent for a moment.

After a while, Long Ya heard Qi Chen speak again, like a light and short laugh, and like a sigh.

"Have you figured it out?" He said, turned his head, and saw Qi Chen's long hair shortening, the white clothes became hazy again, and in the blink of an eye, he returned to his appearance before he fell asleep.

"In this era, it's still more comfortable like this." Qi Chen straightened his clothes, and said to Longya: "The memories of the two worlds are still there, but I'm really not used to it... Should I call you Team Leader Long, or change it? Where's Jackie Chan? Or—"

As if he knew what he was going to say next, Longya interrupted angrily: "Don't you just wake up and do something wrong? The trouble has not been solved yet! And should you explain something to me? Huh?!"

Qi Chen recovered all the memories of his previous life. Although the previous life is thousands of years old, the present life is only more than twenty years old, but after all, the present life is closer, so it has a deeper impact than the previous life.

Long Ya saw that his habits, expressions, and way of speaking were similar to those before, but with thousands of years of experience in his body, he should be more calm when he was serious.

The only difference is that when Qi Chen faced Longya before, it was somewhat unnatural. Now that I remembered all the events of the past thousand years, I suddenly took a big step forward, and I am much more at ease. I also liked to tease Longya verbally once in a while.

Qi Chen gave a soft "Ah—", remembering what he should do when he wakes up, and said to Long Ya, "I remember the original situation... At that time, the situation was too urgent, and the disaster in the human world was the same as the other two. The world is different, they are all ordinary people, they don’t have such a long lifespan to waste and can wait, I can only take down the strategy and calm down first.”

"It's not that I really want to die, but the situation at the time. It's too difficult to find four people who belong to the world and have enough merit and spirit to help. As a last resort, I..."

Qi Chen explained it, and seeing Long Ya's stinky face, he simply stopped talking.

He raised his head and looked at Longya quietly, his face was full of apology, but his dark eyes were filled with other emotions, a little complicated, probably the result of the interweaving of the memories of the two worlds - Mingming had only seen this always love black before he fell asleep. The face of the person, but there are too many misses that I haven't seen in many years.

He looked at it for a long time, as if he had never looked at Longya so carefully before, and looked down from the corner of Longya's eyes and brows without hesitation... Then he reached out and hugged it.

Longya: "..."

"Who told you that hugging Lao Tzu will relieve you?!" he said angrily.

Qi Chen's chin rested on his shoulder, and he gave a deep laugh and said, "The memories of my previous life told me..."

Longya: "... fart!"

He spoke fiercely, but his expression really softened, and Qi Chen hugged him without letting go.

After hugging for a while, Long Ya finally lost his temper completely, he rolled his eyes to the sky, then raised his hand helplessly and hugged Qi Chen's back, laughing at himself: "Why am I so temperless... "

Qi Chen: "...Guanghe and the rest should cry when they hear this."

Long Ya slapped him on the waist angrily: "Get up!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Long Ya's cell phone rang. He waited for Qi Chen to let go of his hand, then he took out the cell phone and pressed it to answer. Director Dong's voice came from there, with Qi Chen's current Ear power, can hear every word clearly.

"What happened to your side? The Sifang Talisman Formation was broken, and the black air reappeared in the sky. It has been notified. Master Huijia has taken over one place, and I have the next one, and Yundu Mountain is over there. I have also taken care of one, and the special position is special. It is directly linked to the way of heaven. It is not good to participate directly, or it will be worse. Others may not be able to bear it... Do you and Xiao Qi have any problems?"

"He's awake." Long Ya said directly.

"That's the best, although the current situation is different from that time, but since he wakes up, the life and soul of the human world still belongs to him, and his participation in nature is more effective with half the effort!" Director Dong said, "It is more direct to discuss specific matters. It's not convenient for Master Huijia to come out, let's go to Wanling Temple to discuss it clearly, I have already agreed with Yundu Mountain, they will come after quelling the evil spirits in Houshan, and see you tomorrow at Wanling Temple at noon."

Long Ya glanced at Qi Chen, saw that he nodded, and said to Director Dong on the other side of the phone: "I have no problem, he can too, then we will meet tomorrow and discuss."

After hanging up the phone, Long Ya remembered that there was still someone waiting in the hall.

He patted Qi Chen: "There is someone outside who is waiting to kowtow to you and thank you."

When Qi Chen heard this, his hair stood up, looked at the closed door, and waved his hands again and again: "Who is it? Kowtow? I'm most afraid of this, or I'll go to Wanling Temple and wait, you Just tell him he can't watch and let me run away—"

"What's wrong!" Long Ya glared at him: "It used to be virtuous, why is it still like this now, others thank you as if they were going to blow you up with dynamite, and you would run away every time you turned around and disappeared. "Why don't you usually like to move so much?"

As he spoke, he pushed Qi Chen towards the door, raised his hand and opened the door of the side room.

The old man in the hall looked lonely under the dim yellow light...

Qi Chen originally wanted to run with oil on the soles of his feet, but his heart softened when he saw the old man, so he had to stop, and said to Longya in a very low voice: "... So I am most afraid of seeing the old man. It doesn't look right."

He straightened his clothes, stepped out of the side room, and smiled gently at the old man.

The light and shadow were a little dim just now, and the old man's appearance was a little different from that in the daytime. Qi Chen didn't recognize it at a glance, but when he got closer and looked at it again, Qi Chen couldn't help but say, "You don't live in the room next to you. inner… "

The old man nodded: "Yes, it's me."

Qi Chen said: "I came up several times when I was young, so I didn't recognize it just now."

The old man waved his hands again and again: "I can't recognize normal, normal... I, I came here to express my thanks to my lord on behalf of my ancestors—"

As he said that, he knelt down directly, and was about to kowtow when he was pulled by Qi Chen.

"Thank you, that's enough to hear, don't kneel." Qi Chen helped him up, "Your ancestor is—"

"My ancestor is only one of thousands of people who have been saved by adults. If my Qin family has passed it down from generation to generation, if we are lucky enough to meet adults, we must remember to tell you - the lower realm of the evil star is just a legend, we have eyes and hearts. , I can see and feel for myself, I have never seen any evil star to save people like this. There are people who are afraid of you in the world, but everyone who has really seen you and has been rescued by you misses you... I The Qin family has only one long wish from generation to generation, may you return as soon as possible, sir, and have no scruples, and live at ease all your life."

Qi Chen was stunned for a while, and before he had time to answer, he heard the old man say again: "Since the lord has come back, I will not continue to harass this mountain, this is not where I live, I will go back to the next door first. , I will go down the mountain tomorrow morning, and I should go back to my old house to have a look."

Since Qi Chen didn't let him kneel, the old man didn't continue to be stubborn, but bowed and gave a long bow, and then walked out the door with a ridiculously messy yellow paper talisman.

Qi Chen looked at the door and did not return to his senses for a long time.

Long Ya raised his hand and snapped his fingers in front of him, calling his soul back, and said, "I told you a long time ago to let you go down the mountain with confidence, not many people avoid you like snakes and scorpions. It will take you a long time to get you down. Is this a letter back?"

"...I know." Qi Chen smiled and said, "I know that many people are no longer afraid of me, but they are used to it, so they are too lazy to always run down the mountain."

"Fuck! This is to fool other people!" Long Ya squinted at him: "It's not because you have a pimple in your heart, the time you just appeared, the chaos in the world made you have a pimple in your heart, you yourself I also suspect that I am a malevolent star and will bring disasters, so while saving people, I am afraid of dealing with people. Half of them are avoiding you, and half are actually avoiding them. You don’t even think about it, if you really are Shaxing, it should be me who should have the most trouble, but am I just fine?! You can't even beat me, how can you beat those who have only met you once?"

Qi Chen's thousand-year-old memories have come back, and naturally he has a better understanding of Longya. After hearing him say such a long paragraph, he asked, "Leader Long, what did you want to say after paving the way?"

When Long Ya saw that he was pierced, he didn't continue to go around, and immediately said decisively: "I just want to tell you, don't expect me to let you go forward to suppress those black qi this time! Don't even think about it! You are the real murderer. , it's also the most valuable here! Dare to break your dog's legs and fill a tank with a thousand years of drunkenness!"

Qi Chen: "..."

"What are you staring at me!" Seeing that he didn't speak, Long Ya opened his eyes wide and shouted angrily.

"I suddenly remembered! My dad is still waiting for me to pick up the station?!" Qi Chen's face was blurred by the memories of the two worlds, and only now did he recover, "What time is it now?"

Longya: "... Ancestor, the daylily will be cold when you wake up."

Qi Chen: "..."

Long Ya looked at him with a sad face: "Didn't you say it before, Hu Yi has been asked to take care of him long ago. He sent me a text message when you were still awake, and he has successfully settled your parents. "