Cultural Relics Are Not To Be Messed With

Chapter 79


The pain that fell on everyone in the four directions not only did not ease, but instead became more and more intense as the black qi struggled.

Just the second talisman was already so unbearable, I couldn't imagine how severe the reaction would be when the third and fourth fell, and whether everyone could hold on like this.

The power of these filthy qi's attachment to living souls, the pulling power of the magic circle that everyone gradually completed to the black qi, and the comforting power of Qi Chen to push the thousands of light rivers into the world, these three parties fall on the people who are curled up , sometimes the pain is unbearable, sometimes it is slightly relieved, it just depends on who has the upper hand.

The two-quarter time this time seemed extremely long because it was extremely difficult.

After a long time, the red light of Yinghuo Xing in the sky moved, and the moment of dropping the third talisman finally came.

Because I had suffered too much before, this time, even the process of drawing symbols was not so smooth.

It seems that there are thousands of horses grabbing the nib of the pen, dragging it in the opposite direction, and every turn, every pounding and light lifting, seems to be competing with the force of ten thousand.

Thousands of resentful spirits in the ground of Wanling Temple were constantly scrambling between Huijia's talismans, as if trying to forcefully escape from the ground when all his spiritual power was condensed at his fingertips.

In the small courtyard, there was a flicker of fire at the mouth of the well that had been sealed by Huijia for two floors, as if a strong wind was blowing that layer of fire aside.

As a result, the flames burned more and more intensely in the gust of wind, burning higher and higher, but the state became more and more unstable.

The resentful spirits beneath the ground let out a pitiful howl of resentment in the gaps of the fire waves, and in this wilderness, they looked particularly terrifying.

The howling sound became louder and louder and spread farther and farther, and the mountain where Wanling Temple was located trembled in this howling sound.

The roof tiles in the temple are old, and the dust of the years is falling down in the trembling. Even the Buddha statues look precarious. fall to the ground.

However, Huijia still had an indifferent expression in such a shock, without even moving her eyebrows, her fingertips kept drawing runes one after another.

Equally unsettled, there is the back mountain of Yundu Mountain. The group of demons in the town are reluctantly tossing up, and they seem to want to take this opportunity to escape from the back mountain and enter the world.

Some disciples rushed over immediately.

However, the hands of the two elders holding the sword are still steady, but each time they draw a stroke, the pain and burden on their bodies will be suppressed by another layer.

On the top of Mount Qu, when the last stroke of the rune was finished, the golden knife light wrapped around the pen instantly pulled away from the pen and landed on Qi Chen's side, turning into a dragon tooth again.

Seeing him frown, his lips pursed tightly, he raised his hand and took out the third talisman paper.

The blood-stained cinnabar on the talisman paper has not yet dried out. In the night, because of the infusion of spiritual power, it looks extraordinarily bright red, almost dazzling.

The paper was obviously very light and thin, but when it fell to the ground, it seemed to be heavy.

I just heard a bang, flying sand and stone, and the wind suddenly rose.

The moment the third talisman from the four directions landed at the same time, it was like scooping up a large scoop of water and pouring it into the boiling oil pan, and the black gas attached to the world instantly became violent.

Struggling like crazy, competing with the power of the symbol formation.

Its writhing became more and more violent, and the pain it brought to people suddenly went up to a new level.

Suddenly, the screams were endless, but more people couldn't even make a sound. They were bloodless, covered in cold sweat, curled up on the ground and twitched like a convulsion.

And their pain, at that moment, returned to Longya and the others in a hundred times thousand times.

All souls howled, the waves surged into the sky, and the earth shook.

Even Yundu Mountain, which has been stable for thousands of years, is still rolling with rubble, not to mention the hill where Qu Mountain and Wanling Temple are located.

The moment Huijia landed on the paper talisman, his eyebrows wrinkled, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, which contrasted with his red mole. Against the pale face, it was shockingly red.

When the two elders of Sect Master Yun Du landed, they finally couldn't help but prop up their bodies with the tip of their swords.

Shen He still had an ice slag-like face. If he hadn't braced himself, he wouldn't have been in pain just by looking at his expression.

He slowed down a bit and then turned to look at his senior brother.

Without him speaking, Li Daochang knew what he wanted to say, and immediately took the sword that was on the ground, put it on his back, and patted his chest with a pretense of ease: "I'm also your senior brother, you can hold it, I'm afraid Am I weak? Worrying about it—" After speaking, he turned back to the disciples and said, "Arrange formation! Protect the mountain! The last one is no joke!"

The disciples took the lead, flew down from the top of Yundu Mountain, and landed at the foot of the mountain. Yundu Mountain.

As soon as the disciples dispersed, only Daochang Li and Shen He were left on Luoyun Platform.

The man who was slapping his chest just now to save face bowed his head and spit out blood, coughed twice, and then took a deep breath: "You suffocated me, I would have known not to slap so hard just now."

Shen He hugged him, he didn't know how to say goodbye to him.

As a result, before he could speak, Li Daochang patted his shoulder. Seeing him meaningfully persuaded: "I know you must also want to vomit, the younger disciples have all run away, vomit, it's easy to get hurt inside."

Shen He: "..."

Even Director Dong's face became ugly. He was always cheerful, wide-hearted and fat, never in a hurry, but this time, his brows were wrinkled, and the corners of his mouth were also stained with blood, and he never relaxed for a moment. .

Relatively speaking, only the dragon teeth are better.

This one is a real copper skin and iron bone, and his ability to withstand is much better than the others. The falling of the third talisman paper only made him frown more tightly.

He and Qi Chen, or a group of them, are actually somewhat similar in their bones. No matter how heavy the burden falls on them, no matter how painful it is, they don't like to express it. They don't say a word or say a word.

Qi Chen is soft on the outside and hard on the inside, while Long Ya is hard from bone to skin.

The battle between the human black qi and the talisman formation has reached the most critical time.

If people can see it, they will find that the black qi that is tightly attached to them and can't be torn apart is being torn apart by the increasing force at this time, and it seems that they are really going to tear away from them. Stripped off.

Too bad they can't see it.

Even if they can see, no one has the strength to open their eyes. Even if they open their eyes, their eyes are probably blurred, and they can't see anything clearly...

Because it is too painful.

The pain of peeling the black gas from them was like someone was pulling their flesh and blood.

When the first two talismans fell, they only pulled the flesh to the limit, and when the third talisman fell, it was time for the flesh to separate from the muscles and bones.

It hurts as much as it hurts to have the flesh torn off by someone, swallowing it alive and peeling it alive.

And the more the black qi was stripped away, the harder he struggled, so the thunder in the sky slashed more fiercely.

The countless thunderbolts were originally punishing the filth in this world, but because the filth was attached to the human body, the thunderbolts fell straight to the ground one after another, and the posture seemed to split the whole world into a sea of fire and scorched earth. .

Not to mention ordinary people, the purple-colored Tianlei, even if they were hit by Longya, would not feel comfortable, let alone fall so densely and uninterruptedly.

But at this time, everyone couldn't spare more energy to manage Tian Lei.

"I really let it go down like this, and it's all set up in vain. After the formation is finished, everyone will die. It's all scorched, so what's the good and evil?" Long Ya frowned and looked at the continuous film, which illuminated the sky and the earth. The bright thunder and lightning said in a cold voice.

Several other parties have the same concerns.

Qi Chen once again poured the whole body's spiritual power into his hands, and in an instant the river of light became more prosperous, covering the sky and covering the earth, and he was pushed to spread out, covering the entire world.

The Yinghuo star in the sky was so red that it seemed like it was burning.

And Qi Chen's whole body also diffused a layer of red light, shaking slightly, like the tongue of fire in the wind.

Behind him, on the corners of the eaves of the ancient building, the ancient xuns that had been hanging quietly all along began to tremble slightly.

As the thunderstorms formed into a continuous film, resounding through the mountains and rivers, the whole world was illuminated by the unstoppable lightning, which has always been attached to people, and the black gas that could not be separated from it, finally lasted to the last moment.

The continuously strengthening power of the rune array finally gained the upper hand in the long tug-of-war.

The rivers, lakes, seas and the earth shook violently for several times at the same time, and when countless loud bangs sounded at the same time, the shock made people's ears hum, and the ubiquitous black qi was finally completely torn apart and stripped from the soul. .

Longya and the others were refreshed in the pain.

"Finally—" Director Dong on the South China Sea boulder breathed a sigh of relief, but as soon as he said two words, he stopped and narrowed his eyes.

Originally raging in the human world, the black and filthy aura that was seamless and pervasive, filled everywhere, was stirred, swirled, and gathered in the gust of wind.

South-east, north-west, one center.

All the black energy in the world was converging toward the four centers, and soon condensed into four huge cloud pillars, reaching the sky and the ground.

Whether standing in the sea or standing on the top of the mountain, you have to look up to the four cloud pillars.

After a while, all the black energy merged into the four sky-penetrating cloud pillars.

Then, with a few long howls that were louder than thunder, the four sky-reaching cloud pillars changed in an instant, turning into four huge black dragons, tumbling in the sky, and with a flick of their long tails, they were able to stop a sea .

Before everyone could react, the four giant dragons suddenly attacked everyone in the electric light intertwined with white and purple!