Cultural Relics Are Not To Be Messed With

Chapter 86: Extra four


At first glance, Yundu Mountain in the extreme north is a very inconspicuous small barren mountain, with sparse vegetation, and birds are not willing to come, let alone people.

But the reality is different.

As long as you find the right entrance, you will find that the real Yundu Mountain towers into the clouds, the snow on the top of the mountain does not melt all year round, and the cold is biting. It is not a place for ordinary people to stay at all.

There is one of the most prestigious sects in the world. It is named after the mountain, also called Yundu. Because of the ice and snow, it is rich in facial paralysis.

Although Yundu Mountain has a high status, the population has not been prosperous.

It's just because the elders of the sects of the past generations are more picky than each other, and in line with the mentality of preferring not to abuse, they are more particular about picking direct disciples than ordinary people picking their wives. Even when it comes to picking sect disciples, the conditions are not too relaxed.

Therefore, returning to the head of Yundu Mountain and accepting disciples will become a major news and widely circulated in the Three Realms.

When the twelfth generation Sect Master Zhong Daochang accepted his first disciple, it was no exception.

At that time, the transmission of information in the Three Realms was not as fast and convenient as it is now, but it did not affect the breadth of the news in the slightest.

Within two days, almost everyone knew that Zhong Daochang had accepted a little doll as a direct disciple.

Legend has it that the little doll has big eyes and dark eyes, white and tender, just like the ball rubbed out by the snow on the top of Yundu Mountain. Dingdian is a big man, just turned five years old, his mouth is sweet and can be coaxed, and his aptitude is very good.

The Three Realms have said that Daoist Zhong is the same as the head of the previous dynasties.

Zhong Daochang himself thought so at the beginning.

There is another reason why the number of disciples in Yundu Mountain is small, that is, there are many 24 filial masters there, which is simply an inherited trait of the sect.

Zhong Daochang, who was the first disciple back then, also inherited this trait very well, and loved this little disciple named Li and named Feibai.

The mind method is explained one by one, and the sword beckons and hands are taught one action at a time...

Before the inedia, this little disciple was still a picky eater. All requests from Master Zhong would be answered in three words - good, good!

Just want the stars not to the moon.

My father wasn't used to it.

It stands to reason that eight out of ten people who are so used to it have a big temper and are not easy to get along with.

But his little disciple is different. When he was young, he was a familiar one. When he changed his teeth, he was not afraid of being ugly. People will call the elders, uncles, uncles, and elders, and do nothing else at the end of the day, just call everyone for a long time to say hello.

The seniority is also clearly carried, and it has never been called a miss.

At that time, Daoist Zhong was still very relieved. He said that it was not in vain. He had a high understanding and learned quickly. He had a good personality.

So he couldn't figure it out, how could Ruanmeng become such a small dumpling when he was a child, how could it get longer and crooked inexplicably, rushing in an unfocused direction and never looking back? Running faster than a stray dog with anal prolapse!

Moreover, if his little disciple did some shameful things alone, it would be fine, but he would even bring down a group of brothers and sisters.

Zhong Daochang was so angry that his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys hurt everywhere. He just felt that if this disciple took over Yundu Mountain like this, he would have to be stabbed into a hornet's nest by the ancestors of all dynasties.

But he was really reluctant to shove this disciple out of the house without mercy. After all, he brought it up with his hands, and although his personality became more and more out of tune, there was nothing to say about his cultivation ability, and he was definitely the leader among the disciples.

Zhong Daochang hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to accept another disciple. When the eldest disciple took over the position of head, the second disciple could still help to prevent Yundushan from being led by the eldest disciple.

When the second disciple Shen He was brought into Yundu Mountain, he was four years old, and the eldest disciple Li Feibai just turned seventeen.

There was another rumor in the Three Realms, but everyone with a little bit of gossip was guessing whether Daoist Zhong planned to give up his eldest disciple. After all, before him, the head of the four successive generations had not accepted a second disciple.

Zhong Daochang himself was also a little worried that the eldest disciple would have emotions in his heart, and he didn't even like to see his little junior brother.

But obviously, his eldest disciple is really big-hearted.

From the day he was taken to Yundu Mountain, Shen He was deceived by Li Feibai, rubbing his face and rubbing his hands, he became a big doll, and even the master Zhong Daochang couldn't get it back.

At that time, Shen He, who was only four years old, looked as lovable as Li Feibai when he was a child, white and soft, and his skin was smooth and smooth. The only difference from Li Feibai is that he is not so sweet, and he doesn't look particularly smart, even a little dumb.

But Daoist Zhong knew that this child was also a very talented person, and if he was trained well, he was no worse than his eldest disciple.

He originally thought that for this second disciple, he must watch him grow step by step, and he should not neglect any link, lest he suddenly grow crooked like the eldest disciple again, and he won't be able to pull it back.

But God seems to be playing with him and doesn't make him happy—

At a young age, Shen He didn't know people clearly, and as soon as he entered the sect, he was deceived by his senior brother's appearance. After only half a day's work, the little dumpling was completely abducted by the young senior brother. Everywhere he went, he grabbed the hem of his brother's clothes, as if he was the only one in this world who had a natural affinity with him.

A four-year-old milk doll, she still leaks when she speaks, and knows the fate of a fart! Zhong Daochang thought bitterly.

He tried every means to turn Shen He back, but he couldn't stand Shen He only eating Li Feibai's way, and the others ignored him.

After a long time, Zhong Daochang had to give up. He often looked at his little disciple, who looked like a glutinous rice dumpling, with an unrequited expression. Think: Well, isn't there a saying in the world that children and grandchildren will have their own blessings, and it's useless to worry about it.

So he simply let his two disciples go.

This directly caused Shen He to be deceived by his senior brother Gao Lengqingjun for several years.

When he was still young, Shen He didn't realize that his senior brother was unreliable and irrelevant. He just instinctively felt that this young senior brother was really good to him, that he would give all good things to himself, and he took him with him wherever he went, and he never disliked it. Stay by yourself.

After two or three years of age, he gradually realized that his senior brother was probably really not very good.

When Shen He was happy, Li Fei Baifei liked to find something to make him cry, because he thought it was amusing for such a small dumpling to frown.

When Shen He was angry, Li Feibai couldn't help but make him laugh, tickling him, until he made him laugh.

When he was four or five years old, Shen He was confused, and he was very cooperative with his senior brother's bad taste.

When he was six or seven years old, Shen He had some ideas, but for his brother's pleasure, he still cooperated very well.

When he was eight or nine years old, Li Feibai teased ten times, and Shen He could reluctantly cooperate twice, but he still disliked it in his heart.

After ten years...

Shen He was completely amused by Li Feibai and turned into a small iceberg with a paralyzed face.

Zhong Daochang looked up to the sky and sighed with emotion: Planting flowers will not bloom, planting willows and willows unintentionally.

He was serious, and the eldest disciple he brought out was two hundred and fifty, while his eldest disciple had never been adjusted, but Shen He, who brought out his hand, had the temperament of Yun Dushan.

In short - Zhong Dao Changle is broken.

Cleaning in the mountains, time is always like water, flowing fast.

In the blink of an eye, both disciples have been practicing for a hundred years.

Sometimes when Zhong Daochang looked at the two of them, he couldn't help but sigh, they always got together, and they even looked more and more alike.

When Li Feibai was expressionless and did not fall ill, he looked even more like a scumbag than his junior brother Shen He. He was cold and hard to get close to. But in front of familiar people, it takes a few words to reveal the truth.

On the other hand, Shen He became more and more aura, and there was a faint arrogance in his coldness.

A hundred years ago, when the two stood together, they were still a seventeen-year-old boy and a four-year-old glutinous rice dumpling. It was obvious who was older and who was younger.

A hundred years later, the two walked side by side. Shen He had the advantage of height and aura, and looked more like the older one.

Zhong Daochang originally thought that one of them was 250, and the other was paralyzed. It would be difficult for them to get along with each other when they were older. Especially Shen He, it was hard not to dislike his senior brother.

Who knew that these two very different people had always been in harmony with each other, and their relationship was as good as ever.

One time, when Li Feibai went down the mountain to practice and lost a lot of face, and Shen He listened to it and brought him back without saying a word, Zhong Daochang felt that he could almost feel at ease—

The position of the head is in the hands of these two disciples, and Yun Dushan can't make any difference.

The two disciples, who are very different but surprisingly harmonious, may be able to bring Yundushan even better.

So, after another hundred years, Li Feibai took over as the head of Yundu Mountain, and Shen He was the head of the Great Elder.

The Yundu Mountain that day was the same as the thousands of mornings before, the snow did not melt, and the mist was shrouded in mist.

The head seal flew out from the middle of Zhong Dao's long eyebrows and landed in his void, scattered with golden light, and then, following the ceremony, it turned into a sword shadow and fell into Li Feibai's eyebrows.

The thirteenth head of Yundu Mountain stood in the center of Yunfu Platform, closed his eyes for a moment, then turned to look at his junior brother who had followed him for hundreds of years, and raised his eyebrows with pride.

Legend has it that that day, Elder Shen, who had always been cold and expressionless, raised the corner of his mouth and smiled...