Cultural Relics Are Not To Be Messed With

Chapter 9


At that moment, Qi Chen felt like he was stuck in an ice cellar, his heart seemed to be clenched tightly but he forgot to release it.

"Ryoko..." He opened his mouth, only to find that his throat was tight, and it took a lot of effort to speak, but there was almost nothing left to say.

Xu Liang lowered his eyes and glanced at his pocket, then raised his eyes and stared at Qi Chen rightly, his eyes were gray, like a layer of cobwebs, without any luster, full of death: " Did you see it? Then I don't need to continue to put it on." His tone was very strange, stiff and cold like an electronic voice, completely missing the familiar tone from before.

If Qi Chen could barely comfort himself before, Xu Liang's creepy smile might have been reflected by the light of the flashlight, but now that Xu Liang said such a thing, Qi Chen could no longer deceive himself.

He stood there stiffly, the hand holding the umbrella was half drooping, the handle of the umbrella was tucked in the palm of his fingers, his fingers were white, and he was almost unconscious from the cold. And his other hand was holding the phone, and the pale torch light was cast from the back of the phone, creating a circular spot on the ground.

He stood inside the light spot, and Xu Liang happened to stand outside the light spot, bright and dark, as if standing on both ends of the yin and yang.

After Xu Liang said "I don't plan to put it any more", a smell suddenly emanated from his body, a bit like the tidal smell that came out when a wooden box that had been vacant for many years was opened, mixed with a little rust smell, but it didn't Not strong.

This smell is actually not that unpleasant, but Qi Chen somehow has an unreasonable disgust and disgust for this smell. The disgust came as suddenly as the smell, but it was so turbulent that it almost overshadowed the fear that he should have in his heart.

It was this sense of unreasonable disgust that made his almost stagnant thinking move again, and his hands and feet became conscious again. So when Xu Liang suddenly raised his hand and stretched out towards his neck, Qi Chen tilted his head sharply and ducked in time.

He took a step to the side and swiped out the umbrella that was open in his hand, hoping that this very weak shield would at least block Xu Liang a little.

As a result, he heard a "puff", and Xu Liang, who was behind the umbrella, pierced the surface of the umbrella with both hands, and his ten fingers that were bowed into claws instantly appeared in front of Qi Chen's eyes, and the fingertips were no longer normal. It is curved and sharp, exuding cold light like eagle claws, even if it is only an inch further forward, it will be able to dig out Qi Chen's eyeballs.

Qi Chen gasped and raised his head, avoiding the pair of sharp claws, and then forcefully pushed the umbrella that had been pierced forward, turned around and ran.

He originally wanted to run to the side of the road and get into the car, but they had no choice but to go back and forth and turn in a different direction, and the way back was blocked by Xu Liang. At this time, he couldn't care about it, and he had to continue to run along this road.

On both sides were tall trees that were completely bald, and there was not even a point of shelter. He could only use the fastest speed in his life and go straight to the farmhouse restaurant with inferior neon lights hanging on the small dirt bag in front of him. In any case, it is almost everyone's instinct to run to a crowded place when they are afraid.

The ice slag and slush on the ground was the biggest obstacle at this time, and he could slide all fours upside down if he was not careful, but he didn't dare to slow down.

He didn't know whether Xu Liang was catching up, and how far away he was. Because there was a dead silence behind him, he could only hear the "chacha" sound of him stepping on the snow and ice slag on the whole road, and he didn't even bother to look back.

In the corner of the light, the scenery on both sides quickly regressed, and the small earthy slope like a tomb bag came into view in an instant. The gray neon lights of Liezhi were lit and black, and they were implicated and hung in front of the courtyard gate of the small two-story building.

Qi Chen didn't care about his image, he was too lazy to find the way up the dirt slope, he stepped directly on the gravel, dragged a few dead tree roots that were exposed on the ground, and climbed up the dirt slope.

The courtyard door of the farmhouse is closed, red paper couplets are pasted on the door, and there are also red paper lanterns hanging on the eaves, but the lights inside are probably broken, half-lit, and the color is very dim old.

Qi Chen stopped abruptly in front of the door, and was able to take a breath. He quickly glanced back, but did not see Xu Liang at all.

He was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't control that much. After thinking about going into the house, the sense of security would be higher in places with many people. The big deal was that when others had finished eating and left, he would follow them out to the side of the circuit.

There was a big copper ring on the courtyard door of this farmhouse, but Qi Chen didn't care about knocking on the door at this time, so he stretched out his hand and slammed the courtyard door open. "Bang", closing the door in a hurry.

The dark red lacquer door of the hall on the first floor of the small building was not closed tightly, leaving a gap.

At this moment, the light coming from the crack of the door seemed to Qi Chen like a mother and father.

He walked to the red lacquered door in three steps in two steps. He raised his hand and was about to push the door, but it was as if a bucket of ice water had been poured over his head, and he froze there—

Because he suddenly reacted, there was not even a single voice in this huge building.

Before Qi Chen was eager to escape, except for his beating heartbeat and extremely heavy breathing, all his attention was devoted to carefully listening to the movements behind him, and he couldn't care about anything else at all. Standing in front of the door now, he can find a temporary shelter by pushing the door. He finally relaxes a little, and then he has the energy to pay attention to other problems. However, this attention has brought his heart to the tip of the needle again.

Just when his head was once again brushed blank with a "hum", the hall door that originally had a slit was opened from the inside.

Xu Liang, who had been pushed back by him with his umbrella two minutes ago, was now holding the door, standing under the dim yellow light, and once again gave him a stiff and lifeless smile.

What do you really have! Finish! No! Finish!

At that moment, Qi Chen's tensed heart filled with irritability and anger strangely. He actually had the urge to tear off the face of the other party's smiling face. He always felt that such a smile was similar to Xu Liang's original gentleness The looks are incompatible with each other to the extreme. However, the remaining sanity restrained his urge to die.

He was stunned for only a moment, then turned to run away, but heard Xu Liang's tone stiff and unwavering: "I've led him here, what are you dawdling about?"

Qi Chen was shocked, he was clearly talking to another person!

It doesn't matter if he is alone, if two such groups come to play with him, he really won't be able to run away any longer.

Thinking of this, he turned his feet, and just as he was about to rush out, he felt that the back of his neck had been smashed hard by the goods that killed Qiandao and had to deal with it. His eyes were black and his legs were soft. Feeling the pain, I fainted.

The deep darkness in front of his eyes has not dissipated, but the dull pain in the back of the neck has gradually become clear, and after a while, the mind is buzzing and dizzy, and the stomach is full of nausea, making people wonder if even the bones are out of place.

Qi Chen gradually regained consciousness from the pain that could not be ignored. For a moment, he couldn't understand what was going on with him. Just as he was about to open his eyes to take a look, he heard a stiff male voice with almost no tone. From the office: "I'm running out of time, let's take a step first."

As soon as the voice entered his ears, the series of strange things that had happened before that shocked Qi Chen's worldview finally appeared in his mind. So, he only moved his eyelids twice, and then pressed back the plan to open his eyes again, and continued to pretend to be dizzy, wanting to hear what else was going on.

As soon as the male voice finished speaking, a gust of wind suddenly picked up. I don't know if it was the wooden door or the wooden window with a low "squeak--", and then closed it with a "snack". Then, something fell to the ground and made a muffled sound. ring.

After that, there was nothing new. Qi Chen could only hear some light "beeping" sounds, as well as a small "gudududu" boiling sound similar to the casserole cooking. It seems that someone is burning a fire with firewood and cooking a pot of something.

After waiting for a long time, he finally couldn't help moving his eyelids and half-opened his eyes to see what the person who was left behind was doing.

He didn't know how long he had been dizzy. He only felt that when he opened his eyes, his vision was very blurred, and he couldn't see the surrounding scene at all. A little sore, covered with a layer of water vapor.

He blinked several times, and the scene in front of him became clear, but with this clarity, he found that he was looking at a person who was about a meter away from him!

As soon as I opened my eyes, I found a person hanging his eyes expressionlessly, which meant that he was staring at you with a sullen look, not moving, and everyone would be shocked, let alone in this situation.

Qi Chen only felt that his bile was about to come out.

He looked at each other suspiciously.

It was a very thin old lady, with a hunched back and an old-fashioned look. The pale hair was combed into a bun on the head, but it was probably not combed carefully enough, and several locks were missed and scattered in a messy ear. There was a fire on her face, and she couldn't see her face clearly, only the eyes whose whites were obviously larger than the black parts were particularly clear, and those eyes were now staring at Qi Chen without turning around.

The moment Qi Chen saw these eyes, he felt extremely familiar, and he always felt that he had seen them somewhere before. In less than two seconds, he suddenly remembered that these were the eyes that appeared in the dark corner behind Sister Qin in the screenshot attached to the news report.

So what exactly is this situation? ! Steal a bracelet and steal so many things!

Doubt and irritability poured down, causing Qi Chen to have a seizure.

He thought to himself, if he can't outrun an old lady as an adult, he can find a rope and hang it at the door of the dormitory for people to look at when he goes back!

Once he made up his mind, he raised his head and tried to sit up, but at this moment, he saw something he didn't notice just now—

The old lady sitting there with her sleeves covered, has neither a shadow nor a foot...

Qi Chen: "..." At this time, I pretend that I haven't moved and I'm still dizzy. I don't know if it will work...

But in the next second, he understood... This is obviously not fucking good!

Because before he could make a move, the old lady with her sleeves raised her hand and lifted the lid of the pot that was boiling on the firewood not far away. The bowl hung in the air with a "swoosh", and his head plunged into the pot, scooping half of the bowl of something unknown, and then falling into the old lady's hands.

The old lady, who seemed to be trembling twice when she walked, took the bowl and "suddenly" flashed in front of Qi Chen, raised her hand to squeeze Qi Chen's chin, and wanted to pour the contents of the bowl into him.

It wasn't until then that Qi Chen realized that he didn't know who was using what tricks, and that he had no strength in his body. Except for his head, he couldn't move anywhere. He really couldn't run away from this broken old lady!

Qi Chen shook his head, trying to get out of the bowl.

He thought that after cooking it for so long, whether it was poured into his mouth or poured on his face by his struggle, it would have to burn a layer of skin and cause a burst of bubbles, but who knows that it really spilled on his mouth Bian found that the thing was astonishingly cold, and on such a day, it was so cold that people had goosebumps.

Most of the bowl of water boiled out of something was basically splashed on his mouth and neckline, but it was still inevitable that a little bit of it choked into his mouth.

Suddenly, a strong and bitter taste spread throughout the mouth, almost causing Qi Chen to spit it out, but the old lady covered her mouth and forcibly swallowed it.

For a time, there was a cloudy wind, and ghosts and wolves were howling. Qi Chen didn't know if what he swallowed had hallucinogenic effects or if it was true. He was lying on the ceiling, his head turned over, and with a pale face, he showed a miserable smile at Qi Chen. The corner of his mouth cracked to the base of his ear, revealing a row of sharp teeth like a whale shark.

Qi Chen: "..." Can anyone hear me calling for help in this place where birds don't shit...

Just when the group of mouth-to-mouth gadgets suddenly rushed towards Qi Chen, a whistling-like sound of a knife pierced through the ghosts and burst into the air!