Custom Made Demon King

Chapter 113: The Invincible Fleet


The gold produced in the abyss world actually has a cursed power that can bring bad luck to people. This is something Roy did not expect.

Now Captain Jack Sparrow's bad luck continues. Unless he can spend the gold and transfer it to others, Roy feels that such continuous bad luck will kill him sooner or later.

What Roy is thinking about now is about the souls of people who hold devil's gold and are killed by bad luck.

Wouldn't it be very satisfying if we could easily harvest a large number of souls through these devil's gold

However, the real situation is that the gold mine discovered by Roy in the abyss world must have been discovered by other demons before, but they paid little attention to it, so that the gold mine existed there for such a long time, but No trace of any excavation was seen at all.

Therefore, Roy could only guess that these devil's gold might just be a relatively useless thing to the devil!

The demons must also know that the curse power attached to these golds can curse greedy people to death, but gold is circulated after all, and not everyone who gets gold will die due to bad luck. Many times, they will spend the gold. In this way, they will no longer be exposed to the gold, and the curse of bad luck on it will gradually dissipate.

This leads to a curse of doom and uncertainty.

In addition to this uncertainty, Roy also guessed another possibility. Even if someone does die due to bad luck, these souls who died due to bad luck may not appear directly in the hands of the devil, but need the devil. Taking the initiative to recycle it is a very troublesome thing. This is probably the real reason why the demons disdain the gold.

After all, after Roy gave the gold to Jack Sparrow, he didn't feel anything connected to him or the existence of power from the gold...

Really, if this is the case, these golds feel like such a pity! It's obviously a very good thing...

Roy touched the devil's horn on his head and couldn't help but think, what else could he do to change the useless situation of devil's gold

Roy couldn't help but expand his imagination and start to think: Perhaps, he can leave a special "mark" on these devil's gold. This mark can make the souls of people who die due to the curse of bad luck return to their original state. After being exposed, will it automatically return to its own hands

You know, gold can be preserved for a long time. If he can make this special mark and engrave it on gold, then every time he goes to a world, Roy will spread a part of the demon gold with the mark, so that these If gold circulates in this world for decades or hundreds of years, this gold can be turned into long-term meal tickets, and souls can be transferred to Roy's hands continuously!

This is an idea that makes Roy's heart beat. Even if only one out of ten people who come into contact with devil's gold will die due to bad luck, the cumulative number will become a huge number.

The doom curse of demon gold is also determined by the greed of the human heart. If you are too greedy and hold a large amount of gold, the doom curse will become stronger, which will only make people die faster. The souls of such greedy people will be destroyed. Of course Yi doesn't take it for nothing.

However, it is still difficult to create such a "mark".

Because Roy cannot stay in one world for a long time, he will have to return to the abyss sooner or later, and the soul will dissipate soon without special preservation, which leads Roy to want to stay in the abyss. To be able to recycle these souls in the abyss world, the mark must be equipped with the ability to transfer souls across worlds. To realize such a function, the consumption of souls may be quite large.

In addition, the mark also needs to be preserved with the gold for a long time. To ensure this, the mark may also need to be accompanied by powerful magic power. If you want to engrave such a mark on every gold bar, I am afraid it will be impossible even if you want to engrave such a mark on every gold bar. Roy himself can't bear it, so it's best to make the mark engraved and then exist for a long time. This is another huge consumption point...

In short, just thinking about it, Roy felt that such a mark might be a bit difficult to get...

Roy currently holds more than 3,400 souls in his hand, all of which were gained after constantly fighting against pirates during this period. Especially during the battle with the pirate king Armand's fleet, Roy turned on the fear Halo has harvested a lot of high-quality souls, so these more than 3,400 souls can probably be used as nearly 4,000.

With so many souls, Roy estimated that it might be enough, but Roy felt quite distressed to spend so many souls at once.

However, this is equivalent to investing a large amount of money at once, and then recovering it through continuous dividends later. As long as there is more time, the original investment can be recovered...

Roy estimated that it took more than 1,400 souls to make his Frostmourne. If this Frostmourne can be regarded as an orange equipment, then it took 4,000 souls to make it. It’s almost the dark gold level, right? ... And if tens of thousands of souls can be used to create an item, then it should be at the level of an artifact!

Just when Roy was conceiving and designing to see how he should set the attributes of this mark, Cassandra suddenly reminded Roy: "Master, a large number of ships have been found on the sea!"

Hearing this, Roy could only interrupt his observation of Jack Sparrow. After giving the Devil's Eye an order to continue following, he stood up and looked in the direction Cassandra pointed. .

Sure enough, Cassandra was right. On the distant sea level, a large number of sails and masts could be seen vaguely. There were more than thirty ships in number, and they all seemed to be large ships.

These ships were sailing leisurely on the sea. From a distance, Roy couldn't tell what kind of ships they were, but they didn't look like pirate ships, but like... warships

Since it was not a pirate ship, Roy didn't bother to care. He returned to the chair and sat, leaving Cassandra to continue observing the warships.

However, not long after, Cassandra shouted to Roy: "Master, those warships seem to have discovered us. They have changed their course and are coming towards us."

"Huh? What are they going to do?" Roy was also confused, so he picked up a small monocular telescope left by Jack Sparrow and looked at the warships.

He had previously thought that these warships might be Royal Navy warships, but what he didn't expect was that after seeing the flags on the ships clearly, Roy discovered that these warships turned out to be Spanish warships!

"Not the Royal Navy, but the Armada!?" Roy was also surprised. Roy didn't know much about the historical background of this Pirates of the Caribbean world. After all, this is a magically modified world and cannot be viewed in terms of real history. , but this is the Caribbean, and the ones active here should be the Royal Navy. Why didn’t the Royal Navy see it now, but instead saw the Spaniards first

Just when Roy felt a little confused, Cassandra next to him suddenly said: "Master... Master!"

"What's wrong?" Roy turned around and asked her.

"I...I remembered!" Kassandra said: "When I was in the village before, I saw the same flags as those on these boats..."

"Oh? So, you are Spanish?" Roy then realized.

Roy himself uses the language of the soul to eliminate communication barriers in different languages, so he can understand what the person communicating with him is saying, but he may not be able to identify what language the other person is using, and Ka As a lich, Sandra also uses the language of the dead. In addition, she is just a little girl from the countryside. She has no knowledge and cannot tell where her hometown is. So it was not until this time that Roy knew that she actually It's Spanish.

This is really... If Cassandra finds out later, maybe Roy will be ready to go to the British church to avenge Cassandra...

"They seem to be attacking us?"

Looking through the telescope, Roy was even more confused when he saw a large number of soldiers busy on the Spanish warship opposite, gradually moving the ship horizontally, revealing the dense gun emplacements on the side of the ship.

He doesn't seem to have provoked these Spaniards, right? Why did these guys prepare to attack without saying a word as soon as they came up

Do they know what they are facing