Custom Made Demon King

Chapter 114: Exorcist prayers (first update)


During this period, those competing for dominance on this sea were the British Royal Navy and the Spanish Armada.

In the mid-16th century, in order to protect its sea lines of communication and its overseas interests, Spain established the largest fleet at the time. This fleet traveled across the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean, and proudly called itself the "Invincible Fleet." The Spanish relied on The Armada plundered large amounts of gold and silver, making Spain soon the richest maritime empire in Europe.

Because Britain at that time was also in the budding state of industrial development, the large number of manufactured industrial products forced it to rush to find overseas commercial markets, and innovations in shipbuilding and navigation technology further expanded Britain's ambition to seize colonies. Spain naturally does not allow other countries to share its colonial interests, so under this historical background, Britain and Spain are at odds with each other.

At that time, Britain's maritime strength was not strong and it was difficult to match the Spanish maritime fleet. However, Britain condoned pirates and issued "private licenses" to them, using the power of pirates to interfere with and attack the Spanish. Pirates organized organized attacks at sea and robbed Spanish ships carrying gold and silver, causing Spain to suffer a lot of losses.

The Queen of England allowed the pirates to donate their wealth to clear their identities, and even grant them corresponding titles based on the amount of wealth they donated. This resulted in the wealth and gold plundered from the sea gradually flowing into the UK. With these wealth, the British gradually made the Royal Navy more powerful and began to compete with the Spanish Armada for maritime hegemony.

At this point in time in the Pirates of the Caribbean world, the Spanish Armada has actually declined after several unsuccessful expeditions to England, but in any case, they are still a powerful force on the sea.

The Black Sea Fleet led by the former Pirate King Armand was simply incomparable to the Invincible Fleet!

What appeared in front of Roy and the others at this time was part of the Spanish Armada, more than thirty ships, all of which were sailing battleships. The entire fleet carried approximately 20,000 soldiers and sailors, and nearly a thousand artillery pieces. It is a huge fleet that the Royal Navy can only deal with cautiously after seeing it.

More than thirty sailing battleships lined up on the sea, with one side of the ship facing Roy and the others. Their densely packed cannons were aimed at the Frozen Ghost Ship. After an order, these hundreds of cannons The artillery fired in unison, and two or three seconds later, deafening roars sounded one after another. The ships in the entire fleet were tilted by the powerful recoil caused by the salvo.

Hundreds of cannonballs flew towards Roy and his ship. Although most of them fell into the sea and became near-misses, the remaining small number hit Roy and his ship, the Frozen Ghost. The ship was bombarded by dozens of cannonballs at the same time, and was blown into countless pieces!

Before the Spanish opened fire, Roy had already flown up with Fat Tiger and Cassandra. Although he was not hit by the shells, Roy was indescribably annoyed when he saw that the frozen ghost ship below was once again destroyed. .

The second ship! Why is it that every frozen ghost ship cannot last long in his own hands before being destroyed

Roy frowned, waved his hand and said: "Free attack!"

Originally, Roy had never thought about provoking the Royal Navy or the Armada, but since the other party was already knocking on the door, Roy certainly couldn't give in.

Flailing his devil wings, Roy rushed toward the Armada, followed closely by Fat Tiger and Cassandra.

In fact, Roy had roughly understood at this time why the Spanish Armada appeared here and launched an attack on him. The reason was probably the same as Armand!

In this period when science and ignorance are most entangled, the religious world is often the most sensitive moment, because the development of science is constantly shaking the foundation of theocracy, especially in countries like Spain, which were founded on Tianzhu religion. , when expanding to the colonies, the Spaniards consolidated their rule by promoting Tianzhu religion, and told people through the teachings of Tianzhu religion that the Spaniards ruled everyone on behalf of God, thus giving their rule a legal cloak.

If something that Tianzhu religion cannot explain appears at this time, it will definitely affect its image and status and shake its rule. This is also the reason why the Spaniards later wanted to forcefully destroy the Fountain of Youth, because the Fountain of Youth is not religious at all. What happened, they couldn't explain.

Especially now, when Spain is declining in the struggle for hegemony, they urgently need doctrine to maintain the stability of their rule. Cassandra's experience is also related to the current situation in Spain. In order to consolidate its rule, it has gradually declined. The witch arrests of the United States have also flourished again. The church needs to declare their power through the activity of judging heretics, and Cassandra and her mother are one of the victims.

Now, Roy has determined that Cassandra's other target of revenge is actually the Spanish church...

Ordinarily, Roy is a demon. The appearance of such a demon in this world is actually a good thing for the church, because they can finally prove that the demons in the Bible are real. By the same token, angels also exist. .

Doesn't this sound a bit ironic, because the one who proves the correctness of their teachings is actually a demon...

Therefore, the Spaniards were actually pained and happy about Roy's existence. On the one hand, they were delighted with the correctness of the doctrine, but on the other hand, they had to find a way to eliminate this devil.

In fact, if possible, the people of the church would like to let the whole world know about the existence of the devil Roy, but there is no way. Since they claim to be the Lord's agents in the world, they can only set an example and eliminate Roy, the " Enemies of God”…

This is also news about the demon Roy, which has not reached Rome yet. If it reaches Rome, maybe a new round of Crusade will begin...

Roy somewhat underestimated the huge influence he had after appearing in this world... Of course, this was also related to his vigorous revenge for Cassandra. In fact, other demons had come to this world in the past, but those other demons , but they did not make it known to everyone like Roy. At most, they were short-lived and then returned to the abyss world, so that they only left some vague rumors in this world.

Thanks to the lessons learned from Pirate King Armand, the Spaniards can be said to be well prepared this time.

When Roy landed on a sailing battleship, what awaited him were not Spanish soldiers holding knives or guns, but priests holding crosses and Bibles!

Although the dozen or so priests on the ship looked quite old and had a lot of beards, they were still very agile. As soon as Roy landed on the deck, they immediately stepped forward and pulled him from a distance. Roy surrounded him. They held the Bible tightly with one hand and raised a cross to Roy with the other hand, chanting loudly.

"Saint Michael, Lord Commander of the Heavens, protects me as an enemy and helps us to defeat the devil's schemes. Please pray to God to order the devil to retreat. You, the Great God of Heaven, Commander of the Heavenly Army, use your divine power to defeat Satan and his enemies. All the demons that roam the world to harm human souls will be driven into hell, Amen!


When facing the devil Roy, there was no fear in their eyes, only fanaticism, because these priests were the most pious priests selected from Spain.

When they chanted loudly to Roy, Roy felt a familiar force exerted on him!

That is the power that repels the world! The exorcism prayers sung by these priests actually aroused the power of the world, making it much more repulsive to Roy!

"Damn it, is it a secret technique!?"

Roy could feel relatively weak magic power from these priests. Roy originally thought that they might be able to use some holy light spells to attack him, but he never expected that their magic power would actually trigger the world. The power of repulsion!

In fact, almost all the exorcism spells used by exorcists are based on the principle of inducing the repulsion of the world, and these exorcism spells were originally taught to humans by angels so that they can use them to expel demons. of.

A huge feeling of heaviness came over him, and Roy felt that it was becoming difficult for him to even move. If it hadn't been for signing a devil's contract with Cassandra, Roy would have doubted whether he would really be rejected by this sudden increase. The power was driven back to the abyss world...

Not only Roy, but also Fat Tiger and Cassandra who landed on other battleships were attacked by the priests' exorcism spells.

But what is more surprising is that the impact on Fat Tiger and Cassandra is not as strong as Roy's. Fat Tiger was originally created by Roy. It cannot even be regarded as an abyssal creature. The power of rejection from the world has an extremely strong impact on it. Xiao, and Cassandra was originally from this world, but was transformed into a lich because of Roy's demon blood, so that the exorcism prayer had no effect on her at all.

While the priests were restraining Roy, a group of soldiers holding spears came forward carefully. The spears in their hands were specially made weapons soaked in holy water. Before they could get close, Roy Yi felt a power that disgusted him from these spears.

"It looks like you guys have really put a lot of thought into it!" Roy sneered and waved his hand, and Frostmourne appeared in his hand.

The tip of the sword pierced the deck, and the next moment, a strong ice storm suddenly erupted with Roy's body as the center!

Whether it was the priests chanting exorcism prayers or the soldiers holding spears, they were immediately involved in the storm before they could even react. This huge tornado appeared out of thin air on the battleship. It twisted and twisted towards the sky, and the people involved were immediately frozen into ice cubes, and they soared upward with the force of the wind.

The cold tornado ravaged the entire battleship, taking away almost everyone on the deck, and even the ship was frozen. After the tornado disappeared, countless large ice blocks wrapped around people in the sky looked like meteorites It fell down and crashed into the sea, causing high waves...