Custom Made Demon King

Chapter 120: Don't mess with women, especially goddesses


"Where did this thing come from?" Roy turned his head and asked Tia Doma.

But what he didn't expect was that Tiadoma was even more surprised than him and asked: "You... can you see the words on this scroll?"

Roy was stunned and asked, "Can't you see?"

"I can't see it!" Tia Doma said: "In my eyes, this scroll is just a blank piece of paper. If it weren't for the strong aura of the abyss on it, I would have thrown it away long ago. …”

"Really?..." Roy thought thoughtfully. Could it be that only demons from the abyss world can see the demonic writing on it

Tiadoma also understood at this time that the scroll might have another mystery, but she did not care and continued: "I got this scroll from a demon about four hundred years ago! "

Having said this, Tiadoma glanced at Roy and said, "That demon should be more powerful than you, but he is a fire demon! I don't know who summoned him to this world. When he came, he appeared on land, so he also caused huge damage and brought a huge disaster to the world."

Roy did not interrupt her and listened quietly.

"At that time, in order to eliminate the Balrog, the church launched the Ninth Crusade. In the name of the Eastern Crusade, they secretly assembled a large number of troops and raided the Balrog's lair!" Tia Doma said : "However, unfortunately, the Church still failed. They failed to kill the Balrog and sacrificed a large number of soldiers, but only injured the Balrog. As a last resort, the Church asked me for help. They They made a promise with me that they would find a way to lure the Balrog to the seaside, and then I would activate the power of the sea and set off a tsunami to extinguish the flames on the Balrog, and then finally kill and expel the Balrog... "

"Huh? The church asked you for help?" Roy was a little surprised and said, "Aren't you a pagan god to them? How could they ask you for help?"

Tiadoma glanced at Roy and said, "That's because the church couldn't invite angels to come! The Balrog used some unknown method to interfere with the formation of the Gate of Heaven, which was originally built four hundred years ago. During this period, the church was quite powerful and was supposed to have the power to communicate with heaven. However, what was unexpected was that several large-scale prayers failed to open the door to heaven, and no high-ranking angel was willing to take the initiative to come. It is impossible for the Church to destroy such a powerful Balrog, so in the end he had to ask me for help. Of course, this kind of help is secret and has not been made public by the Church... "

Roy nodded, indicating that he understood.

The Gate of Heaven and the Gate of the Abyss should actually be the same. It is actually just a cross-world portal. Generally speaking, first of all, there must be someone from the door to the door as a guide before the magic circle can be established with heaven or the abyss. Contact, this is how Roy came to the Caribbean world this time. Without Cassandra's soul and body as guiding coordinates, he would not be able to open the door to the abyss in any case.

If you want to forcefully open the door to heaven or the door to the abyss, you must have a high-level angel or high-level demon use your magic power. In the abyss world, you must be at least the level of a demon lord. Power, and over there in heaven, I don’t know what level of angels I want.

Tiadoma said that the Balrog that came to this world four hundred years ago was more powerful than Roy, so he guessed that the Balrog might be some high-level demon, but Tiadoma... Well, it should be It is said that Calypso, who was still the goddess of the sea at the time, controlled the power of the sea. The properties of water had a great restraint effect on the Balrog. This may be the reason why the Balrog was eventually killed and expelled.

However, in Roy's impression, when a high-level demon invades a world, he is usually not alone, because the magic power of the high-level demon is enough to allow him to summon some demon armies to help him fight, but according to Tia Doma's Description, the Balrog seems to be just a person from beginning to end.

Could it be said that while the Balrog used some method to interfere with the opening of the Gate of Heaven, he also eliminated the possibility of opening the Gate of the Abyss himself

Roy looked at the "Devil's Bible Chapter 6" in his hand and thought, could this be the way to create interference

"This scroll was left behind by that Balrog!" Tiadoma said: "Due to the abyss aura contained in it, if this thing were to escape, something big would happen, so the church handed it over to I have always been sealed by me, and now that you have appeared, use this thing in exchange for the sealed token you got from Jack Sparrow!"

Roy shook his tail and suddenly laughed: "You gave this thing to me because you actually wanted me to take it back to the abyss, right?"

"That's right!" Tia Doma did not deny it, saying: "Although I don't know what this thing is, the abyss breath above is very corrosive. This is really dangerous! My poor octopus The little pet Kraken turned into a monster because he accidentally came into contact with this thing... In the past four hundred years, I have had to spend a lot of magic on this thing to prevent it from continuing to pollute the ocean!"

"Okay, I understand why you are so willing to make a deal with me, a devil!" Roy said speechlessly: "You just want to use this transaction to throw the burden on me, right? "

Tia Doma did not answer this sentence and just asked: "Then do you accept this bargaining chip?"

"Of course! I accept it!" Roy nodded. Although he hadn't taken a closer look at the other contents of the devil's Bible, his intuition told him that this thing was definitely unusual for devils, as a condition for exchanging sealed tokens. , is already qualified.

However, after putting away the scroll, Roy said to Tia Doma: "I will bring this thing back to the abyss world, but what I want to say is that by bringing it back, I have helped you. Once, right?”

"What exactly do you want to say?" Tia Doma asked.

"Cassandra!" Roy pointed at Cassandra behind him who had been staring at the slave traders, and said to Tia Doma: "I helped you once, then you have to help me too. Yes, even though she has become a lich, I want you to promise me that you will not destroy her!"

However, what Roy didn't expect was that after hearing this request, Tiadoma immediately nodded and agreed without even thinking about it: "Yes!"

"Huh? So refreshing?" Roy was also a little surprised, frowning and said: "Ms. Calypso, I know you are moody, but I don't want you to bring this personality into the transaction! You are a god, If you are not a devil like me, it is not good to go back on your word!”

As a result, Tia Doma snorted coldly and said: "Don't worry, I am the goddess of the sea. I protect the ocean itself, not humans! Even if she is a lich, what does that have to do with me!?"

After hearing this, Roy finally understood. It seemed that he had misunderstood. Indeed, Tia Doma had said before that she was unwilling to let things from the abyss world stay in this world, but Cassandra was not the abyss. Of the world, although she was born from Roy's demon blood, she is still essentially an undead creature.

For Tia Doma, the addition of an undead creature in this ocean has no impact on her at all, as long as this undead creature does not offend her authority of the sea...

Shaking his head, Roy took out the silver coin pendant he got from Jack Sparrow and handed it to Tiadoma.

Holding this sealed token, Tia Doma snorted and said: "Jack Sparrow... As the successor of the Pirate King of the Caribbean, he dared to lose such an important thing. He must be punished. That’s it!”

"Oh!?" Roy asked with interest: "Dear lady, how do you plan to punish him? Believe me, I will definitely be happy to see it!"

Tiadoma suddenly smiled charmingly, stretched out her finger and poked Roy's devil wings, and said: "What do you think, let him be a pauper for the rest of his life? From now on, he will have nothing to do with money and any money he can find. The treasure will eventually be wasted..."

Roy clapped his hands and said: "Great, I decided so happily!"

Although Tiadoma is now sealed in a mortal body, she can still use some magic power. When Tiadoma said these words, she was already drunk as far away as Tutuga Port. Jack Sparrow, who was lying in a stable, suddenly shivered in his sleep and woke up. However, after realizing that nothing was wrong, he muttered and fell back to sleep. Not long after he fell asleep, a man came over. He was discovered by the groom who was feeding the horses. The groom carefully approached Jack Sparrow, who was sleeping, and began to touch him everywhere...

In the end, the last two pounds of banknotes hidden in the hat that Jack Sparrow exchanged for gold bars were stolen by the groom...

He may never have dreamed that after lifting the curse of Roy's bad luck gold, he still could not get rid of his bad luck...