Custom Made Demon King

Chapter 125: limit?


The moment he returned to the abyssal world, when he breathed the unique hot air and saw the pitch-black environment, Roy suddenly felt that there seemed to be something different about the abyssal world.

It's not that the environment of the abyss world has changed, but that Roy's own feelings are somewhat different.

The environment in the abyss world is harsh and even cruel. Even if the devil can adapt to this environment, it does not mean that this cruelty does not exist. In the past, Roy always felt very depressed when he was in the abyss world. That was because the world was anxious. It was caused by the bad air and dark environment. However, after returning to the abyss this time, he found that not only did this sense of depression disappear, but it was replaced by a sense of...relaxation.

How to describe it, it's like a person soaking in a bathtub full of hot water after a tiring day, or like making a big sword, and his whole body feels relaxed.

This feeling made Roy feel very strange. He found that the magic power in his body was running more smoothly, and the muscle vitality of his entire body seemed to have reached a higher level. This was a phenomenon that had never happened before.

"Is it caused by the talent of the so-called 'Chosen of the Abyss World'?" Roy secretly guessed: "So, it seems that my affinity with the Abyss World has increased..."

To be honest, Roy still doesn't understand what his sudden extra talent is about. When he was in the Caribbean world, he didn't realize what the use of this talent was, but now it's Returning to the abyss world, this effect was immediately apparent.

Spreading his demon wings, Roy flew into the sky, followed closely by Fat Tiger, and one demon and one dog returned to their original territory.

Roy's territory has been transformed by his frost power, so there is still frost magic left. Although he has been away for a long time, the flames and scorching heat have once again eroded his territory, but it has not been occupied by other demons. Occupy, when Roy returned here, the remaining frost elements nearby also became active again.

Roy was not polite. This time he directly used his magic power to freeze his territory. When the black ice appeared, an even more magical scene appeared. The fire elements in the surrounding environment began to actively avoid it. , avoiding Roy's territory! The elements of darkness and frost began to gather around Roy in large numbers!

This phenomenon did not exist in the past. In the past, Roy's territory had been eroded by flames and heat. After all, the power of frost was in opposition to the general environment of the abyss world. Roy had also been using this method to Exercise your magic power, but now, this kind of erosion is gone!

This discovery made Roy couldn't help but touch his devil's horn and wonder for a while, because he knew that this might also be caused by the talent of the elect. The advantage was that without the interference of the fire element, Roy's frost magic power was normal in the abyss world. It has melted, but the disadvantage is that it seems that he can no longer use the environment to hone his frost power.

After thinking for a while, Roy simply stopped caring about it so much. Anyway, with the current level of activity of the frost element, it is estimated that it can make up for it.

Back in the lair, Roy began to take stock of his gains in the world of Pirates of the Caribbean.

The two waves of souls he harvested the most were from the Black Sea Pirate King Fleet and the other from the Spanish Armada. In the battle with these two forces, Roy harvested a total of more than 23,400 souls. Souls and other scattered souls were harvested, about three to four hundred, adding up to twenty-three thousand eight hundred.

However, although there were many souls, he also used some. Among them, making the Mark of Osiris cost the most, five thousand souls. Later, when Frostmourne was transformed into a banishment attribute, he used another 1,400 souls. This way As a result, he only had more than 17,400 souls left.

And there are eleven fallen souls to count... It can be said that the harvest is quite fruitful.

As the demon's power increases, the efficiency of harvesting souls will naturally increase. When you are a lower-level demon, you can only kill one by one to obtain souls. But after you reach the middle-level demon, as the magic power and magical lethality increase, The speed of harvesting souls is also a large amount of harvesting one by one.

However, as the efficiency has increased, the growth rate of magic power has decreased, and there is nothing that can be done about it.

Because they are in the abyss world, there are many worlds that demons have access to. Perhaps for humans, the world they live in is their home, but for demons, it is just one of many worlds. , is purely just a number, not necessarily very precious, so out of the desire for souls, it can be said that every demon has a heart to destroy the world, because this means that a lot of souls are accounted for.

Of course, it is one thing to want to destroy the world, but whether it can be done is another matter. Without enough power, no matter how much you think about it, it will be in vain.

Although Roy gained so many souls in the world of Pirates of the Caribbean this time, it was enough in the end, despite beings like Calypso and Davy Jones turning a blind eye to Roy's behavior. But in fact, it's not that they can't do anything about Roy, they just simply feel that a war with Roy is not so cost-effective for them and there are risks, so they let Roy go. But if Roy... Greedily trying to plunder more souls, maybe these people will also turn their backs directly...

Now holding more than 17,000 souls, Roy naturally began to think about how to strengthen and improve his strength again.

In the display on the system interface, his current magic value is 3122 points. This kind of magic value is already at the level of the top-level demon in the middle, but there is still some gap between the level of the upper-level demon, so some souls are reserved for use. It is certain that he will continue to increase his magic power, but even if his magic power reaches the level of a high-level demon, he may not be able to become a high-level demon immediately. Roy's demon bloodline must be purified enough.

As his magic power grows, Roy's frost power also grows. This is a manifestation that his own bloodline is continuing to be purified. This is the way for demons to ascend. It is simple and crude, as long as it swallows enough souls.

After thinking about it, Roy decided to set aside 10,000 souls to make the essence of magic potion to increase magic power and purify blood. He planned to use the remaining 7,400 souls to improve his protective ability.

But considering that the current magic power growth efficiency is declining step by step, Roy did not make all these ten thousand souls into a tube of essence magic potion and take it. Instead, he took a hundred souls into one tube. way, by taking it multiple times to observe changes in the magic power growth efficiency.

At the beginning, this bottle of essence magic potion made by one hundred souls can increase Roy's magic value by 72 points after taking it. However, when the magic value increased to 3500 points , and sure enough, as Roy expected, the efficiency dropped again. A bottle of quintessence magic potion could only increase the magic power by 68 points. After reaching 4,000 magic points, a bottle of potion could only increase the magic power by 65 points. .

At this time, Roy also understood a little bit why demons pursue those high-quality souls. As the magic power increase rate brought by ordinary souls decreases, the magic power brought by devouring high-quality souls such as fallen souls increases. It seems much higher. One fallen soul can be used by nearly a hundred souls, so the efficiency is naturally much higher.

It's just that high-quality souls such as fallen souls are relatively rare after all, so for other demons, such souls are more precious. But for Roy, because he created the Horadric Cube, he can synthesize it with ordinary souls. High-quality fallen souls are not too unusual.

So Roy calmed down and continued to take the essence of magic potion. He originally thought that even if the efficiency dropped, the magic power would still increase slowly. But what he didn't expect was that when his magic power reached 5000, an idea Something unexpected happened.

He found that the magic nodes all over his body felt a sense of swelling and pain!

Realizing that something might be wrong, Roy immediately stopped taking the medicine.

What's happening here? Is it because the amount of magic power that the body can currently carry has reached its limit, or is it due to other reasons