Custom Made Demon King

Chapter 126: Second gear


Something strange happened to his body, and Roy could only pause.

He began to try to check his physical condition, but found strangely that when the magic power was re-operated, the magic power was running very smoothly in the nodes of the body. As usual, there was no feeling of stagnation at all. But once Luo When Yi tried to take the essence of magic potion, the swelling and pain appeared again.

This made Roy realize that his current magic power seemed to have really reached a limit.

In fact, as early as when the magic value reached about 3,000 points, Roy noticed that the magic nodes in his body no longer increased with the increase of magic value. In other words, the magic circuit possessed by the frost demon bloodline , has been completely constructed in Roy's body.

But at that time, this situation did not attract Roy's attention...

The demon's body is special. It uses the heart as the energy center of the magic power, and then uses the magic nodes scattered throughout the body as tributaries to form a unique, network-structured magic circuit. The magic power is an invisible and tangible power. Intangible energy itself has no attributes. When the devil activates magic, the magic power first pours out from the heart and is quickly transmitted to each magic node. After activating the entire magic circuit, the magic power without attributes will be transformed into Elemental energy finally forms magical energy with attributes.

Take Roy himself as an example. The essence of magic potion he created with the energy of his soul is actually pure magic power without attributes. After taking the essence of magic potion, the magic in it will be absorbed by Roy's body. It is gathered into the heart and stored. This is the so-called magic growth. Roy's magic circuit is [Darkest Cold], which can be regarded as a mutated magic circuit. It is different from the magic circuits of other frost demons. When he wants to activate ice magic, magic power will flow out of his heart quickly, activating his mutated magic circuit and converting magic power without attributes into magic with both frost and dark attributes. This process may be verbose to describe, but it is actually completed in a relatively short period of time. It can be said that it is so fast that it is impossible to detect it, and it is almost instinctive.

In this way, Roy can use this darkest cold energy as he wishes...

The same is true for other demons, whether they are demons who use fire or demons who use dark power. Different demon bloodlines only bring different magic circuits.

Roy's problem now is that there is no problem with his entire magic circuit, but it seems that the magic capacity of his heart has reached the upper limit.

Wagging his tail, Roy unconsciously touched the devil's horn on his head and began to think.

Over this period of time, I don't know if it's an illusion, but Roy always feels that his devil's horns feel better and better to the touch, especially the base of the horn close to his head, which feels warm to the touch because of the temperature. , it feels like touching that kind of warm jade. Whenever this feeling occurs in his heart, Roy can't help but want to get a mirror and look at it to see if it is already swelling...

Having said that, he has come into contact with many demons in the middle abyss world, and he found that many demons are very concerned about their demon horns. Whether they are male demons or female demons, they are like this. They will not use them unless they have to. He fights with his devil horn as a weapon...

Well, it seems that I digressed. Roy came to his senses and began to think about how he should solve the current situation.

Obviously, the magic power of 5,000 is not the real limit, because in Roy's impression, the magic power of high-level demons like Sellon is very huge, definitely exceeding the value of five thousand.

So, how do those high-level demons store more magic power

This issue is probably another obvious difference between middle-level demons and upper-level demons...

Increase the number of hearts, say, to two or three? This might indeed increase the amount of magic power reserves, but after thinking about it, Roy threw the idea out of his mind because he felt that, except for some demons with special abilities, most demons could not control their own. No matter how the body grows, it is impossible to grow more hearts in the body out of thin air.

This thing is not a tumor...

Increase body size? It doesn't seem right. It doesn't mean that as the body increases and the heart grows bigger, it must be able to hold more magic power. A larger body size should hold more blood, but magic power is not blood! The so-called magic volume is just a conceptual issue. Its storage method is different from that of blood.

If this is the case, then I am afraid that all high-level demons should be giant creatures with a height of eight feet and a waist circumference of eight feet...

Roy thought about several scenarios, but in the end the only method that seemed reliable was compression!

The reason is very simple. Everyone understands that when the volume is fixed, the weight of a higher-density object must be greater. If it is replaced with energy such as magic, the same is probably true. If the original magic can be compressed and made Reducing the volume occupied in the heart may free up more space to accommodate further growth in magic power.

The more he thought about it, the more Roy felt that this was the right idea, so he couldn't wait to start testing it.

But after he actually started trying the operation, Roy discovered that compressing magic power was much more difficult than he thought. Magic power is invisible, intangible, and intangible. It is difficult for external forces to affect it, let alone compress it. It's up.

Roy tried for a long time, but couldn't figure it out. It made him a little crazy, and he even wanted to use the system to solve the problem.

However, he just thought about this idea, but did not actually do it, because he felt that there was no need to waste his soul on such things. Anyway, he had just returned to the Abyss World from the Caribbean World, and he had plenty of time to slowly By conducting experiments on the ground, you can carefully experience the joy of cultivation...

Well, having said that, if you are doing this now, is it like the cultivation in the novel? It's just that others are cultivating immortals, while I am... cultivating demons.

In the next period of time, besides taking Fat Tiger out to hunt monsters for food and obtain souls every day, Roy spent the rest of his time trying to figure out how to compress magic power.

But in the end, when Roy actually tried out the method, he realized that he had gone in the wrong direction.

As mentioned before, it is very difficult to use external force to influence magic power. On the contrary, this can be achieved by using the characteristics of magic power itself and taking advantage of the trend.

The method Roy finally found was actually very simple, that is, to use the characteristics of magic power to run smoothly in the circuit, and to continuously contract and relax the magic power in the circuit repeatedly!

When relaxing, try to do it to the extreme, allowing the magic power to spread evenly to every node in the circuit, and then when you withdraw it, try to contract to the extreme without leaking at all.

The entire retracting and retracting process must be as fast as possible, and must be completed ten or more times within one second.

This whole process is a bit like the diffusion process of blood in the body. The magic center in the devil's heart is used as a pressure pump to squeeze the magic out and then take it back. Increasing the retraction and retraction frequency is equivalent to increasing the heartbeat frequency, constantly Increase the magic excitement in your body!

Roy calls this whole process "Second Gear"! …

After practicing this method of exercise for a period of time, Roy was delighted to find that his magic power had really begun to solidify! This is because the magic power becomes more tense during the process of contraction and expansion, so it gradually begins to be compressed!

Of course, Roy's current magic value of 5,000 is considered a relatively large amount of magic power. It may take a lot of time to completely compress this magic power.

Time doesn't matter. For Roy, who is a demon, time is probably his least valuable thing now...

So, Roy began to calm down and practice his magic power compression, but what he didn't know was that he felt that it was not easy for him to find this method of magic power compression, but he didn't know that for many other median demons, Let alone spending a few days to experiment with this method, even if it takes several years, you may not be able to get in!

Why are the number of high-level demons so small? The reason is that not only do you need to purify your own bloodline, you also need to find a way to compress your own magic power and increase your magic power capacity. The former point may be something that many mid-level demons can do. Anyway, just keep devouring souls, but about the latter point. , but it stuck 99% of the median demons!

High-level demons are already members of the ruling class of the abyss world, so it is impossible for them to spread the method of promotion to high-level demons, unless it is their own descendants, who may give some hints when leaving memories and inheritance. And those demons who have the blood of high-level demons but have not yet been truly promoted will also pass on and treasure these memories and will not tell any other demons easily.

This can be regarded as a unique monopoly behavior of the demon elite. It is precisely because of this situation that many demons are stuck on the threshold of the top middle class and cannot be promoted no matter what.

But when it came to Roy, it seemed so... logically. He wanted to compress his magic power, but after a while of experimenting, he actually did it! He didn't feel much about it himself, but if other median demons saw his entire exploration process, they would probably find it unbelievable, because it was so smooth and frightening!

And all of this seems to be caused by the talent of his so-called "chosen person in the abyss world"...