Custom Made Demon King

Chapter 127: old friend


As Roy began to continuously compress his magic power, his body gradually underwent some special changes.

The most obvious thing is his feet. I don't know what happened. Now when Roy walks on the ground, every time he takes a step, he will leave a black frost footprint on the ground that is the same size as the sole of his foot!

Especially when he walks on the hotter ground, the frost footprints will evaporate with the heat on the ground, creating a swirling mist.

This phenomenon is very strange, because Roy is sure that he did not deliberately focus his magic on his feet, but even so, when he walks, he will still leave a series of frost footprints out of his control, which usually takes five days. It will take six minutes for it to slowly dissipate.

It's like...instinct. Roy studied it and felt that it might be related to his frost demon bloodline. Perhaps it was the changes brought about by the gradually solidified magic power stimulating his demonic bloodline. And from the looks of it, I'm afraid As the magic power compression continues, the frost footprints left in the future will become more obvious, and the existence time of the frost footprints will also become longer.

In addition to the frost footprints, another special change was that Roy found that there seemed to be a sense of coercion on his body.

This sense of coercion is exactly the same as what he felt in Sellon. It seems to have the effect of intimidating and suppressing low-level demons. In the past, Roy always thought that this coercion was brought by the bloodline of high-level demons. But now that he had this sense of coercion, he realized that he had thought wrong. This coercion was actually caused by a more powerful and solid magic power!

This made Roy more and more convinced that he was on the right path to being promoted to a high-ranking demon...

The sense of coercion emanating from him is still relatively weak. This is because his magic power compression has not yet been completely completed, so other middle-level demons in the same abyss world cannot feel it yet, but If you reach the shallow abyss world, the lower demons may feel it more clearly.

In the next two months, Roy mostly stayed in his lair, constantly compressing and exercising his magic power. This was a relatively long-term process, because when the magic power was compressed to the second half, it would As things became increasingly difficult, Roy did not dare to slack off, so he handed over all the gold mining tasks to Fat Tiger.

In the past two months, Roy's side would always have a soul suddenly teleported out from time to time. Needless to say, this must have been teleported from the Caribbean world, because it was near the gold engraved with the mark of Osiris. Someone died because of it.

In just two months, Roy actually collected more than 70 such scattered souls. Among them, there was also a wave of 15 souls that were transmitted together. I don't know if they were again. Someone started a war over gold...

The attribute that Roy set for the Mark of Osiris is to teleport souls near the gold. This means that even if a person does not die due to the curse of gold, as long as he dies within the range of the gold, his soul will be Will be captured by the Mark of Osiris.

So even though Roy spent 5,000 souls in order to create the Mark of Osiris, it was still worth it, because the Mark is a one-time investment that will benefit you for life.

Now that he has seen the benefits, Roy naturally cannot let go. He has regarded the huge gold mine as his own private property and lets Fat Tiger mine it every day.

Poor Fat Tiger has completely turned into a coolie during this period. He goes out early and comes back late every day. Not only does he have to work hard to drag the heavy gold ore back, but he also has to constantly squeeze his own magic power and spit out hellfire at the devil. Gold is smelted.

Fortunately, Roy felt sorry for it. Every time it came back, Roy prepared a feast for it. Not only did it have all the meat it could eat, but there were also many souls for it to replenish its magic power. From time to time, when Luo When Yi stopped practicing and had some free time, she would wear the fat tiger and jerk it off for a while, giving it a horse-killing...

Ever since, in the past two months, not only Roy's magic training has been effective, but also Fat Tiger has become a lot stronger. In the system interface, Fat Tiger's attributes have also been improved a lot, and he is already a The level of the middle-level devil is about to reach the level.

In fact, since Fat Tiger was born from Gabriel's soul fragment, in fact, for Fat Tiger, the angel's sacred soul is the greatest improvement to him! The improvement effect of ordinary ordinary souls is much smaller. The reason why they can grow to this level is due to Roy's constant feeding.

Now the fat tiger's size and body length have exceeded two meters and six. When standing on the ground, he is almost one and seven meters tall. The muscles all over his body are bulging, and the sharp fangs are worn very hard due to mining. The sharp claws and the hell flames that appear from time to time make it look so majestic. As long as it is a demon living in the abyss, anyone who sees Fat Tiger will think that it is one of the hell dogs. The elite and the best.

On this day, Fat Tiger followed his usual practice and dragged back a cart of ore from the gold mine early. After stacking it in the lair, Fat Tiger bit the rope and dragged the ore cart made by Roy back. Into the vault.

However, before Fat Tiger could continue to dig out the gold mine with his claws, its three heads sniffed in confusion at the same time.

Fat Tiger's sense of smell was very sensitive. He discovered that there was a smell that was unfamiliar to him in the air of the mine. This smell not only smelled of sulfur and fire, but also had a fishy smell.

When he realized that there were other demons in the mine, Fat Tiger immediately made a vigilant posture, leaned down, smelled the source of the smell, and quietly searched for it.

Cerberus have always been in the abyss world, and they are hunter-like existences. Their beast form and the pads on their feet make them very good at sneak attacks. Even though the fat tiger looks huge, when it moves, But it can make no sound. As long as the demon that breaks into the mine is not also a hellhound, it will be difficult for the other party to detect it.

Yes, Fat Tiger planned to drive away the intruding demon for Master Roy first.

However, when Fat Tiger found the intruding demon, he discovered that the opponent was actually larger than it!

This demon is a huge spider demon, about three meters tall. The upper body is the image of a female demon. There are no demon horns, but there are a pair of huge claws on the cheeks on both sides of the mouth. Her belly was a round, fat spider belly. On the spider belly, there was a pattern like a grimace, supported by eight legs covered with long velvet.

When Fat Tiger found the spider demon, he found that the spider demon was actually building a nest. The end of her abdomen kept spraying out transparent liquid. When the liquid encountered the air, it gradually turned into a white spider. Silk, using these spider silk, the spider demon has weaved a huge web among the stalactites and stalagmites in the cave.

Seeing this scene, Fat Tiger was furious. Not only Roy had treated the gold mine as private property, but Fat Tiger was no exception. Now someone dared to build a nest on his own territory!

Suddenly bursting out of the darkness, one of Fat Tiger's heads suddenly opened his mouth, and a stream of black hellfire immediately sprayed towards the spider demon!

As soon as the hellfire touched the spider web, it immediately burned it up, and the spider demon on it naturally fell down with a roar. She screamed and rolled on the ground, trying to extinguish the flames on her body, but how could the hellfire be so Easily extinguished? It kept burning on her body, making a crackling sound.

"Ah!!!" After discovering that the flames could not be extinguished, the spider demon screamed and forced himself to stand. With the same opening of his mouth, a stream of dark green venom was sprayed towards Fat Tiger.

Fat Tiger dodged the opponent's venom attack with a slight leap, but what was a bit ominous was that Fat Tiger didn't expect that there were some residual spider webs on the ground in the direction of its escape. It might be that this spider demon was in the attack. It was left behind when building a nest. As soon as Fat Tiger stepped on it, it was stuck and his movements paused!

And taking advantage of this moment, the spider demon's belly and tail once again spurted out a stream of transparent liquid, which turned into a huge white spider web in mid-air, and headed towards the fat tiger.

Fat Tiger was trapped and couldn't move for a moment. The spider demon was still burning with hell flames, but it still moved its legs and rushed forward. Her whole body exuded a burnt smell, which was that her body was contaminated by hell. Because the parts of the fire are cooked.

The spider demon looked at the fat tiger trapped in the net with hatred, raised one of its sharp long legs, and was about to kill the fat tiger.

However, at this moment, a burst of cold air suddenly spread, and Fat Tiger sprayed out a large amount of frost under the spider web, which suddenly froze the spider web. With another violent vibration, the spider web was shattered like glass!

The next second, Fat Tiger suddenly jumped up and reached the neck of the spider demon's upper body. Then he opened his mouth and one of the heads bit the spider demon's neck.

With a bang, the two huge creatures fell to the ground together. Fat Tiger landed on all four legs, but the Spider Demon was knocked over purely by Fat Tiger's power!

The sharp teeth bit into the spider demon's neck, but failed to kill the spider demon with one blow. After Fat Tiger landed, he originally wanted to shake his head violently and tear open the spider demon's neck, but he didn't expect it. Surprisingly, under the existential crisis, this spider demon accurately predicted the direction in which Fat Tiger's head would swing. The eight legs under her body moved quickly, and her body also moved with Fat Tiger. This made Fat Tiger On the contrary, it is difficult for the tiger to exert its strength.

"Spare your life! I was wrong! I'm leaving now! Please don't kill me!" The spider demon wailed as it moved.

She couldn't help but beg for mercy. This spider demon had just been promoted to a mid-level demon. Although she was huge, when she faced off against this hellhound that was smaller than her, she found that the opponent's power was even greater than hers. Moreover, the vital points have been restrained. How can I not beg for mercy

Hearing the spider demon begging for mercy, Fat Tiger thought for a moment, took steps, and dragged the spider demon towards the entrance of the gold mine. As soon as it moved, the spider demon could only move with it in order to prevent himself from being injured.

Under normal circumstances, Fat Tiger will not kill a certain creature without authorization, because after killing the opponent, the soul will be exposed, and it will not devour the soul without Roy's order, so like In this situation, Fat Tiger would choose to hand over the disposal power to Roy.

Just like that, Fat Tiger actually bit a spider demon that was even bigger than it, left the gold mine and headed towards Roy's lair.

When he arrived at the lair, Roy was a little stunned when he saw this inconsistent scene. He didn't expect that the fat tiger could hunt such a large prey alone.

"Please, let me go!" The spider demon was bitten on the neck by the fat tiger, so her face was facing down and she couldn't see the situation in front of her clearly. However, she never stopped begging. A demon begging for mercy like this is still in the abyss world. It's relatively rare. After all, begging for mercy means giving up. This is not the devil's style.

But when the sound fell in Roy's ears, it made Roy feel vaguely familiar, so he asked Fat Tiger to let go of the spider demon.

As a result, when the spider demon raised its head, Roy felt more familiar with the humanoid appearance of the spider demon.

"Are you...Alaniya??" Roy thought for a while and finally called out the spider demon's name.

The spider demon was desperately pressing its own wound to stop the bleeding. After hearing Roy's words, she couldn't help but be stunned. She looked at Roy carefully and asked doubtfully: "I am Alanya, but who are you?" ?Have we met?"