Custom Made Demon King

Chapter 129: Memory reading


When the topic reached this point, there was a brief pause, and the scene fell into a mysterious silence.

Alanya looked at Roy quietly with uneasiness. In fact, she just mentioned Rose, the Spider Goddess of the Spider Demon Clan. In addition to explaining her inheritance, she also meant to intimidate him.

The rules of the abyss are like this. When a demon is defeated and falls into the hands of another demon, the outcome is often predictable. In 90% of the cases, there is only one way to die. Of course Alanya knows this, but she doesn’t want to die. , trying to struggle. Although the frost demon in front of her seemed to know her, Alanya did not feel lucky because of this "acquaintance relationship". On the contrary, she became more and more panicked.

Because... the devil has no friends! The so-called familiarity can only be one situation, and that is the enemy!

Either the other party had hunted her, or she had hunted the other party. Alanya thought for a long time and found that she had no memory of being hunted by the frost demon. Then there was only one possibility, and that was that she had hunted him before. other side!

Thinking of this, Alanya's whole body began to tremble slightly. When promoted to the middle demon, many demons will change their shape due to the awakening of their blood. In fact, what she is most afraid of is this situation: a demon that she hunted from the beginning. The prey that escaped during the killing not only came to seek revenge after changing its appearance, but also became stronger than her original predator!

Alanya had no choice but to use the name of Spider Queen Rose. In fact, she had no relationship with Spider Queen Rose at all. She did not become a subordinate of Spider Queen Rose. The spider demon blood in her body was considered Rose. Descendants, who are descendants of who knows how many generations, and have nothing to do with it at all... She just hopes to use Rose, a demon king-level existence, to scare the frost demon in front of her, so that he does not dare to attack. Kill yourself.

This is just like some other demons claiming that they are subordinates of a certain demon king. It makes sense.

If you want to save your life, you must pay a price, but as long as you don't get killed, she will accept it even if you sign a master-servant contract...

However, what Alanya didn't expect was that at the next moment, she was suddenly strangled by the throat by an invisible huge force!

Her huge spider body, weighing more than a ton, was lifted up by this invisible huge force and suspended in mid-air. Alanya, who had no way to rely on it, kicked her eight spider legs desperately, and her throat She was choked and became dizzy because she couldn't breathe.

Needless to say, it was Roy who choked her in the air!

"No... don't!" Alaniya screamed, saying with all her strength: "Don't kill me!"

Roy looked at her with a sneer and said, "Are you trying to say that if I kill you, the spider demon's curse will be left behind, and when Spider Queen Rose meets me in the future, she will kill me?" ?”

Alanya was shocked when she heard this. She knew that Roy had discovered her trick.

Sure enough, Roy then snorted and said: "Sorry, I have actually killed several spider demons in this middle abyss world, but I have never felt any curse fall on me..."

"Please, I can sign a contract with you and surrender to you!" Alanya still did not give up, and continued to beg for mercy with difficulty: "It may be useful to you to keep me..."

However, Roy remained unmoved and continued to tighten the power of his telekinesis bit by bit.

In the abyss world, Roy has discovered one thing long ago, that is, don't believe what a demon says easily, especially a clever and cunning demon! Because a living example is right in front of us. The original Phantom Demon Cesare was like this. He dared to betray the Demon Lord, and was even bold enough to steal the Demon Lord's things and hide in other worlds.

Even a being as powerful as the Demon Lord would be betrayed by demons, let alone Roy, a mid-level demon. The level gap between Alanya and him was not big, so Roy couldn't trust her at all, and he couldn't. No need for her.

Even if he signed a contract, Roy would not do it. The devil was an expert at playing with contracts. He knew that there would always be loopholes in contracts. Roy had too many secrets, leaving Alaniya behind. It's like a time bomb. It would be bad if it gets bitten back one day.

Also, even if Roy keeps her as his subordinate, it won't be of much use. A guy who can't even defeat Fat Tiger can only be used as cannon fodder. Why? She even said it herself, it was very difficult for the spider demons to get promoted. If Roy accepted her as his subordinate, would he have to support her in turn

If there is anything about Alanya that is worthy of Roy's attention, it may be the memory inheritance of their spider demon clan!

Because of their strong bloodline, the spider demon clan has a relatively stable bloodline continuation. This may be because their memory inheritance is relatively complete. This kind of memory inheritance that contains the experience of the ancestors and the understanding of the abyssal world is, for Roy, , is the most useful thing.

Roy's brief thought just now was about this matter.

When chatting with Alanya before, when Roy asked about the Devil's Bible, he was actually thinking about whether to ask about the [Abyss Chosen], but after thinking about it, he gave up again because he always felt that, This talent of mine is really weird, and maybe it's not suitable for other demons to know about it.

But just because you can't ask, doesn't mean you can't learn about it from the memory inheritance of other demons...

Memory inheritance is engraved deep in the devil's soul. Since Roy wants Alaniya's complete memory inheritance, he must first get Alaniya's soul!

When Roy was still a little devil, he was chased by Alanya and almost died. At that time, Roy secretly vowed to go back for revenge. Now that they have met here, it is time to settle old and new grudges together...

Alanya didn't want to kill. She saw the strong murderous intention in Roy's eyes at this time. She immediately knew that Roy was determined and no matter how much he begged, it would be useless, so she simply gritted her teeth and said to Roy fought back.

Her hanging belly and tail suddenly curved, and she aimed at Roy and launched several spider webs one after another.

However, this struggle was destined to be in vain. When the spider web was about to catch Roy, Roy's body suddenly disappeared.

A flash skill was activated, and Roy easily appeared next to Alanya, but the telekinesis acting on Alanya did not stop.

Finding that the spider web spell was ineffective, Alanya used all her strength to hoarsely chant a short spell and cast a blinding curse on Roy.

This curse worked, and Roy's eyes suddenly became dark and he couldn't see anything. However, demons are all dark attributes and are naturally resistant to curses. If Alaniya is stronger than Roy, If so, then maybe the curse can last for a while longer, just like the weakness curse that Sellon put on Roy... But unfortunately, Alanya is weaker than Roy, so the blindness curse only lasts In less than three seconds, it failed.

The blindness was short-lived, but it still stunned Roy for a moment. This gave Alaniya the opportunity to break free from Roy's control of telekinesis. She was smart enough. After breaking free from the control, she immediately launched a spider web spell at the fat tiger next to her. , and then quickly opened his legs and ran away.

Fat Tiger was stopped by her, and Roy was also delayed due to the blindness curse. When he came to his senses, Alaniya had already run dozens of meters away.

If Alanya was given a little more time, she might really be able to escape. However, the distance of tens of meters was obviously not enough. A frost slash flew rapidly from behind and landed at her feet. The powerful ice force brought by the explosion instantly froze all eight of her legs!

Alanya couldn't move, so Roy slowly flew over, took out Frostmourne, and chopped off her head with a sword.

Alanya's head was flying in the air, and her mind was still a little conscious. When her eyes caught Roy's pair of demon wings, Alanya suddenly remembered who Roy was!

"It's... it's you!" Alanya's head fell to the ground, her eyes full of disbelief, and she spoke the last words of her life.

"It seems you have remembered it!" Roy answered her mockingly, but Alaniya could no longer hear it at this time. Her body as huge as a tank crashed to the ground, and after a tremor, she A soul light ball slowly floated out of the body.

Roy reached out and grabbed Alanya's soul in his hand.

"It looks like we need to design a memory reading skill!" Roy looked at the soul and muttered to himself, then looked at the body left by Alanya, turned to ask Fat Hu: "do you want to eat?"

As a result, Fat Tiger's three heads shook in unison, and each of them yelled at Roy.

"Her body is poisonous, doesn't it taste good? No wonder it smells fishy..." After hearing this, Roy didn't force Fat Tiger's picky eaters, he just let him drag Alaniya's body farther away, and He himself returned to his lair.

Alanya's soul is just an ordinary soul, nothing special.

The souls of demons seem to be ordinary souls when they are in the lower and middle levels. Only when they reach the upper level of demons, some changes will occur. When Sellon was killed and expelled by the dragons, his soul was exposed. Roy had seen it before, and the soul was a little different, and he didn't know what it belonged to in the system's definition.

Taking Alaniya's soul, Roy spent three high-quality fallen souls (from slave traders) to create a [Soul Memory Reading] skill.

[Soul Memory Reading]: Spend magic power to read all the memories contained in the soul.

This skill is very simple to make and does not require any special effects. It is just a simple definition. However, it may be because it involves souls, so it consumes more fallen souls when making it, and it also consumes Roy when reading it. A lot of magic.

Holding Alaniya's soul, Roy used his skills on the soul and began to search for the memories of the "chosen people of the abyss" in the memory inheritance of the soul...