Custom Made Demon King

Chapter 2: What is most important in the 21st century? Plug-in!


The hunger was so sudden and so intense that Roy was caught off guard.

There was an emptiness like a black hole in his stomach, which stimulated Roy's mouth to secrete saliva crazily. The saliva dripped out and fell to the ground, causing the ground to float with corroded green smoke.

But at this time, Roy couldn't care less about being surprised by this scene. Unable to resist this physical instinct, his eyes turned green with hunger, and he turned his head to stare at the eggshell that hatched him.

At this time, the originally broken and ugly dark eggshell was exuding a very "delicious" smell, indicating his existence to Roy...

Can you eat it? You can definitely eat it, right? Isn’t it said that some oviparous organisms will eat their own eggshells after hatching

Looking at the surrounding environment, Roy really couldn't think of anything else that could be used as food to relieve his hunger, so he stopped thinking too much and rushed forward to grab a piece of eggshell fragment, stuff it into his mouth and chew it fiercely.

Click, click, click. Don't tell me. After entering the house, Roy discovered that the eggshells didn't seem to be that unpalatable, just like chewing rice crackers. And he didn't know if it was because of the lava beach, but the rice crackers were actually still delicious. It smells like baking, very fragrant!

The swallowed eggshell finally relieved the hunger in his stomach. However, before Roy could rejoice, an inexplicable memory suddenly appeared in his mind, making him stunned.

This memory turned out to be a kind of inheritance brought by the eggshell. It was very short and only told him two things, one about his identity and the other about his name.

The reason why Roy was stunned was because through this inherited memory, he discovered that his identity after rebirth turned out to be a demon!

This was really unacceptable. When he discovered that his physical condition was weird, Roy didn't even think about being a demon. At that time, he also speculated that he might just be reborn into some kind of monster, such as Goth. Pulling something, although it is very frustrating, it is also quite novel.

But now, the situation turned out to be worse than he imagined...

Damn it, was there a mistake? ? My brother died saving people! Even if the merit of saving people is not enough to allow you to go to heaven, turn into a chubby and cute little angel, and live a happy life of holding a small bow and arrow all day long and shooting pretty girls when you see them, then It would be nice to give him a chance to be a new person! How could you turn yourself into a little devil? ? Instead of going to heaven, he went to hell?

He was complaining crazily in his heart, but he was helpless. Even if something was wrong, Roy was unable to correct this mistake now.

"Bacolontha Melje Lacdylan Stanlis Lundchar... Ramos Osiris!?"

Along with swallowing the eggshell, Roy also had such a long name in his mind. If nothing else happened, this name should be his demon's real name!

According to what I remember, every little devil born from an eggshell will get a name after swallowing its own eggshell, and this name is the devil's real name, and it is the mark imprinted on the devil's soul, except for Unless you know it yourself, you must not disclose it to anyone. If you need to address it externally, you usually intercept a single byte string in the name and use it.

The reason why you have to keep all your demon's real names secret is because once someone knows the demon's real name, it is possible to use special means to cause huge and indelible harm to this demon! The revelation of the devil's true name is a huge threat to the devil's survival! It is a weakness shared by all demons!

This is just like using a computer to automatically generate files. The program will automatically mark the generated files with page numbers. Even if there are many files, once you know the full name of the file, you can accurately locate the file through search... And the devil's real name It is the "mark" given to the devil by the Creator! Pinpoint the logo of the demon soul!

Now that he understands this, it is impossible for Roy to mention his real name anymore. Besides, such a long name would only be mentioned when someone is sick, so he can just use the name of his previous life.

However, this incident suddenly alerted Roy.

Having the devil's true name means that the fact that you have become a devil has become an unchangeable fact. When facing an unknown world and an unknown living environment, the first thing you have to do is to adapt to this change. , you must not understand this world of demons as a human being, otherwise if you are not careful, you will die without knowing it!

Only those who have died once understand how lucky they are to be reborn. Only those who know how lucky they are to die again will know whether they will have another chance.

Therefore, whether you are a human or a demon, the most important thing is to know how to cherish your own life!

The eggshell wasn't too big, and it didn't take long for Roy to finish it. Just when he swallowed the last piece of eggshell and felt the slight feeling of satisfaction in his stomach, something suddenly came to his mind again. There was a voice.

"The private custom-made devil system has been activated!"

Roy was confused, what... what's going on!

Before he could react, an illusory scene appeared in his sight.

What was displayed in front of Roy was a... panel! In the middle of the panel, a strange eye first appeared. The eye blinked at Roy and made a clicking sound. The sound immediately reminded Roy of the sound of his cell phone taking pictures.

After blinking, the eye disappeared, and instead, a picture appeared in the blank space in the middle of the panel.

In the picture above, there is a little devil with dark red skin, squatting half-crouched, with pointed ears. In addition to a pair of newly exposed sharp horns, there is also a bunch of messy black lanugo hair on his head. He looks surprisingly cute!

"This... this is what I look like now?" Roy looked at this "selfie" picture in stunned silence.

Okay, let’s put the cuteness aside for now. Roy noticed that there are some functional options at the top of the panel.

The first item is [Beautification]. As soon as you reach out and touch it, a series of tools will pop up on the left side of the panel. These tools are [Graffiti Pen], [Erase Pen], [Coloring Pen] and some other special tools. Paintbrushes and more.

In addition to the beautification function, there are many functions such as [Color], [Special Effects], [Text], [Puzzle], [Filter], [3D], [AE] and [Save] at the top of the panel. Roy was immediately unconvinced about these functions. He kept reaching out to touch and check, and finally found: Damn it! How come this big devil system looks like an integration with several software such as PS, 3Dmax and AE

The plug-in you get after rebirth is online, which is a good thing, but the question is what is this weird function

At the same time, an attribute description suddenly appeared next to Roy's selfie portrait of the little devil.

[Name]: Roy

[Race]: Demon

[Bloodline]: At least four or more mixed bloods

[Devil’s Name]: Bacolontha Meyer Rakdylan Stanlis Lundchar… Ramos Osiris

[Form]: larvae (premature birth)

[Rank]: Lower bottom floor

[Attribute]: Dark


[Speed]: 12

[Magic Power]: 9

[Activity]: 13

[Load material]: None

[Skills and abilities]: None

[Innate ability 1]: Peeping into the soul

Description: After a creature dies, you can easily discover the location of their soul.

[Talent Ability 2]: Demon’s Blood

Description: The demon clan is bloodthirsty and warlike. Whenever you enter a fighting state, it is easy to enter a state of fanaticism. In addition, the blood of demons will also cause you to have a better affinity for negative energy.

[Innate ability 3]: Soul-eating addiction

Explanation: The demon family is naturally fond of devouring and playing with souls, and is addicted to the pleasure and pleasure brought by devouring souls.

[Item]: None

[Number of souls currently held]: 0

[Evaluation]: An overly complicated bloodline will limit the upper limit of your potential. You will not even be able to obtain the natural power from your bloodline, and your premature birth will make you the weakest being at the same level... Cannon fodder, no Saved, farewell!

After seeing this attribute evaluation clearly, Roy didn't know what to say.

When he was reborn as a little devil, Roy still had a sense of novelty, but he didn't expect that his little devil would be so weak, which was even a bit difficult for him to accept.

Premature birth? He turned out to be a premature baby? No wonder the demon eggs around me came out first before the demon eggs around me moved. This is God trying to kill me!

Although the system's evaluation said it was hopeless, Roy still wanted to struggle. He felt that he had to first figure out how to use the system.

Fortunately, although the system looked a bit complicated, the operation was actually relatively simple. It didn't take long for Roy to finally figure out how to use the system.

Roy's self-portrait on the first page is a subject, showing all of Roy's current states. What Roy has to do is to form materials through painting, define the materials, add special effects and colors, etc. Finally, integrate it into your own body through puzzle pieces to upgrade yourself.

But to complete these operations, you need something very special, and that is the soul!

For example, if Roy wants to add a pair of devil wings to himself, then the first thing he needs is to use a graffiti pen to draw the devil wings, and then use the text function to define them , indicating that these are a pair of demon wings that can be used for flying. If you want to add special abilities such as fire or frost to the demon wings, you can do it with the help of special effects functions. Finally, the operation is completed, consumption, etc. After saving the worthy soul, Roy's body will immediately grow a pair of devil wings exactly as he set them.

In this process, there is no consumption of painting materials, special effects, etc., and you can complete it as you like, but in the last step, when you need to save it, you need to use your soul!

The more detailed the description of the material, the more complex the definition, and the more gorgeous the special effects, the more souls will be consumed when saving, and the higher the quality of the soul will be!

To put it simply, this so-called privately customized Great Demon System is actually PS technology, one of the four major evil arts in Asia. As long as you can imagine it, you can draw it and then manifest it through soul equivalent exchange. This is also No wonder this system is called private customization...

Roy has no problem with painting or anything like that. His job before his rebirth was art design. This is not a problem for him, but obtaining souls is a bit troublesome.

This start is a bit difficult! Where can I get my first soul

Just when Roy was thinking this, the purple moonlight in the night sky began to become brighter at this moment, and the light radiation began to become stronger. This seemed to be a signal. There were a large number of devil eggs on the beach. They began to hatch one after another, and the little devils in the eggs broke open the eggshells and came out one after another, so that the entire beach suddenly turned from silence to noisy, and there were all kinds of weird roars everywhere...