Custom Made Demon King

Chapter 37: In addition to flat A, there is also Q


It was a good thing to run away, but this incident also reminded Roy.

It seems that one still has to be careful when being summoned to other worlds.

Although even low-level demons are more powerful than many monsters in the human world, this does not mean that demons can make trouble unscrupulously. Demons also have powerful enemies.

Those who summon demons are often humans. However, in the human world, demons are often unacceptable objects. Even if humans want to use the power of demons, they still despise and fear demons. Many exorcists even devote themselves to As it is their duty to kill demons, it can be said that demons have a huge inherent disadvantage on human territory. This is called a home disadvantage.

What Roy feels most helpless is this. He has the mind of a human and the body of a demon. He cannot regard demons as his own kind, but when he goes to the human world, humans cannot regard him as his kind either, even if He really doesn't do anything bad. When people see his appearance, they will yell at him and kill him.

Roy was clearly aware of this at the beginning, so he was able to attack demons, and he was also able to attack humans, because he knew very well that he was isolated and could not get anything good from both sides. If he wanted to To live well, it is best not to have any naive ideas.

After seeing Gabriel's angel form, Roy was afraid, but in his heart he was actually quite envious. Why wasn't he reborn as an angel? If you were reborn as an angel, even if you let people be harmed by monsters for hundreds of years, as long as you finally show up and do something casual, you can still attract the admiration and gratitude of countless people... Where can it be like now, when it appears, it will cause panic and make people want to wait? Quickly after killing...

Thinking about it, it’s really... an indescribable feeling! What the heck, looks are really justice!

Because I am so beautiful, no matter what I do, I will be forgiven... right

Shaking his head and leaving the altar, Roy climbed out of the volcano, planning to find a place to settle down and test his gains again.

Whether it's Gabriel's sacred soul fragment or Lucius's fallen soul, Roy has received it in the system. He doesn't dare to take it out for closer observation. He knows very well that once these two things appear in The abyss world will probably cause the demons here to riot. Only by storing it in the system space can the smell be isolated.

I thought that I might be able to harvest a fallen soul and a noble soul this time, but I didn't expect to see the shadow of the noble soul. In the end, I got a fragment of a sacred soul. Is this considered as losing something in the east and gaining something in the world

Since fallen souls and noble souls are both high-quality souls, what level is the sacred soul? What can it be used for

Roy doesn't know about these issues for the time being and needs to experiment by himself.

After flying out of the volcano, Roy leaned against the dome wall at the top of the cave and found the lair of a flying demon. This lair was actually the entrance to the cave. It seemed that it had been abandoned for a long time. The original owner probably had it somewhere long ago. During the hunt, someone counter-hunted him, so Roy directly occupied this lair for use.

Don't tell me, it's quite spacious inside. After Roy got in, he found that it could accommodate about two or three people of his size.

After living in the lair, Roy began to study the system.

In the system interface, just as Roy expected, as soon as Lucius' fallen soul was obtained, the 3D and AE functional interfaces were opened and ready for use.

While researching and consulting the system, Roy quickly understood what these two functions were used for.

The 3D function is actually used for Roy to model, while AE is used for Roy to create special effects and generate videos.

Moreover, these two functions are actually used in combination. Roy can use the 3D function to build his own character model, draw different action postures, and then superimpose them together to form a continuous action scene, which can then be added through AE Special effects, after generating a video, intercept a frame number and generate an image file in GIF format.

To put it simply, the GIF image generated through these two functions is actually a demonstration of skill special effects! After saving this material, Roy can use the skills in this GIF, and even the special effects will be exactly the same!

When Roy figured out the functions of these two functions, he couldn't help but be a little confused. How could he still be able to play like this?

Roy suddenly became interested and quickly started tinkering.

The work of 3D modeling is relatively tedious, because before drawing your own character model, you must first think about the different actions you need to perform to demonstrate this skill, and then combine these different actions. Just draw it once.

At the same time, if Roy needs special effects attached to these actions, then these special effects need to be modeled. For example, if Roy wants special effects of fire, what is the trajectory of the fire? Is it spreading or rising into the sky? He has to get it done. In short, the combination of the sub-functions of these two functions is actually an animation production process.

So, while drawing and modeling, Roy was thinking about what kind of skill he wanted to create.

Since it is a self-created skill, Roy can actually draw it however he wants, but at the same time he has to consider two issues. One is the amount of Lucius's fallen soul, because the skill needs to consume this high quality to manifest. Soul, so similarly, the more complex the special effects are, the more high-quality souls will be consumed.

The second question is about his own magic power. Roy has already asked the system. The power of the skills produced ultimately depends on Roy's own magic power.

He can completely draw a skill that causes a nuclear explosion by spitting on the ground, but even if he does it, in fact, with his current level of magic power, it is estimated that the explosion will only be as powerful as a grenade, and even his magic power Yes, it will be used up once, which will result in the inability to achieve the effects in the skill demonstration.

Therefore, after much thought, Roy felt that his first skill would be best if it had a simple effect and could be used continuously with his magic power! In the future, just wait until the magic power increases, and then gradually modify the performance of the special effects to make it more powerful.

In other words, this skill is best the [Q] skill...

I wanted to think about it, but when it came time to actually start designing, Roy suddenly ran into trouble again. What kind of Q skill should I create

This first skill can actually be regarded as Roy's first magic. It is a novice-level skill, so at the beginning, Roy thought about special effects such as fireball and shadow arrow. Such skills are quite good. Realize, and regardless of the size of the magic energy, when it is shot out, it should be able to perfectly achieve the special effects you set.

But the problem is, he always feels that such skills are not handsome enough...