Custom Made Demon King

Chapter 45: Built the city


After the magic circle was poured, Sellon appeared at the crater.

He stood on the edge of the magic circle, his hands began to glow, and he chanted something in a low voice. After a while, the magic circle began to glow.

Then, Sellon suddenly raised his devil's hoof and stamped it on the ground. A loud bang erupted, and the entire volcano began to tremble.

It was like a big earthquake, the whole mountain was shaking, and many demons standing upright were shaken and fell to the ground.

The magic circle that Sellon had someone pour out was actually an amplifier. He borrowed the power of this amplifier and used an earth-shaking magic, allowing the power of magic to penetrate directly to the bottom of the volcano.

"Everyone evacuate here!" After Sellon gave the order, the demons gathered on the volcano immediately flew down desperately. Even if they live in a world accompanied by volcanoes and magma, it does not mean that the demons can They are not afraid of volcanic eruptions. On the contrary, demons are most afraid of volcanic eruptions because they know best the destructive power of volcanic eruptions.

There were about two hundred demons summoned by Sellon in advance. Not long after these demons escaped, the volcano, which had been affected by the force of the earthquake, finally reached the critical point, made a deafening roar, and began to erupt.

The billowing smoke, carrying a large amount of volcanic ash, rose into the sky from the crater. With the power of the volcanic eruption, countless burning stones, large and small, were ejected outwards. These stones scattered in all directions, like a goddess. Like scattered flowers, it is both beautiful and terrifying. Along with the eruption, high-temperature lava also flows from the crater. These fiery red rivers spread all the way down the volcano, burning all the trees and jungles along the way. Some small animals had no time to escape and were buried in the lava flow.

This volcanic eruption took a full two hours before it subsided. However, within a radius of ten miles around the volcano, everything had turned into scorched earth, with no grass growing. Part of the diffuse magma had begun to cool and turned into black ground. , some parts are still hot, glowing dark red and rising into green smoke.

Sellon looked at his masterpiece proudly and laughed wildly. He was very satisfied with this scorched earth territory and felt that he could start building the city.

Yes, the purpose of detonating the volcano is to create an environment suitable for demons to live. Green mountains and green waters are not the style of demons at all. What demons love most is this kind of place full of sulfur-smelling air.

Under Sellon's scolding, more than two hundred low-level demons, including Roy, began to work. They found big rocks and while the magma ground was still soft, they polished the ground as smooth as possible. After the foundation is laid, construction of the city begins.

Roy did not take action at this time. He took Fat Tiger and became the overseer of these demons. He held the city construction drawings and whips given to him by Sellon in his hands, urging the low-level demons to build according to the plan.

Demons have never been good at construction, so Roy's task as a supervisor is not light. He must always guide the low-level demons who are working, otherwise they can build the wall like instant noodles, with ups and downs.

Moreover, the demons still lack tools. All the buildings they build are just piles of stones and wood. Such buildings are most likely to be unstable and will collapse, but the demons also have methods, because they are adjacent to the volcano. , they assigned manpower to get magma from the bottom of the volcano, and after cooling it slightly, poured the liquid rock on top of the built building to fill the gaps and strengthen the city wall.

After the city gradually took shape, Sellon brought new drawings and asked the demons to start building their own place to live.

To put it bluntly, it is a nest. Each type of demon has its own type of nest that it prefers to live in. After it is created like this, the demons will spontaneously live in them in categories, and Sellon will inscribe summons again in each of these nests. Magic circle, and then constantly summons the same kind of demons to come to this world.

For example, the Demon Kennel is used to summon Cerberus. In the Demon Kennel, Sellon will only summon Cerberus. Every time he summons a batch, he will sign a contract with these Cerberus, and then put them in the Demon Kennel. Live in the house.

During this period, Roy had been secretly observing Sellon's movements. He found that the demons summoned by Sellon were almost all of several fixed types. This may be due to the need to form an army and the same types of troops. , so that’s why no too messy demons were summoned, and Sellon was able to accurately summon these demons almost every time.

Roy spent a lot of time observing before he realized that there was a trick to it. Sellon seemed to know what kind of things a certain type of demon liked. For example, when he summoned little demons, he would often put them in sacrifices. Add some powder made from bird or insect egg shells to the blood to change the smell of the blood.

Every time he uses this kind of sacrifice, he can summon a large number of little devils. These little devils are naturally those who have just been born and have just entered the shallow abyss world. Perhaps it is the smell of eggshell powder in the blood that makes them They must have remembered the scene when they ate their own demon egg shells when they were hatched. In short, these little demons would always flock to them.

And once they are summoned, their fate is doomed. How powerful can these little devils who have just been born be? Sellon summoned them just to increase the manpower for coolies and the cannon fodder needed for future wars.

In addition to summoning little devils, there is also a way to summon hellhounds, which is to mix the blood with the urine of griffins. Sellon caught some wild griffons and raised them. When he used the urine of griffins, After the liquid is mixed into the blood, the temptation to the hellhound is absolutely first-class!

This situation reminded Roy of his past life when he learned to fish, using different flavors of bait for different fish...

When Roy responded to the call and passed through the Gate of the Abyss, he smelled the smell of blood mixed with griffon urine. At that time, he was wondering why the smell of blood was a bit strange. Who would have thought that Sellon would In fact, he was just luring the hellhound. Roy didn't understand this kind of thing at all, so he entered by mistake... The devil summoning ritual is like this. Because he can't see what the summoner is on the other side of the abyss gate, he can't avoid risks at all. , once you encounter such a trap call, you can only rely on your own strength to escape.

Only demons understand demons best. Sellon, a high-ranking demon, has lived for who knows how long. When he thinks he needs what kind of demon, he has a way to summon what kind of demon he needs. The abyss world is very big. It's so big that no one can tell exactly how many demons live in it. Even if the lower demons have chaotic bloodlines and have all kinds of strange appearances, among such a large number of demons, there are still many demons of the same type.

Without exception, all the demons he summoned were enslaved by him. In order to cope with the upcoming war, Sellon cannot let the summoned demons go back easily. Here, Sellon He is a demon lord, and the demons he summons are his subjects. After the way home was blocked by Sellon, the demons could only let him take whatever he wanted.

Of course, there were also some who, like Roy, did not cooperate and resisted after being summoned, but they all became honest after being beaten, and after making a contract, they worked obediently for Sellon.

Roy looked at this scene and just watched with cold eyes, but did not feel any sympathy. In fact, he knew very well that Sellon's approach was the most consistent with the devil's behavior.

There is never any tenderness between demons. Apart from killing and using, there are often few similar concepts. Even if high-level demons value bloodline, it is only for demons of the same level. Such high-level demons treat low-level demons like this. Slavery and beating are just basic operations. It is not surprising at all. Sellon summons demons to fight for him. The cost is almost nothing, but the benefit is a large number of souls. Such a high The return ratio, let alone the devil, will be followed by human capitalists.

As time goes by, this demon city has gradually grown in size, and at this time, two more high-level demons appeared and came to join Sellon...

These two high-ranking demons came with a small army of demons and rode on nightmare horses. This kind of nightmare horse has a bad temper, has shiny black hardened skin all over its body, and has a horn-like devil's horn on its head. The four hooves are burning with blazing flames, leaving a trail of flames wherever they go.

This nightmare war horse also belongs to demons, not monsters, because they are intelligent and a kind of middle-level demon. Many demons without high-level demons like to enslave this kind of nightmare war horse to serve as mounts.

The two high-ranking demons were both wearing cloaks and couldn't see clearly. After entering the Castlevania, they started talking with Sellen in the interior hall. Roy, an elite demon, has always been smart because of his higher intelligence. Therefore, Sellon was used as his deputy, so when the three high-ranking demons were talking, Roy stood guard outside the gate and easily heard their conversation...