Custom Made Demon King

Chapter 48: Template for telekinesis


Of course, Roy was not stupid enough to choose to devour souls openly on the battlefield. If Sellon saw it, that guy would go crazy.

So Roy decided that it would be best to use the storage function of the system to hide the soul, which is both hidden and fast, and will not be discovered by Sellon who supervises the battle because of the action of devouring the soul.

After wiping out the village of the Avili elves, the troops continued to advance. Sellon was riding on a tall nightmare horse, which was his mount Mordika. This huge nightmare horse was also covered with thick armor. The thick armor will leave traces of fire behind it when it moves its four hooves, and it will take a long time for it to be extinguished. Sellon is sitting on this horse, twisting a black scythe in his hand. , that was his weapon, and thousands of demon armies surrounded him, making him look majestic.

In the next few days, this army encountered some migrating elven tribes from time to time. Whenever they encountered these elves, Sellon would explain the nature of the devil to people.

Destruction, all destruction! Not to mention encountering living creatures, even when he encounters people in an empty village, Sellon will set a fire and burn the village completely. If he can observe it from a high altitude, he will It was discovered that on the marching route of the demonic army of Sellon, there were only blood, corpses and charred ashes left along the way, and nothing else...

Such bad behavior will naturally arouse the anger of the elves. On the seventh day of the march, an elven reconnaissance team came from the side and discovered traces of Roy and his demon army. Logically speaking, they They were supposed to go back and report, but unfortunately, after seeing the corpses of their tribesmen, they were immediately angered!

In addition to wanting to avenge their compatriots, they also discovered that this demon army had a large number of siege equipment, so after raising the alarm with carrier pigeons, they caught up with Sellon's demon army from behind, and then launched directly Raid!

There are not many of them, only about a hundred people. However, since they are a reconnaissance force, the emphasis is on mobility, so there are no slow-moving troops in this elven force, but all Pegasus knights!

This kind of Pegasus is a specialty of the Avili Elf Tribe. Although it is exactly the same as an ordinary horse, it has two extra wide wings on its back. In addition to being able to run on land, it can also fly quickly in low altitudes. , and on the back of the Pegasus, there is often an Elf warrior riding on it. Although these Elf warriors are light and not strong, when they hold the blade in their hands and use the high speed of the Pegasus to rush towards When attacking the enemy, it can often cause huge damage.

These more than a hundred Pegasus knights launched an attack on the demon army, and their attack target was quite clear, it was the baggage pulled from the rear of the demon army!

The moment these Pegasus knights appeared from low in the sky, they roared and swooped down, launching a charge at the tallest catapults. As they flew by, the knights on Pegasus took the opportunity to slash their blades. Go out and attack the relatively fragile support structure of the catapult. In just one attack, four catapults were destroyed. When the catapult disintegrated, the heavy giant tree collapsed, injuring many nearby people. Cerberus demon.

The Pegasus knights whizzing past the heads of the demon army made Sellon furious. He would rather lose his army than lose these siege equipment, because in terms of demon's handiwork, he wanted to repair it. It is a bit difficult to re-create these equipment. Without siege equipment, once they encounter an elven city, the troops led by Sellon will be blinded. After all, he leads low-level demons. Facing tall demons, The city wall doesn’t have many attack methods…

While the Pegasus knights circled in the low air and came back again, Sellon suddenly raised the devil's sickle in his hand with one hand. He used the sickle like a magic wand, and then Following his action, a bolt of lightning suddenly appeared above the group of Pegasus knights flying again! The lightning first struck the head of the leading Pegasus knight, and then with a piercing sound, the light of lightning shot towards the other Pegasus knight behind him!

This bolt of lightning jumped back and forth seven or eight times among the Pegasus knights. The Pegasus knights had no time to react. Every Pegasus knight struck by the lightning became completely charred. , together with their Pegasus mounts, fell down from the sky, fell directly to the ground and turned into a ball of meat.

This is magic chain lightning, extremely powerful!

When Roy saw this scene, he couldn't help but mourn for these Pegasus knights. Based on his observations during this period, he found that Sellon, a high-level demon, knew the four lines of magic in this world, and currently, there are at least two lines. The magic is advanced, one is earth type, and the other is air type. The earth type magic is the earthquake that Roy saw when the volcano was detonated before, and the air type is naturally the chain lightning now!

As for water magic, Sellon rarely uses it, but when Roy was summoned before, he received a weak blow from him. At that time, even Roy's bloodthirsty bonus was offset, so water magic is absolutely useless. How low can it go

As for the last series of fire magic, Roy has never seen Sellon use it, but Roy estimates that he will definitely know it, because for demons in the abyss world, they have been accompanied by magma and flames since birth. If you don't know fire magic, it's almost impossible. Roy even guessed that maybe fire magic is what Sellon is best at, but this guy has never shown it...

This is the power of Sellon, a high-ranking demon. He knows all four series of magic, and the level is quite high. However, Roy has never seen Sellon use dark magic, and he doesn't know. Is it because the four series of magic are more suitable for marching and fighting, or is it because of the restrictions on magic rules in this world

Roy guessed that it might be the former, because at least Roy could use the bloodthirsty spell on himself when he released it, and he did not feel any suppression by the world's rules.

In any case, Sellon's chain lightning made the Pegasus knights nervous and dispersed. This reconnaissance force was only a small force, and there were no elven heroes among them. One of them, a Pegasus knight who looked like the captain, shouted loudly. This Pegasus knight who led the team was a little different from the other Pegasus knights. He and his mount Pegasus were both wearing silver armor. Under the command, the Pegasus knights immediately distanced themselves, not giving Sellon the chance to continue using chain lightning.

Seeron snorted coldly when he saw this, and raised the scythe in his hand again, but this time he released a protective shield magic, which was blessed on his demon army.

Then, Sellon roared and shouted at the Goges in the army: "Shoot! Shoot them down!"

After receiving the order, the Gog demons immediately spat into their palms, and then swung them towards the Pegasus knights attacking in mid-air. The next moment, a large number of flames exploded in the sky. These exploding flames There is no need for any precise strikes. Once there is a Pegasus knight nearby when it explodes, the flames will immediately ignite the Pegasus' feathers. Once the Pegasus is injured, it will immediately neigh and fall down, while the hellhounds are already watching eagerly below. , will immediately swarm up and tear these Pegasus and their knights to pieces.

The Pegasus knights were stunned when they saw their compatriots being killed. The Silver Pegasus knight who led the team shouted: "Revenge!!" and then led the team to swoop down. Under his leadership, the Pegasus knights swooped down. The horse knights also rushed down one after another to engage in ground battles with the demon army. At this moment, they had already put life and death aside and had no idea that they could go back alive, so naturally they could kill one and earn another.

After rushing down, some people resisted the attack of the demon army, while others continued to destroy the siege equipment!

"We can't let them destroy the remaining catapults, kill them!" Sellon roared, clamped the belly of the nightmare horse, waved the devil's sickle, and led the army to kill.

Roy naturally rushed forward. He rushed into the group of hellhounds, first joined Fat Tiger, and then fought against these Pegasus knights together.

Compared with other low-level demons, Roy looked much taller, so as soon as he appeared on the battle line, he immediately attracted the attention of the Pegasus knights. After killing the Cerberus in front of them, the two Pegasus knights immediately He waved the sword in his hand and stabbed Roy.

However, before their long swords pierced Roy's body, they suddenly felt as if the swords in their hands were stuck in a quagmire. There was a kind of flexible resistance in their hands, which was quite difficult!

This sudden resistance caused them to be distracted, and the movements of their hands naturally slowed down a step. The consequences were fatal. In the next second, Roy's sharp claws had already cut their throats!

The Pegasus knight died tragically, and the Pegasus they sat on was not spared. One Pegasus was held down by Roy with one hand, and its wings were torn off with the other hand. The remaining Pegasus was killed by Fat Tiger. It fell from the side, and all three heads were bitten to death.

With a very concealed wave of his hand, Roy collected the souls of the two Pegasus knights into the system. He glanced at Sellon who was also killing everyone in the corner of his eye and found that he had not noticed the situation on his side at all, so Feeling more relieved, one demon and one dog began to rush into the battlefield, not only killing the enemies who rushed up, but also continuously collecting the souls scattered on the battlefield.

And every Pegasus knight who faced Roy would, without exception, show the symptoms of the first two Pegasus knights when they attacked Roy. It was as if there was someone beside Roy. Like an invisible air cushion shield.

They didn't know that Roy had used telekinesis!

Roy's telekinesis is an auxiliary ability brought about by using the T-virus to perfectly strengthen it. It was not created by himself, so it is impossible to define and modify its attributes. Previously, his telekinesis ability was relatively weak and the scope of use was always relatively small, so Roy has never used it in battle except for showing off.

Roy originally thought that this telekinesis ability should be related to the size of mental power, but the problem is that Roy's attributes do not have the attribute of mental power, so he has never found a way to enhance telekinesis. Even if he uses it repeatedly, it seems that it will not work. Unable to increase telekinesis, it was not until later that he discovered that the soul could be used to make the essence of magic potion, and Roy had been taking this potion recently, that he suddenly discovered that the power of telekinesis seemed to have grown!

At the beginning, it seemed that telekinesis could only be used to control some objects that were not heavy in mass. But now, telekinesis can even control invisible things like air. He can use the power of telekinesis to tighten the air. Knead the ground together to greatly increase the density of the air, thereby creating an "air shield" to protect you in front of you.

The reason for this change was naturally the increase in magic energy, so it was not until this moment that Roy realized that he had made a mistake before. The body structure of demons is different from that of humans. Humans may have There is such a thing as mental power, but for the devil, the source of all energy comes from the devil's heart! The devil's heart is the devil's powertrain!

When the essence of magic potion increased his magic power, it also naturally strengthened Roy's heart. The strengthening of the heart, in turn, fed back to Roy's telekinesis ability, which resulted in the enhancement of his telekinesis power. .

After discovering this, Roy was naturally very happy. When he first obtained the ability of telekinesis, he had thought that the upper limit template of this power was not as simple as Alice in Resident Evil. I think it should be the telekinesis of Mr. Mu, the Aries Saint in Saint Seiya...