Custom Made Demon King

Chapter 5: Fifty cent special effects


The gunshot resounded throughout the entire beach, startling all the nearby little devils who were also fighting with their opponents!

They stopped fighting in unison and turned their heads to look in the direction of the sound. However, two more gunshots were heard immediately, causing them to scream strangely again.

Because they have never heard such a bizarre sound...

Roy who fired the shot was also shocked, because he found that the four-eyed little devil who had been shot in the abdomen did not die immediately. Instead, because of the severe pain, he shook his head and used Roy's A large piece of flesh was ripped off from his left arm when he was trying to parry!

Roy was also in pain and wanted to go crazy. With his eyes red with blood, he put the muzzle of the gun on the belly of the four-eyed little devil and fired two more shots.

This time, the four-eyed little devil finally froze. After being pushed hard by Roy, he fell off Roy's body and fell to the side. There were three big holes in his stomach that were made by bullets. Blood dripped from the ground, soon turning the beach beneath him a purple-red color.

Roy, who was also covered in blood, got up from the ground, panting and looking at the four-eyed little devil at his feet. He found that the four-eyed little devil's vitality was really tenacious. Even after this, he still hadn't died yet, so Roy, who was still alive after the disaster, couldn't help but became furious. He aimed at the four-eyed little devil's forehead and pulled the trigger again!

This time, the four-eyed little devil never made a sound again...

In order to ensure that the revolver was preserved and manifested, Roy even canceled the accuracy attribute. Anyway, for him, it didn't matter whether the attack was accurate or not, but it didn't matter to him. What comes to mind is that in this situation of holding fire on his belly, the four-eyed little devil actually took four shots before dying. His vitality is astonishing, and it is completely different from killing the worm devil in the egg shell!

There is a huge difference between a creature like a demon before it hatches and after it hatches.

Well, of course, it may also be because the firearm is not powerful enough...

The soul of the four-eyed little devil emerged from his corpse. This soul light group was much stronger and brighter than what Roy had obtained before. Roy was not in a hurry to get it. A soul, he raised his head and took a look. Sure enough, some little devils nearby gathered around him.

They were shocked by the continuous gunshots just now, and couldn't help but want to see what happened. Coupled with the greedy nature of the devil, they had signs of gathering more and more after seeing a high-quality soul.

Roy's condition was not very good at this time. His entire upper body was covered with scars, and he was bitten on his left shoulder. Although the poisonous saliva of the four-eyed devil was not fatal, it made half of his body stiff and numb. The pale bones of his left forearm, which was used to parry attacks, were exposed.

But even in such a tragic situation, Roy knew that he must not give up at this time, because he was worried that once he showed fatigue or panic, these little devils who gathered around him would swarm him without hesitation and tear him into pieces. , so he raised the muzzle of his gun, pointed it at a little devil that was getting closer, and shot it!

Boom! The shot failed to hit the opponent, but it hit the little devil's feet, causing a string of sparks to hit the ground. The little devil was startled and quickly jumped back and away.

Then Roy pointed the gun at another little devil. This little devil was smarter. When he saw the gun pointed at him, he ran away without Roy shooting.

With the lessons learned from the past, wherever Roy's gun is pointed, the little devils in this direction will run away quickly. These little devils don't know that he only has one bullet left at this moment. They just think that this strange thing in Roy's hand is It was terrifying that something could kill a strong little devil. He was not willing to come up to die, and was counting on other little devils to get there first.

Later, Roy didn't even point the gun, he just opened his mouth and showed his sharp teeth. With a little intimidation, the little devils would run away.

Roy's goal of establishing power has been achieved, but unfortunately, he still underestimated the devil's greed for souls. As long as Roy doesn't put away the souls of the four-eyed little devils, these little devils will soon disappear even after they escape. Will gather again carefully.

After discovering this, Roy also had a headache. In fact, he also felt that his body was instinctively longing for the soul. The soul light group was at his feet, causing the saliva in his mouth to flow uncontrollably. Come out, this is probably caused by soul-eating addiction. Although Roy also wants to taste what the soul is like, he knows very well that the soul is the guarantee of his survival, so he can only forcefully endure the physical instinct. I had the urge to try to see if I could use the system to contain this soul.

Unexpectedly, he really succeeded, and the soul light group disappeared all of a sudden.

Only then did he notice that in the system interface's main attribute, the number of souls he currently held had changed from 0 to "complete lower souls (1), and soon-to-disappear lower souls (1)"!

The complete inferior soul should be the soul of the four-eyed little devil he just got. The "lower soul that is about to disappear" made Roy stunned for a moment. If nothing else, this soul should be the one he got. The first soul, but what he didn't expect was that after manifesting the revolver, this soul was still left and did not completely disappear.

This once again surprised Roy at the changes in soul consumption caused by different defined attributes. You know, before adding an infinite ammunition attribute, this soul was not even enough to consume...

I don’t know if this is the difference between white equipment and blue equipment and purple equipment

Roy feels a little regretful now. If he had known that the system could absorb souls, he should have absorbed the soul of the worm demon first, and he would not have had a fight with the four-eyed little devil...

As soon as the soul light group disappeared, the little devils gathered nearby suddenly became restless, causing Roy to raise his gun on alert again, but this time the little devils became restless again, and finally dispersed, and they ran away In other places where fighting is going on, let's see if we can get some bargains...

After seeing that the crisis was over, Roy finally breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the ground. However, because he didn't have the consciousness, he didn't move his tail away. As a result, when he sat down, he took off his tail first. The pressure hurt.

It seemed that after changing form, many of the habits he had when he was a human had to be changed. After sighing and moving his tail again, Roy had time to look at the revolver he had drawn.

However, at this glance, Roy's head was suddenly filled with black lines.

The gun he held in his hand was, how should I put it, so weird! If I had to describe it in one sentence, it would be: fifty-cent special effects!

Really, not even a hair more! It’s so fake!

It was already crooked when I was painting, and later because of the emergency work, there was no coloring at all, and the material was not even defined, so that after it was realized, it looked like a white plastic gun in the hand. It feels like (the background color when painting is white), and it’s still the kind of plastic gun that has a crude mold and burrs everywhere after the mold is taken out...

Roy could swear that this thing was worse than the BB gun he played with when he was a kid!

But... the strange thing is that this 50-cent gun with special effects can actually fire, and it is really powerful. And this is just caused by Roy defining a [firearm] attribute. This makes Roy the first I realized once that this private customization system is really extraordinary!

The power of the system to define its functions with words is a bit similar to the feeling of a spirit, or the information-matter conversion technology mentioned in the novels Roy had read before, and it can be operated in a fool-like manner...

Roy couldn't help but feel a little happy when he thought that in the past, he had to fight monsters and explode equipment or complete tasks to get equipment. Now he has gone a step further and created his own equipment...

Now that he had another soul, and it seemed to be of good quality, Roy did not rush to upgrade the revolver in his hand. Instead, he summoned the system interface and started painting again.

This time, he drew a test tube, and then drew a line in the middle of the test tube to indicate that it was the liquid level, and then selected blue to color the inside of the test tube.

A test tube containing a blue liquid took shape, and Roy defined it in words next to it: Antidote!

Yes, the first thing he has to do now is to get rid of his poisoned state. In order to save consumption, he does not have too many definitions for this antidote. He only plans to use the antidote for the soul that is about to disappear. Just use it.

I think the poison of the four-eyed little devil is not too powerful, so this should be able to remove it, right

After completing it, Roy just wanted to save it, but then after thinking about it, Roy changed the color of the liquid in the test tube to dark brown.

Moreover, he also added an additional attribute to the definition: [Cola flavor]!

After the addition was completed, Roy was satisfied with the preservation. Then as expected, the souls that were about to disappear disappeared this time, and Roy also had a tube of dark brown potion in his hand.

Come and drink this fat house happy water! Roy raised his head and drank...