Custom Made Demon King

Chapter 50: Who have I, Sellon, been afraid of?


Although this area is where the Avili elves live, and it can be said that there are trees everywhere, the problem is that these trees cannot be used just by cutting them down. They also need to be processed to turn them into standardized wood. It can be used to build and repair various construction equipment. It is for this reason that Sellen asked Roy to come out to find a lumberyard.

Roy led the demon team and randomly chose a direction to move forward. After being told by Roy, Fat Tiger kept waiting for its eyes and carefully sniffed the various smells in the air, for fear of encountering enemies along the way. Roy, on the other hand, was walking silently while contemplating his plan.

He believed that the reason why the Pegasus knights attacked Sellon's demonic troops risklessly and focused their attacks on siege equipment was probably because there were elves stationed near this area. This station may be a city or a fortress, but the city wall may not be well defended.

The Pegasus knights may have thought that the invasion of the demon army was coming for this city, so in order to prevent the weakly defended city from being captured, they spared no effort to destroy the demon's siege equipment.

This is a very simple logic, and he figured it out after just a little thought. Roy believed that Sellen should have guessed it. He did not choose to continue marching, but stopped to repair the catapult first. He probably wanted to do this. Take down or destroy the city.

However, this is what Roy does not want to see. It does not mean that he is worried for the elves, but that if the elves defend the city, Roy does not want to see it.

At present, the elves may not know the true plan of the demon army. They may think that the demons are simply invading, but in fact, the real goal of Sellon and the others is to kill the queen of the golden dragon clan.

If the elves miscalculate the demon's military goals, they will focus their forces on defending the city to prevent invasion. The Golden Dragon clan will also help the elves defend the city, but in this way, the elves' troops will become scattered. , the protection of the Golden Dragon Queen will also become weaker. When the time comes, they may be defeated by the demon army one by one.

Therefore, Roy believed that he needed to give the elves a warning...

However, how to remind this is very troublesome. After all, Roy is a devil. If he dares to appear near the elves' city, he will be shot by the elves immediately. And even if he has a chance to speak, the devil's words People may not believe it either.

The worst thing about being a devil is this. In the eyes of the world, devils are synonymous with lies and evil. Even if you want to tell the truth occasionally, you will be rejected directly...

This is indeed a world where faces are judged...

I was thinking about it while searching, but in the end I found that I was really unlucky. There seemed to be no lumberyard in this direction, so I had to turn around and look in another direction.

Without satellites or navigation, the process of exploring the path could only be a slow exploration. Roy did not dare to go too far in one direction, so he could only go back and forth.

In the end, Roy flew high into the sky and relied on visual inspection to finally find the location of a lumberyard, and then led the team to rush there.

This is a lumberyard deep in the forest. It is very hidden. If Roy hadn't seen a piece missing in the middle of the forest from the sky, Roy wouldn't have been able to confirm it. But precisely because of its concealment, there were no elf guards in this lumberyard. garrisoned.

When Roy and the others approached, they heard the sound of sawing wood. In this lumberyard, more than twenty lumberjacks were working. They removed the branches and peeled off the bark of the harvested wood. Then saw the round wood into sections, and finally change it into a flat square log.

When they saw Roy and his team of demons appearing, the lumberjacks were stunned. After coming back to their senses, they screamed and scattered in panic, trying to escape.

However, they were driven back by hellhounds and little devils. One of the hellhounds couldn't help but bit a lumberjack to death and stole his soul.

So in the end, when this group of lumberjacks appeared in front of Roy, what Roy saw was a group of trembling quails...

"Don't worry! As long as you cooperate, I won't hurt you!" Roy looked down at the group of lumberjacks and said with a cold face: "Now, this lumberyard is under the control of the devil. I want you to continue working. Keep producing lumber!”

Even if Roy said this with a smile, these workers would not think he was friendly, so Roy simply used coercion.

In this way, a group of lumberjacks and lumber mills fell under Roy's control. Under Roy's arrangement, the wood they produced was dragged by the more than ten hellhounds and more than twenty little devils in turn. , sent to Sellon's station.

The production efficiency of these lumberjacks is not high. It's crazy how fast it can be done by hand. Roy can only wait here until enough wood is produced.

This group of lumberjacks were all civilians, but Roy observed and found that they were all elves, but most of them were a little older. Working under Roy's watchful eye, these people were very nervous, and some even hit them. own fingers.

Seeing their anxious looks, Roy ignored them. He pointed at an elf who looked like a foreman and asked, "Come here!"

The foreman was startled, and walked over tremblingly, saying, "Yes... Sir... Sir... Sir, what... can you do?"

"Are you literate?" Roy asked him, "It's the language of your elves. Do you know how to read and write it?"

"Of course... of course!" the foreman nodded hurriedly.

"Okay! Find a piece of paper, a parchment will do! Then I'll talk and you write it down in elven characters. Is there any problem?" Roy asked.

"Yes... yes!" Of course there was no problem with the foreman. In fact, for him, as long as Roy didn't want to eat him, he wouldn't have any problem...

After the other party brought the parchment and a quill, Roy said: "Write like this: Arrogant Avili..."

As soon as he heard the first sentence, the foreman raised his head in astonishment, glanced at Roy, and thought to himself, why are we Avili people so arrogant? No matter how crazy the Avili people are, how crazy are you demons?

After being glared at by Roy fiercely, he finally reacted and broke out in a cold sweat. He quickly shook his quill and recorded Roy's words.

"Arrogant Avili people! How dare you stand in front of us when the demon army is about to lay waste to the Kingdom of Erathia? Now, in the name of the demon lord Serron, I declare that we will attack Avili The elves will impose capital punishment. We will destroy your city and kill the queen of your golden dragon clan. As long as you continue to stand in front of the iron hoof of the demon army, the killing will not stop! Your world will burn under my feet!"

After thinking for a while, Roy finally added: "I am the devil!"

The foreman listened to Roy's domineering declaration with trepidation, but still gritted his teeth and followed Roy's instructions, wrote down all his words in elven characters, and finally handed them to Roy with both hands.

Roy took it and looked at it, and found a series of beautiful words on it. He couldn't understand what it was, but he thought that the foreman probably didn't know how to write randomly, so he dried the ink and put away the parchment scroll. .

This is a letter of war to be handed over to the elves. Roy wrote it in the name of Sellon, because he knew that even if he wrote about the situation of the demon army in an undercover tone, the elves would not They will believe it. Maybe they will think this is a counter-measure or something, and instead they will increase the strength to defend the city.

So Roy simply wrote this letter of challenge with a tough attitude. Only when it is delivered to the hands of the elven troops will they take it seriously...

The remaining question now is how to send this letter of challenge...