Custom Made Demon King

Chapter 60: AWSL


Sellon's spell casting time was obviously much longer than before, and correspondingly, the magic power he cast this time was also more powerful.

As he completed his spell casting, countless huge burning fireballs suddenly appeared high in the sky over the battlefield. These fireballs were also mixed with huge rocks. They were basically burning meteorites. As soon as they appeared, they burned the entire sky. famous!

High-level fire magic: Meteor and Fire Rain! !

Originally, the melee forces of both sides had already engaged, and they were fighting inextricably on the battlefield. However, when these meteorites fell from the sky with a huge whistling sound, both the enemy and us on the entire battlefield suffered! At this moment, Sellon showed the cruelty that a high-ranking demon should have. His meteor shower was aimed at his own head.

Anyway, in his opinion, the difference in strength between the demon troops and the elves was too big, and the low-level demons could not withstand the attack, so he simply took advantage of the battle and used this large-scale attack magic to strike indiscriminately. , in order to greatly reduce the combat effectiveness of the elves.

In fact, his method worked. After the meteorite hit the ground, it made a huge roar. Under the impact of powerful kinetic energy, the fire wave of the meteor shower spread out at once. A large number of deadwood guards, centaur chiefs and dwarves, Even some Silver Pegasus knights were all buried in the sea of fire, and the little devils, hellhounds, and horned devils on the devil's side were also reduced to ashes under the bombardment of meteors and fire!

When the elves saw this scene, they were immediately stunned. There is no doubt that their losses were much greater! The entire area in the middle of the battlefield felt as if someone had suddenly dug out a piece of it. A huge blank instantly appeared, leaving only blazing flames still burning.

Because they were too far apart, the heroes on the Elf side were unable to stop Sellon's spellcasting. Now, although there were not many demons left in the army, most of the Elf side's strength advantage had been reversed.

Sellon was breathing heavily. The meteor shower just now consumed a huge amount of his magic power, but after seeing the result, Sellon still couldn't help laughing loudly.

"Damn long ears!" Sellon picked up the Demon Scythe and roared loudly at the three elven heroes in the distance: "You are too young to ambush me, Sellon!"

"Really!" The leader of the elf heroes, Lloyd, snorted coldly and said, "Devil, I'm afraid you're too happy too soon?"

After saying that, the three heroes of the elves all waved their staffs and began to cast spells. The two druid heroes wearing deer helmets were the first to finish. As the staffs in their hands were raised high, several thunderbolts and lightning struck. Blow it down from the battlefield immediately!

The abyss demons who were fighting the green dragons were the targets of this magic attack. The thick thunder light fell, accompanied by a huge roar, and struck directly on the heads of these abyss demons! Under the powerful magic power, some abyss demons were immediately chopped into charcoal, turned into ashes and killed and expelled. The few that were not chopped to death immediately lost their combat effectiveness and were directly stepped on by their opponent, the green dragon. die!

The two Druid heroes took turns releasing thunderbolts. The thick thunders struck one after another, quickly reducing the number of abyss demons. After the abyss demons were almost dead, their targets also became the big demons. .

Sellon hurriedly added magic to his high-level demons to help them resist the lightning bombardment, but he still couldn't stop the opponent's attack. But at this moment, Lloyd's magic was completed!

"Resurrection! Brave warriors of the elves!" As Lloyd shouted loudly, golden rays of light swayed down from the sky and fell on the elves who had been bombarded to death by meteors and fire showers. on the corpse.

Then, a miracle happened. Those dead elven warriors were lifted up by a magical force, floated into the air, and then moved in the golden light, and they came back to life again!

Not only was he resurrected, but the burnt marks on his body were also restored as before! It's just that his eyes were a little dazed and he didn't understand what was going on.

When Sellon saw this scene, his teeth almost broke! He never thought that Lloyd would master the high-level magic of the light system [Reincarnation]! This really surprised him!

Reincarnation, as long as the soul of the deceased has not dissipated, you can use the powerful power of light to re-inject the soul into their body to revive them!

Roy was in the corner of the battlefield, and his eyes almost popped out when he saw this. Although Royd's magic failed to resurrect all the fallen elven warriors, it resurrected at least two hundred people, and more They are all melee troops such as Deadwood Guards and Centaur Chiefs. Now the low-level demons on the demon side are almost dead. These resurrected elven melee warriors will rush up immediately and attack the long-range troops. When the time comes, Those gog demons and succubi on the devil's side are going to be in trouble!

It is very common in this world for a magic to turn the tide of battle. Sellon can attack indiscriminately with meteors and fire showers. Similarly, the elves also have countermeasures.

Lloyd can use reincarnation to resurrect their warriors, but Sellon has no way, because demons cannot use light magic, and the most important thing is that when the demons are killed and expelled, they return directly to the abyss world, and the soul He didn't stay on the battlefield, so even if Sellon could use reincarnation, he couldn't resurrect the warrior!

Nowadays, only a small number of troops on the two flanks are left on the demon side. After Lloyd's reincarnation, the magic power consumption is also very large. It is estimated that they will not be able to resurrect their people in a short time, but the two druids The heroes, however, kept killing the high-level demons on the demon side one by one. The number of those abyss demons and big demons was originally small. Under such killings, the number continued to drop. When they were no longer restrained, , the giant dragons on the elven side immediately took action!

Roy was originally fighting a group of centaur chiefs in the edge area. Following him were several surviving evil gods. In fact, even Roy survived. If he hadn't been far away from the middle of the battlefield, he would probably have been there just now. He will die under the attack of meteors and fire showers. Although he is okay for the time being, a green dragon has also flown towards him!

Judging that Sellon's failure was a foregone conclusion, Roy rushed towards a centaur chief without saying a word, clasped his hands together and pinched the opponent's neck!

The centaur chief's height and build were similar to Roy's, but his strength was not as strong as Roy's. His face turned livid after being pinched, but his horse-like lower body raised his front hooves and kicked him. Roy, Roy knew that the opponent's kick was very powerful, but he still gritted his teeth and held on, pretending to be entangled with the centaur chief.

At this moment, the green dragon flew over and without saying a word, it sprayed acid breath towards Roy and his group of enemies in mid-air. The green mist spread and enveloped the demons.

As soon as the green acid mist approached, Roy let out a miserable scream, then dragged the centaur chief's body back and fell down.

Ah, it’s the green dragon! I am dead!

What Roy is going to perform now is such a plot. When he dragged down the Centaur chief, he directly used his hands to crush the opponent's neck and kill the opponent, and then took advantage of the moment he fell to let half The Centaur Chief's body was on top of him!

This area was originally a battlefield. Roy and a few evil gods killed many elven troops just now, so there were also many corpses in this area. When Roy fell, he not only used the centaur corpses to hide them He tried to hide his figure, and also specially selected a place with a lot of corpses, and dragged other corpses over to cover himself tightly.

There is no other way. Roy can only use this method now. After all, if the demon is really killed and expelled, it will turn into ashes. If a demon's corpse appears on the battlefield, it will definitely be seen at a glance, so even if he has to pretend Even if you die, you have to hide yourself well.

As for why he didn't just run away... Haha, he believed that if he ran away, he would definitely be noticed by the enemy. If the hero on the opposite side was struck down with a thunderbolt and lightning, Roy would probably be in trouble, especially since he was now He still didn't know how big the elves' encirclement was. If after escaping from the battlefield, there were blocking troops on the outside, he would be hit head on.

Therefore, the best option is to pretend to be dead on the spot. The corpses of the elven soldiers on the battlefield can provide him with good cover.

However, what he just did was actually quite dangerous. After all, it was the breath of the green dragon. Although the green dragon is considered a relatively weak dragon among the dragons, its breath is still very powerful. In order to use the acid mist, Roy He had to take cover and had to resist the damage of these acid mist. Fortunately, he had the power of the Dark Fruit to protect his body.

The damage that the Dark Fruit can offset includes bullets, blades, attacks, fire and lightning. It can absorb almost all damage, so even if the acid mist eroded his body, it was not able to cause much damage to him.

However, hiding under the body of the centaur chief, Roy was still in excruciating pain. The cost of the original Dark Fruit absorbing damage was double the pain. Although he used his soul to offset some of the pain in the system, but how much, he I’m not sure, but even so, the pain is still twice as much...

However, no matter how painful it was, he could only endure it and prevent himself from screaming.

After the green dragon's acid mist dissipated, those evil gods were relatively upright and were still standing. Their bodies were covered with green acid, and ablation smoke rose from their entire bodies. They roared and moved towards the green dragon. launched an attack.

Thanks to these evil gods, no one noticed Roy. In fact, he couldn't see him. When the acid mist filled the air, it blocked many people's sight. There were a few dwarves from the elves near Roy just now. But they heard Roy's screams. When the fog disappeared, they found that Roy was missing and didn't care. They thought Roy had been killed and expelled, so they all ran to besiege the evil gods.

There is a price to be paid for being reckless. The evil gods were stubborn and refused to retreat in the face of the dragon clan, but the price was being beaten into ashes.

After clearing this area, the elven warriors saw that there were no demons anymore, so they ran further forward to join the battle. Underneath the piles of several corpses, Roy saw this scene through the gap and suddenly sighed for a long time. Breathed a sigh of relief.

The mission is completed. Next, he only needs to watch the show. If nothing unexpected happens, what will happen next is the show of the elves chasing Serron. He only needs to wait until there is no one on the battlefield. Just get up.

By then, not only will Roy be able to escape from Serron's control, but the souls of so many elven warriors left on the battlefield will become Roy's bag!