Custom Made Demon King

Chapter 62: synthesis


So many souls were actually completely unexpected for Roy.

Sellon is really reckless. If it were Roy who led the army, when faced with a force three or four times as powerful as his own from the elves, his first thought would probably be to retreat quickly, but Sellon This guy still tried to use magic to reverse the situation of the battle, and his wave of meteors and fire showers were almost aimed at the densest place on the battlefield. Thanks to his magic, Roy could directly Got a big deal.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for a demon's soul to stay in another world. After being killed, the Ouroboros mark will drag the demon's soul into the abyss, so the souls left on the battlefield all belong to the elves. Roy looked at the densely packed souls and conservatively estimated that there were probably thousands of them, equivalent to one-third of the Elf clan's troops lost to Sellon's big move.

Of course, Roy would not be polite to this kind of unexpected joy. The soul that leaves the body generally has a shelf life of about one or two hours. Depending on the size of the soul, the dissipation time varies. At this time, it is far from the previous one. A lot of time had passed since the battle. In Roy's demon vision, some soul light groups had begun to disperse, so he quickly speeded up and wandered around the battlefield, gathering these floating souls into the system. .

After struggling for a long time, the souls on the battlefield were finally cleaned up. When I opened the system interface, I saw that the number of souls I held suddenly increased to one thousand and seventy-nine!

Damn it! Sent!

Not long ago, he had used up all the more than 600 souls. Unexpectedly, he had replenished them again in the blink of an eye, even exceeding the original number. For a moment, Roy felt like he had won a jackpot. .

"Well, I can't get excited. I have to calculate first to see if these souls belong to me!" Roy quickly calmed down and began to think: "Now that Sellon is not dead, and I am not dead either, this means that the devil The contract is still in effect, and according to the provisions of the devil's contract, after the battle is won, 90% of the loot must be handed over to Sellon, but according to the literal meaning, this should only refer to the case of winning the battle... Now The problem is, Sellon lost this battle! I guess Sellon didn’t expect that he would suffer such a huge defeat at that time, right?”

Generally speaking, if a demon loses a battle, he will definitely run away and there will be no chance of harvesting trophies. Therefore, when Sellon wrote the demon contract at that time, he did not consider the situation after the defeat and did not make corresponding actions. Explain, but Roy realized that a situation that exceeded the provisions of the devil's contract had arisen, and that was because he pretended to be dead and escaped. Although he lost the battle, Roy still got a lot of soul loot!

As a result, even Roy himself was a little confused. How should he calculate the current situation

After thinking for a while, Roy finally came to the conclusion that the more than a thousand souls now could really be considered his own! No need to execute the contract!

Because... Sellon is still being hunted by the elves. Perhaps in the devil's contract, this can be regarded as the battle is not over yet. Then, this is of the same nature as Roy secretly seizing the soul in the battle before. Before the battle is over, the souls collected from the battlefield belong to him!

Thinking of this, Roy finally breathed a sigh of relief. With so many souls in his hand, what Roy was most afraid of was being within the execution range of the devil's contract. That would be terrible, which would mean that Roy would have to hand over more than 900 souls. go out.

Roy also didn't know whether the souls that were included in the system would be forcibly taken out of the system when the devil's contract was executed, because he had never encountered such a situation before, so he I don't know whether the system has the ability to isolate the influence of the devil's contract. If the system can isolate the influence of the devil's contract, then Roy has really found a treasure. In the future, he can use the isolation function of the system to deal with the devil. Contract to cheat!

But he couldn't use this opportunity to test. After all, if the test failed and the system could not isolate the influence of the devil's contract, then the price he would have to pay would be too high. So he could only find a way to test it in the future, using a smaller number of It is only right for the soul to conduct the experiment.

Now that he knows that these souls can be freely used by himself, Roy can also make the next plan.

In fact, whether it was gaining the trust of Sellon from the beginning, or later driving a wedge between Sellon and Riska, issuing a challenge to the elves on behalf of Sellon, or even finally using the Dark Fruit to resist damage and pretend to be on the battlefield. Escape from death, the ultimate goal of Roy's plans is to trap Serron to death so that he can tear up the devil's contract.

Now, with the help of the chaos on the battlefield, Roy has successfully escaped from Sellon's control. He no longer has to worry about him forcibly giving orders to him. However, as long as Sellon is alive and has not been killed and expelled, the contract will always exist and Effective.

In order to invalidate the contract, unless either party is killed and expelled, Roy certainly does not want to die himself. The longer he has been a devil, the more he understands the importance of the soul. He does not want his soul to be damaged after being killed. , so since I don’t want to die, I can only let Sellon die.

Now it just so happens that the letter of war has angered the elves, and Sellon is being hunted and on the run. Roy has achieved most of his expected goal. Next, he only needs to use the hands of the elves and those giant dragons to kill Sellon. Then Roy is free!

However, there is a question now, that is, whether Sellon will escape under the pursuit of elves and dragons. Don’t forget that on another route, there is also the superior demon Ignatis, Ignatius. There should be a large number of high-level demon troops in Natis. If Sellon is smarter and escapes to join Ignatis, then the elves and dragons may not be able to do anything to him.

Therefore, Roy felt that he could not place his hopes entirely on the elves and dragons. It would be best for him to intervene when the time was right.

So, Roy first opened the system interface and modified the previous settings of his wings.

[Devil Wings]: Fly at high speed, with a maximum speed of Mach 1!

Yes, he modified the definition of his devil wings. From the simple ability to fly, he changed it to the maximum speed of sound. In order to better achieve this, he enlarged his wings again. Some of the curves of the wings have also been modified to be smoother.

Since it was modified based on the original, it didn't take much time. This modification cost Roy his forty-six souls after he chose to save the embodiment!

In fact, this speed can be increased even more, but Roy guessed that the faster the flight speed, the higher the soul cost. The speed of Mach 1 is probably enough for the time being, and the price/performance ratio will be very good.

After the modification, Roy's wings quickly changed. The length of the wingspan remained the same, but the width was increased. When Roy suddenly flapped his wings and flew up, he felt that the force used in flapping was stronger than before. After saving his energy and rushing to high altitude, Roy checked the direction. He still remembered the direction in which Sellon escaped before, so he speeded up and rushed there.

He did not fly at the speed of sound for the time being, because he was not in a hurry to catch up. It would take a lot of time for Sellon to completely escape the pursuit of the elves, but Roy could do it in time.

While flying in mid-air, Roy drew in the system interface.

He drew a tetrahedron on the newly created blank page, then randomly drew some patterns on the tetrahedron, and then began to color it, designing it into a simple box with an open top.

Roy then began to define the box.

[Hladic Cube]

[Item function]: Use low-quality souls to synthesize high-quality souls!

Yes, this is a design that Roy came up with recently. For Roy, low-quality souls are easy to obtain, but low-quality souls can only be used to make static items and damage the body in the system. Transformation cannot be used for dynamic skill creation, and high-quality fallen souls and noble souls used for skill creation are not so easy to obtain, so Roy has been wondering if there is any way to make low-quality souls Souls and higher-quality souls transform into each other.

According to Roy's understanding of the soul, he feels that this transformation should be possible. A fallen soul, to put it bluntly, should be a soul containing a lot of negative emotions and energy, and a person who betrays his own conscience and betrays his own After a race does bad things, it often causes the soul to generate a lot of negative emotions and energy. When these negative emotions and energy reach a certain level, the soul becomes black!

In the same way, a noble soul should have great love for others and be willing to self-dedicate and sacrifice. These are all positive emotions and energies.

In fact, lower souls actually contain similar emotions and energy. When any creature dies, there will be fear of injury, fear of losing life, hatred of the enemy, and hatred of the enemy. The reluctance of family and friends, the longing for the lover, etc., but these positive emotions and negative emotions are intertwined. It is impossible to say which one is more dominant. It can only be regarded as being in a balance, so the soul becomes a low-quality soul.

Neither great nor evil, this kind of soul is just ordinary...

Since low-level souls contain both emotions and energy, why not extract them and synthesize them into high-quality souls

What Roy wants to make now is such a medium. It doesn't matter what the name is. Of course, such a box cannot be a real Horadric Cube. It can only be regarded as a fake. He originally wanted to call it Pandora's Magic. Boxes and the like, but after thinking about it, it seemed more appropriate to call this synthesis function the Horadric Cube, so that was the decision.

This is why Roy dared to make this item because he had a lot of souls in his hands. After all, he was quite confident. In order to reduce consumption as much as possible, Roy even defined the function in a simple way.

However, even so, Roy actually spent 400 souls in the end to redeem it. It seems that it is not easy to improve the quality of the soul.

The quaint box appeared in his hand, and Roy began to try to put his soul into synthesis.

One soul, two souls, three souls... Finally, when the 198th soul was put in, a burst of light emitted from the box, indicating that the synthesis was successful.

Roy opened the lid and took a look and found two souls floating out of the box! One is a fallen soul exuding rich black mist, while the other is a colorless noble soul with brilliant light!

The reason why two appear at a time is because in the box, the positive emotions and energy of the soul are reorganized, and the negative emotions and energy are also reorganized. According to Roy's setting of the Horadric Cube, every time he synthesizes it, There will definitely be two high-quality souls...