Custom Made Demon King

Chapter 623: Yellow bird


The King of Despair, Osiris!

If during these ten thousand years, other night elves have gradually forgotten the specific details of the War of the Ancients, then for Yin Lidan, who was imprisoned and faced the same dark scene all year round, the War of the Ancients What happened seemed like just yesterday, and the picture was still so clear.

Yin Lidan stretched out his hand and gently scratched the cloth covering his eyes with his sharp nails.

Before the ancient war, Yin Lidan had a pair of golden eyes. Such eyes were very rare among the elves at that time. They were considered by the elves to be a symbol of a great destiny.

However, such eyes did not make Yin Lidan win Tyrande's favor. Tyrande still chose his brother Malfurion Stormrage...

It is undeniable that not being accepted by Tyrande was one of the reasons why Yin Lidan thought of joining the Burning Legion in the first place. When Sargeras deceived Queen Azshara and introduced the Burning Legion to Azeroth, Yin Lidan immediately He made up his mind to defeat the demons in his own way and impress Tyrande.

But he also realized that in order to defeat the Burning Legion, he had to obtain strong power, so he pretended to join the Burning Legion, hoping to learn the skills of the barbarians to control them, and use the power of the demons to deal with the demons.

At that time, Sargeras was distressed because his true body could not fully enter Azeroth, so when Yin Lidan met Sargeras, he proposed that he planned to seize Neltharion's Demon Soul and put the Demon Soul in In the Well of Eternity, this will expand the portal above the Well of Eternity, allowing Sargeras to enter the world of Azeroth.

Sargeras was very satisfied with his idea and felt that Yin Lidan was sincerely loyal, so he gave Yin Lidan a gift. He personally burned Yin Lidan's golden eyes blind, and at the same time used powerful evil energy to give Yin Lidan the ability to see clearly. All kinds of magic and souls, which is equivalent to giving him a pair of true seeing eyes.

Yin Lidan will never forget the scene he saw for the first time after obtaining these eyes of true seeing.

He saw Sargeras, and saw the indescribable, indescribable power and terror in Sargeras, which was beyond his knowledge, even beyond the existence of a god.

He also saw the endless evil power in Archimonde's body, saw the huge flames in Kil'jaeden's body that could burn the entire world, and also saw the countless demons on the planet Argus that were more numerous than the stars. At that moment, he realized how terrifying and irresistible the Burning Legion was.

Similarly, Yin Lidan also saw Osiris, the King of Despair. However, unlike other demons, Yin Lidan did not see any evil power in Osiris. He seemed to be different from other demons.

If it was just like this, forget it, but what made Yin Lidan uneasy the most was that he saw in Osiris a power that was more dangerous and terrifying than evil energy. Yin Lidan didn't know what this power was, but His intuition told him that this King of Despair might be much more dangerous than Sargeras...

What surprised Yin Lidan the most was that after receiving the gift from Sargeras, just as he was preparing to set off to capture the Demon Soul, among the three commanders of the Burning Legion, Archimonde and Kil'jaeden attacked him. This little pawn showed no interest and left without even looking at him. Only Osiris came to him and threw a few bottles to him.

At that time, Yin Lidan didn't feel anything, but when he stood in front of the Well of Eternity and prepared to steal some of the water from the Well of Eternity, he suddenly thought of the bottles that Osiris threw to him.

Although Yin Lidan successfully obtained a large amount of Well of Eternity water with the help of these bottles, Yin Lidan felt horrified when he recalled it afterwards. He kept wondering whether Osiris had already seen that he planned to betray the legion and steal it. The well of eternity is filled with water...

Otherwise, Yin Lidan couldn't figure out why Osiris threw such bottles to him...

So looking back now, Yin Lidan thinks that the one he fears most among the Burning Legion is probably Osiris, the King of Despair. He has never been able to see through this demon...

Now, Nordrassil is destroyed and the night elves have lost their home, but when Yin Lidan learned that the person who caused all this was Osiris, he felt surprisingly normal. Although this was the first Osiris in his impression. Yin Lidan would not be surprised to achieve such a result in one shot. Not to mention Nordrassil, even if Osiris destroyed the entire continent of Kalimdor with one shot, Yin Lidan would not be surprised...

"Osiris has taken action. This demon king is more terrifying and difficult to deal with than Archimonde. I'm afraid this invasion of the Legion will not be so easy to repel..." Yin Lidan said to Dasqi: "We must get more information as soon as possible. Powerful power, otherwise it will be difficult to protect ourselves... How far are we from the Broken Islands now?"

Dasqi replied in a hoarse voice: "It's almost there. We'll be there in about half a day's journey."

"Let the Nagas increase their efforts to pull the boat!" Yin Lidan said: "The sooner we get there, the better..."

But what Yin Lidan didn't know was that when his battleship accelerated towards the Broken Islands, Maiev, who had been clinging to him, was also urging the ship to speed up. In the end, there was not much difference in the time when the two sides arrived at the beach of the Broken Islands.

Although the restriction on the temple tomb that sealed Sag'sala was basically destroyed due to Gul'dan's visit twenty years ago, due to the maze-like structure inside the temple and the evil-contaminated tombs inside, The crazy demon caused a lot of trouble for Yin Lidan. Such a delay gave Ma Wei a chance to catch up with him.

After Yin Lidan entered the deepest part of the tomb, a room that Gul'dan called the Chamber of the Demonic Eye, he finally found the purpose of his trip, the artifact that shone with powerful runes, the Eye of Sargeras. !

Endless malice and dark power radiate through the Eye of Sargeras, radiating to every corner of the room. Even though Yin Lidan has now transformed into a demon, he still feels very strange when he sees the Eye of Sargeras. It was uncomfortable, but he still endured the discomfort and stepped forward to pick up the Eye of Sargeras.

He knew that the powerful dark power in this artifact was a powerful weapon for him to fight against the Burning Legion. Yin Lidan had no inner burden at all about using this dark artifact, and he never worried that he would be lost in the darkness, because he had always Stay true to your heart and know what you want.

As soon as she got the Eye of Sargeras, Maiev, who had been chasing him, appeared. At this time, Maiev was in a very bad state. She was surrounded by the Watcher troops who had been following her. In this Veil of Sargeras, they lost a lot of money. It's quite serious, but it also aggravates her hatred for Yin Lidan. She has only one thought now, and that is, no matter what Yin Lidan wants to do, she must stop him, take him back, and put him in that dark cage again!

Yin Lidan is also very troubled by the lingering ghost of Maiev, but now that he has obtained the Eye of Sargeras, he is about to try the power of this artifact. Perhaps Maiev and her Watcher troops are the best. object.

However, just when Yin Lidan was about to inject magic power to activate the Eye of Sargeras, suddenly, a thrilling dragon roar was heard, which made everyone's eardrums hurt, and countless people were shaken in the room. Gravel and dust.

"Where did the dragon come from?" Yin Lidan and Ma Wei both became suspicious. They heard that the voice should have come from outside the temple.

In the end, Maiev reacted first. She rushed towards Yin Lidan with a flicker and launched an attack on Yin Lidan, trying to knock down Sargeras in his hand.

Yin Lidan held the Eye of Sargeras in his left hand and the Blade of Azzinoth in his right hand, blocking Maiev's attack. The two started a fierce battle in the room. The Watcher troops led by Maiev also fought with Na They started fighting.

The enemy was extremely jealous when they met, but Maiev was destined to be unable to complete her revenge this time, because not long after Yin Lidan fought, suddenly a wisp of black mist floated into the entire Magic Eye Room.

The fog was getting thicker and thicker, gradually filling the entire room, and everyone's sight was blocked by the black fog.

"What is this!?" Ma Wei and Yin Lidan each bounced away and said in surprise.

In their sight, it was a dark field of vision, but in Yin Lidan's field of vision, it was not like this. What he saw floating in were tiny glowing "flying insects"! This made Yin Lidan suddenly remember something, exclaimed "No", and wanted to ask Dasqi and the others to leave together.

But it was already too late. The black mist that drifted in gradually began to gather together, condensing into a tall demon body!

Luo Yin appeared, he appeared from behind Yin Lidan, stretched out his palm and pressed it on the top of Yin Lidan's head, stopping his escape, and asked him with a sinister smile: "Yin Lidan Furyeng, where do you want to go? Do you want to go?" If you want to run away, don’t you think it’s a little late now?”

Hearing Luo Yin's voice, Yin Lidan felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave. He was so stiff that he did not dare to move any more. He said in disbelief: "O...Osiris!? Why did you...appear here!?"

"Because..." Luo Yin looked at the Eye of Sargeras in his hand and said jokingly: "You are not the only one who wants to find the Eye of Sargeras!"

Not only Yin Lidan did not dare to move, but Maiev and her Watcher troops also did not dare to move. The Nagas also did the same. Feeling the suffocating power coming from Luo Yin, they all carefully held their breath. They were all wet, and I didn't know if it was the cold sweat or the mucus on their bodies.

Dasqi looked at Luo Yin's tall body, her eyes full of horror. She felt that her nightmare had come back...

Yin Lidan finally recovered from his panic at this time. After hearing Luo Yin's words, he quickly said: "Lord Osiris, don't get me wrong, I want to dedicate the Eye of Sargeras to the legion!"

"Really?" Luo Yin smiled, but he looked so ferocious in the eyes of everyone. He said, "In that case, I have already appeared here, then why don't you offer the Eye of Sargeras?"

"Yes... yes!" Yin Lidan was a little entangled. He didn't want to hand over the artifact he had obtained, but he also knew that he couldn't resist Osiris, so after hesitating for a while, he still stretched out his hand and handed over the artifact to Sargeras. The eyes were handed to Luo Yin.

Reaching out to take the Eye of Sargeras, Luo Yin did not look at the artifact. Instead, he turned his head and looked at Maiev and her Watcher troops.

Maiev suddenly came back to her senses and shouted quickly: "Sisters! Get away from here!"

While shouting, she had already fled to the entrance of the room in a blink of an eye.

However, her reaction was fast enough, but it did not mean that the other night elves were also fast. By the time the night elves were in a hurry to escape, Luo Yin had already taken action.

A bolt of black lightning shot out from Luo Yin's fingertips and hit the nearest night elf, instantly turning it into coke. At the same time, the black lightning exploded into a huge power grid, destroying all those still in the room. The night elves and Naga guards enveloped the room. Except for Maiev who escaped through her flickering ability, only Yin Lidan and Dasqi survived in the entire room.

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