Custom Made Demon King

Chapter 7: Hell, abyss


Thousands of little devils poured in from the crater. This scene was really shocking. However, when he reached the bottom of the volcano, Roy discovered that the little devils who got here first did not go to the bottom of the volcano. , instead he was looking for something on the inner wall of the volcano near the bottom.

They kept tapping with their claws, testing the inner wall of the volcano. Before Roy could wonder what they were doing, a little devil suddenly screamed in surprise, and then hit the spot where he knocked. Start digging hard.

The most important thing is that other little devils also ran to help!

This is really a strange scene. This is the first time Roy has seen the little devils cooperate with each other!

It didn't take long for these little devils to dig out a dark hole. The moment the hole appeared, the little devils cheered and swarmed in!

There is more than one such hole. In all directions on the inner wall of the volcano, little devils have dug holes. Every time a hole appears, a group of nearby little devils will get in together.

Roy finally understood that what these little devils were digging was the weak point of the wall inside the volcano!

There are countless large and small caves in this volcano. However, after every volcanic eruption, the surging magma will seal these caves. Since the cave is located on the side, for the erupted magma, The pressure on the side is not great, which means that although the cave will be sealed every time it erupts, in fact the sealing is not serious, and it will reappear with a little digging.

And this behavior of digging caves to escape has been the instinct engraved in the genes of the demon clan for thousands of years...

After realizing it, Roy followed a group of little devils and ran into the cave they dug without even thinking about it.

Thousands of little devils, like ants returning to their nest, quickly disappeared into the cave entrances in an orderly manner. Not long after the little devils entered the cave, there was a sudden burst of devastating explosions. , the hot magma broke through the rock formations at the bottom and rose into the sky from the crater...

With extreme vigilance, Roy followed a group of little devils and marched in a cave with no light. In this dark environment, of course he had to guard against sneak attacks from other little devils. However, strangely, in After leaving the incubation place, the aggressiveness of these little demons dropped greatly. They just ran quickly in the cave without any thoughts of attacking others.

When the volcano erupted, a lot of magma poured in from the hole dug at the back, blocking the hole again, but no little devil was harmed by the magma. When the magma stopped flowing in, Roy was still I thought that the little devils would stop, but I didn't expect that the ones in front of me didn't stop at all and continued to move forward.

In this case, Roy could only continue walking, because as soon as he stopped, the little devil behind him would push him and hiss at him, telling him to move forward quickly and not block the road.

Roy didn't expect that the cave inside the volcano would be so long. He felt that he had walked for a long time just by following it.

And according to Roy's feeling, the cave seems to be spreading diagonally deep underground!

In other words, they are now continuing to move deeper into the earth's crust...

Roy had always been very uneasy in his heart. He didn't know where the little devils were going, but he still had a vague premonition.

No way, could it be that what they are going to now is where the demons really live!

I don’t know how long they walked in the end, but suddenly there was a strange scream with cheers. It was from the little devils marching in front. Upon hearing this sound, the little devils behind also became a little restless. They got up and accelerated their march one after another, and Roy was also led by them, and also accelerated towards the front.

Sure enough, a bright light appeared from the front, and Roy's eyes were already used to this darkness after walking in the dark cave, but now when he saw the bright light at first sight, he found it very dazzling.

But in fact, the light coming from the front is not strong at all, but a dim red color, and it is accompanied by a heat wave that keeps coming...

Finally, Roy came to the exit. The exit was a huge cave. Roy's small figure of less than 1cm looked so small at the entrance of the cave. But Roy couldn't care less about sighing now. Instead, he sighed. Face stared blankly at the scene below the cave.

This turned out to be a huge underground space. In this underground space, a very dark-looking world appeared. The ground was charred soil, the forest was weird and twisted black, and a large river formed by lava flowed slowly here. It is flowing, and what injects power into this river are dozens of magma waterfalls from the cave wall. They fall from high altitudes, carrying green smoke and sparks, stirring up the airflow of this underground world, causing it to blow here from time to time. The scalding hot wind blew up, and these hot winds picked up the fine black ash from the ground, causing the air to become very dirty.

There are also continuous mountains here. These mountains are high and low, but they are all almost the same color and tone. It can be said that this is a world of black and red.

Black is the black of ashes, red is the red of fire...

From Roy's current perspective, he can only observe a small part of this underground world. Farther away, there is an expanding horizon, so that Roy can't even imagine how big it is here. According to Roy According to our understanding, this underground world should be under the seabed rock bed, which is the cavity formed between the earth's crust and mantle. Here, the sky is a dome supported by hard rocks, and the ground is heated by the temperature of the earth's core. , so it looks hot.

Roy felt a burst of sadness when he thought that he would have to live in this hellish world, but unexpectedly, when his demonic body and skin felt the hot air here, it It brought him a feeling of excitement and made him have the urge to enter this world. The contrast between his mind and body made him laugh and cry...

The little devils who followed Roy had already excitedly climbed down the cave wall. Roy stood blankly for a while, finally sighed, and could only follow suit. Climb down.

And those with wings had already flown out. Thousands of little devils from the hatching place poured out from the ant hole-like exits and dispersed into this underground world, giving rise to It feels like a wave has not even broken up...

They are not the first batch of little devils to enter this world, nor will they be the last. How many such little devils live in this underground world? How many adult demons are there

What Roy, who was climbing down the cave wall at this time, didn't know was that what he had entered was only the top level of the endless hell abyss in the demon world...