Custom Made Demon King

Chapter 74: Mutation! The darkest cold!


Just when Roy thought there was no problem with this bloodline tempering, a strange pain suddenly came.

Obviously the liquid in the tempering ground pool was scalding hot, but Roy felt a strong chill. It was a pain that penetrated deep into his limbs and bones. It was completely cold and painful! It felt like all the muscles in his body were contracting and twitching, and his bones were being invaded by a chill.

"An unknown conflict has occurred!" the system's voice came: "Resolving, please wait... Please wait..."

Roy didn't know what happened, but judging from the chill coming from his body, something went wrong when he awakened his frost demon bloodline!

The system kept repeating the words "Please wait", but Roy's stored soul was continuously being consumed at this time, indicating that it had been working, so Roy could only close his eyes and endure it. This cold pain, gritted his teeth and persisted.

I don't know how long it took, but the chill on Roy's body slowly subsided, but it didn't seem to be there anymore. His current sense seemed to have become a little numb due to the long period of chill.

Fortunately, at this time, the system's prompt finally came: "The bloodline evolution has been regulated. Due to an unknown conflict during the process, an additional 216 souls have been consumed. Please check it on the interface."

After hearing this voice, Roy breathed a sigh of relief and opened his eyes.

Nothing unusual seemed to happen in the pool. The other demons who were awakening in the pool were still staying well and were not affected in any way, as if the strong chill that appeared on Roy's body just now was just an illusion.

So what happened? Roy opened the system interface in confusion and checked his status on the home page.

[Name]: Roy

[Race]: Demon

[Bloodline]: Frost Demon

[Devil’s Name]: Bacolontha Meyer Rakdylan Stanlis Lundchar… Ramos Osiris

[Form]: mature body

[Rank]: Lower middle level

[Attribute]: Dark

[Strength]: 84

[Speed]: 62

[Magic Energy]: 409

[Activity]: 33

[Loading materials]: Devil's Wings, Blade Tail, Dark Fruit, T-Virus

[Skills and abilities]: Bloodthirsty, sonic flight, flash, teleportation.

[Innate ability 1]: Peeping into the soul

Description: After a creature dies, you can easily discover the location of their soul.

[Talent Ability 2]: Demon’s Blood

Description: The demon clan is bloodthirsty and warlike. Whenever you enter a fighting state, it is easy to enter a state of fanaticism. In addition, the blood of demons will also cause you to have a better affinity for negative energy.

[Innate ability 3]: Soul-eating addiction

Explanation: The demon family is naturally fond of devouring and playing with souls, and is addicted to the pleasure and pleasure brought by devouring souls.

[Talent Ability 4]: Darkest Cold

Description: The Frost Demon is a demon with icy blood. However, during the blood tempering process, the icy blood has an unknown conflict with the dark element in your body. This talent is a new talent born after the fusion.

[Talent Ability 5]: Magic Virus

Explanation: During the fusion process, a large number of T-viruses in your body seem to be fused.

[Item]: Essence Magic Potion (7)

[Number of souls currently held]: 79

[Evaluation:] Although it is privately customized, please be careful not to spoil yourself!

Roy couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw the two new talents that suddenly appeared in his attributes!

He finally understood what happened just now. It turned out that when the Frost Demon bloodline awakened, his body cells also changed. However, because Roy had used T virus medicine and eaten the Dark Fruit before, this Both of these things also caused changes in his body cells. Therefore, when the Frost Demon bloodline transformed his body, these two changes conflicted!

Roy felt stunned for a while. To be honest, Roy had asked the system before, and the system also told him that complex body modifications might cause conflicts. Roy also warned himself at that time. , reminding himself to be careful, but... to be honest, he just thought that he only needed to pay attention to the conflict in attributes. For example, his body was of dark attribute, so he could not carry out any light attribute transformation.

Now, who would have thought that the ice attribute bloodline would also conflict with the dark attribute!

Moreover, this bloodline transformation was not carried out through the system, but was done by Roy according to the devil's survival and evolution method. Who would have thought that such a transformation would conflict with the transformation carried out by the system

It’s impossible to guard against it!

Fortunately, when the bloodline awakened, Roy asked the system to intervene and regulate it, and the system faithfully performed its tasks. When a conflict occurred, it immediately regulated and resolved it. This resulted in Roy not being able to control it. Something went terribly wrong.

Of course, this is also the reason why Roy has retained more than 300 soul reserves. Otherwise, the consequences would be unpredictable...

Now, the power of frost, the fruit of darkness, and the T virus in Roy's body seem to be integrated by the system. Roy also has two more talents, which can be regarded as a near miss.

The darkest cold? Magic virus? What is the situation with these two talents

Opening his hand, Roy took a look at his body first. The lower demon's awakened bloodline is called the middle demon. Generally, it will change more or less, and Roy is no exception. However, his appearance is still the same. The only thing that has changed the most is his skin!

Originally, Roy's skin was the same as other little devils, all dark red, but now, the color of his skin has been completely changed, turning into a dull blue!

This is a color that's hard to describe... like a shadow in an ice cube.

Roy has never seen other frost demons, so he doesn't know if their skin color is like his, but there is no doubt that the color of this skin should be related to the frost power contained in the body. Based on this alone The color of his skin distinguished Roy from other demons.

What Roy doesn't know is that in the abyss world, frost demons are a relatively rare type of elemental demons. Because the abyss environment is always full of lava and flames, the ice element is very thin and it is difficult to exert magic power, so the frost demon The number of demons is rare, but it is worth mentioning that the power of the frost demon has a restraining effect on most demons, especially the Balrog! The Frost Demon can be said to be the natural enemy of the Balrog!

The skin of a normal frost demon is pure blue, with a bit of transparency, which is the color of ice crystals, but Roy's frost power seems to have changed a little, causing his skin color to be different from other frosts. Demons are different.

Not only the color of his skin has changed, but Roy's demonic aura has also changed. If he distinguishes it carefully, his current aura is sulfur and fire, with darkness and coldness in it. The first two are the original auras of the abyss. , the latter is Roy's own aura, which is very contradictory, but makes people shudder unconsciously.

He never expected that he would undergo a big change when he was promoted from a lower-level demon to a middle-level demon. If his previous transformation of himself was just like a human being changing his hairstyle, then this time's change would be like that. She totally went for plastic surgery! It was a little difficult for Roy to adapt to such a change.

Don't tell me, that dark red skin used to look weird after a long time, but now it looks like it's been poisoned...

Roy stood up from the pool, stood next to the pool, and then tried to let his magic energy flow into the circuit. The magic circuit of the frost demon bloodline was different from the skills he created using the system. Those skills did not have magic circuits. argument, so what Roy is using now is a spell that truly belongs to him.

With the massive inflow of magic energy, the temperature in the surrounding air suddenly dropped violently! Those demons who were still awakening suddenly had a cold war for no reason!

Then, with Roy's control, a cold current visible to the naked eye appeared in the air.

It was a black, icy cold air that looked so weird. With the appearance of this cold air, black snowflakes began to condense above the pool!

These black snowflakes were originally mist evaporating from the pool. When affected by Roy's cold air, they immediately condensed and then slowly fell. This was a very strange scene. Within the scope of Roy's power, it actually started to rain. There was heavy black goose feather snow!

Some demons in the pool looked at the falling black snowflakes in astonishment. They unconsciously stretched out their palms to try to catch the snowflakes. As a result, as soon as the snowflakes fell on their hands, they felt the Slightly sinking!

This snowflake has an unimaginable weight! ? But it obviously falls so slowly!

Before the demons could understand what was going on, snowflakes kept falling on them. The black snowflakes that touched them not only did not melt due to the temperature, but actually adhered to the demons.

It doesn't matter if there are only two pieces. When the number increases, the demons begin to feel that their bodies become heavier. The weight of the snowflakes that keeps accumulating seems to be accumulating. In just a short time, the demons in the pool feel as if they are resisting. It's like a stone weighing tens of kilograms.

The demons wanted to escape from the range of the snowflakes, but suddenly they remembered that they were in the process of awakening. Once they moved, it would be over. Without the energy supply in the pool, they would fail to awaken!

So, in anger, they could only roar at Roy, the instigator!

Roy didn't understand what was going on at this time. Some black snowflakes fell on him, but they had no effect on him, so he was very curious about what happened to these demons.

The black snowflakes are undoubtedly the product of the Darkest Cold talent. Roy's current magic power is still low, and the temperature of the cold air is still low. He can only create frost, not ice, so the Darkest Cold's performance The effect seems not very obvious yet...

The demons roared at Roy, yelling at him to put away his magic power and leave here quickly, but before they finished roaring, they discovered another thing that frightened them!

They noticed that after being contaminated by these black snowflakes, the magic power in their bodies was draining away at a faster rate!

This kind of loss was not used in the construction of the magic circuit of bloodline awakening, but disappeared out of thin air, as if it was swallowed by something invisible...

"What... what's going on!? Where did my magic go!?"

They screamed in horror, which shocked Roy who heard them.

Could this loss of magic power be caused by the talent of the magic virus