Custom Made Demon King

Chapter 83: The phantom appears


Roy had already tested the fear effect of the Nightmare Eye, but he had never been able to test his ability to discern and decipher illusions.

Just when Roy thought it would take a long time before he could encounter a phantom demon, he didn't expect that on the fourth month and twenty-eighth day after he entered the middle abyss, the one that Roy tied to his wrist would The memory crystal on the screen suddenly lit up!

Roy didn't react at first, but then he suddenly remembered his mission. He immediately felt the direction through the memory crystal and called to Fat Tiger: "Let's go!"

Flapping their wings, Roy and Fat Tiger flew in the dark sky, moving quickly towards the direction indicated by the memory crystal. The difficulty of this task was that they didn't know when Cizer would come back, so they could only wait and wait. The form was waiting, but Cizer finally came back and reappeared in the middle abyss world, and it was finally time for Roy's execution mission to be carried out.

Cizer appeared at the location of the abyss world, which was quite far away from Roy. Roy flew for a long time, but did not find that the signal in the memory crystal became stronger, so he had to hold Fat Tiger in his arms and fly at the speed of sound. Speed up the journey again.

Roy could feel that when Cizer returned, he probably stayed far away from the tempering pool set up by the demon lord Rogeros. It seemed that he also knew that he would be hunted down. .

But in Roy's impression, when a demon returns from another world, he should be randomly transported back by an opened abyss gate. Could it be that this guy Cizer has mastered some method to pass through the abyss gate? Orientation

Roy wasn't sure, but he still became more wary of Cizer. Although with the Nightmare Eyes, he had no problem with the illusion that he was best at dealing with phantoms, but after all, according to the information, the other party was The devil in the upper middle class!

The difference between the upper, middle and lower levels of lower-level demons is only the classification of juvenile, grown and mature bodies. The differences between the upper, middle and lower levels of mid-level demons are calculated based on the absolute value of magic power. In the past few months, During his time in the middle-level abyss world, Roy has figured out that if the absolute value of magic power for demons in the middle and lower levels is between 400-600, then the absolute value of magic power for demons in the middle-level is between 800-1200. , fully doubled, and the upper-middle-level demons are twice as high as the middle-middle-level demons, which is between 1600-2400!

This is equivalent to the fact that in terms of magic power, the upper-middle-class demons are about 4 times more powerful than the lower-middle-class demons!

And this 4 times difference, converted into the number of souls, is the difference between five and six thousand normal souls. Therefore, judging from the speed at which demons hunt souls, the demons in the middle and upper levels have at least stayed in the middle abyss world for a long time. It's time.

As time goes by, the middle demon's original rough way of using magic will become more refined, and the magic he masters will become more powerful. This is a very big gap.

If it weren't for the fact that Cizer was a phantom demon, Roy wouldn't have much confidence in completing the mission. After all, as long as he found a way to crack the illusion, its lethality would not be a big deal. Although Cizer was far inferior in terms of magic power, Beyond him, but Roy is not a vegetarian. His magic virus has the characteristic of devouring the opponent's magic power, which is suitable for dealing with demons like Phantom Demon.

In addition, Roy also has two escape skills: flash and teleport. This is the confidence he dares to face the upper-middle demons. It can be said that the gap between Roy and the upper-middle is nothing more than the accumulation of time and magic power. It's just not enough. In terms of combat ability alone, he is not afraid of Cizer.

Roy didn't even expect that his flight would last four full days!

He passed through many demon territories on the way, but because he just flew by, those demons did not interfere with him. As the distance got closer, the instruction signal in the memory crystal gradually became stronger. It shows that Roy has become closer to Cizer...

When he felt that the signal in the memory crystal was about to reach its strongest level, Roy took Fat Tiger and fell from the air.

Of course, he couldn't fly directly to Cizer's head and then land so carelessly. Instead, he planned to carefully observe his opponent first.

On the dark and dim land, the sulfur-smelling wind blew by from time to time. Roy squatted on a charred rock turned by the cooling of lava. Looking down from a high position, he found Cizer's location!

Exactly as shown in the information, this phantom named Cizer looks a bit like a centaur, but his entire face is located on the abdomen of the upper body of the human form, which looks quite weird.

Cizer is hunting at this time, and the object he is hunting is a monster that looks like a tentacle monster. This is a very cruel monster. Those dozens of tentacles full of suction cups will stick to the enemy once they stick to the enemy. With his body, he could easily tear the enemy's flesh and blood until they were bloody. However, when Roy saw Cizer, hunting these monsters was as easy as drinking water.

Facing the tentacle monster with its teeth and claws, Cizer's eyes on his chest flickered twice, and then he saw the tentacle monster rushing towards a huge rock next to it with ferocity!

Even though its opponent was in front of it, it tightly wrapped its tentacles on the rock and did not let go at all. When Cizer walked over slowly, he smashed the tentacle monster directly with a big ax in his hand. After the head, the whole hunting process is over!

It was only then that César was able to pick up the tentacle monster with his axe, open the ferocious mouth of his abdomen, and swallow the tentacle monster whole with its soul.

However, Roy noticed that Cizer made a dissatisfied sound of disgust after devouring the tentacle monster. He seemed not to be satisfied with the taste of the tentacle monster's soul.

"This guy actually has weapons. It seems that in addition to illusions, he should also be good at hand-to-hand combat. Demons who are not powerful can't handle axes..." Roy watched Cizer eat. Thinking: "There is also the tentacle monster. This kind of monster has no eyes and relies entirely on body perception. However, Cizer's illusion also has an effect on it. This shows that his illusion is not limited to visual deception." , but should be perception deception... "

Cizer's hunting is not over yet. For things like monsters, most demons will not be full after eating just one, so Roy can continue to observe Cizer's fighting style.

"Speaking of which, where is the magic weapon?" After looking at it for a while, Roy noticed this problem. Except for the hair covering Cizer's body, there was no clothing or anything like that, but what Adelaide said Yes, Roy could not see the magic weapon stolen by César on him. If the signal in the memory crystal hadn't kept reminding him, Roy would have even suspected that César had not mastered the magic weapon. The device was brought back...

After devouring several tentacle monsters one after another, Cizer stopped. He twisted his battle ax with one hand and wiped his stomach with the other, removing the blood on the edge of the big mouth on his abdomen. After wiping it off, he suddenly spoke loudly in the language of demons: "I'm full, come down! You are the execution demon sent by Rogeros, right?"

As he spoke, he turned his body in the direction of Roy's high position, and the huge demon eyes on his chest also looked over.

Discovered? How can it be? In order to prevent odor problems, Roy specially chose a position upwind!

However, it didn't matter if he was discovered. Roy also knew that he was good at concealing traces and tracking, so he calmly spread his devil wings and flew down from a high place.

But he did not land. He flapped his wings slightly and was suspended in mid-air not far from Cizer. Fat Tiger folded his wings and stood on the ground. As soon as he landed, he smelled Cizer's scent vigorously. , keep this taste in mind.

"How did you discover me?" Roy asked curiously.

"Your gaze! This is also a type of perception!" Cizer opened and closed the mouth in his abdomen to make a sound, and smiled arrogantly: "And what we phantom demons are best at is sensing feedback! As long as you are looking at me, Then I can see you too!”

"Really?" When Roy heard this, his heart moved. He immediately activated his Nightmare Eyes and asked at the same time: "Where is the magic weapon? Where are you hiding it?"

With his insight ability activated, Roy discovered that Cizer's true position was actually different from what he had just seen! His body is actually still a little further back. As expected, this guy has already quietly activated his illusion!

But under the gaze of the Nightmare Eye, his phantom body disappeared and was replaced by the true position of his body. Roy breathed a sigh of relief. Sure enough, his insight ability can break this illusion!

However, Roy deliberately did not look at the position of Cizer's body, but still stared at the position of his phantom body just now, because Cizer was still saying that he was very sensitive to sight perception.

As a result, Caesar was immediately confused by Roy. He didn't realize that Roy had seen through his illusion, and he couldn't help but look down on Roy a little.

He stroked the staggered sharp teeth on his belly and said proudly: "The magic weapon is in my belly. You can get it by killing me, but I doubt whether you have the strength! Really, I didn't expect that the demon in the middle and lower class is now , can also take on the task of executing demons. It seems that Rogeros has no intention of getting his things back... "