Cute Entertainment Circle

Chapter 35


The loud wake up bell rang at six the next morning. Not long after that, the cameraman from the program came to knock on the door.

It is common for artists to go to bed late and get up early, and they are already mentally prepared, so no one stays in bed. Both Bai Xinyan and Li Zhibai reacted very quickly. After getting up, they quickly changed their clothes and tidied up, so as not to be photographed indecently. When the photographer knocked on the door, Li Zhibai was washing up. After Bai Xinyan opened the door, the photographer was disappointed when he saw the situation inside.

The clothes are changed, the hair is not messed up, there is no drowsy expression, and the quilt on the bed is even folded! There is simply nothing to photograph!

If it weren't for Li Zhibai's crookedly folded quilt, which is so "artistic" compared with Bai Xinyan's square and square quilt, the photographer would really hate that they were wasting film this time.

Apart from the two of them, Gu Chenghao and Jian Han's room has nothing to photograph. Both of them seem to be quite self-disciplined people, and their requirements for the living environment are relatively tidy. The photographer had already tidied up when they arrived.

However, this raid was somewhat rewarding. Ai Qiao and Tang Yuying seemed a little overwhelmed. Ai Qiao also got up very early, but the newcomer Tang Yuying, who hadn't suffered a bit, was obviously not used to getting up at six in the morning, and Ai Qiao hadn't managed to wake her up when the photographer knocked on the door.

Ai Qiao wanted to ignore her directly, but she also knew that if she did this, the company's senior management would definitely make trouble for her. In the end, she endured her anger and pulled her out of the bed, pushed her into the bathroom and asked her to change clothes quickly, and then He took a breath and opened the door.

However, Tang Yuying is simply a piece of mud that cannot support the wall. Hearing that someone was coming to shoot outside, she knew she had to take care of it before she came out, so she called Ai Qiao rudely: "Sister Ai Qiao, get me a cosmetic bag."

Later, when the camera came after her, Tang Yuying pretended to be shy and said "Oops" again, and directly closed the bathroom door. "It's too ugly to shoot now."

As a result, Tang Yuying stayed in the bathroom for more than ten minutes. Seeing that it was half past six and the door of the bathroom was still closed, Ai Qiao's temper was about to come up. In order to wake Tang Yuying up, she hadn't had time to wash up yet.

"Yuying, are you okay?" Ai Qiao tried her best to hold back the irritability in her heart, and said with a gentle attitude: "Can you come out and put on makeup? It's almost time, and I haven't washed yet."

"Sister Ai Qiao, you haven't washed yet?" Tang Yuying's surprised voice sounded, "Then, wait a moment, I'll be fine soon." When she said this, she unconsciously carried grievances in her tone.

Ai Qiao who was outside the door couldn't help but rolled her eyes again in her heart, and cursed hypocritically. It's not impossible to put on makeup outside, so Tang Yuying deliberately occupied the bathroom just in order not to be photographed looking like she didn't put on makeup, she really didn't think about other people at all.

She said it was right away, but it took several minutes for Tang Yuying to come out, and the time left for Ai Qiao was only a few minutes. She could only wash up quickly, and she could only simply apply a layer of sunscreen and isolation for skin care products, so she naturally didn't have time to put on even a little makeup. In comparison, Tang Yuying's makeup was thicker than yesterday's, and she even wore quite obvious eye shadow and blush.

Ai Qiao didn't have the energy to get angry with her anymore, and she didn't bother to remind her when she saw this, she just sneered in her heart, the job of a police dog trainer was so well-dressed, it was against harmony and unprofessional, Tang Yuying thought she was doing a good job.

The photographer's lens faithfully recorded these scenes, and other people's opinions on Tang Yuying's makeup were not mentioned. In short, at 6:30, several people rushed to the playground to gather smoothly.

Not to mention that Tang Yuying suffered from squeamishness again while running, she will start a new day of training after breakfast. However, after the two instructors noticed Tang Yuying's face, they asked her to remove her makeup.

"It's not good for the cosmetics to be licked by dogs." The instructor insisted, ignoring Tang Yuying's pitiful eyes.

In fact, several of their artists had makeup on their faces yesterday, except for Bai Xinyan and Li Zhibai who have monster physiques. But yesterday they all wore light makeup, and in the eyes of the two capitalized straight male instructors, it was almost no makeup. However, today Tang Yuying put on colored eyeshadow and blush. If you don't see it, you are blind if you put on makeup. So Tang Yuying naturally hit the gun.

Although the police are not soldiers, they also pay attention to strict discipline. No matter how pitiful Tang Yuying looks, the instructor will definitely let her go back and take off her makeup.

So far, the guests and the entire program group have basically felt that this newcomer, Youjia, has a background and at the same time his brain is not very good. Some people thought it was funny and some sighed in their hearts, but on the surface they still didn't show the slightest bit.

After all, except for someone as stupid as Tang Yuying, this is the basic requirement for being in this circle.

The director also felt more and more that Tang Yuying probably wouldn't be able to support her. After all, he made a special point with her manager yesterday, asking her to be more down-to-earth and serious in the show, and to give her more positive shots. In the end, I didn't know that Tang Yuying was so "down-to-earth" and fought for the camera like this! The director was about to laugh angrily.

After today's training officially started, the director finally slowly determined the direction for Tang Yuying when editing. Seeing that this is something the program team can't save, if there are too few cuts, some people may think that the program team is bullying and targeting her, so it's better to just cut it as it is. And for two newcomers, sometimes the effect of having a control group is more obvious. For example, Bai Xinyan and Li Zhibai's attraction to dogs, and Bai Xinyan and Tang Yuying's performance and attitude in the show.

Maybe there is still a future.

On the second day of training, they reviewed yesterday's content first, and then the instructor began to let them learn more difficult parts. Including identifying and tracking special smells, as well as pouncing and subduing enemies, etc.

This is much more difficult than yesterday's content. Even though these dogs have been trained in this area before, the complexity of this task is much higher, and the requirements for receiving and understanding instructions are also higher. The guests who just got some sense of satisfaction from yesterday's little success, were hit again today and couldn't help being frustrated.

Especially when there is an unscientific guy like Bai Xinyan for comparison.

Seeing that Bai Xinyan led Xiaotian and completed the task with an efficiency equal to or even better than that of the instructor, the others couldn't help but want to doubt Bai Xinyan's identity, for example, to do the same as the director did before. Some conjectures that do not conform to materialist values. After all, judging from Bai Xinyan's performance, this is not just a matter of good relationship with animals!

In fact, Bai Xinyan and Xiaotian seem to be able to communicate. For every instruction of Bai Xinyan, Xiaotian can execute it perfectly. It can also understand the correct meaning, so that with the cooperation of one person and one dog, the efficiency of completing tasks is greatly improved.

Instructor Wang has sighed countless times. Their chief instructor must want to detain Bai Xinyan, and everyone else has such a feeling-if Bai Xinyan is not talented as a dog trainer, it is indeed It's so reckless!

But some people show off and some people make fools of themselves. Apart from Li Zhibai who is destined to be the last one, Tang Yuying is the only one who will make a fool of himself.

The director's special mention obviously didn't have any effect. Tang Yuying still didn't let go of the dog she brought, and she seemed quite reluctant during the training. But with the more difficult Li Zhibai at the bottom, she can be regarded as so-so and can get away with it. But when it came time to practice biting, there was a more serious problem.

In order for police dogs to practice biting and subduing the enemy, someone is naturally needed to act as the "criminal suspect". The program team specially arranged for them to act as each other's criminal suspects in pairs. This is also to allow guests to experience the process of police dog training more comprehensively.

For ordinary people, even if they have protective equipment on their bodies, it is still very scary to see such a big dog jumping on them, especially among the six of them there are three girls. Therefore, the requirements of the program group are actually a bit overwhelming, but it is not too much to say too much. With complete protection and care, the guests themselves will certainly not be in danger. After all, it's a reality show, so it has to be a "show". If you can't let this go, then the artist's professionalism may be questioned.

In short, the program team has already made such a decision, and they can't refuse if they want to have an opinion. But except for one Tang Yuying, the others didn't have any opinions.

For a few girls, the instructor gave some more instructions and comforted them, telling them not to be afraid as much as possible. As a minor, Bai Xinyan also received special treatment. However, the subsequent development was a complete waste of the instructor's painstaking instructions, which made people laugh and cry.

Bai Xinyan and Li Zhibai were in a group, and when Bai Xinyan directed Xiaotian, Xiaotian immediately bit Li Zhibai's protective gloves, looking extremely fierce, and he was unwilling to let go for a while. Li Zhibai looked down at Xiaotian who had a fierce look in front of him. Although he tried his best to restrain his instinct as a fox, there was still a look on his handsome face that couldn't be concealed at all. This scene is very joyful, and everyone else burst into laughter without sympathy.

However, when it was Li Zhibai's turn to let the dog bite Bai Xinyan, Lizi rushed out very quickly, but when he reached Bai Xinyan, he neither rushed nor bit, but directly rubbed each other affectionately, as if he was not going Defeating the enemy is the same as going to the enemy.

Comparing two people in the same group, the comedy effect directly rises to the second power.

Originally, with Bai Xinyan and Li Zhibai "Jade and Jade in front", the highlights of the other groups were much more ordinary, but Tang Yuying was really not willing to be ordinary, and she insisted on creating a big scene. When she directed her dog to bite Ai Qiao, she didn't hesitate at all. But when she played the role of the suspect, before Ai Qiao's dog rushed to her, she looked scared and tried to hide behind.

The instructor explained that they must stand still, because what they need to learn is the most basic movement commands, and this can also reduce the danger, because once the "suspect" escapes, the police dogs will be more aggressive when chasing Also harder to control. These dogs have been trained in hunting. If they see that the opponent is not standing still but wants to run, they will probably catch up and attack according to their habits. It is difficult for the guests to stop them in time, which is worse than standing still. The risk of directly letting the police dog bite on the thick protective gloves is much greater.

But despite the instructor's special emphasis, Tang Yuying still couldn't control herself, because she was so scared that she couldn't help but raised her hand to block herself and backed away. Seeing this, the instructor immediately yelled at her to keep her still, and at the same time quickly gave the dog an order to stop. However, Tang Yuying couldn't bear to be scared and panicked, her footsteps became confused, and she fell directly.

The dog reacted quickly and stopped in time, but it still rushed to the side of Tang Yuying who was lying on the ground. After Tang Yuying fell down, she couldn't calm down at all. Seeing a big dog that was not much smaller than her body rushing towards her, she couldn't help but closed her eyes in fright, and screamed and cried out.

Everyone heard a scream that seemed familiar, and they couldn't help but look at each other while their eardrums hurt, and then confirmed something from each other's eyes—yes, the scream last night was indeed done by Tang Yuying.

Tang Yuying covered her face and screamed for a while, she closed her eyes and didn't even notice that Ai Qiao called the dog back, she looked very embarrassed. Seeing Tang Yuying losing her composure in shock, many people frowned. It's okay to be timid, but Xiao Cheng is obviously too delicate to overcome any difficulties. Everyone's impression of Tang Yuying couldn't help but drop again.

It wasn't until the instructor went to tell her that she was fine that Tang Yuying slowly recovered from a trance. Then he put on that kind of weak and pitiful posture of self-taught, and came back to rest with a slight sob.

Tang Yuying actually felt that her performance was already very desperate. Compared with other people, she cried and fell down, but she didn't know that other people's evaluation of her was getting worse and worse.

The director didn't want to care about Tang Yuying at first, and made her ugly when she liked to make a fool of herself, but even for a female artist, the video of falling down and crying just now was a bit ruined, so the director softened his heart once more and proposed to let Tang Yuying Take a break and try again, the accident just now won't be in the show.

As a result, Tang Yuying didn't appreciate the director's kindness at all. Instead, she said bluntly: "I have been so frightened, why do you want me to do this dangerous thing? That Bai Xinyan has never been bitten." , why don't you let him come?"

Now the director was completely planning to give up on Tang Yuying, and retorted bluntly: "Haven't you never been bitten before? The dog hasn't even touched your clothes, so it's more sensible than you."

Tang Yuying was taken aback by the director's sarcasm, and immediately she was angry and aggrieved and wanted to explode. Fortunately, her agent finally caught up with her and put her under control this time. After apologizing to the director, she went Pulling Tang Yuying to the side and taught her a lesson for a long time, she had to communicate with her backer, a certain director of Youjia, on the phone. In the end, she suppressed the demon Tang Yuying and asked her to apologize to the director, and Agree to be a suspect again.

When Tang Yuying apologized, she still looked aggrieved, but her manager had no more expectations, as long as she could be more honest in the camera. But this time her partner Ai Qiao is not willing.

"Let's forget it. If something happens, it's not worth it. It will be troublesome if the program can't be recorded. And the one who will be punished at that time will be the storm." Storm is the name of the dog brought by Ai Qiao. Although she has only been together for a day or two, Ai Qiao, who likes dogs, has no resistance to Feng Feng, a police dog that is much smarter and more obedient than ordinary dogs. .

The manager originally thought that Ai Qiao would help her because of her company and Tang Yuying's background, even though he knew that Ai Qiao didn't like Tang Yuying. But I didn't expect that Ai Qiao, who had endured it many times, would no longer bear it this time because of the storm. Restraining Tang Yuying, who seemed to want to be dissatisfied with Ai Qiao, the manager suddenly felt more and more headache.

When the director saw Ai Qiao's refusal, he didn't mean to be biased towards Tang Yuying, and was reminded by Ai Qiao, thinking that Tang Yuying herself was unreliable, and maybe something happened again. If it really happened and got injured this time, then the next recording of the show will be in big trouble. Or just follow Tang Yuying's wishes, let's forget it.

How could the agent really make Tang Yuying so embarrassing in front of the national audience at that time, every guest who played the role of "criminal suspect" had to come, and it was impossible to cut Tang Yuying's part directly. Under the headache, the agent had to reluctantly think of a way.

"Director, can you change the groupings? Let Yuying and Li Zhibai be in the same group, okay?"

The director was taken aback for a moment, but soon understood the agent's plan. Li Zhibai was the only one who couldn't command his dog to do bite training, and Li Zi basically wouldn't listen to his commands. Tang Yuying and Li Zhibai are in a group, so they don't have to worry about being frightened to make a fool of themselves by the rushing dogs. And the audience will only see that Li Zhibai's chestnut is disobedient, and will not find out that Tang Yuying is too delicate and timid.

From Tang Yuying's point of view, it is indeed a good solution. And when she heard that she was going to form a team with Li Zhibai, Tang Yuying, who was originally reluctant, suddenly became happy.

But for the director, Li Zhibai and Bai Xinyan are in a group. The comparison between the two results in a particularly good program. The director is not willing to waste such good material just to help Tang Yuying.

Tang Yuying's agent is also one of the best in Youjiali. Seeing the director's hesitation, he naturally understood his thoughts. While complaining about Tang Yuying in his heart, he still gritted his teeth and communicated with the director. After paying a certain price, the director finally agreed. .

However, Li Zhibai, who knew that he had suddenly suffered an innocent disaster, felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy. After listening to the director's request, he looked embarrassed, regardless of Tang Yuying standing beside him, and said directly: "Can I refuse?"

The director was too embarrassed and did not dare to offend Li Zhibai, so he lowered his posture to persuade him, and assured him: "Just this time, I will help our program team and the little girl, just once."

Knowing that the director knew that he didn't want to get too close to Tang Yuying because he was afraid of getting scandals and gossips, so he pretended that he would not let the two of them form a team again after this time, so Li Zhibai reluctantly agreed. Fortunately, there is a distance of thousands of miles between the two of them in the bite training, so Tang Yuying probably can't do anything.

Li Zhibai thought so, but later found out that he was too optimistic.

After readjusting the groups, except for Gu Chenghao and Jian Han, the other four had to reshoot. Everything went smoothly for Bai Xinyan and Ai Qiao's team, but for Li Zhibai, Li Zi didn't attack and bite Tang Yuying, so this test was passed. But after the roles of the two were switched, Tang Yuying couldn't help but started acting like a demon again.

When giving the order, Tang Yuying was hesitant and sticky, looking at Li Zhibai with a worried face, very reluctant to part with it. She didn't give the order until she was urged twice by the instructor, which was completely different from how she treated Ai Qiao before. But when the dog rushed to Li Zhibai, Li Zhibai was not doing well, she screamed and closed her eyes, then opened her eyes after a while and saw that Li Zhibai was bitten to death, she hurriedly wanted the dog to let go open. But Li Zhibai's hatred was too steady, and Tang Yuying's instructions were not clear and decisive enough to make the dog let go. Seeing that the dog was still fiercely pawing at Li Zhibai, Tang Yuying became more and more panicked, acting as if Li Zhibai had really been bitten.

Li Zhibai, who used to suffer from being bitten by a dog, now finally knows what is worse than being bitten by a dog. When the instructor let the dog relax, he turned around and walked to Bai Xinyan's side with a dark face, ignoring Tang Yuying who was approaching with a worried face, and couldn't help but gritted his teeth and complained in a very low voice: "Why is this man so playful?" many!"

Bai Xinyan happened to see Tang Yuying's eyes chasing Li Zhibai, and then gave him a dissatisfied and disgusted look, and couldn't help but slightly frowned, and said, "I can just ignore it. If she likes to sing one-man shows, let her sing." Bar."

The second day's training was already much more difficult than the first day, and there were more twists and turns. After the day ended, several people felt even more tired. Although Li Zhibai is not physically tired as a monster, his heart is the most tired. Only Bai Xinyan can take Xiaotian to complete any task quickly, which seems extraordinarily easy.

"Your two-day training is over now, and the assessment will be held tomorrow, so there will be no fixed training items tonight. You can choose to practice your weak points. Tomorrow's assessment, all these items will be inspected. I hope you can Be good." The instructor said to them in the evening.

Then the director added: "The results of the assessment are related to your treatment in the next professional experience. Not only are the first and last places rewarded and punished, but every ranking is different. So except for Bai Xinyan and Li Zhibai Two, the others don't even think about paddling, you have to go all out for me! Do you hear me?"

After a few people responded, the director deliberately said: "Bai Xinyan and Li Zhibai, you two should also have the spirit of competition, and go all out to respect your opponent, you know? Especially Li Zhibai, although whether you go all out or not, the result will be different." It’s no different, but you can’t be lazy and paddling like this, understand?”

Everyone else laughed when they heard the words, only Li Zhibai said with a dark face: "Understood."

Except for Tang Yuying, everyone trained hard that night, including Li Zhibai who was used to being surrounded by dogs, and Bai Xinyan.

In fact, Bai Xinyan didn't need to train specially, but he could feel that after being eliminated, Xiaotian had been longing for approval and proving himself. Although a non-professional assessment in a reality show may prove nothing, but he is not willing to discourage Xiaotian's enthusiasm. Xiaotian wants to work hard, wants to win, wants to continue galloping on the training ground, and he also hopes to give it a chance.