Cute Entertainment Circle

Chapter 78


There was no movement for a few days, but Bai Xinyan did not let down his vigilance, because Yin Yan was always nervous and worried that Bai Xinyan would be attacked suddenly when they didn't pay attention, so he had to ask Bai Xinyan from time to time if he was uncomfortable.

But being vigilant doesn't seem to have much effect, because when the imprint was moving, Bai Xinyan was asleep. But in the eyes of Yin Yan, who has not fallen asleep and has been paying attention to Bai Xinyan, everything is silent, as if nothing happened.

Bai Xinyan's sleep quality has always been very good, she slept very deeply, and she didn't feel like she was dreaming. But this time he heard a vague voice talking to him, and he couldn't help but gradually became conscious, and entered a dreamland half asleep and half awake.

"Bai Xinyan, come here, come here..." Bai Xinyan was still not quite sober, when he heard a soft and fluttering voice calling him not far or near, with a hint of bewitching.

Bai Xinyan yawned, some tears came out of the corners of his eyes, and he rubbed his eyes again to finally see the surrounding environment clearly. It's a place with a nice view, it looks like a wild place, surrounded by auras, and there seems to be something shining in the distance, like a treasure from heaven and earth.

The voice that had been calling Bai Xinyan came from that direction, and it had been babbling persistently.

"Here is a good baby, Bai Xinyan, come here quickly." The voice kept urging him, and the brilliance from that baby became more and more obvious, and it was accompanied by a very delicious aura, making people walk in that direction involuntarily.

Bai Xinyan took two steps in a daze, and suddenly felt a little strange, he wanted the aura emanating from that thing very much, obviously he didn't even have much aura in himself, why did he suddenly desire it so much

After feeling something was wrong, Bai Xinyan quickly discovered other problems, such as how he got here, he didn't have any impression at all; and he habitually touched his right wrist, there was neither Yin Yan nor Yin Yan. White with black.

Bai Xinyan became more sober, even though the voice continued to seduce him, he did not take a step forward. At the same time, he also gradually realized the possible real situation at present—this is an illusion, and it was specially used to lure him into taking the bait.

Thinking of this, Bai Xinyan quickly realized what was going on. Presumably this is the work of the people behind Yu Anyan.

It has to be said that it is indeed a concealed and easy-to-work method to confuse him with the illusion covered by dreams so as to control his soul. However, Bai Xinyan was protected by the magic weapon of his natal life and had a special constitution, so he could easily see the flaws and wake up from the illusion. The other party asked him to get that treasure, it should be a trap, that treasure is probably actually something bad, such as a brand that can control people.

Bai Xinyan saw through the other party's tricks, and could have directly broken the illusion, but because the plan was going to be tricked, Bai Xinyan didn't do that, but continued to move forward pretending to be confused.

But in the middle of the walk, he stopped again, showing hesitation and suspicion, and continued walking under the urging of the voice after a while.

Bai Xinyan felt that the other party was very cautious, so if he acted too easily, it might arouse the other party's suspicion. So he performed it deliberately, pretending to be bewitched but still a little sober, so that the other party would feel more real and believable.

Bai Xinyan stopped and walked like this, feeling that the voice became more and more nervous and eager, and finally walked up to the glowing baby.

It was a spiritual plant with glowing stems and leaves, and a beautiful flower. Bai Xinyan pretended to salivate and looked at the flower for a while, then slowly stretched out his hand.

The spiritual plant also seemed to be very excited, and almost trembled slightly, looking uncontrollable, and the disguised aura suddenly became a little weird, as if revealing a little of its true colors.

Bai Xinyan seemed to see the person who set up the illusion staring at him eagerly and greedily, with excitement and ecstasy in his eyes, wishing that his hand would fall on Lingzhi immediately.

Bai Xinyan, who was going to pretend to be fooled, suddenly paused, and suddenly didn't want to let the other party "succeed", but wanted to take the opportunity to toss the other party, which can be regarded as collecting some interest first.

So for such a simple action, Bai Xinyan stopped several times, and could almost feel the other party's tense and repeated mood. And just when his finger was only an inch away from the flower, Bai Xinyan stopped suddenly again, and after making the other party worried for a while, he didn't continue this time, but straightened up, "panic ground" took a few steps back.

The suppressed cheers in the other party's throat were about to burst out, but suddenly they fell short, and their heart twitched and they almost couldn't hold back their breath.

Bai Xinyan keenly felt the suddenly irritable atmosphere, although it was only fleeting, but she still couldn't help but feel complacent.

After playing tricks on the other party, Bai Xinyan acted for a while, and after pretending to struggle, he found a loophole and directly broke the illusion.

Repeatedly worried for a long time, but in the end it was the mastermind behind the bamboo basket fetching water in vain: "..." I was so angry!

Bai Xinyan snickered inwardly, waiting for the other party's next trick.

Although he said he wanted to pretend to let the other party succeed, Bai Xinyan felt that the illusion just now was actually a bit crude, probably because he hadn't found his weakness and couldn't create any targeted illusion. And the other party definitely couldn't give up on this, and would definitely continue to try, so he simply chose to break the illusion just now. In this way, "being fooled" at that time will also appear more real. It took a lot of effort to finally succeed, and the other party will probably not suspect that it is a fraud, after all, he has spent so much effort.

Bai Xinyan pretended that it took a lot of effort to break through the last illusion, and took advantage of the situation to make his soul a little weaker, so that the other party would think that there was an "opportunity to take advantage of", and then use the weakness he found in his soul to try a second time. .

Although Bai Xinyan didn't know what his weakness was, he still "generously" made out some irrelevant memories and thoughts on purpose, and stuffed them in the small piece of soul that he deliberately let the other party touch.

As expected, the other party invaded his soul according to Bai Xinyan's guess.

However, Bai Xinyan waited for a long time, but did not wait for the second illusion, so he couldn't help but slander the other party's efficiency in his heart. Little did he know that the other party was actually slandering him, what kind of demons were they? After searching for a long time, he didn't have a single weakness, and he was too heartless, I'm afraid he wasn't a fool!

Not knowing that he was judged as a fool by the angry mastermind behind the scenes, Bai Xinyan was still looking forward to the other party's second illusion.

Facts have proved that this man behind the scenes is still somewhat capable. The second illusion is not as simple as the first one, but much more real and rich. The illusion shows no other place, but Wulian Mountain, Bai Xinyan's home.

Obviously, this is the information the other party got from Bai Xinyan's memory. Bai Xinyan looked around, and the illusion was shaped quite alike, but he didn't know what the other party was planning to use to control him this time.

Bai Xinyan was curious, and then saw Bai's father, mother, and Bai Yin all appearing, let him sit at the table, and brought out a plate of cabbage!

Bai Xin said: "..."

The cabbage really looks green, tender and sweet at first glance, and exudes a sweet fragrance. Although it was just a plate of vegetables, it made people salivate.

Beside him, Bai's father, mother, and Bai Yin all had loving faces, and they persuaded Bai Xinyan to let him eat cabbage.

Bai Xin said: "..."

Bai Xinyan was a little speechless, he didn't expect the other party to think his weakness was a piece of cabbage! Although he doesn't seem to have any weaknesses, and he really likes to eat, cabbage is probably one of his favorite delicacies for a rabbit like him, but, but... But Bai Xinyan has a feeling of being looked down upon. a feeling of.

The other party was actually very thoughtful, and even conjured up the three closest people, Father Bai, Mother Bai and Bai Yin, to persuade him. There is no Yin Yan because Bai Xinyan is worried that the plan will be exposed, and deliberately hides information about Yin Yan, only letting the other party see some fragmentary memories of him before he went down the mountain.

But even so, this illusion still made Bai Xinyan feel a little powerless. Facing the plate of cabbage, Bai Xinyan seemed to be aware of the "fool" label that the other party had labeled him. After all, it was a rare treasure that was used to lure him last time. This time it was just a plate of small cabbage. And it's still an ordinary cabbage without any special effects!

Bai Xinyan doesn't think he's such a foodie. If he had to choose between a treasure of heaven and earth and a plate of Chinese cabbage, he would definitely choose it!

Bai Xinyan silently added another layer of charges to the black hand behind the scenes in his heart, but he still prepared to pretend that he was successfully seduced by Xiaobaicai. After all, I intentionally made a loophole, and the other party came up with such a plate of cabbage after tossing for a long time. If he doesn't let the other party succeed this time, he may not be able to think of a way next time.

While despising the other party in his heart, Bai Xinyan started acting according to the plan.

This time the illusion is more real, he "consumed" a lot just now, Bai Xinyan didn't hesitate anymore, but after hesitating only twice, he was completely bewitched and ate the cabbage.

When he ate it, Bai Xinyan felt as if something cold wanted to seep into his soul, and he almost shivered. However, he was also prepared for a long time, and quickly activated the natal treasure in the Lingfu to isolate the things that wanted to jump into his soul, and the cold feeling quickly disappeared little by little.

At the same time, Bai Xinyan pretended to be affected, and his soul pretended to struggle hard. Seeing that success was close at hand, they poured more and more magic energy, and finally "succeeded" after a lot of effort.

After Bai Xinyan pretended to be controlled by the other party, after a while, he heard a voice coming through that thing.

"Bai Xinyan, can you hear me?"

Bai Xinyan couldn't help frowning, the voice was too hoarse and unpleasant. There was a lot of joy in the voice, and obvious complacency. It sounded like the other party didn't find any problems.

Bai Xinyan waited for a while before replying a little stiffly: "I can hear you."

The other party still didn't have any doubts, but couldn't help but said happily: "Successful! That's great!"

"From now on, I am your master, you must obey my orders unconditionally, you know?" The hoarse voice said to Bai Xinyan again.

Bai Xinyan restrained himself for a while, and then endured the nausea and said, "Understood, master."

At this time, the other party had completely believed that Bai Xinyan was under his control, couldn't help laughing a few times, and said triumphantly: "Hehe, I knew that my plan would definitely not fail, and now the mutated natural spirit body is mine! So what about extraordinary talents, even if you struggle a bit, you still can't escape from my palm?"

The other party couldn't help being complacent for a moment, and then began to ask Bai Xinyan: "Tell me how you escaped from those ghosts a few days ago? And what happened before, who is helping you? Tell me everything."

They had expected the other party's question when they discussed the plan before, so Bai Xinyan said it according to the answer he had imagined before.

Because this person was probably Hong Yu, Bai Xinyan completely avoided Yin Yan's news, and only said that it was Bai Yin's role.

In fact, the relationship between Bai Xinyan and Yin Yan is very close. It has been spread on the Internet for a long time, and Yin Yan's real appearance has also been exposed. If the other party carefully checked the relevant information, it is impossible for him not to know about Yin Yan. But given that the opponent used Gu worms and Li Gui to design them before, either the opponent was not Hong Yu, so he didn't react when he saw Yin Yan, or the opponent didn't actually know that Bai Xinyan had a relationship with Yin Yan.

No matter which one it is, Bai Xinyan's rhetoric should be able to deceive the other party.

Sure enough, the other party didn't find any problem, it seemed that the original guess was Bai Yin.

After the other party asked about Bai Yin's specific cultivation base and strength, he confessed to Bai Xin: "You can't tell anyone about me. I will have someone give you something tomorrow. Find a chance to give it to Bai Yin." Eat it, remember not to let him find out that something is wrong."

After Bai Xinyan responded, the other party asked him about tomorrow's arrangements, and then told him to pay attention to his orders then.

After explaining the matter, the other party asked Bai Xinyan to practice hard, and try to get some good things from his parents and Bai Yin, and then he completely quieted down.

Bai Xinyan waited for a while, confirmed that he had successfully deceived the other party, heaved a sigh of relief, then withdrew his consciousness from the dream, and quickly opened his eyes.

Yin Yan noticed it immediately, became nervous all of a sudden, and asked softly, "Is the other party making any moves?"

Bai Xinyan looked at Yin Yan and smiled, showing a row of white teeth, "The first part of the plan has been completed!"

Yin Yan was startled when he heard the words, and before he could react, he frowned and said, "Why are you calling me now?"

Yin Yan was worried about Bai Xinyan, so he naturally asked him to let him know as soon as he found out that something was wrong, but Bai Xinyan felt that letting Yin Yan know was just worrying, so why not tell him after completing the task.

However, facing Yin Yan's disapproving gaze, Bai Xinyan immediately felt a little guilty, and instead of telling the truth, he found a reason and said: "It was too late before, and it happened in a dream, I am afraid that the other party will find out that something is wrong .”

Even though Bai Xinyan said that he had completed the task, Yin Yan was still a little scared, he frowned slightly and carried him over, carefully inspecting him from head to toe. Including the soul and consciousness, I also explored it with my spiritual sense.

Bai Xinyan looked at Yin Yan's face close at hand, and couldn't help being fascinated again. Good-looking people are indeed attractive enough no matter what expression they have, Yin Yan's slightly frowning look is still extremely eye-catching, and his worried look softens his sharp facial features a little bit, Bai Xinyan just looks at it and forgets that guilty conscience, and becomes a The face is lost.

Yin Yan checked and found that Bai Xinyan was fine, so he was finally relieved, but when he raised his eyes, he saw Bai Xinyan staring at him obsessively, and immediately lost his anger, and couldn't help being a little funny.

"So pretty?" Yin Yan raised his brows and asked Bai Xinyan.

"Of course, Mr. Yin is the best!" Bai Xinyan replied unconsciously, and then realized it after speaking, feeling a little embarrassed. However, he has always been frank, so he quickly became natural and rubbed Yin Yan's arms, "I like Mr. Yin the most."

Yin Yan was so rubbed by Bai Xinyan that he put his arms around his waist and kissed his lips, and said, "I'm glad you like me, but let's get down to business first."

Afterwards, Bai Xinyan told everything that happened in his dream before, Yin Yan mused after listening and did not speak immediately.

"That person must want to deal with the little uncle first, and let the little uncle cooperate with me tomorrow." Bai Xinyan said.

Yin Yan smoothed his hair and said, "Well, this should not be difficult for your uncle."

Bai Xinyan nodded, and asked hesitantly, "Mr. Yin, do you think this person is Hong Yu?"

Yin Yan was silent for a while, then smiled reassuringly at Bai Xinyan, and said, "I can't tell."

Bai Xinyan seemed a little conflicted, Yin Yan patted him and said, "Whether it's true or not, it doesn't affect us to solve this guy, so don't think too much about it."

Bai Xinyan felt that there was a difference between yes and no, but after Yin Yan said so, Bai Xinyan stopped asking about it.

Bai Xinyan and the others told Bai Yin about the situation, and the next day, Bai Xinyan got something according to the instructions given to him by that person.

Yin Yan looked at it, it was a small pill wrapped in Gu worms. It seems that the other party wants to use Bai Xinyan to control Bai Yin.

"If this Gu worm doesn't eat it, will that person find out?" Bai Xinyan asked.

Yin Yan said: "No, it will take a while for the Gu to control people. With Bai Yin's cultivation, this period of time will be very long. Before the Gu worm completely controls him, he will not feel anything there. As long as the Gu worms don't die Just do it."

Bai Xinyan breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good."

"That person has plans for your special physique. It is definitely impossible to wait until the Gu worm completely controls Bai Yin before proceeding to the next step." Yin Yan said, "As long as he reveals his location or clues to you, we will definitely be able to catch him."

Bai Xinyan nodded, "I think he should be in a hurry. Today he wants me to bewitch my uncle, and maybe tomorrow he will start to show his ultimate purpose of controlling me."

Bai Xinyan guessed well, and the other party didn't even wait until tomorrow.

After confirming to Bai Xinyan that day that Bai Yin ate the Gu worm and didn't find it, the other party quickly asked Bai Xinyan to go out quietly that night, so that no one could find out, and go to a place designated by him to wait.

Realizing that this is a sign of major progress, Bai Xinyan was a little excited. After going through multiple inspections and advice from Yin Yan, Bai Yin, Bai's father and mother, and confirmed that his body's protection was completely safe, he took the Followed Yin Yan, whose wrist turned into a small snake to hide his breath, "quietly" went out the door.

The address given by the man was an abandoned construction site that had stopped working. The place was remote and desolate, and there was obviously no monitoring. It looked disturbing and kind.

After Bai Xinyan arrived, he followed the other party's instructions and walked for a long time, turning left and right to find a basement in the construction site.

The entire construction site was very dilapidated, and it was hard to believe that such a place existed in the bustling city of S. Thick dust accumulated everywhere, but after going down to the basement, there were signs of someone coming in and out.

The basement was pitch black, save for a tiny bit of light leaking through a crack in the door of one room. The air was stale, filled with dust, and there was a weird smell, like rancid and bloody. In addition, it is very cold here, and some places seem to be dripping with water, but they can't really hear it. The sound of "tick tick tick" is faint, which makes people feel in a trance. It was clearly a basement without windows, but it seemed that the wind would blow over from time to time, carrying a chill that penetrated deep into the bone marrow.

Even Bai Xinyan, who has boundless vitality and aura, feels a little uncomfortable after coming down, let alone ordinary people.

Obviously, this is not a normal state, but is affected by some evil things.

Bai Xinyan felt that this might be the stronghold of the mastermind behind the scenes.

"Is there anything uncomfortable?" Yin Yan was very dissatisfied with the environment here, and worried that Bai Xinyan would be affected badly.

Bai Xinyan replied: "Fortunately, those things are blocked. How about you, Mr. Yin?"

Those things refer to the Yin Qi, ghost Qi, etc. here. Although it is extremely strong here, Bai Xinyan has the most vital body protection to restrain them, and it is not actually affected.

Regardless of Yin Yan's cultivation level, his own evil spirit is enough to block these things, so naturally there is no need to worry.

If it was an ordinary person, seeing the environment here would probably be quite frightening, and he would have to make up a bunch of scary things in his brain every minute. But Bai Xinyan is a monster himself, not afraid of ghosts, and Yin Yan is with him, so he seems very courageous, and continues to walk forward like nothing.

According to the information given by that person, Bai Xinyan came to the room where the light was shining, stretched out his hand and opened the door.

There was no one in the room, only a strange formation was placed in the middle, and the bloody formation had strange lines and an ominous atmosphere.

Bai Xinyan was startled, then heard that voice say in his mind again: "Stand in that formation."

Bai Xinyan hesitated, but did not dare to stay longer. Bai Xinyan guessed that there was probably surveillance here, afraid that the other party would find something wrong, so he could only walk slowly to that strange formation.

Yin Yan also pretended to be a bracelet and remained motionless, but he was a little anxious. The other party is really very cautious, until now they still haven't shown up at all, and haven't leaked much information. I don't know what this formation is used for, but it is not a good thing at first glance, and it may be detrimental to Bai Xinyan.

Although Bai Xinyan's body was well protected, Yin Yan still couldn't avoid worrying. And once Bai Xinyan's defense works, the opponent will definitely find something wrong. If the other party escapes, they may return without success this time.

Yin Yan originally felt that with his own strength, no one could bring him trouble. He hadn't met anyone who dared to provoke him for many years, but now this guy designed them again and again and then slipped away smoothly. Although the other party didn't succeed, it really made Yin Yan feel a little unbearable, especially when the other party was planning to attack Bai Xinyan, which made Yin Yan feel an urge to explode the violent temper that had been suppressed over the years.

Bai Xinyan wanted to catch the other party wholeheartedly, so he secretly reminded Yin Yan: "Mr. Yin, don't do it right away, see what this formation is for. Maybe you can find the other party's position along the way."

Yin Yan didn't respond, Bai Xinyan was still a little anxious and wanted to say something, but at this time the man had already spoken to Bai Xinyan: "Now release all the spiritual power in your body. Do your best."

Bai Xinyan was stunned, and the next moment he found that the formation under his feet suddenly lit up, and an inexplicable suction acted on him, and the aura and vitality around him quickly disappeared. .

The suction was so strong that the aura around Bai Xinyan was emptied in an instant, but the vitality in his body reacted very quickly, and immediately filled up the part that had been sucked away from the outside, and in just a few breaths, it was maintained. Live the balance on both sides. Bai Xinyan didn't feel any discomfort except that the speed of the aura in his body increased a lot.

Both Bai Xinyan and Yin Yan were stunned for a moment, and then quickly realized that the other party wanted to absorb the vitality of Bai Xinyan!

This magic circle may not only absorb the vitality and spiritual energy in the environment, but it may also directly snatch vitality from people, judging from its rather sinister appearance. It's just that Bai Xinyan's body has enough vitality, and just voluntarily escaping is enough to counteract the suction of the formation, so there is no problem.

Because the vitality escaped on its own initiative and did not affect Bai Xinyan's body, so all the defenses on his body have not worked for the time being.

It's just that although Bai Xinyan is fine, he can't just provide life to the other party. Their purpose is to catch the other party, rather than take the initiative to send benefits to the other party.

Bai Xinyan couldn't help frowning, thinking about what to do next. Yin Yan was affected by the fast-flowing vitality around him, and felt that the spiritual power in his body was a little boiling, so he could only suppress it while being vigilant, and at the same time, he had to consider countermeasures.

At this moment, a comfortable sigh came from Bai Xinyan's mind, and the voice said to Bai Xinyan with great satisfaction: "Very good, that's it, keep going. Do your best until your spiritual power is completely empty." Call me again sometime."

Bai Xinyan responded casually, then turned around and hurried to discuss countermeasures with Yin Yan.

Thanks to him switching back and forth in his mind like this, there is no serial frequency yet.

Although Yin Yan was distracted by his own situation, he still had enough brains. After thinking for a while, he found a solution that he could try.

"The other party is using your vitality to replenish himself. This formation absorbs such a large amount, and he wants you to do your best. It means that he must be supplemented very much now, and he can't wait." Yin Yan said to Bai Xinyan, "This way If you break this formation, that person will definitely find a way to repair the formation, and it should be very urgent. This place is obviously used by him, since we already know it, as long as we keep an eye on it, we will always catch it. He or someone related to him. Or check here carefully to see if there are any clues. This should lead to clues."

In fact, according to the opponent's degree of caution, doing so may still not catch the opponent's tell. But Yin Yan felt that the formation had to be destroyed, so that the other party could not absorb Bai Xinyan's vitality like this.

Although Bai Xinyan's vitality seems to be endless, and because too much has caused a burden and trouble, Yin Yan is also reluctant to consume Bai Xinyan's vitality so quickly. What if it's not enough or runs out

"Won't that expose you?" Bai Xinyan asked after hearing the words. The other party has not realized that he is not under his control, so is it going to fall short at this time

"No, you can use a method that won't be exposed." Yin Yan said quickly, "The absorption speed of this formation must be limited. Later, try your best to actively release your vitality and spiritual power, and I will mix the spiritual power into you If it exceeds its upper limit, the formation will be broken. In this way, the other party will probably think that you accidentally broke through the formation, and there will be no suspicion."

What Yin Yan said was actually a bit absolute, but this method is indeed feasible. Bai Xinyan quickly agreed, and then cooperated with Yin Yan, and the implementation was successful.

The magic circle got stuck for a while and then stopped suddenly. After a while, an angry voice sounded in Bai Xinyan's mind: "What's going on?! What did you do?"

Bai Xinyan took out the excuse he had just thought of and replied, "I don't know, master. I'm just trying to release my spiritual power as you requested."

The other party seemed to have taken the time to check the magic circle, and found that the spiritual energy broke through the upper limit and broke the magic circle. He immediately asked Bai Xinyan suspiciously: "You are just releasing the spiritual power according to my request? Then why did you release it all of a sudden?" The energy is so much higher than before?"

Bai Xinyan still prepared a reasonable explanation, and replied dryly: "Yes, you asked me to release my spiritual power as much as possible. I am poor in cultivation and not good at using spiritual power. I didn't release it well before, and I just found the trick. .”

"..." The man seemed to choke on this weird answer, but Bai Xin said that he didn't know how to use spiritual power. The man was silent for a while, as if he really accepted the explanation.

When Bai Xinyan didn't do his best, there was only so much vitality transmitted. If Bai Xinyan tried his best, what a huge and abundant vitality it would be!

The man couldn't help but think of it like this, but just thinking about it made him salivate with longing, wishing he could immediately order Bai Xinyan to give him all the life.

However, now that the formation is broken, even the vitality that was not so much before can't be passed on!

Various emotions rolled over in the man's heart several times, and finally he couldn't help coveting a lot of pure vitality, and made a decision—

"Stay where you are and don't move, I'll be there right away. By the way, stop releasing your spiritual power first, and wait until I arrive."

When Bai Xinyan heard the other party's words, he immediately opened his eyes wide, both surprised and happy.

After responding to the other party with a suppressed happy tone, Bai Xinyan quickly told Yin Yan the good news.

Yin Yan didn't expect that things would develop more smoothly than he imagined, and the other party was going to come here in person right now. With any luck, they will be able to catch each other directly this time!

Yin Yan took the time to tell Bai Xinyan a few words, and he was also ready to try not to give the other party any chance to escape.

That person was really quite cautious, and it was unexpected that he would make this decision. But there's no way, he's had enough of that kind of life where people don't have people and ghosts, and he really longs for life so much that he's almost crazy. Now that Bai Xinyan had just tasted some sweetness for him, and then tempted him with even greater benefits, no matter how cautious that person was, he couldn't restrain himself after all, and stepped into the trap unknowingly.

Of course, the other party didn't expect that Bai Xinyan was not under his control at all, and as long as Bai Xinyan was indeed under his control, then this less cautious behavior would not be in any danger.

So when he rushed to the basement quickly, he didn't take too many precautions, but eagerly found Bai Xinyan, and immediately let him release his vitality.

When the other party arrived, what Bai Xinyan saw was a black mist in the shape of a human being. The figure and face of the other party were hidden behind the black mist, making it difficult to distinguish. The black mist is more viscous than the evil spirit in this basement, with obvious cold and dead air, and a slight rancid smell, which is exactly the same as the environment here.

It seems that the other party is not a simple ghost, but more like a half-dead person, damned but not dead, the body can still move, but at the same time it is rotting.

It's no wonder that such a person needs vitality.

Sufficient vitality can help him continue his life, and even change this half-dead state and maintain the appearance of a normal person. Not only that, vitality can also alleviate the side effects of these yin and evil qi, help in cultivation and even nourish the soul.

As soon as the other party approached Bai Xinyan, the black mist on his body was dispelled by the vitality, revealing the body inside.

Bai Xinyan saw that the other party's body was rotting badly, and if he didn't find another way, this body obviously wouldn't last long.

Obviously the other party knew this too, so he immediately rushed towards Bai Xinyan, trying to catch him and let him give him life. But when he met Bai Xinyan, the whole room was suddenly covered with a layer of enchantment. At the same time, an extremely powerful monster power and evil spirit suddenly appeared from Bai Xinyan, and he was directly blown away. , hitting the barrier hard.

"What are you doing?!" The man was so beaten by Yin Yan that he could barely get up, his body was about to collapse, and Yin Yan almost fell apart with such a blow. At the same time, an extremely sharp and piercing voice rang out in Bai Xinyan's mind. The other party's voice was rather low and hoarse, but this time he was obviously very frightened and angry, and broke his voice directly.

He was confused by this turn of events, and he couldn't think of what was going on for a while, but he already had a very bad premonition.

Bai Xinyan couldn't help frowning, instead of answering him in his head, he said directly, "I didn't do anything."

The other party felt that Bai Xinyan's answer was simply talking nonsense with his eyes open, but he soon saw another person appeared beside Bai Xinyan. A person with a much stronger aura than Bai Xinyan, full of evil spirits.

A person who was familiar to him in a certain sense, but also very strange.

The man froze for a moment.

Before Bai Xinyan fully realized the situation, he heard Yin Yan say in a cold voice, "Hong Yu, I didn't expect you to be really alive."

Bai Xinyan was taken aback for a moment, this person is really Hong Yu

Bai Xinyan couldn't see the man's face very clearly, but the other party should also be shocked, and after a while, he said in a complicated tone: "It's been a long time, Ah Yan."

Yin Yan frowned even more when he heard him call himself that, but Hong Yu looked very natural, and even used a tone of nostalgia, and continued: "I didn't expect to have the opportunity to meet my old friend, it's a surprise .”

Yin Yan sneered slightly, with a violent and murderous look exuding from his body, "Do you really think this is a happy event?"

Hong Yu sighed, "It should be a happy event for you."

Yin Yan didn't speak, but Bai Xinyan couldn't help but interjected at this moment: "It's obvious that we are unlucky to be targeted by you, okay? Especially Mr. Yin, it's really unlucky. What's the joy? You're hurting everyone like this. Humans will only bring bad things to others, and if you confessed your sins earlier, that would be a happy event."

Hong Yu was taken aback by what he said, seeing Bai Xinyan defending Yin Yan, and Yin Yan's expression softened because of this, he couldn't help laughing twice, and said: "Really? I should plead guilty and submit to the law? What about Ah Yin? He wiped out three sects overnight and slaughtered hundreds of people. I didn’t kill as many people as him. Shouldn’t a devil like him confess his crimes and subdue the law?”

As Hong Yu said, he couldn't help but reveal a sinister tone, "His sin will only be more serious than mine! Since he can still live a good life now, why should I be so inhuman? I just want to live a normal life, so you still want me to confess? What is my crime?! Ah?! You are glamorous every day, but I can’t even have a normal body?"

Hong Yu became a little hysterical as he spoke, obviously aroused by the backlog of emotions in the past, "Yin Yan, did you deliberately destroy my demon core and demon body at the beginning? You just wanted me to have no dignity and no hope. You can only live such a life of neither human nor ghost, can you? You really hate me, Ah Yan. Since you hate me so much, why did you pretend to be sworn brothers with me in the first place? Ah?!"

Yin Yan looked at Hong Yu silently, feeling that he had nothing to say. But Bai Xinyan was very angry when he heard it, and angrily refuted Hong Yu's forceful words: "You were the one who wanted to snatch Mr. Yin's demon core and demon body first. Isn't it true that Mr. Yin treated his body in his own way?" Should it be? If you didn't treat Mr. Yin as a sworn brother and betrayed and plotted against him, you wouldn't have reaped the consequences and ended up like this. Where did you get the face to say that Mr. Yin is putting on airs?"

Hong Yu was blocked by Bai Xinyan, but he didn't feel that he was wrong. Instead, he couldn't help but looked at Yin Yan and smiled: "Ah Yan, have you tricked another fool into treating you as a good person? He Is his cultivation worse than mine? How long can you pretend to be with him?"

Hong Yu turned to stare at Bai Xinyan, and said in a sinister tone: "Tell me, there is a person who says he treats you as a brother, but in fact he always takes the benefits to himself and pushes all the troubles to you. Cultivation, and then your cultivation base leaves you far behind. Gaining the praise of others makes you look dull. Then you pretend to help you, but it’s just a show, and you don’t even have a little practice experience. I don’t want to share it with you. And I always talk about brotherhood, saying that even if your cultivation base is poor, he will not dislike you. Do you believe such a brother? Bai Xinyan, tell me, do you believe it?!”

Bai Xinyan curled his lips, "Why don't you believe me? I don't like to practice. I wish Mr. Yin could practice to protect me. Besides, Mr. Yin is so good-looking, isn't it normal for others to be overshadowed? I still need to rely on cultivation to protect me." for?"

Hong Yu: "..." What kind of inexplicable explanation is this? Where did the focus go? !