Cute Entertainment Circle

Chapter 84


"Is this the mushroom spirit I met on the mountain during my previous reality show?" Although Bai Xinyan was basically sure, she asked again, "You said you were going to let him attend the 'management lesson' , is it actually here?"

"Yes." Yin Yan nodded.

Bai Xinyan suddenly felt a little speechless, looked around and said: "So this 'cell' is actually filled with little monsters like mushroom spirits? Are you here for training classes?"

Yin Yan smiled lightly, and said, "Of course not. They are reform-through-labour prisoners, and they will have to work for me to atone for their sins. Training is just a little initial investment."

Bai Xinyan was still a little speechless, because he thought that given Yin Yan's reputation of being quite cruel outside, this "prison" should be a real prison. Even if it doesn't imprison any vicious people to torture them every day, at least there must be iron bars and chains. It turned out to be a goblin training class with pretty good conditions...

Bai Xinyan couldn't help but feel more and more that although Yin Yan has experienced such a tragic past and committed brutal acts of massacring several families, it seems quite unreasonable, but in fact he has always been soft-hearted. It's just that Yin Yan's soft-heartedness is never revealed easily, let alone used on enemies.

"This Mushroom is good at learning. I originally thought about letting him be your assistant after a while." Yin Yan didn't know what was going on in Bai Xinyan's mind. He looked at the fat mushroom on the ground and said to Bai Xinyan, "But it seems that he is still not very good at it, and he became his original form so easily."

This round, fat mushroom is exactly the poisonous mushroom spirit that Bai Xinyan encountered on the mountain when he was recording "Professional Story". Because of talking to Bai Xinyan and his group for making pranks with illusions, they were caught by Yin Yan and thrown here "in jail".

There is a lot of aura here, and there are people teaching how to practice. The poisonous mushroom essence has gained two rounds of fat, and the length is still a finger long, but the width is almost catching up with the length! He had completely grown into a squat, squat cylinder, and even the big canopy couldn't hide his stout body.

You can see how moist it was.

However, although the body is honestly gaining weight, in the heart, the poisonous mushroom spirit firmly believes that he is suffering. Although I eat, drink, live well and have spiritual energy here, it is really hard to go to class. He is a little fairy who has only been transformed for a few months, but he has to learn so many things! Compulsory education for human beings will take another full nine years. Here, I wish they could go directly to university entrance exams from a state where they can't walk or use chopsticks in half a year. What's more, if they don't study well, they will be directly threatened to eat them.

The teacher casually released a trace of coercion, which made them tremble. It was a serious physical and mental devastation to the newborn monsters!

There are monsters who "graduated" from here, and when they came back, they told them how easy and fun the outside world was, and the teachers always used these to lure them, telling them to pass the assessment as soon as possible before going out to work.

Poisonous Mushroom Essence is naturally extremely eager. It's just that he is still young, his head is not too smart, and his learning level is very average, so although he is looking forward to it, he doesn't expect to go out immediately.

Seeing Yin Yan and Bai Xinyan suddenly, the poisonous mushroom spirit was startled. He still remembered that he was captured by Yin Yan, and he had heard a lot of rumors about Yin Yan during this time, so he became even more afraid of him. He thought that the other party came to teach him a lesson, so that he accidentally revealed his true colors.

But at this time, when Yin Yan said that he was going to be Bai Xinyan's assistant, the Poison Mushroom Spirit immediately regained his spirits.

"Can he be my assistant?" Bai Xinyan thought back to the boy he saw just now, he looked smaller and more tender than before, he looked like a junior high school student, he couldn't help but slightly shook his head and said, "Isn't it not that good?" suitable?"

Yin Yan hadn't answered yet, but at this moment, he saw the fat mushroom on the ground bouncing up suddenly, and at the same time made a rather eager voice: "Appropriate! Appropriate!"

"Huh?" Bai Xinyan looked over in surprise, and found that it was really a poisonous mushroom essence who recommended himself, and was suddenly surprised: "You want to be my assistant?"

"Think!" The clear and crisp young voice came over firmly.

Bai Xinyan was very surprised, but Yin Yan probably understood what was going on, but said: "You have revealed your true colors by accident, obviously you haven't trained well, let's find someone else."

Fat Mushroom became anxious immediately. Staying by Bai Xinyan's side is definitely the job monsters dream of. Not to mention getting out of the sea of suffering, there is still a lot of life to enjoy. Such a good opportunity, how could he be willing to give it up to others, he quickly explained and won for himself, and even forgot about being afraid of Yin Yan.

After all, Bai Xinyan's ears are soft, and he also thinks the chubby mushroom is cute, so he finally agreed to let him be his assistant.

"He was also considered to be found and brought out by me, so it's suitable for him to be my assistant." Bai Xinyan said.

Now that Bai Xinyan has said that, Yin Yan will naturally not object any more. Anyway, being Bai Xinyan's assistant is not a difficult job, you only need to do some small chores, and Zhang Kai will take care of the rest, so you don't have to worry about Du Mushroom Jing messing things up.

However, since the training of poisonous mushroom essence is not yet in place, it will take some time until he passes the general assessment before he can officially start working.

Because he was going to work as an assistant to Bai Xinyan, he didn't need to learn too much about politics, history, geography, physiology, and biochemistry.

After Bai Xinyan followed Yin Yan around his manor, he was going to work again soon.

"Super Nova" came to an end, and the finals were broadcast live, which received great attention.

Yu Anyan's sex before did not affect "Supernova" much, because there were only two specially invited guests, and the program team took those two episodes off the shelves, re-edited them, and then put them on the shelves. There was no negative public opinion. On the contrary, because of Bai Xinyan's endorsement of YIN, "Supernova" also got a lot of light by the way.

In the finals, the top ten contestants compete, and the rules and scoring methods are quite complicated. However, the audience and fans were all clear about it. Not only did they organize the support and scoring activities early, but they also planned various rigorous strategies, which were almost comparable to fighting on the battlefield.

Ding Qichen is one of the top eight hopefuls to win the championship. He is currently ranked second in popularity, but he is not far behind the first, and his professional ability is slightly better.

What Xinghuan asked for was only three top ten players, and one top three. That is to say, if Ding Qichen was sure about the top three, it would be up to him to decide which one he would get.

The same goes for the other players. All parties have agreed not to intervene in the specific names, so here, it is almost entirely up to the players to fight with each other.

Because it was the finals, the competition process lasted more than one round. Ding Qichen and the other person's scores were so tight that their fans were terrified and couldn't help spending money crazily on tickets. The number of votes was staggering.

In the final round, Ding Qichen's total score was still a little behind the opponent. Fortunately, he played well, and the judges scored more than the opponent, and returned to the agreed starting line.

At this time, it was purely based on the popularity of the two people. Ding Qichen's fans saw hope and voted very enthusiastically, but the other's fans saw that the situation was critical, and they did not dare to relax at all. After all, Ding Qichen's popularity was slightly behind the opponent, and he always kept a little distance from the opponent. It looked very close, but he just couldn't catch up. Just when he was about to catch up, the distance was pulled away again, which made him very nervous.

Bai Xinyan was also very anxious, of course he hoped that Ding Qichen would win, and to be honest, Ding Qichen was actually stronger than the opponent in all aspects, but he was not as good in selling people. It's also because Xinghuan has never liked to work hard in this area, so she is a bit behind the other party.

Bai Xinyan wanted to help Ding Qichen, but he is a judge of the show, so it's not good to just canvass for Ding Qichen, but he felt unhappy seeing Ding Qichen lose like this, so he secretly contacted Yin Yan with white and black, and asked Yin Yan to help him vote for Ding Qichen.

Anyway, he can be regarded as Ding Qichen's fan, but he just asked Yin Yan to vote for him. Besides, Yin Yan and Ding Qichen are also acquaintances, and it is normal to vote for him.

Thinking of this, Bai Xinyan felt relieved, and immediately urged Yin Yan to vote.

This voting requires both money and people. Voting costs money, and there is an upper limit to the number of votes for a single person. But for Yin Yan, with one command, he can immediately get a lot of monster subordinates to help, and there are more ordinary employees. not bad.

But when Yin Yan was about to ask Zhuo Xuan to do it, Ding Qichen's ticket unexpectedly caught up.

Everyone was surprised when they saw this, including Ding Qichen himself. But after he was pleasantly surprised, he raised his heart again, and didn't dare to let go of it.

Bai Xinyan learned that it wasn't Yin Yan's handwriting, so he continued to ask Yin Yan to vote while being curious. As a result, Ding Qichen's votes increased more and more. Even though the other person's votes increased a lot when the deadline was approaching, it was obvious that the fans deliberately kept it for the last release, but it still did not surpass Ding Qichen's votes.

The dust settled. Ding Qichen won the championship of "Supernova".

Afterwards, everyone found out that Ding Qichen's sudden increase in the number of votes in the end was due to Bai Yin canvassing for him.

Bai Yin organized a lottery with a large amount of forwarding, which easily attracted a large number of people, and he is not only Bai Xinyan's uncle, but also has a good relationship with Li Zhibai, and both of them have big fans following Bai Yin. Seeing Bai Yin suddenly soliciting votes for Ding Qichen, the fans of the two families realized something cleverly and spontaneously solicited votes for Ding Qichen.

Ding Qichen and the other person had almost the same number of votes. Given the number of fans of Bai Xinyan and Li Zhibai, if a small group of fans voted for him, the gap between the two could be easily bridged. Naturally, Ding Qichen won in the end.

After discovering this, the fans of the person who was compared by Ding Qichen were quite dissatisfied, and almost picked up fans of Bai Xinyan and Li Zhibai. But on the bright side, Bai Yin was soliciting votes for others. There was nothing wrong with their fans going to draw a prize. That person's fans couldn't beat Li Zhibai and Bai Xinyan's fans, so the championship still became Ding Qichen's bag without any controversy. things.