Dad Has Returned From the Cultivation World

Chapter 29: most



"Doctor Xia?" Fu Chengyan was quite surprised to receive Xia Feng's call. Fu Yao has almost recovered, is there anything else to tell him

Xia Feng hesitated for a moment before saying: "That's right, there is something I want to ask, that is, the secret potion you there any more?"

Fu Chengyan was taken aback for a moment before he realized that it was the incident with Ning Lu. It is estimated that Ning Lu's scar is recovering very well now, so he called to ask.

Where does he have any secret potion? Healing Ning Lu consumes his immortal power, and he feels distressed! If he didn't see her dying or living, he wouldn't be willing to bear it!

"What potion?" Fu Chengyan pretended to be stupid, "Can't you see that I lied to her? If I didn't lie to her, she wouldn't go into the operating room."

The more he said this, the more Xia Feng felt that something was wrong. He hurriedly said: "I won't take your potion for nothing, I can pay a high price...Mr. Fu, I have a patient who is in the same situation as Ning Lu, can you help her?" ? In terms of price, you can open whatever you want... "

Fu Chengyan was moved when he heard the "price".

He really needs money. If he has more money, he can not only buy clothes and food for his daughter, but also take her to live in a big house.

If other girls have something, he hopes that his daughter can also have it, even if others don't have it, he wants to give it to her.

I just want to pamper her and let her live the best life.

Although he has mana, according to the rules of the fairy world, he can't abuse mana to deceive people. If he wants money, he must use proper means. Otherwise, he would steal into the house directly and steal, and he could make a fortune in minutes. Of course, it is impossible for him to do so.

Even if this is not a fairy world, no one will know about his abuse of mana, and he will not be punished, but after all, it is the principle he has adhered to for more than two thousand years.

The principle is that it cannot be broken, and he will definitely abide by the point of not using magic power to harm innocent people, even if there is no one to supervise.

Although Fu Chengyan didn't answer, Xia Feng became more determined in his opinion.

"Mr. Fu, she really needs help. In this case, I will offer one million, can you sell me a little of the potion? Just a little, enough for her alone." Xia Feng begged.

one million

Fu Chengyan hesitated because of this number, which is indeed tempting to him now.

Xia Feng didn't hear Fu Chengyan's answer, so he hurriedly continued: "I don't mean anything, and I won't analyze the ingredients of the potion to copy your formula, but this person is very important to me, and my biggest dream is to help her..."

Fu Chengyan thought that the potion didn't exist in the first place, and if you want to copy it, you have to go to the cultivation world and practice for two thousand years.

It can help people and get money, Fu Chengyan thinks it is worth it.

"I'll think about it." Fu Chengyan didn't immediately agree. He hasn't figured out what to do, so naturally he won't promise anything easily.

The next morning, Fu Yao put on her little skirt, and together with the little leather shoes and stockings that Fu Chengyan bought her yesterday, the whole thing seemed completely new.

She turned around in front of the mirror a few times, reluctant to take her eyes off the mirror. This dress is much more beautiful than those old clothes she usually wears. She has never gone out dressed like this.

After turning around a few times, she walked to the mirror and lifted her bangs.

It was the first time she took the initiative to look at her forehead.

The light pink mark on the smooth and white forehead is no longer clearly visible, and it seems that it will disappear at any time.

She walked out of the room wearing a skirt, and saw Fu Chengyan wearing an apron and coming out of the kitchen. He was holding a small pot of porridge in his hand, and he could smell the fragrance from a long distance.

"Go brush your teeth and eat!" Fu Chengyan greeted her.

"Yeah!" Fu Yao agreed and walked to the bathroom.

Fu Chengyan turned his head after she turned around, looking at his daughter's back, he couldn't help but smile.

The daughter finally puts on the dress he bought, and he bought this one, not Xia Rui that one!

Sure enough, he has the best vision! His daughter was so cute in this dress that he couldn't help but want to pinch her little face.

But his daughter has grown up, and he is too embarrassed to reach out. There is no flesh on the daughter's small face, she is really too thin.

You have to cook well to supplement her nutrition. She will look better if she is a little fatter.

He put down the porridge and ran back to the kitchen.

After Fu Yao finished washing and walked out of the bathroom, she saw a few fried eggs and steaming hot bread on the table.

Immediately she felt hungry.

"Dad, your fried eggs look so good... Sit down and eat, I'll serve you porridge."

She picked up a bowl, first filled a bowl of porridge for Fu Chengyan, and then filled a bowl for herself.

"The porridge is delicious!" Fu Yao praised, "Father's cooking is so delicious."

"Eat it quickly, or it won't taste good when it's cold," Fu Chengyan said with a smug smile on his lips, "Are you going to make up classes later? Be careful on the road."

"Well, I'll take the bus, it's safe!" Fu Yao said vaguely while chewing her food.

After breakfast, Fu Yao picked up her schoolbag and went out to wait for the bus.

At around nine o'clock, she came to Ye's house.

Ye Ran is still sitting on the same sofa from yesterday, even the position has not changed.

When he heard the sound of the car outside, he had already put down the book in his hand, and unconsciously looked at the door of the living room.

When Fu Yao got off the car, he watched her step by step from the yard towards him in a daze, with a faint smile on her face.

Fu Yao noticed that Ye Ran was staring at her all the time, she looked down at the dress she was wearing, and asked with some uncertainty: "You...don't you like me wearing it like this? Shall I change back to my school uniform next time?"

He is her employer, if her clothes make him uncomfortable, she feels that she needs to correct it.

Although she thought it was pretty, she wasn't sure if it was weird for others to see her in a dress. After all, it was the first time she wore it, so she wasn't confident at all.

Ye Ran shook his head quickly, "No, it's very good-looking... I watch it because it's very good-looking."

Only then did Fu Yao smile again, "Do you think it looks good too? My dad bought it for me, and I really like it!"

Ye Ran saw her eyes bent into crescents when she smiled, couldn't help but also smiled, and praised: "Your father is so kind to you."

Fu Yao nodded vigorously, "Of course, my father is very nice."

Ye Ran sighed softly, his eyes were a little empty, "Is that so... I really envy you!"

Fu Yao was startled, "Envy?"

She was puzzled, "What do I have to envy?"

Is it because she envies that her father has time to buy clothes for her

Presumably the rich dad is busy all day, right? But that is also a way of life! She knew that there were many rich children in the class, and they always complained that their father was not around to accompany them while spending a lot of money.

When she heard others say this at that time, she would think in her heart, if her father could wake up, she would not think so! Even if he doesn't care about her, as long as he can wake up and give her someone who can be called "Dad", she will be satisfied.

I didn't expect that there would be such a day that my father really woke up, and he cared about her very much, and regarded her as the most important person!

If someone else's rich father is exchanged for her father... She doesn't have to think about it, she definitely won't!

To her, her dad is the best dad in the world!

Although he is not very normal at times...

When mentioning her father, Fu Yao couldn't help but a smile appeared on her lips. She opened her schoolbag, rummaged through it and asked, "What are we tutoring for today?"

"Today... physics." Ye Ran came back to his senses, "I'm not very good at physics, please help me make up."

"Okay." Fu Yao took out the physics textbook, "Then let's start from the first lesson!"

Last night, she specifically asked Xue Heng about the lecture method, how to make it easier for the audience to accept. Xue Heng can be regarded as a bigwig in the education industry. Teaching is his profession, so naturally he can't be questioned.

Although the maid who came to serve the tea didn't quite understand, she felt that this "teacher" was really teaching with all her heart. She walked out of the hall and couldn't help but whispered to the butler standing in the courtyard: "Our young master is actually Don't you use make-up lessons a lot? I think if you let her make up lessons for Master Biao, Master Biao's grades will definitely improve a lot. "

The maid has stayed in this home for a long time, and she still has a little understanding of the situation at home. She knew that the three young masters in the family had high IQs, and Ye Ran couldn't be troubled by the high school courses.

The housekeeper's face changed slightly, he pulled her aside, and whispered, "You can't say that in front of classmate Fu, you know? You didn't see that the young master is using the name of making up lessons..."

The maid looked stunned, "No wonder! The young master has a good eye, tsk..."

She sighed, "Master Biao is compared with our young master... When will Master Biao get enlightened?"

The housekeeper couldn't help laughing, "You've known all day long that Young Master Biao is better than Young Master Biao, or you can go to work at his house."

The maid gave him a blank look, "What do you know? Although Young Master Biao is a bit silly, to me...he is like an angel, do angels understand? I just like him, just like I like my own child! "

The butler smiled helplessly, "I didn't stop you from liking Master Biao! What's the point?"

He glanced in the direction of the two children in the living room, his eyes thoughtful.

After a day of make-up lessons, Fu Yao felt quite tired, but she was still very happy, after all, the make-up fee was a figure that made her very satisfied.

She is very easy to satisfy, and a little bit of happiness can make her happy for a long time.

In addition, her father is back, and she is in a better mood.

Thinking that she has money, how about taking her dad out to eat some delicious food at night, there is a spicy shrimp shop opposite the neighborhood, which makes her feel that the taste is quite good, every time she passes by the door of the store, she can smell the aroma wafting from the store.

The 30,340 customers in the store are often full, so she wondered if she should book a table in advance if she wanted to eat at night.

After she got off the bus, she went to the spicy shrimp shop and asked the clerk. The clerk suggested that it would be safer for her to book a seat, otherwise she might have to queue for a long time at night without a seat.

She remembered that last time her father bought prawns and steamed them at home. He should be able to eat prawns, so she decided to book a table. Only members of this store can reserve a seat, but fortunately, the membership fee is not expensive, as long as the card is recharged with 500 yuan, it is almost the price of two meals.

Fu Yao paid for the card, booked a seat and walked home.

When she got home, she didn't see Fu Chengyan. She was afraid that he had gone out to buy vegetables, so she wanted to call him and tell him not to cook or buy vegetables at night, or they would spoil if they couldn't finish them.

She picked up her phone and started making calls.

The phone rang several times before it was connected, but a woman's voice came from the other end.


"Sister Xia?" Fu Yao was startled, "Is my father with you?"

"Well, do you need to find him? Shall I call him?" Xia Rui said.

"No... no need," Fu Yao said hastily, "I just saw that he wasn't at home, and wanted to ask where he was. I can rest assured knowing that he is at your house. It's okay, so don't tell him. Goodbye, sister Xia!"

After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

I wondered in my heart, why did my father stay with sister Xia Rui

Could it be that Dad and sister Xia Rui...

But after thinking about it, her father is so old, and sister Xia Rui is still so young, how can she like her father

Anyway, don't bother them, just in case

Xia Rui was about to say that Fu Chengyan was not at her home, so she had already hung up the phone over there. She thought it was a little funny, did this little girl misunderstand something

She raised her head and saw Fu Chengyan coming out of the cubicle in Xia Feng's office, she raised the phone, "Yaoyao just called to see you."

Fu Chengyan hurried over to take his cell phone, and asked her, "What's the matter?"

Xia Rui said: "It seems that there is nothing wrong. She said she would call and ask if she couldn't see you when she got home. By the way, how is Aunt Ling?"

Fu Chengyan came this time because of what Xia Feng said before. He later called Xia Feng and agreed to help him heal his scars, but the condition was that he would use the potion himself and could not give Xia Feng directly.

Xia Feng agreed immediately, he didn't expect to get the potion, as long as Fu Chengyan agreed to help heal the wound, he would be satisfied. In the afternoon, I personally drove over to pick Fu Chengyan to the hospital.

On the way, Xia Feng tentatively asked, "Is Mr. Fu's prescription a family tradition?"

Of course, Fu Chengyan would not tell the truth to him, so he made up a lie, "I got it from an expert. There is no prescription, only medicine. How to use it is determined by the expert. I can only follow orders."

He didn't want to bring the topic to the prescription, then Xia Feng would definitely try to buy the prescription from him.

He didn't have a prescription to sell him, and he didn't have any medicine for him, so he had to shirk it to the "expert."

Xia Feng asked, "That expert..."

"Of course the master's whereabouts are uncertain," Fu Chengyan interrupted him directly, "I can't find him, so I can't introduce him to you."

Xia Feng smiled wryly, "Alright then."

He didn't believe Fu Chengyan's words, but since the other party said so, it meant that he didn't want to sell the medicine and prescription at all.

He can't force it, the most important thing right now is to heal that person's scar, which is more important than anything else. After finally seeing a glimmer of hope, he didn't want to make Fu Chengyan regret it because of his mishandling.

He drove to the hospital and brought Fu Chengyan into the office.

Before entering the office, Xia Feng gave Fu Chengyan a card, "There is one million in it, and the password is six six, you can change it yourself."

Fu Chengyan took the card and felt a little strange. He originally thought that the one who paid the money was to heal someone. But... maybe that person gave Xia Feng the money in advance, right

Anyway, he deserves it, and he has no shame in taking it.

There was a very talkative woman sitting on the sofa in the office. Fu Chengyan was a little surprised when he saw this woman's face.

It turned out that he recognized someone.

This person is Ling Yuege, the big star of his era back then. He was popular all over the country and made a movie after becoming famous.

Fu Chengyan still remembers the scene where he looked at Ling Yuege's poster a few more times, and then was scolded by his wife.

It's a pity that now that he is face to face with Ling Yuege himself, no one will scold him anymore.

More than ten years have passed, Ling Yuege is still beautiful, and her figure is very good. If you look closely, you will find that there are some unevenness on her face, although it is covered with thick powder, it can still be seen.

Looks like she's the one to heal the scars.

Hearing someone enter the door, Ling Yuege stood up, nodded gracefully, and smiled politely, "This gentleman... is that master?"

She took the initiative to extend her hand to Fu Chengyan.

The lady stretched out her hand, and Fu Chengyan generously stepped forward to shake hands with her, and smiled, "Hello, I know you, Ms. Ling..."

After he woke up, he didn't care about the entertainment industry, and he didn't know whether Ling Yuege was married or not.

Ling Yuege shook hands with him, and said with a smile, "Call me Miss Ling."

Fu Chengyan nodded, "Hello, Miss Ling."

It turned out that she was not married.

When Fu Chengyan was still young, he saw Ling Yuege on TV and thought, what kind of man does this fairy-like man deserve to be worthy of her

Now it seems... no man is worthy of her.

"Let's get started," Fu Chengyan got straight to the point, "Please... take off your makeup, and then I'll apply the potion for you. The rest... I'll leave it to Dr. Xia."

Hearing "remove makeup", Ling Yuege bit her lips lightly, a little hesitant. But soon, she got up and walked to the bathroom inside.

There was the sound of "crashing" water in the bathroom, and after a while, Ling Yuege slowly walked out of the bathroom.

She frankly greeted the three people in the room and looked at her.

Xia Rui just glanced at her and immediately avoided her eyes, Xia Feng naturally didn't have the nerve to stare at her face. Only Fu Chengyan kept his gaze on her face, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

Half of Ling Yuege's face was wrinkled and covered with scars. It seemed that he had undergone many surgeries, but these terrible scars still could not be completely eliminated.

Fu Chengyan thought to himself: How much mana would this cost him...

It was so hard to accumulate mana, he was saving it for the magic contest, so he couldn't use it up on her face.

But... Xia Feng gave quite a lot, not less than the prize money in the magic contest, and Fu Chengyan didn't want to see such a beautiful woman live his life with this face. He smiled, pointed to the small soundproof inside, "Come with me!"

Ling Yuege nodded, and followed him to a soundproof room inside, and then, Fu Chengyan closed the door behind him.

Fu Chengyan asked Ling Yuege to sit on a chair in the room, and then said to her: "Close your eyes, it will be fine soon."

Ling Yuege closed her eyes as she said.

Fu Chengyan condensed his mana with his fingers, and gently slid across the scars on her face. He moves very slowly to ensure maximum effectiveness of the mana.

After all, this world is too slow to condense mana, and he doesn't want to waste any mana.

After a while, he finally spoke.

"Okay," he said.

Ling Yuege opened her eyes, a little in disbelief, " it all right?"

"Yes." Fu Chengyan turned and opened the compartment door, "That's it, your face should gradually improve in a month or so. It's best to use it together with some scar-reducing drugs. Dr. Xia knows more about this than I do."

At this moment, Xia Rui told him that Fu Yao had called.

Fu Chengyan couldn't help laughing immediately, thinking in his heart: My daughter is really clingy, she calls me when she can't see me for a while, so cute.

Originally, Ling Yuege was reluctant to believe that Fu Chengyan was young and handsome because he was a "master", but Xia Feng said so, she believed that Xia Feng was willing to accept his treatment.

During the treatment just now, she didn't feel any liquid or ointment on her face, and she was even more puzzled.

Seeing this "master" suddenly have a silly smile on his face, her psychological defenses are about to collapse.

Could it be that Xia Feng was deceived by him

I don't know how much money he was cheated by this "master". Xia Feng didn't mention money to her, and she and Xia Feng have a friendship, so it's not easy for her to mention money to him.

She frowned slightly and said, "Mr. Fu, I want to ask you, in case your medicine doesn't work for me... what should I do?"

Fu Chengyan picked up his mobile phone and was about to call his daughter back, when he heard this, he just smiled, "Ask Dr. Xia about this."

He was too lazy to explain this, and now he just wanted to call his daughter back, and turned around to leave Xia Feng's office.

Ling Yuege didn't want to let him go like this, she rushed to catch up two steps, "Can you make it clearer?"

When she passed by the coffee table, she walked too quickly and knocked the bag on the coffee table to the ground. The zipper of the bag was not closed, and there was a "wow", and the contents of the bag were scattered all over the floor.

Fu Chengyan saw that she had spilled her bag, so it was not good and she just left like this. He could only put away the phone temporarily, turned around helplessly, knelt down to help her pick up things, and comforted her a few words by the way: "Go back and have a good rest. Stay up late, and the scar will heal."

It took him a lot of mana, how could it be impossible to heal her scar

A piece of lipstick on the ground was broken, and the lipstick inside fell on the ground and broke. Fu Chengyan heard that women like lipstick, and the price of lipstick is very expensive, thinking that Ling Yuege will feel very distressed, right

But Ling Yuege didn't look at the lipstick at all, and hurriedly picked up a small mirror, opened it, and saw that the mirror was fine, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

Fu Chengyan's eyes were sharp, and he saw at a glance that there was a photo stuck in the mirror.

It seems to be... Zhou Yutong

Is Ling Yuege a Zhou Yutong fan

This idea only flashed in Fu Chengyan's mind, after he picked up the things, he turned and walked out of Xia Feng's office.

Fu Yao originally wanted to go out to eat shrimps, but it seemed impossible. If her father wasn't with her, she couldn't bear to eat it by herself, and she couldn't finish a portion by herself.

She took out the membership card she had just applied for, and thought about canceling the seat reservation. The membership card does not allow unlimited seat reservations, and she didn't want to waste an opportunity.

But what if dad comes back soon? If you cancel, you may lose your seat if you book again.

So I decided to wait a little longer and call to cancel if my dad didn't come back.

"Turn on the TV, I want to watch TV!" Zhou Yutong floated out from behind the wall, it was already dark, and she couldn't help but want to go out for a walk.

Broadband is installed at home, and TV can be watched online. Fu Yao turned on the TV and switched to Zhou Yutong's favorite entertainment channel.

Entertainment news is broadcasting on TV.

"According to internal information, Ye Ran will not come back in the short term, and will focus on his studies for the time being. Fans are requested to respect his choice..."

The TV screen is a clip of Ye Ran in the TV series. He is dressed in black, his eyes are cold and full of evil spirits, sitting on the top of a tall building, his long windbreaker moves with the wind.

"Are all young boys pretending like this now?" Zhou Yutong pouted, "It looks so stupid."

Fu Yao nodded in agreement, and she also felt quite stupid—after all, her aesthetics was completely influenced by Zhou Yutong.

So that's what it's like to make the girls in the class scream? Is that what they call "handsome"

At this time, the news is automatically switched to the next one.

"Ling Yuege has recently decided to participate in the movie "The Empress" adapted from a novel, and will play the image of a middle-aged empress. At present, the rest of the protagonists of this movie have not yet been decided.

"This person... is so beautiful!" Fu Yao looked at the screen on the TV, "Is she going to play a middle-aged empress? But she doesn't look like a middle-aged person at all, right?"

She was talking to Zhou Yutong, but she didn't hear the other party's response for a long time.

She turned her head, but saw Zhou Yutong standing there blankly, as if lost in thought.