Dad Has Returned From the Cultivation World

Chapter 32: Really brave



Awen collected all the scoring cards, faced the audience with a smile and said, "Okay, now we will start counting the scores. All the scores are calculated by the computer."

The assistant has turned on the computer and is waiting for her to read out the scores.

Fu Yao's heart tightened.

Is her embarrassing moment finally coming

But Zhou Yutong taught her that the more this happens, the more she must remain calm, and self-disruption will only make others laugh.

She took a deep breath, tried her best to calm herself down, looked up at the stage, and kept her expression from changing.

At this time, Ewen began to read the score card.

"Judge No. 1: 91, 94, 99!"

As soon as this number was reported, Fu Yao was stunned.

The last number represents her score, 99, did she hear correctly

How can it be so high? Taller than the school's two goddesses

This is too abnormal, right

She immediately thought of Shen Kaibo.

How many people did Shen Kaibo threaten? Could it be that even Awen was threatened by him

But after thinking about it, Shen Kaibo, this idiot, can't think of this level... It's not that she underestimated Shen Kaibo, this idiot has an extremely simple mind, and only thinks about the most superficial level of everything.

So at best he used violence to threaten his classmates to vote for her, and did not do anything he could not think of doing.

In fact, Fu Yao sometimes envies Shen Kaibo, and only those who have never experienced any suffering are qualified to have such a simple mind, right

She had heard from Shen Kaibo that his family was considered a wealthy family, but his son was still old. Not only his parents and grandparents doted on him as a baby, but his married sister also doted on him. From childhood to adulthood, he could easily get whatever he wanted, and nothing ever troubled him.

In Fu Yao's heart, Shen Kaibo's image is completely like that of the idiot son of a landlord who roams around the village and does whatever he wants.

It's just that he has a good heart, so Fu Yao is willing to be friends with him.

Of course, Fu Yao also has her own principles. She can make friends with rich people, but she will not covet their money. Knowing that her family was not well off, Shen Kaibo wanted to send her money several times, but seeing her resolute attitude, he never mentioned it again.

Fu Yao is not being hypocritical. Although she has no money now, she can live a decent life. If there is a particularly difficult situation that requires money, she will not hypocritically refuse Shen Kaibo's help.

It's just that she hasn't reached that level yet, and she doesn't want to take advantage of someone who is sincerely friends with her.

If it's not Shen Kaibo, then what's going on

Can she have 99 points in appearance? Which aesthetic deformity guy is playing

Awen continued to read: "Judge No. 2, 100, 0, 0... Uh, what is this?"

She had a big head, and looked back at Zheng Xinlei, thinking that this girl is really not a fuel-efficient lamp. She had heard about the vigorous voting war on the campus network of No. 7 Middle School before, and she was already afraid of these two girls from wealthy families.

Sure enough, she came to act as a demon again!

Hmph, she didn't expect the rules to remove the lowest and highest scores, did she

By the way, isn't this common sense in counting votes

Fu Yao thought of the strange eyes of those two people before, and probably understood what was going on.

She wondered if this Zheng Xinlei was stupid

Shen Kaibo can't even do such a stupid thing!

Of course Zeng Junyao knew what was going on, she glanced at Zheng Xinlei, and cursed in a low voice: "Shameless!"

Zheng Xinlei replied without showing any weakness, "Ugly! The face value is zero, a little bit..."

Awen had a headache and continued to read: "95, 94, 98!"

Another 98 points!

Fu Yao began to feel that something was wrong...

Ewen: "92, 96, 100!"

Fu Yao: "..."

Did the judges really think she was pretty

She suddenly wanted to look in the mirror. She hadn't looked in the mirror for a long time, and she couldn't remember what she looked like for a while.

Is she actually pretty

"95, 91, 98!"

"89, 84, 91!"

"100, 0, 0..."

"92, 91, 95!"

Fu Yao found that her scores were almost always the highest... Of course, except for Zheng Xinlei who asked people to write the scores. If Shen Kaibo helped her cheat, she could basically draw a conclusion.

I might be really pretty

She suddenly regained her confidence in her appearance.

Now she has basically healed the scar on her forehead, and she no longer needs to cover it with a pot lid every day. I just thought that I could trim my bangs, it should look much better.

She turned on the selfie function of her phone, which was the first time she had used it.

Suddenly, a cute girl with big eyes and fair skin appeared on the phone. There is also a crooked ponytail protruding from the back of her head, which makes her look even cuter.

She couldn't help saying "Fuck" in her heart.

She hasn't looked in the mirror for so long, she doesn't even know what she looks like. I have always thought that I am not very good-looking, but I never thought that she... is really beautiful!

After Awen finished reading the score card, the assistant's computer program had automatically calculated the average score.

"The average score is... 921, 924, 973."

The numbers are still sorted just now, and the three scores correspond to Zheng Xinlei, Zeng Junyao, and Fu Yao respectively.

As soon as she finished speaking, Fu Yao noticed that Zeng Junyao, who had been expressionless all this time, suddenly smiled.

She stood up and proudly said to Zheng Xinlei: "As expected, you are the ugliest!"

Zheng Xinlei was not convinced, "Aren't you 0.3 points higher? What's the air?"

"That's taller than you!" Zeng Junyao smiled happily, "I won this time, so you don't have to accept it."

"Your nose is a pad! You cheat!"

"Isn't your chin a pad? Who are you talking about?"

"I don't have a pad, I was born that way!"

"hehe… "

Fu Yao was speechless, it seemed that Zeng Junyao didn't mind her taking the first place, as long as she scored higher than Zheng Xinlei, she would be very happy.

These two fight back and forth endlessly, right

Awen coughed, "Well, the scoring is over. In fact, everyone has exceeded 90 points, so the score is not important anymore. Congratulations to the three students who have successfully selected our company's campus spokesperson activities and obtained the qualification to sign advertising endorsements. About Do you have any questions about this event?"

At this time, the mass judges went out to collect the money and left under the organization of the staff, and the staff distributed money to them one by one, each with a reward of 100 yuan.

Several people did not go to collect the money, but stayed where they were and looked at the three girls with great interest.

The task of the staff is to send them away. Unexpectedly, there are a few people who still do not leave. He can only remind, "Everyone, this is a school. Normally, outsiders are not allowed to enter. We have obtained special approval from the principal to let everyone in. But it's time for you to leave now."

Hearing what he said, these few people nodded and left. The staff sent them money one by one, but some people refused directly, saying that they had no place to put it on their bodies.

One hundred yuan is not much, and it is actually dismissive to rich people. They come to be judges because they think it is interesting.

When these people had left, the staff saw that there was still a young man who had not left, and he stared eagerly at the girls sitting under the stage.

"What's that girl's name?" The young man asked the staff, "I was so excited just now that I didn't remember her full name, I only remembered the word 'Yao'."

Just remember the number when scoring, and not being able to remember the name does not affect his scoring. He just gave that girl a score of 100, although the result was invalid in the end.

The staff thought for a while, "Zeng Junyao."

The young man said "Oh", "She's so cute, I'm so in love with her!"

The staff rolled their eyes inwardly, thinking what the hell does it matter if you fall in love with her? I fell in love with all three of them at the same time!

Of course, these beautiful girls are cute, in your opinion

But he suddenly remembered that the first girl also had the word "Yao" in her name.

Forget it, why talk so much nonsense to him? I don't know people.

In his heart, this young man is just a scoring tool, so there is no need to say anything more.

"Sir, it's time to leave. Here's your reward." The staff took out one hundred yuan.

Young but shook his head again and again, "No, no, I think I should give you money, thank you for letting me meet my goddess! I will come again."

He took another look at the place where the girls were sitting, and then reluctantly left.

Fu Yao didn't pay attention to the staff's situation. When Awen asked if she wanted to ask, of course she wanted to ask.

"I want to know, how much is the endorsement fee?" Fu Yao felt that she might be asking directly, but this was what she was most concerned about, and it wasn't really important to her.

It is undeniable that she is now a money fan.

Awen laughed, she quite liked this kind of direct questioning, and yes, it is normal to care about endorsement fees.

"Seven figures start." Awen replied.

Fu Yao nodded, "Then don't ask."

This is similar to what Shen Kaibo told her before.

Of course, she is very happy to make more than one million dollars by shooting an advertisement. It didn't take long to come up with an advertisement, and it should take a few days at most to finish filming. For her, one million is a lot of money.

A few more times like this, she will be able to buy a house, and then she won't have to rent a house with her father.

Zheng Xinlei interrupted suddenly, "Only one hundred thousand?"

Zeng Junyao gave her a disdainful look, "Seven digits is ten million, okay? You idiot!"

Awen: "..."

Fu Yao: "..."

Wouldn't their math teacher cry to death

Zheng Xinlei stood up, "Ms. Ben is not interested in endorsement."

Said, went straight away.

Awen: "..."

She looked at Zeng Junyao who was sitting there motionless, and asked, "Then classmate Zeng..."

Zeng Junyao stood up: "I'm not interested, I just don't want to go out with that ugly monster."

Then she went away too.

Awen's heart was broken.

So did these two come here on purpose to disrupt the situation

The voting on the campus network was so exaggerated before, this time I even wanted to get the ranking by cheating, and then I was selected and abstained directly

Are these two people sick

But she also knew that those two were the eldest daughters of the consortium, so naturally they would not pay much attention to the endorsement fee of more than one million yuan, and they would not pay attention to the ten million yuan.

Seventh Middle School is the school with the highest enrollment rate in Beijiang City. Many powerful people will send their children here. It can be said that this school is full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers.

Awen sighed in her heart, as expected, these people's thinking patterns were beyond her comprehension, forget it, let them go, she didn't want to serve such a young lady.

On the contrary, it was Fu Yao who was born as a commoner that attracted Awen the most, so she turned her attention back to this girl.

"Student Fu Yao, you are willing to shoot our commercial, right?" Awen asked with a smile.

"Yes, I am willing." Fu Yao nodded.

"Okay, there are still a few schools whose grading has not yet finished. When this round is over, our company will contact all the selected candidates to sign the contract together." Awen said, "We still have to wait for half a month, please leave a call number, I will call you when the time comes."

Fu Yao reported her phone number to Awen.

At this time, a man walked in from the door and said, "Awen, what is the rush? Do you want me to come here now? I haven't had breakfast yet!"

Awen glanced back at the man angrily, "It's past ten o'clock, isn't it because you didn't eat breakfast because you're lazy? Do you mind telling me?"

After complaining, she pointed at Fu Yao, "You should design this child's hair well, don't let her run around with a pot head on her head, please..."

She looked at Fu Yao, "How can your mother bear you with this hairstyle?"

When mentioning her mother, Fu Yao lowered her head, "I... my mother passed away in the early years."

Awen's expression froze, and she quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that."

Fu Yao shook her head lightly, "It's okay."

Although her mother has been gone for many years, and she doesn't even know what her mother looks like, she feels somewhat sad when she mentions it.

Seeing that she looked sad, Awen quickly changed the subject, "This teacher Tony is very skilled. Let him design a hairstyle for you, okay? He is super professional, and he promises to be more beautiful than the two female classmates just now!"

Fu Yao raised her head, seemingly hesitant.

Awen was afraid that she would refuse. She is a little obsessive-compulsive. If Fu Yao's hairstyle problem is not solved today, she will not be able to go back to work with peace of mind, and she will not even be able to sleep at night.

"He's really professional, I promise!" Awen continued to persuade her, "No one in the entire hairdressing industry knows him, and he has never overturned a car!"

After saying this, she found that the girl in front of her seemed even more hesitant.

Awen was anxious, "I'm counting on you! You can say what you think about hairstyles, and we can discuss it..."

Then she heard Fu Yao hesitantly ask, "Is it... expensive?"

She had plans to get a haircut, but she could just go to the barber shop in front of the school and spend a few dozen yuan to get it done. Hearing what Awen said was so high-spirited, she felt that she couldn't afford it at all.

Awen couldn't help laughing, "You're worried about this... You don't need money, you will sign a contract with our company soon, we are obliged to pay for the styling, don't worry!"

Only then did Fu Yao nod, "Okay, then... please trouble Teacher Tony."

Tony had a lot of inspiration when he saw this girl with a crooked ponytail, and he was a little excited when he heard that Fu Yao agreed, "Okay, let's start now!"

He found an open space, spread a large piece of plastic sheeting on the ground, and moved a chair on top of the plastic sheeting for Fu Yao to sit down. Because it is outside, he usually spreads plastic sheets on the ground for the convenience of cleaning. After all, the hair is too fine to clean. He would think it very rude to borrow someone's place and break his hair on the ground.

After Fu Yao sat down, Tony wrapped a cloth around her, and carefully removed the rubber band and hairpin from her head, for fear of hurting her.

Looking at her forehead covered with thick bangs, Tony's whole body is not well.

I don't know which ghost gave her such a hairstyle, it was a disfiguring haircut.

He quickly picked up the scissors and cut Fu Yao's bangs a few times.

It looks much refreshed immediately.

Fu Yao's hair is relatively short. For a barber, styling short hair is much more difficult than long hair.

But it didn't bother Tony, especially when he found out that this girl was very cute, but she didn't have a very picky hairstyle.

Well, except for that death jar.

An hour later, Tony took off the cloth around Fu Yao's body and announced, "You're done!"

Awen couldn't bear it long ago, and ran over and hugged Fu Yao, "It's so cute! Tony, you really won't let me down...Of course it's because this child is cute."

Fu Yao couldn't get used to Awen's overly enthusiastic personality for a while, especially before she had time to stand up, Awen's hug just buried her head in her chest.

Uh... Sister Awen, you have developed too well, haven't you? What do you usually eat

"See if you are satisfied!" Tony took out a mirror from his toolbox.

Fu Yao looked into the mirror.

Her pot bangs are gone, replaced by thin air bangs, fluffy covering her forehead, making her eyes look big and energetic, her hair is slightly curly, and a playful arc is bent on the sideburns, making her look very cute.

Not looking in the mirror for such a long time made her very unfamiliar with her own face, and even more uncomfortable with her own appearance.

For a long time, I didn't want to believe that this cute face in the mirror belonged to me.

How can she be so beautiful!

"Thank you Teacher Tony, thank you Sister Awen!" Fu Yao sincerely thanked her.

Tony smiled and said, "I still have a sense of accomplishment for being able to make such an effect. You don't need to thank me, but I still want to thank you. How about I come back tomorrow and change your look? I have so many ideas now..."

Fu Yao: "... Uh, thank you, no need."

She was already very satisfied, and she didn't want to bother any more. Sitting in a chair and not being able to do anything was actually quite torturous.

Awen laughed and scolded: "Don't think about treating my Yaoyao as an experimental product, I will call you next time when her hair grows longer."

Tony was dissatisfied: "Why is it your home after so long?"

It was past eleven o'clock at this time, and Fu Yao had to go back to class. She has already missed a class time because of doing hair work, and now the fourth class in the morning has started.

Awen let her go back first.

Seeing her leaving the back, Awen smiled and said, "I can assure you, she must be the c position in this advertisement!"

Tony was puzzled, "There's still C? Isn't it just to shoot a school uniform launch ad? And I've always wanted to ask, why do you only choose school flowers instead of school grass? Boys don't need to wear school uniforms?"

Awen explained: "Choosing school beauties is actually our way of publicity. There are dozens of school beauties in dozens of schools, and each one million will cost tens of millions of endorsement fees! Another school girl can't do it on this scale. Spend tens of millions more to get in! There is no need to spend this money when there is already a school flower promotion. With this budget, we definitely want to invite celebrities! So boys will invite celebrities, which will also bring more traffic. C position and The male star has some emotional scenes and interactive scenes, and after signing the contract, he will choose the best one among the school beauties."

In fact, she was just glad that the two wealthy daughters refused to endorse. If these two took the c position, she felt that the company would be wiped out.

"Well," Tony understood, "Is there anyone for a male star? I don't like to do men's hairstyles..."

Awen said: "In fact, the company thinks that Ye Ran is the most ideal. He is a high school student. He has a strong sense of youth and is very popular. However, it is difficult to talk about cooperation with him. He comes from a wealthy family, and filming is just for fun. We ask for a price. I don’t have any attraction to him. The last time I talked to his assistant, he said that he couldn’t shoot because of his leg injury, and that Ye Ran didn’t want to make emotional scenes. Didn’t his popular drama not have his emotional scenes? We all said that They didn’t agree. There are not many juvenile idols in the entertainment industry, and even fewer are good-looking. Looking for someone who is a little older and doesn’t look like a teenager. I can’t take pictures of school uniforms. The company is researching other candidates. .”

Class has already started, and Fu Yao trotted all the way back to the classroom in order not to delay the class. She ran very fast, and when she ran to the classroom, she felt her face was hot and she was sweating slightly.

"Report!" Fu Yao shouted to the physics teacher who was in class.

It is the most basic courtesy to be late and call for a report. In fact, Fu Yao is rarely late, and calling for a report is quite rare for her.

The physics teacher was a middle-aged man with thick glasses. He glanced at the door with a confused expression on his face, "Which class are you in, classmate? Did you go to the wrong class?"

Before he finished speaking, he heard a commotion in the class.

"You changed your hairstyle? Damn, I didn't even recognize it at a glance!"

"I declare that from today onwards, I will no longer be afraid of her! I am willing to be hammered to death by her!"

"This is... Fu Yao? She's blushing a little! She's too cute!"

"Haha, didn't the physics teacher say that Fu Yao is his favorite student? You don't even know your favorite student?"

Fu Yao couldn't laugh or cry, she went for a haircut, not for plastic surgery.

"Teacher, I am... Fu Yao." She replied helplessly.

"Fu... Yao?" The physics teacher adjusted her glasses and looked at her carefully, "Oh, it's really Fu Yao, why did you cut your hair? Did you get tricked by the barber? It's such a mess, it's like a chicken coop, it's still the same as before nice!"

Class 7 students: "???"

Physics teacher, are you serious about aesthetics

The physics teacher waved his hand and asked Fu Yao to go back to his seat to listen to the class, and then continued to teach.

"Pay attention to the class!" He clearly felt that the students were distracted during the class, and some students looked behind from time to time, "If you look behind, I will take off the clock at the back! Really, although it is In the last session of the morning, everyone is starting to get hungry, but we still need to concentrate!"

Class 7 students: "..."

Teacher, although you pick the clock, we are not afraid.

At noon, Fu Yao received a message from his father, saying that he had something to do and would not go home at noon.

Since her father was not at home, Fu Yao didn't want to go back. She planned to eat in the cafeteria at noon.

After school, she continued to read for a while. This is the time when the cafeteria is the most crowded. She doesn't want to waste time queuing up. She plans to wait until there are fewer people.

Then she found something unusual today, many students didn't go to the cafeteria immediately, but stayed in the class, whispering something.

A boy walked slowly to Fu Yao's side as if he had made a lot of determination.

"Um... classmate Fu Yao, can I... be a friend?" He summoned up his courage and said.

All the students looked at the boy.

Everyone had one thought in their hearts: brother, you are so brave!

Fu Yao was thinking about how to do a physics problem, but she couldn't hear clearly for a while, so she asked, "What did you say?"

The boy was about to say something more, when suddenly a person rushed in from the back door of the classroom, laughed loudly and said, "Master, so you didn't go home! I waited for you at the school gate for a long time!"

Shen Kaibo pulled up a stool and sat beside her, noticing the boy standing beside her, he glared at him, "Student, what do you do?"